VBA Code For Deleting Columns With 0 Value In Specific Cells
Oct 24, 2008
I am trying to write a VBA code in excel to delete any columns when a cell in that particular column = 0 (zero). That cell would start at B19 and subsequently follow to C19, D19 and so on.
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Jul 21, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with 20 or so columns but that number can change at any time. I need my code to by dynamic so if a column is deleted (or added) my code will still work.
Each column has a name in row 2 and I'm trying to use that in order to make everything dynamic. For example, my code counts the number of blue cells in colums D4:G68, but now if someone adds a column before column D, everything gets messed up and it will still count the cells in D4:G68 but I want to use E4:H64 now. Does that make sense? I have made code that searches the column names and returns the column number to correspond to the name. How would I change this?
Range ("C8") = "= CountBlue(E4:G68)"
the code doesn't look exactly like this, I believe it is actually in R1C1 format
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May 16, 2009
I have Column A with 380 cells filled in with numbers (A1-A380) i.e. numbers like..456758, 567848 etc etc
Column B has a subset of those numbers, maybe 80-90 or so (B1-B90).
What I want to do is either highlight the numbers in Column A that also appear in Column B in yellow, OR delete them from Column A altogether
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Apr 17, 2013
I work with a spreadsheet every week to input values and subtotal them. These values change constantly and instead of going through and manually deleting each row in a 100+ row spreadsheet to be able to import into another program, I'm looking for an quicker way to keep my data in order but consolidate by getting rid of only the rows where both column A and B are blank.
Here's an example of what I'm working with:
This is what I need the final product to look like:
So I would like to quickly delete rows 2, 5, and 11. All of the other answers I've found only show how to delete rows based on empty cells in only 1 column. How can I quickly delete the rows where both columns are empty?
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Feb 4, 2014
I am looking for some code that will use A,B,C as filters to find duplicate cells, and if duplicate found, there should be deleted the duplicated row (but not only the row from a,b,c column, but the whole 8 cells from that row - A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H).
As filter I would like to be used A,B,C columns.
Kristijan Markovski 26,2,1992 1389 Prilep Prilep Mice Kozar1 1
Kristijan Markovski 26,2,1992 1389 Prilep Prilep Mice Kozar01 1
Kristijan Markovski 26,2,1992 1389 Prilep Prilep Mice Kozar001 1
Bojan Smileski 5,2,1992 1356 Prilep Prilep Borka Taleski 1
Kristijan Markovski 26,2,1992 1389 Prilep Prilep Mice Kozar1 1
Bojan Smileski 5,2,1992 1356 Prilep Prilep Borka Taleski 1
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Sep 26, 2006
I'm using Conditional Formatting for an entire column to check the value of each cell and compare it to the value of a cell in the same row but a different column. (Cell Value equals =$D2) It works great until I insert or delete a cell in the formatted column. The reference does not change as one would expect. I've played around with formulae such as =$D2<>$P2 but the reference only changes for the P2, not the D2. I've also tried using =CELL("contents", ADDRESS(Row(),4)) but this causes excel to complain.
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Jul 29, 2014
Below is my initial code that can't get past the first line.
if right(cells(2,i),4) = "D_MA" then ..... ?
I'm trying to clear the contents of all data in each column that has the text conaining "D_MA" in that columns row 2. For instance, if cell F2 has 30D_MA, I want the macro to clear all contents in Column "F" -- but to do this for all columns that contain "D_MA" in row 2.
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Aug 28, 2013
know the VBA script to select only specific cells within a worksheet. To be more precise, on sheet 1 - A2, A6 and A10 cells are filled with red color. I want only those cells which are highlighted in red to be selected, copied and pasted to sheet2.
