Logical Test For Special Characters
May 17, 2007
I have data in column A. The data contains a name, an underscore and initial/s. For example: rebecca_rt, john_j, etc... I'm trying to pull only the characters to the right of the underscore. I played around with the below formula that I found under a similar question thread. But, it doesn't quite work. As it is now, it returns ecca_rt when I just want rt. I'm sure this is probably really close =IF(ISERROR( FIND("_",A1)),A1,RIGHT(A1,FIND("_",A1)-1))
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Apr 8, 2009
I am trying to create a logical test with three possible results:
h2 <10.2 "needs improvement"
(if false) h2=10.2 "meets standard"
if false h2>10.2 "exceeds standard"
Basically, I am referring to a cell to determine if it meets, exceeds or does not meed a specific standard. In this case 10.2.
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Feb 7, 2010
Under what conditions does a simple logical test, like
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Sep 16, 2008
Here is the formula I am trying to write:
The above is in cell X45
This does not work, but this is what I want it to do:
I have a list of text, if cell A21 equals a range in that text then I want the cell to return whatever is in Cell V45, if A21 does not equal within the range of text, then I want it to return a zero in cell X45.
You can see that I tried using Vlookup as the logical test, but I am not doing something right or vlookup cant be used that way.
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Feb 17, 2012
I am trying to build a logical formula and it turns wrong values. I have four criteria in numbers, the codes are: 1 invoices, 3 credits, 7 Debits, 8 Returns, 9 Payments. All of these codes have positive numbers. I am trying to convert "credits", "returns", "payments" in negative . the rest "invoices" "debits" stay positive. In column A i have dollar values all positive, column B "codes" mentioned above, column C "i want to put the correct values.
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Oct 8, 2012
I have a spreadsheet where I have a list of patients who were evaluated on a certain date unique to that patient. Some of the patients have a subsequent date of death, and some do not (they're still alive).
I need to create a logical test which indicates whether or not the patient died at specific intervals after their unique evaluation date-- at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. Additionally, I need to measure whether the patient died at 0-6 months, or 0-12 months, or is still alive.
In other words, if Patient A was evaluated on 1/1/2008 and subsequently died on 10/31/2008, I need to do a logical test that says 3 months = false (no death), 6 months = false (no death) and 12 months = true (death). True = 1 and False = 0 (so I can do a simple column add to figure out how many died at each interval). Additionally, for the 0-6 month test it should calculate = 0, but for the 0 - 12 month test it should calculate = 1.
I'm totally stumped as to how to do this. Currently my spreadsheet reads as follows: (I've put ** next to cells that I need formulas to calculate. If no **, assume it's a value I've inputted manually)
A1 = Patient number (numerical order)
B1 = Patient Initials
C1 = Initial Evaluation date
D1 = Date of death (if any- blank if patient is still alive)
E1 = Patient death indicator (1 = dead, 0 = alive)
F1** = Indicate whether or not patient died within 3 months of evaluation (1 = dead, 0 = alive)
G1** = Actual date of death within 3 month interval
H1** = Indicate whether or not patient died within 6 months of evaluation (1 = dead, 0 = alive)
I1** = Actual date of death within 6 month interval
J1** = Indicate whether or not patient died within 12 months of evaluation(1 = dead, 0 = alive)
K1** = Actual date of death within 12 month interval
L1** = Did patient die within 0-6 months of evaluation? (1 = dead, 0 = alive)
M1** = Actual date of death within 0-6 months
N1** = Did patient die within 0-12 months of evaluation? (1 = dead, 0 = alive)
O1** = Actual date of death within 0-12 months
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Jun 18, 2014
My logical test is =IF("D2"="E2",1,2). When I autofill or copy down, the row numbers do not change to "D3"="E3", etc. How do I delineate text and also have the ability for autofill or copy to change the rows as it goes?
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Aug 22, 2014
Basically I have a column (lets call it column A) whereby I manually fill the cells green once I have received some documents, another column which has a numeric value in it (column B) and I want to create a third column which basically just copies column B but ONLY if column A is filled with a colour (actual colour doesn't matter cause I only use green)
I tried using the IF function but I don't know how to use cell colour as the logical test
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Feb 19, 2014
I'm trying to create a formula that will determine the bonus (%) for sales made. Here's the table:
<10000 sales = 0% bonus
>=10000 sales but <=29999 sales = 5% bonus
>=30000 sales but <=to 44999 = 7% bonus
>50000 sales = 10% bonus
Since the sales and bonus figures are subject to change each year I'd like the formula to point to the numbers but that part seems easy if I can get the formula right.
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Nov 9, 2009
I'm trying to use the following formula to verify if the "," is within a cell. Something is not right, because even for True conditions, I'm getting a False return. I think my True logical test is not written right.
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Nov 15, 2013
I need a formula that will return a range of values from a list.
Example: I need a formula in cell A2 that looks at the list and will return all numbers that are >99 but 199 but299 but
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Feb 28, 2013
excel 2007. Here is the situation:
I am using the Index and Match function to lookup for two specific criterias in a different worksheet. So far, it is working well, but it gets complicated. I want to look for the criterias in 6 different worksheets based on what a certain column is saying. Here is an example:
So, if the continent is Asia in the column A, I want Excel to look in the Asia worksheet for the city and the venue and return me the contact information. Same, if the continent says Europe, I want it to look in the Europe worksheet or the city and the venue and return me the contact information. So on and so forth.
