VLookup Function In Macro To Populate Cell

May 20, 2008

If I put this in a cell it works fine =VLOOKUP(B3,DateRange,2,0) If I tell VBA to write that formula, it works fine.

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-44],DateRange,2,0)"

If I put this in VBA: Range("AK1").Value = Application.VLookup(Range("B3").Value, Range("DateRange"), 2, False)

I get #N/A. I'm stumped - any ideas why this would happen, or how I can work this into my code? I need the vlookup to occur 1000s of times, and don't want to have to put the formula in the spreadsheet because I just want the results, not the formula.

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Vlookup To Populate A Cell

Sep 9, 2008

I am trying to use vlookup to populate a cell. My lookup cell is a string of text. My refernce table contains a list of words that I want populated if it is contained in the text cell. THe results I am getting is #name


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IF / VLOOKUP (cell Automatically Populate Commision Earned)

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to get a cell to automatically populate commision earned.

Commision is worked out as a percentage to gross profit and works as follows:

£0-4000 = 0%
£4001-8000 = 1%
£8001-12000 = 2%
£12001-16000 = 3%
£16001+ = 5%

I have my spreadsheet that details their sales and profit. the profit is calculated in cell M45.

I have tried for ages to get an equation to work, and have ad no joy. It is actually driving me mad now. I need a better man/woman than me.

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Populate A Cell Once; Using TODAY() Inside Function.

Sep 23, 2009

I'm starting a project where Excel will be used as the main UI for defining a table of data. I'm expecting to define a "template" - xlt i guess - that users can open and save as an xls, without over-writing the template. Users will populate the spreadsheet with a lot of help from user defined functions. I'm just getting started and would like to populate a particular cell with the current date, but only the first time the sheet is opened. I tried checking whether a cell was empty before assigning a value to it, of course this meant recursion!

Also: It might be nice to use the Today() function inside a UDF, but TODAY isn't a member of Application.WorksheetFunction - is there no way to reference TODAY() from within a UDF?

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Using A Vlookup Function In A Macro

Dec 18, 2008

I am trying to use the Vlookup function in a macro but I can't figure out how to write it. I am using a controlled loop to cycle through my data. So for the first entry, my lookup data is in cell A2. The lookup table is located in a sheet called 'Trade Table' and the lookup field is in Column B and value needed is in column C. The results go in column G. The excel formula is as follows:

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Add Vlookup Function To Range With Macro

Sep 21, 2007

I wanna have a Vlookup Macro function in my spreadsheet. I perform a vlookup in the spreadsheet by using vlookup formula and I found out that it is waste of time to retrieve records from other file when I have a total of 55000 records in one spreadsheet. I plan to use macro functions to retrieve records instead of using vlookup formula. So is there any chance that I can create the macro based on my scenario? {i already attached my spreadsheet here, it is a dump data}

In the sample1.xls, I want to retrieve the records from the sample2.xls by using Material as the key field. When I run the Vlookup Macro, the system is able to help me lookup the value such as (Net Sales: January until Net Sales: March) and display the records in the sample1.xls based on the Material Key Field. So hope that my problems can be solve here.

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VLOOKUP Function In Macro Code

Mar 18, 2008

Is it possible to Call the inbuilt Excel Functions (like VLOOKUP) in Macros. we have to pouplate cells with formula which uses VLOOKUP. one way was to update each cell with required Formula like: [code] Range("A1").value = " = 6*F7*(1-Vlookup(lookupvalue........))"[code] but this was stupid as no of cell to be populated was large and variable and moreover it will return formulae to cells rather than fixed value. What we tried was to defile an table_array as Array(x y) and then use this array to return required VLOOKUP value. However I was thinking is there any way to call function like VLOOKUP in Macros so that we can return a value to cell rather than formula.

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Use VLOOKUP Function In Macro With Variable Name For Lookup Value

Feb 7, 2014

I used VLookup function in macro. Lookup value is a variable name. I don't know how to use variable name inside of VLOOKUP function.

Use VLOOKUP function in macro with Variable Name for Lookup value

Function CC(CName As String)

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(cname,'[Structure File.xlsx]Sheet1'!C1:C3,2,FALSE)"

End Function

How to use CName variable inside of Vlookup function.

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Using Macro To Open Specific File And Execute VLookup Function

Oct 5, 2012

I have to run a report each morning and in once cell I need to pull in the contents of another cell from another worksheet. I'd rather not have to open the additional file each morning to copy and paste special the values so I'd like to add to my current macro to pull this data in automatically. I have to do this for two different reports/portfolios and the data I am pulling in for each portfolio is located in the same exel file but under two different tab names, the portfolio names 2010 and 2045.

