Workaround For Special Characters In Named Range Names
Mar 20, 2008
I am aware that special characters such as -,(,),[,] are not permitted in named ranges (for lists), but is there a workaround for this? I have a lot of dependent lists that need to access names that contain either a - or () or both. I could simply remove the -'s or ()'s using find/replace, but they are required, as they're part of the name. I am aware of this method but I have a lot of dependent lists across a sheet, and a VLOOKUP isn't going to work. If there isn't a workaround, are there any allowed characters I could use to replace the -'s and ()'s?
I have a namd sheet for everyday of the year in a workbook, so jan1 jan2 jan3 etc. I have a stats page which brings together certain pertinent data from those pages, so a formula on the stats page might look like this =sum('jan1'!$m$25:$m$900). What I would like to do is to name each day - jan1 jan2 etc as a named range perhaps date1 date2 etc so that the above formula would then look like =sum(date1!$m$25:$m$900).
I have a worksheet where a number of the cells have been assigned names. I want to copy these cell names & create a list on another part of the worksheet. Does anyone have some code I could use to achieve this?
I have two sheets. Sheet A has a list of folders. This list is updates dynamically every time the sheet is opened. I have another sheet (sheet B) which has a list of all the files in the sub-folders, listed with the folder name at the top of the column and the files within in the column underneath with hyperlinks to them. The goal is to be able to navigate to the folders on sheet A and to click there to go to the column where all the files in that folder are linked to. What I need is a macro that will search a column and for every cell that has text in it and create in the column directly to the right a hyperlink to the appropriate cell in the top row in sheet B that has the same name as the text in the cell on sheet A that it finds. I already have the macros for listing the folders on sheet A and the macro for listing all the files in the sub folders in sheet B and they work fine. The goal is a link list which is dynamic and that recreates itself no matter what I add to the folders.
For instance, let’s say there is a folder timesheets. If I add a sub-folder called accounting to the folder Sheet A scans then timesheets would be bumped down one spot on the list, so the macro has to look dynamically for the text in the column on sheet A.
Also the addition of the new folder would move the order of the columns on sheet B, since both lists are alphabetical. So the link generation macro would need to search row 1 of Sheet B to find the match for the text in the cell to the left of where the link would be generated and create a link to the top of that column. I’ve looked all through the site and not found something that I can even modify to do what I need.
How do I add special characters in-between text? I know how to include a registered sign by using =CHAR(174) but what I do not know is how to include text before and after the sign itself.
I need to fill out a web form and have been doing so like this:
With hDoc.forms(0) .NameOfInputBoxWithinTheForm.Value = "AAC" .NameOfInputBoxWithinTheForm.Value = "1/1/7" .Search.Click End With
I have recently run into forms where the name/id of the input element contains special characters. Like Name#OfInputBoxWithin$TheForm$1. which VBA wont allow me to use in the code above since they are type def characters.
What i need is the following: In cell B1: if A1 is greater than 08:00am but less than 14:00pm than B1 should have a tick which is green, if cell A1 is greater than 14:00pm than B1 should have a cross which is red...
I have a worksheet that I produced from optical character recognition, and there are a lot of funky characters that I need to get rid of. One is a line break or carraige return (I assume it's the same character that I could insert by entering ALT+ENTER). How do I search for this special character to replace it? How do I identify what that invisible character is?
I am looking a macro which should perform below activities
I have a lists of suppliers which needs to cleansed....
1.replace all the special characters with a space
2.replace Corporation with Corp Incorporation with Inc Limited with Ltd Limited partnership/ltd partnership with LP Company with Co ASSC/ASSOC with ASSOCIATION/ASSOCIATES (SEARCH SUPPLIER IN GOOGLE FOR THE CORRECT ONE) MGNT with MANAGEMENT SVCS with SERVICES DEPT with DEPARTMENT Unltd with UNLIMITED Ctr with CENTER UNIV with UNIVERSITY
3. Remove any text, Special characters and numbers after INC,CO, LTD, CORP,LLP, LLC
The macro should when I select any particular column... not restricted to column A
I have created a multiple choice quiz maker that randomizes the questions and responses. This means that the quiz questions/responses must be copied and pasted each time a new quiz is generated. But in doing so, Excel loses formatting (such as super and sub scripting) and some special characters (like pi, alpha, the degree symbol).
Is there a way to get such things to copy properly from cell to cell, sheet to sheet, using Excel?
I need to check whether a description of a certain product in my excel has any of below special characters ! @ ' " ] [ } { | & $ # ^ ~ % ® and also the description should not exceed more than 40 characters. i tried using the "If" condition but it does not seem to check the same.