The formula I have at the moment is this:
How do I incorporate the logical test for it to look for the proper worksheet knowing that all my continent worksheet have the same structure?
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Dec 28, 2012
How do I add special characters in-between text? I know how to include a registered sign by using =CHAR(174) but what I do not know is how to include text before and after the sign itself.
ie timeware *registered sign* community
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Jun 2, 2009
Is there a way to check a special character in textbox?
For example if type "TWO*" then i press a button it must raise an error.
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Sep 10, 2009
my requirement is to create db2 query with the existing excel sheet data.
Cells in the excel sheet contains special characters like { ) , ( , ’, ; , , , _ , ... }
These cells has to be merged, is there any function in excel to do that?
Concatenate function is not working..! getting data error
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Aug 10, 2007
I need to fill out a web form and have been doing so like this:
With hDoc.forms(0)
.NameOfInputBoxWithinTheForm.Value = "AAC"
.NameOfInputBoxWithinTheForm.Value = "1/1/7"
End With
I have recently run into forms where the name/id of the input element contains special characters. Like Name#OfInputBoxWithin$TheForm$1. which VBA wont allow me to use in the code above since they are type def characters.
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Feb 24, 2007
In order to compare strings I have to remove a special character from imported text.
It is character F008 from Unicode(hex).
This charcter is not on my keyboard.
I find it under Insert - Symbol but I can't copy and paste it to the find/replace window.
how can I key in this character so that I can use it for find and replace?
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May 8, 2009
I was hoping someone could help me out. I've been trying to put together a formula to find special characters with no luck.
Characters I’m looking for are:
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Aug 24, 2009
What i need is the following: In cell B1: if A1 is greater than 08:00am but less than 14:00pm than B1 should have a tick which is green, if cell A1 is greater than 14:00pm than B1 should have a cross which is red...
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Oct 14, 2009
I have a worksheet that I produced from optical character recognition, and there are a lot of funky characters that I need to get rid of. One is a line break or carraige return (I assume it's the same character that I could insert by entering ALT+ENTER). How do I search for this special character to replace it? How do I identify what that invisible character is?
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Dec 3, 2013
I am trying to extract text from stings that appear in the following format XXX-XXX-XXX and XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.
I have figured out how to extract the first and second sets of data, what I am stuck on is getting the third and (if present) fourth sections.
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Jan 10, 2014
I want to remove all the special characters i need only texts and numbers.
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Jul 8, 2014
I am looking a macro which should perform below activities
I have a lists of suppliers which needs to cleansed....
1.replace all the special characters with a space
2.replace Corporation with Corp
Incorporation with Inc
Limited with Ltd
Limited partnership/ltd partnership with LP
Company with Co
Unltd with UNLIMITED
Ctr with CENTER
3. Remove any text, Special characters and numbers after INC,CO, LTD, CORP,LLP, LLC
The macro should when I select any particular column... not restricted to column A
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Sep 9, 2007
I have created a multiple choice quiz maker that randomizes the questions and responses. This means that the quiz questions/responses must be copied and pasted each time a new quiz is generated. But in doing so, Excel loses formatting (such as super and sub scripting) and some special characters (like pi, alpha, the degree symbol).
Is there a way to get such things to copy properly from cell to cell, sheet to sheet, using Excel?
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Feb 2, 2009
I need to check whether a description of a certain product in my excel has any of
below special characters
! @ ' " ] [ } { | & $ # ^ ~ % ®
and also the description should not exceed more than 40 characters.
i tried using the "If" condition but it does not seem to check the same.
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May 31, 2006
I am using Excel 2002 SP3. I have a multiple worksheet workbook and am using links between some cells so as to keep the updating down to a minimum. Typically I can enter [code]=' Storage '!E70[code] to transfer the contents of one cell in the ' Storage ' worksheet to the cell I want the data in and I get the value of that worksheet/cell. But sometimes all I get is the data I entered: ie ='Storage '!E70. Is there some for cell format problem that prevents this from happening?
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Jan 15, 2008
Working on a macro to replace a list of about 20 specific "Special" Characters in excel, and have ran into 6 that will not work.. Following are the characters: ā, č, ć, ř, ş, ż
Selection.Replace What:="ä", Replacement:="a", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Selection.Replace What:="á", Replacement:="a", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
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Jun 18, 2009
I have inherited a spreadsheet that will prompt the user for a text file to import and it will split each line into different cells based on column widths. The problem is that one field can contain non-printable characters that are causing the macro to split the data into 2 lines.
I think one of the special characters is a new paragraph but there could be others.
I need help with replacing these special characters with a space prior to spliting the line into an array.
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Dec 12, 2011
I have conditional formatting set to hilight duplicates, but I a, wonder if there is a way to exclude special characters (in this case specifically dashes).
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May 26, 2009
i have data which has lots of these hyphen "-" how can i get rid of them,
for example -Eq Cash-
i need the result to be
Eq Cash
Also i have lots of front spaces in my data, how can i get rid of those? so for example
Test (there is 2 spaces before T)
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