The spreadsheet I am pulling data in from is located here:
K:Risk OversightMarket RiskTracking ErrorBARRA
and the file name is: Daily Barra Tracking Error.xls

Tab name would be 2010 for the 2010 portfolio or 2045 for the 2045 portfolio The vlookup will be from "A32:B2500" and I would like to incorpoprate an IFERROR function that returns "" in the event of an error. Column "A" are dates and column "B" is the data I need to pull in.

Receivables I am pulling the data into cell "J23" of a summary report (sheet 2) and would like the vlookup to read something like this:

IFERROR(VLOOKUP("K1"Active.Workbook.Sheets2,[K:Risk OversightMarket RiskTracking ErrorBARRA"&"Daily Barra Tracking Error.xls"(Sheets)]."2010""A32:B2500",2,0),"")

This should return a blank cell if the date cannot be found in the data spreadsheet and return the correct data for teh correct date being referenced in my summary sheet.

how to do the bracketed parts for pulling in the right spreadsheet and tab.

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Macro To Populate Cell A Or Ignore

Jan 30, 2008

I'm in a situation where I need to find a workaround for a circular argument. I've decided that having a macro to run would work rather than have a formula in the cell I want populated.

I need a macro to either completely ignore the contents of A31 or to change A31 based on the contents of B31. Sometimes there's a B32. Sometimes there's a B667. In which case, this would need to work for all cells A31-A667.

If B31 contains CHERRY or PEACH I want A31 to be altered to say TASTY. IF B31 contains SLIME I want A31 to be altered to say NASTY. If B31 does NOT contain, CHERRY, PEACH, or SLIME I need whatever is already in A31 to remain unchanged.
This would need to continue down the rows until there are no more contents in column B.

Best guess:
I like said - I'm awful. All I could come up with is an IF statement that isn't even complete.

that doesn't change the contents of the cell))

But that's something I would have in cell A31 rather than a macro

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VBA Userform Vlookup Function To Change Cell?

Dec 11, 2012

I have a Password login userform on my workbook for users to enter their username and passwords.

Now i want to make a userform where users can change their passwords.

With the login userform i used a application vlookup function to see if the username and password are corresponding. how can i code a userform to look for the username in column A and then change the password in column B?


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Vlookup Function Referencing A Formatted Cell?

May 1, 2014

I am trying to use the vlookup function but the range of reference has that little green triangle in the corner and if I f2 each cell that triangle goes away and the vlookup function works great. Do you know what is going on here? And also, a quick way to convert all the cells with the green triangle to be without the triangle in a whole range? I don't want to have to go to each cell individually and f2. I've attached an example worksheet for reference to what I am describing. vlookup format.xlsx

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Range Of Values In A Cell? Vlookup Function

Mar 5, 2009

Column A includes a name
Column B includes an age
Column C states a division (this is the column that contains the Vlookup function)

Column G is where I have to put a range of ages (for instance, x=<0,>3)
Column H is where the division name is.

The idea behind this exercise is to use the Vlookup function in column C to reference column G, and return a value in column H. Here a copy of my formula in column C: =VLOOKUP(B3,$G$3:$H$12,2,TRUE). For instance, if Mike (A) is 16 (B) then he would be in the Midget division (C). C is calculated by comparing column B to G, then returning a value in column H. For some odd reason, I can't get column G to reference an age range, such as 1-5 years old.

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Can Use Cell To Find Workbook Name In VLookup Function

Jun 23, 2012

what I am trying to do but I'll give it my best shot with examples.

A1 = date

B1 = drivefolder[A1.xls]sheetname'!cell

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Vlookup Function To Return The Cell Address

May 18, 2002

Is there a way to get the vlookup function to return the cell address, rather than the value, of the lookup?

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Using Formula With Cell Reference To Work In VLOOKUP Function

Jan 30, 2014

I have problem with a spreadsheet that I am trying to create.

I have a large sheet of data which is dumped in from another program. This contains our deliveries and orders etc.

Now for planning purposes, I would like to see how much of each item I have on order.

I can use VLOOKUP, but that will only give me the amount for the first order it encounters. But not the 3rd, 4th etc. I could use SUMIF but I need the dates as well. After doing some searching I think I have found a way of doing this: I can get the first easier enough:

=VLOOKUP(D$11,'purchase order'!$A$1:$K$6000,5,FALSE), this gives the first order than the another =VLOOKUP(D11,'purchase order'!$A$1:$K$6000,11,FALSE) for its date.