I am using Excel 2002 SP3. I have a multiple worksheet workbook and am using links between some cells so as to keep the updating down to a minimum. Typically I can enter [code]=' Storage '!E70[code] to transfer the contents of one cell in the ' Storage ' worksheet to the cell I want the data in and I get the value of that worksheet/cell. But sometimes all I get is the data I entered: ie ='Storage '!E70. Is there some for cell format problem that prevents this from happening?
I have data in column A. The data contains a name, an underscore and initial/s. For example: rebecca_rt, john_j, etc... I'm trying to pull only the characters to the right of the underscore. I played around with the below formula that I found under a similar question thread. But, it doesn't quite work. As it is now, it returns ecca_rt when I just want rt. I'm sure this is probably really close =IF(ISERROR( FIND("_",A1)),A1,RIGHT(A1,FIND("_",A1)-1))
Working on a macro to replace a list of about 20 specific "Special" Characters in excel, and have ran into 6 that will not work.. Following are the characters: ā, č, ć, ř, ş, ż
I have inherited a spreadsheet that will prompt the user for a text file to import and it will split each line into different cells based on column widths. The problem is that one field can contain non-printable characters that are causing the macro to split the data into 2 lines.
I think one of the special characters is a new paragraph but there could be others.
I need help with replacing these special characters with a space prior to spliting the line into an array.
I have conditional formatting set to hilight duplicates, but I a, wonder if there is a way to exclude special characters (in this case specifically dashes).
This formula I want to apply it in another workbook. It split in different columns the content of a cell.
The formula is below:
[Code] .....
In cell A2 I have the following data: |516582-001-99|414816-001-99|414816-003-99|516582-001-99|
If I apply the formula above in cells B2 to E2 it returns a blank cells. But if I delete the first "|" sign in the left side manually the formula works perfectly by splitting the cell into columns from B2 to E2. The issue here is that I have more than 300,000 records. Just imagine the amount of time invested in just deleting the first "|" at the left side.
I need a variation of the formula above that in first place delete the first "|" at the left side and after that continue with the proper work of the formula.
I have a column of text where I need to remove all the characters to the right of the last occurance of a special character.
I think a process like reading from right to left, look for the first occurance of the special character, and return the characters to the left of this position.
If I can determine the position of the last occurance of the special character, I could use the LEFT function.
The SEARCH function is close. It finds the position of the first occurance of text inside text but it reads from left to right. I need to read from right to left.
Another approach is to examine each character one by one from right to left. If the character is not the special character, delete it. When the character is the special character, delete it and stop the process.
There is no consistency in the text. The total lengths vary. The number of times the special character occurs in the text vary. The number of characters to the right or left of the last special character vary.
I much prefer not to have the solution be some VBA because I need to share it with others who are even less capable than I am. We are using Excel 2003.
For some reason the following code, when executed, pulls a named range from the source workbook (sProj_Name). I feel like I have used this exact same code before and not encountered this issue. This named range is linked to the source workbook so if I save the file and re-open I get the wonderful 'would you like to update links' pop up. I cant figure out why, when I am forcing it to paste only values and formats, it is picking up this named range. In addition the source workbook has way more than one named range, so why it doesn't pull all instead of just one is a mystery to me as well.
VB: With Workbooks(sProj_Name).Worksheets(2) .Cells.Copy Sheet2.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues Sheet2.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats Application.CutCopyMode = False End With
Been playing with this for some time and can't quite figure it out. I'm trying to copy a named range and paste special value to another named range of the same size. I recorded a Macro that does what I need, and I'll use if necessary, but thought I'd try to consolidate the code a bit and can't get it to work. The recorded macro is as follows:
Sub PasteRanges() Application.Goto Reference:="DataCopy30Yr" Selection.Copy Application.Goto Reference:="DataPaste30Yr" ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:=3, Link:=1, DisplayAsIcon:=False, _ IconFileName:=False End Sub
My attempt to consolidate was this:
Sub PasteRanges() Range("DataCopy30Yr").Copy Destination: Range("DataPaste30Yr").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues) End Sub
I get the Run-time error 1004 Copy method of Range class failed when I try to run this. Again, I can use the longer version with no problem, but in the interest of learning and since I have spent some time not being able to come up with the solution, I thought I'd ask the experts opinions before I gave up on it.
Im trying to get the SPECIAL NUMBER to rename the photos(Column C) according to their names(Column B) and tried using index and match but some of them are giving me errors..
Let's say you have a named range, Rng1, which consists of cells A1 & A2. In vba how would you report back what, if any, named range the following cells resides:
Code] .....
here are multiple named ranges so using intersect is not feasible. Essentially, through code, I will be given a range and I need to determine if that range if part of a named range.
I need to create a named range on multiple sheets with the same named range & i cant figure out how to do this. EG :- I want to create a named range called "_SubUnitRows" on sheet1 starting from "A1:A50" & other named range again called "_SubUnitRows" on Sheet2 starting from "A1:A25" ...