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Apr 15, 2014
I wanted to ask how to delete a specific range of data in a cell range using VBA
Here is a snipit of code I currently have:
Sname1 = Sheets("Numbers").Range("FX3").Value 'FX3 = cell F starting column letter
Range(Sname1 & Range("FR7").Value).Select 'FR7 = row number
If I added the following:
Sname2 = Sheets("Numbers").Range("FX4").Value 'FX4 = cell n ending column letter
Changed the code to the following: obviously this code is incorrect below:
Range(Sname1 & Range("FR7").Value) : Range(Sname2 & Range("FR7").Value).Select
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Jan 27, 2010
I have a workbook with multiple worksheets. On some of those worksheets a have merged cells, so in order to paste new data I need to unmerge them first. Below is the code that I wrote for it. However it doesn’t work and returns “Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error”. I looked at this post List Maximum Value From Each Worksheet and tried adding With – End With, but it failed too. As far as I understood the problem is that the Worksheets/Sheets object does not support UnMerge property, but I may be wrong. If I add ws.Activate line (test2) everything works fine.
However I was wondering if there is a way to do it WITHOUT activating the worksheets.
Sub test1()
Dim i As Integer, ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Select Case ws.Name
Case "5 - Top Network Facilities", _
"5b - Top Arb Facilities"
For i = 0 To 9
ws.Range(Cells(2 + i * 5, 1), _
Cells(6 + i * 5, 1)).UnMerge
Next i
Case Else
End Select
Next ws
End Sub
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Feb 11, 2014
In my workbook almost all of the column include a RED cell.I want to delete the cells BELOW the RED cell in a column.;And also want to migrate the whole column which has not RED cell in a to new sheet.Here is what I need:
delete-the rows below red.xlsx
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Aug 3, 2013
I am trying to find the average of a cell with a name in that may appear several times in various columns. I then need to find the average of the value against that name in all the columns that it occurs in. Example:
Aldridge Sean
Andrew Rob
Aldridge Sean
[Code] .....
In the above example I want to find the average score for aldridge sean in column b, f and j.
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Jul 3, 2014
I am currently using this Code to search column1 for a Key Word that is entered into textbox "Kunde" on my userform.
[Code] .....
What i would really like to be Abel to do is :
Search for the cell in column1 with =Kunde.Value
Clearcontents of this cell and the 2 adjacent to the right.
i.e. Word is found in A7
Cells A7:C7 contents are cleared and fill Color returned to default colorindex 0
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Feb 21, 2009
Here's my problem. I have the following table:
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Nov 9, 2008
I have created a worksheet (through an import into MS Excel 2007) which contains 287,281 rows. However, the data I need is located in rows: 4, 67, 130, ... (or n+63) rows.
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Feb 24, 2009
hey everyone
i'm using a table like this one :
1 Main | value | value | value
2 Extra | value | value | value
3 Main | value | value | value
n Extra | value | value | value
i want to delete every cell in column "D" only when cell in column "A" contains "Extra" value.
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Aug 29, 2007
I've been tasked with developing a macro that will generate schedules. For background, we're taking a QuickBooks Customer file and exporting it to be picked up by the macro. I've got that part working, but now I need to delete various rows based on certain criteria.
The spreadsheet has a field for Job Status which we use to define whether an account is under contract (2 in QuickBooks), or some other status. Basically what I need to do is delete the entire row of data where JobStatus (Column R) is anything but 2.
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Mar 8, 2012
I want to delete some rows that are identical. Aside from creating a macros to do this, is there a way to find a row with a specific criteria and delete it if value returns TRUE?
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Jul 31, 2013
I was wondering if there is a formula or command to find and delet specific rows. I want to remove people from an excel email list.
On Sheet 1, I have 500 rows with columns for first name, last name, and email.
On Sheet 2, I have 30 rows with columns for first name, last name, and email that appear on Sheet 1 but need to be removed.
Is there a way to do this without manually searching for each email and then deleting the row?
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May 8, 2014
macro that would keep all lines containing a number greater than zero in column D and delete all of the other lines?