For the second column to check any other orders I thought I could find the cell referance for the first SEARCH: which is

A108: ="A"&MATCH(D11,'purchase order'!A:A,0).

Is there any way of using this Reference to start a new VLOOKUP. So the Lookup Range starts at this reference?? To make things harder it is on another sheet.

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Macro To Populate Cells With Formula Based On Adjacent Cell?

Mar 31, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with data populated down column B. This size will vary from day to day so is there a macro I can run that will populate Column C with a formula based on their being data in the adjacent cell.

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VBA Vlookup: Populate The Other

Dec 5, 2008

Vlookup in vba

Here is the issue:

I have a combobox to get the data on the workshreet based on this i want to populate the others

here is the code I tried

x = Application.VLookup(Issue.Value, Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("C1:C100"), 2, False)

I get compile error statement invalid outside Type block

I declared X as string

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Macro - Auto Populate The Data, Based On The Previous Cell Values

Aug 3, 2009

the post 5 for the actual issue. This being my first post could not update it correctly. I have put my views int he 5th post which will be more clear.

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Loop Through Worksheets And Populate VLookup

Mar 11, 2014

I'm trying to loop through all the worksheets within a workbook. The first sheet is called Instructions and the last sheet is called Sheet 1.

I would like the macro to go through and populate the pricing for each part using a v-look up in cell C6:bottom of data based on the parts in column A for each country. The macro would then end on Sheet 1.

My Vlookup would be in a source file with the same name as the current worksheet and the data would be in columns B (part) through column F (price)

Here is what I've done so far.

Sub Pricing()
MSGtext = "Open the Price Doc."
MSGbutton = vbOKCancel


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Populate VLookup Into Blank Cells

Jul 24, 2008

spans over columns A:BM.
column headers are in Row 2, data starts in Row 3
the number of rows varies month-to-month
in column A, the values are either N or Y.
Column B contains xREF numbers, where if the value = N, the xREF is unique; for values = Y, the xREF = an N value xREF number (hope that makes sense!)
Where column A value = Y, some row cells are empty. All N record cells are populated.
starting in Column C, I want all empty cells (basically all rows where column A = Y) to be populated with a VLookup formula where:
Ø lookup_value = xREF in column B
Ø table_array = all N values records spanning B:BM

I can get it to work for column C by autofilling to the last row but if I autofill across columns, the col_index_num stays the same and I can’t figure out how to increase it by 1 as it autofills across.

Sub RangeLookUp()
Dim Rg As Range
For x = 3 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
If Range("A" & x).Value = "N" Then
Set Rg = Range(Range("B3"), Range("BM3").End(xlDown))
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="TheRange", RefersToR1C1:=Rg
End If
Next x
' VLookup for blank cells........................

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VLOOKUP Populate Into One Master Worksheet

Jun 4, 2009

I am currently working on a project that has six worksheets with information to populate into one master worksheet.

I would like it to work as if the information is not in the first worksheet to search the second sheet and so on and so forth.

Here is the complex part, the information that I need does not always appear in the same spot…Example: Sheet 1 has Weekly Benefit under B20, Sheet 2 has Weekly Benefit under B22, and Sheet 3 has Weekly Benefit under B23.

Here is what I have, unfortunately not working very well for me…


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Nesting Index / Match Function Within Vlookup Function?

Dec 3, 2013

let me start by saying that I know an example workbook would be useful here, but the part I'm struggling with is the [managementroster.xlsm] file, and there is A. no way I can release it to the internets and B. its so huge/complicated I couldn't even begin to reproduce a portion of it, scrubbed of data, and hope to maintain its functionality in a meaningful manner.


This formula checks a staff number on this spreadsheet, and then goes and looks at the staff number on the roster. Once found, it returns that staff members roster, but changes any manager codes in the MRC list to Mgr, and changes all other roster codes to Free.

I now need this formula, before altering roster codes to Mgr or Free, to only return codes that are a match for another table (or after really. I don't particularly care, so long as only codes are shown that match data from another table). I think an index/match function would do the trick, but this forumula is already at the edge of my excel ability, nesting another function within it is completey beyond me. The relevant cells for the index/match function would be:

This first Match function targets the column. $E3 is the date required, $BA$1:$DN$1 is the range the dates are entered in
Match: Lookup value = $E3
Lookup array = '[ManagementRoster.xlsm]Vacancies!'$BA$1:$DN$1
match type = 0

This second Match function targets the row. $A$4 is the department name, $B$434:$B$452 is the range where all departments are entered

Match: Lookup value = $A$4
Lookup Array = '[ManagementRoster.xlsm]Vacancies!'$B$434:$B$452
match type = 0

Index: array = $BA$434:$DN$452

So I think my final function is

[Code] .....

