Finding And Deleting Specific Rows

Jul 31, 2013

I was wondering if there is a formula or command to find and delet specific rows. I want to remove people from an excel email list.

On Sheet 1, I have 500 rows with columns for first name, last name, and email.
On Sheet 2, I have 30 rows with columns for first name, last name, and email that appear on Sheet 1 but need to be removed.

Is there a way to do this without manually searching for each email and then deleting the row?

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Macro For Finding Specific Word And Deleting It

Apr 2, 2014

I have a excel file with more then 10 sheets..Some of the sheets contains this word in some random cells" #DIV/0! " I want a macro which can find it in every sheet except parent sheet and can remove it.

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Finding And Deleting Both Duplicate Rows

Aug 5, 2007

I deal with leads for a sales room and get sent over leads in bulk, I've created a master scrub list that I can attach to the end of a new lead file and sort by number to show which are duplicates.

When you do the: Data, Filter, Advanced Filter, select Unique Records, it hides the duplicate but what I need is not only for the duplicate to be hidden or gone but the row that it is a duplicate of, i.e. I need BOTH rows to go

Dave 555-1212
Dave 555-1212
John 536-2343
Smith 423-2312

needs to become

John 536-2343
Smith 423-2312

I would need a formula that figured out that Dave with number 555-1212 was a duplicate and delete BOTH rows,

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Deleting Specific Rows..

Feb 21, 2009

Here's my problem. I have the following table:

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Deleting Specific Rows ....

Nov 9, 2008

I have created a worksheet (through an import into MS Excel 2007) which contains 287,281 rows. However, the data I need is located in rows: 4, 67, 130, ... (or n+63) rows.

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Deleting Entire Rows Containing A Specific Value

Aug 29, 2007

I've been tasked with developing a macro that will generate schedules. For background, we're taking a QuickBooks Customer file and exporting it to be picked up by the macro. I've got that part working, but now I need to delete various rows based on certain criteria.

The spreadsheet has a field for Job Status which we use to define whether an account is under contract (2 in QuickBooks), or some other status. Basically what I need to do is delete the entire row of data where JobStatus (Column R) is anything but 2.

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Deleting Specific Rows That Are Identical

Mar 8, 2012

I want to delete some rows that are identical. Aside from creating a macros to do this, is there a way to find a row with a specific criteria and delete it if value returns TRUE?

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Deleting Specific Rows In Worksheet

Nov 28, 2006

i need to create a macro that will delete entire rows based on certain criteria. here is an example of some of the worksheet:

US0017651060AMR_CORP CM 12C
US0017658669AMR_CORP PR 8C


US0038813079ACACIA_RESH CM 12C
US0038812089ACACIA_RESH CM 16C



i want to create a macro that, when searching the third column of data (containing "CM" and "PR"), if a group of rows (between blank rows) do not contain at least one "PR", delete entire group of rows.

Therefore, the rows with "ACACIA_RESH" and "ACE_AVIATION" would be deleted from the worksheet.

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Finding Rows With Specific Characters - Copy Only Those Rows

Apr 7, 2012

I'd like to be able to search a spreadsheet for a specific word or series of characters. Once all of the ROWS that contain the characters are found, I'd like to be able to have another spreadsheet with ONLY those rows (all columns).

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Deleting Groups Of Rows When Specific Text Data Is Populating Row?

Feb 14, 2013

I have a complex report with thousands of lines I am trying to clean up. In order to do this, I need VBA that recognizes specific text data starting after row 9. When it sees this, it will need to select and delete the 2 rows above it, the row it is in, and the 6 rows below it. 9 rows in total, some of which are blank. The text will repeat every 47-50 rows, but I cannot say exactly when it will repeat again. When it is repeated, I need the 9 rows deleted. At this time, there is only 1 column in the report because I need to split out the data in the cell into adjoining cells. Since I have not solved that yet, I need to just delete the entire row.

The text is written with spaces between each letter and a double space between words. It reads, "B I L L I N G M A S T E R I N V O I C E S E T U P L I S T I N G"

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Finding A Value In A Cell And Deleting A Row

Feb 10, 2009

I'm looking to do a search and delete in Excel 2007 and I'm having a great deal of difficulty trying to do this. I've attempted to modify some code I found on the internet and not having very good luck with it. Here is the scenario, I've got a spreadsheet with 5 columns (A to E). In column C, there is a product name with certain identifiers that set it apart. An example of this product name with identifier is "product XXX_type 2_attribute ". I want to search for "type 2" in Column C of each row and then delete the row.