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Nov 28, 2006
i need to create a macro that will delete entire rows based on certain criteria. here is an example of some of the worksheet:
US0017651060AMR_CORP CM 12C
US0017658669AMR_CORP PR 8C
US0038813079ACACIA_RESH CM 12C
US0038812089ACACIA_RESH CM 16C
i want to create a macro that, when searching the third column of data (containing "CM" and "PR"), if a group of rows (between blank rows) do not contain at least one "PR", delete entire group of rows.
Therefore, the rows with "ACACIA_RESH" and "ACE_AVIATION" would be deleted from the worksheet.
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May 2, 2006
I have a workbook where everything is controlled from a single worksheet that I named "Start".
In the "Start" worksheet I have instructions and one command button. When this button is clicked, it will start the VBA code. The code will basically show a couple of userforms where the user will input some information and after the user clicks on a button on the last userform, the code will generate new worksheet and present the results in that new worksheet.
The user could do this as many times as he wants, each time creating a new worksheet or overwriting in an existing worksheet (except the "Start" worksheet). The user is able to delete any worksheets he want.
I need to write a code so that if the user tries to delete the "Start" worksheet, it will not let him/her because then there is no worksheet where I have the button to click to start the VBA code.
I tried protecting the workbook, but then it does not allow to add new worksheets either.
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Apr 2, 2014
I have a excel file with more then 10 sheets..Some of the sheets contains this word in some random cells" #DIV/0! " I want a macro which can find it in every sheet except parent sheet and can remove it.
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Sep 2, 2006
Is is possible to use VBA to remove/delete a macro and also remove code like this on worksheets:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
End Sub
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Feb 14, 2013
I have a complex report with thousands of lines I am trying to clean up. In order to do this, I need VBA that recognizes specific text data starting after row 9. When it sees this, it will need to select and delete the 2 rows above it, the row it is in, and the 6 rows below it. 9 rows in total, some of which are blank. The text will repeat every 47-50 rows, but I cannot say exactly when it will repeat again. When it is repeated, I need the 9 rows deleted. At this time, there is only 1 column in the report because I need to split out the data in the cell into adjoining cells. Since I have not solved that yet, I need to just delete the entire row.
The text is written with spaces between each letter and a double space between words. It reads, "B I L L I N G M A S T E R I N V O I C E S E T U P L I S T I N G"
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Aug 15, 2012
I have a worksheet and the products starts from the first row has product name and 2 following rows are other information which i do not need. i was trying to figure out a VBA code that can leave the first rwo and delete every 2 rows below the first one and then to complete this until the end of the data.
For example: in the following rows, i want to keep rows 1, 4, 7 and all others to be deleted and this process to continue until the last rows having data.
Column A
1 Product name
2 serial number
3 manufucture date
4 Product name
5 Serial number
6 manufucture date
7 Product name
8 serial number
9 manufucture date
Sub Deletesecondtworows()
FinalRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
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Jun 12, 2014
My Excel program (Excel 2010) currently has several columns and each column looks for and pulls data from a specific file on my computer. Then I need to delete any duplicate data entries, count the number of unique entries and track the changes through a chart. I have everything done except I cannot figure out (or find on the internet) a way to search in multiple columns (more than 2) and delete just the duplicate cells. I want to delete the cells in a way where there is one left. For example if the code 12gf is duplicated three time, I want to be left with one 12gf (it doesnt matter what column the original one is left in). Additionally, column length changes and they are not sorted. I have attempted to attach an image of an example file below.
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Dec 26, 2008
Deleting Columns. I've got 2 codes here,
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Jan 23, 2013
I've a file with lots of data. In that file I've some blank rows, I want a code which search complete blank row and delete.
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Jul 23, 2013
My following code keeps deleting leading zeros. The purpose of this code is to delete leading spaces but leave the zeros.
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row For Each c In ActiveSheet.Range("A2:A" & lr)
If Left(c.Value, 1) = " " Then c.Value = Right(c.Value, Len(c.Value) - 1)
c.Value = c.Value
Next c
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