But I have absolutely NO idea where it would fit within my first formula, or how to code it so that my original formula only reproduces results that are found in both sheets, or anything.

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VLOOKUP To Auto-populate A Description From An Entered Part Number

Mar 18, 2009

I am trying to use VLOOKUP to auto-populate a description from an entered part number. After checking up on how to do this in several different places I applied this formula to the relevant cell but all that it returns is #N/A.

I am very confused as all seems to be correct, but I am new to this and I am sure I am missing something silly. :P

On entering a part number into cell C13 on sheet 'Stores Receipt' it should search and find that number in column A on sheet 'Product List', it should then return the adjacent description from column B on sheet 'Product List' and show this in cell C17 on sheet 'Stores Receipt'.... Sounds simple hey! :D

The formula used is:

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MAX Function To Populate The Most Recent Date In A Series

Mar 11, 2009

I have used the MAX function to populate the most recent date in a series.
-EX. the most recent date input into the cells S8, T8, U8 will populate in cell R8. There is a default value of 0-Jan-00 that automatically populates in cell R8 as a result of the MAX Function. Any value that is input into cell S8, T8, U8 will show in cell R8 immediately after being input as a result of the MAX Function.

I need cell R8 to remail blank until the last of cells S8 or T8 or U8 has been input (in no specific order). Once the last cell has been filled; it is only at that time I need cell R8 to show that most recent date input into any of cells S8 or T8 or U8. I can't hide the column, I need cell R8 to remain empty until the last of the three cells- S8, T8, U8 has been filled (the last cell filled will not always contain the largest value or most recent date).

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Vlookup Referencing Cell With "left" Function

May 25, 2007

See the attached example for an illustration of my problem. Essentially, I am trying to reference the first two numbers of an account number when using VLOOKUP. The function then references a table with account classifications based upon the first two numbers of each 10 digit account. This seems so basic, but is driving me up the wall!

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Vlookup Changed Validated Cell Value In Macro

Jul 2, 2009

I have a worksheet containing a cell (say A1) that has a validated list of times (data/validation/list) where the cells in the list contain times in 8 minute increments. The user can select cell A1 and manually select any of the validated times from the list. A vlookup formula on this worksheet uses the content of cell A1 to look for this time in another section of the worksheet. When the time is selected manually, the vlookup formula works properly.

As part of a macro, the macro will change the time in cell A1. I do this in the macro by selecting and copying the desired time from the validation list and pasting it into A1. Cell A1 does change to the new value, however the vlookup formula that uses A1 shows a result of #N/A. If I manually change the time, it again works. I am looking for a way to have the macro change this cell to another time and for the vlookup formula to work as it should.

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Vlookup Function Together With An Offset Function

Oct 26, 2008

I am trying to use the vlookup function together with an offset function but i am not getting it to work properly.

The situation is as follows:

I have a column E in which i use the vlookup function to find its corresponding value in B which in turn refers to a named range. However, the figure i want the function to return is 2 columns to the right and 2 rows above the value which the vlookup funtion finds in the first column.

I have though of using the offset function, but i cannot figure out how to make this work.

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Add Vlookup, With Variables, To Cell To Reference Another Workbook Via Macro Code

May 21, 2008

I am trying to use VB to vlookup between to workbooks
1. Make active workbook WBK1
2. Make workbook being open WBK2
3. Copy and Paste between WBK1 and WBK2
4. Have a vlookup in WBK1 and bring in the values from WBK2
5. Close WKB2
6. Copy, Paste, and transpose values in wkb1 within wkb1

The script works fine until it reaches the vlookup step. I have used the vlookup by itself without the copy and paste code successfully but when I combine the two it provides me with the error 9. Subscript out of range.

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Add VLOOKUP To Cell (Macro Code) & Offset From Range For Lookup Value

May 27, 2008

I'm trying to use an offset from a Named Range as my source cell in a vlookup but get a -1004 Object not defined error. When Debugged the Range.Formula appears to be blank when queried. Using Record a Macro the Reference to a named range worked fine but I could not test for an offset or the use of the range reference. What can I do to use to make this work


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