Here is what I have written so far and I'm not having any luck.

Sub RowDel()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range(Range("c4"), _
If cell = "_GPnl_" Then
Range(cell, _
Cells(Rows.Count, 1)).EntireRow.Delete
Exit For
End If
Next cell
End Sub

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Finding Duplicate Data And Deleting

Jan 27, 2014

Any way of finding particular data from a data set and deleting the data from that field without using conditional formatting or remove duplicates?

I have used a vlookup to find the words that I needed I now need to find where the are located in my original data set and delete these so I am left with data that if I perform a vlookup on it will not bring back any words as they will have been deleted.

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Finding Data From A List And Deleting

Jun 6, 2007

I have a large keyword phrase list.

In a sheet called "AllKWs".

What I would like to be able to do is find all Country and town names in that list and delete the names only in the phrase, not the whole row.

Several points though.

Can the macro (As I will assign a text button to it).
Only find and delete these words if they are either at the start or end of a phrase?

4 example phrases; ....

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Finding And Deleting Row With Match In Macro

Jan 13, 2007

I want to delete a row in a spreadsheet by finding the row that contains a particular value. I use MATCH on spreadsheet #1 to identify the row number on spreadsheet #2 to delete. I need the macro to select the row number on spreadsheet #2 and delete it.

I don't know the syntax for the commands in VBA to write this and I'm coming to this forum for help because I'm too lazy to learn VBA. I've recorded macros to add rows, populate cells, hide sheets, etc. The following code is extracted from a macro I recorded to try to get started, and was hoping to be able to substitue a reference to sheet1 within the parentheses at


but I can't make this work. The following is the code I was trying to adapt.

Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
End Sub

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Finding The First Nonzero In A Row And Then Deleting All Prior Cells

Oct 14, 2009

I'm trying to create a macro that will look in each row and find the first nonzero that it contains, and then proceed to delete all prior cells before it and shift the existing cells in that row to the left. Now I know that the formula to find a non-zero in a row is:


and I figured that to select all cells before it you would simply use:

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToLeft)).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft

My problemms are:
I can't figure out how to translate that formula into a piece of the macro and also instead of having it simply calculate how many zeros there are until the first nonzero to get it to select that first nonzero

How to make the selection conditional upon the row. At first I thought maybe I could just have it paste the formula into the first cell of the row but I realized that it wasn't possible to do as the formula already has the row selected

How to have it select all the prior cells to the first nonzero, delete them and shift existing cells to the left without deleting the first nonzero.

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Deleting Last Cell In A Specific Row

Feb 24, 2009

hey everyone

i'm using a table like this one :


1 Main | value | value | value
2 Extra | value | value | value
3 Main | value | value | value
n Extra | value | value | value

i want to delete every cell in column "D" only when cell in column "A" contains "Extra" value.

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Highlighting Or Deleting Specific Cells

May 16, 2009

I have Column A with 380 cells filled in with numbers (A1-A380) i.e. numbers like..456758, 567848 etc etc

Column B has a subset of those numbers, maybe 80-90 or so (B1-B90).

What I want to do is either highlight the numbers in Column A that also appear in Column B in yellow, OR delete them from Column A altogether

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Deleting Lines Containing Specific Numbers

May 8, 2014

macro that would keep all lines containing a number greater than zero in column D and delete all of the other lines?

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Avoid Deleting A Specific Worksheet

May 2, 2006

I have a workbook where everything is controlled from a single worksheet that I named "Start".

In the "Start" worksheet I have instructions and one command button. When this button is clicked, it will start the VBA code. The code will basically show a couple of userforms where the user will input some information and after the user clicks on a button on the last userform, the code will generate new worksheet and present the results in that new worksheet.

The user could do this as many times as he wants, each time creating a new worksheet or overwriting in an existing worksheet (except the "Start" worksheet). The user is able to delete any worksheets he want.

I need to write a code so that if the user tries to delete the "Start" worksheet, it will not let him/her because then there is no worksheet where I have the button to click to start the VBA code.

I tried protecting the workbook, but then it does not allow to add new worksheets either.

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Filtered Rows Without Deleting The Hidden Rows?

Sep 25, 2012

How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?

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Clear Rows Vs. Deleting Rows To Avoid #REF! Formula Error - Macro

Jun 9, 2009

I have a macro which is copying data from several worksheets into one consolidation worksheet. When determining where to paste the data into the consolidation sheet, the macro includes some logic to find the last row that has data in it (using e.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row, where "e" is a variable holding the name of the consolidation worksheet).

Once all the data is on the consolidation worksheet, I have a second worksheet with formulas that link to the consolidation sheet. The issue I have is that the first step of my consolidation macro deletes all data on the consolidation sheet to ensure that no data is double-counted). I am deleting the data with logic that simply deletes all rows from 3 to 65536. Once these rows are deleted, Excel returns a #REF! error on my second worksheet which is linking back to this data.

Rather than deleting the rows on the consolidation sheet, I have tried using the Clear and/or ClearContents commands instead. This works (i.e., my formulas no longer error out), but results in the consolidation macro running very slowly (~15 minutes, compared to

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VBA Code For Deleting Columns With 0 Value In Specific Cells

Oct 24, 2008

I am trying to write a VBA code in excel to delete any columns when a cell in that particular column = 0 (zero). That cell would start at B19 and subsequently follow to C19, D19 and so on.

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Code For Deleting Rows Verses Hiding Rows

May 25, 2013

The first code hides everything just fine based on the date in A1. When I change it to the second code to delete instead of hide it is leaving a bunch of rows that the 1st code hides. Both codes have the same search criteria.

For Each cell In Range("B8:B5000") If cell.Value Range("A1").Value Then cell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Next cell

For Each cell In Range("B8:B5000") If cell.Value Range("A1").Value Then cell.EntireRow.Delete
Next cell

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Delete Blank Rows (formula Not Deleting All Rows)

Sep 30, 2008

I have the following codes to delete all blank rows in column A

Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Sheet1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox lastrow

With Sheet1
For t = 1 To lastrow
If Cells(t, 1) = "" Then
End If
Next t
End With

End Sub

Although it is working , it is not deleting all the blank rows at once, I have to keep pressing on the macro button running the macro several times, until all blank rows are completely deleted.

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Finding Specific Strings

Jan 4, 2010

I have a combination of letters and numbers in a column. For example.


I need a formula to tell whether they begin with two letters and have a certain number of numbers then end in letters. Or have letters in the middle. Sorry Im so vague, I just need a start in the right direction. Ideally combined with an IF statement.

In english (If two letters afetr nine numbers then yes)

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Finding Specific Row With Criteria

Feb 6, 2007

I have a very large database of quotes. I have created a user interface with several textbox inputs, combobox inputs, and checkboxes. When the commandbutton is pressed I need a list of quote numbers to be generated based on the criteria the user input. I found an example program from here that is for ADVANCED EXCEL FIND. It only uses combo boxs and goes to those rows on datasheet. I have text input and checkbox inputs as well and I don't want it to take the user to the rows, I want just the quote numbers from the rows to be sent back to a textbox. I also read over one based on filtering data in a listbox.

This is my first program in VB, but I did quite a bit in C++ before. I can pretty much understand what all the coding says, I just am overwhelmed with it being so large and not sure how to put it all together.

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Deleting Rows Macro :: Rows That Don't Contain Word ...

Jan 9, 2008

I got a code to delete all rows in the sheet which contain the word "DETAILS" but I now want to delete all the rows that do not contain the word "DETAILS"

My code if needed is:

Sub Find_details()
Dim rng As Range
Dim what As String
what = "DETAILS"
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Find(what)
If rng Is Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
End Sub

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Finding A Specific Integer In A String

Aug 3, 2009

I have a string in one of the following formats:

Banana 2, Orange 5, Lemon 0
Banana 7, orange/Lemon 9, cucumber 6
Melon/grape 3, Pineapple/ Orange 1
Banana 1, orangefruit/Lemon 2, pine 8

I would like to take out the first integer that comes after the word Orange (not case sensitive). I'm kinda at a loss here, how do I go about accomplishing this?

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Finding A Specific Row And Inserting Data?

Mar 3, 2014

I have a column with lots of rows. I want to locate a specific one and insert some data into this row at specific columns. This is what i have come up with so far:

[Code] .....

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Finding Last Occurrence Of Specific Value In Column

Oct 23, 2002

What is the easiest way to find the last occurrence of a value in a table using functions. I want to avoid VB if at all possible and note the row number and use it in an index function to report text adjacent to that last occurrence. I would normally use match but match only records the first match and not the last.

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