Write Formula After Counting Rows

May 16, 2009

I have got mentioned below result after running a macro and I want mentioned below formula to be put after counting rows, because each time as per my query when I run macro result is different in rows as you can see in below table the formula I put in column F in rows 19, 20, 21, and 22.

ABCDEFG5DateD.IDAmountNODiff2TimeZone62-May-091001 500 50 - 1:50P-172-May-091002 10,000 120 - 1:15P-182-May-091003 2,000 100 - 1:15P-192-May-091111 300 40 - 1:50P-2102-May-091112 100 20 - 1:50P-2112-May-091113 234 100 - 1:50P-2122-May-091114 124 80 - 1:50P-2132-May-091211 380 3 - 1:00P-3142-May-091212 908 50 - 1:50P-315 Average1:14 16 Total Pins10191 17 18 ZoneRequest Count 19 P-13 20 P-24 21 P-32 22 Total9
Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaF19=COUNTIF($G$6:$G$14,E19)F20=COUNTIF($G$6:$G$14,E20)F21=COUNTIF($G$6:$G$14,E21)F22=SUM(F19:F21)

Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Write Text On A Row To Several Rows

Dec 30, 2009

I'm trying to learn VBA programming (I started some years ago already, but felt it was a bit too difficult for me) and I would like to ask two (perhaps very basic) questions:

1 - Can someone give me a code which does the following : In A1 I have a string : "This is a test." I want it in rewritten in column C1-4 as follows :
C1 This
C2 is
C3 a
C4 test.

2 - A code which does the following : In A1 I have a word : "Testing"
I want it this word as split up in 1 character/cell as follows :
C1 T
C2 e
C3 s
C4 t
C5 i
C6 n
C7 g

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Write Data To Last Used Rows

Nov 6, 2006

I have a userform containing upto 30 lines of data, each line being four fields.

The four fields are called txtMAWBNo#, cbDestination#, txtGW# and txtCBM# where # represents the line number so 1st line would be txtMAWBNo1, cbDestination1, txtGW1 and txtCBM1 to line 30 being txtMAWBNo30, cbDestination30, txtGW30 and txtCBM30.

The number of lines the users are allowed to enter is controlled by a variable called MAWBNoVar, which has a min. value of 1 and a max. value of 30.

The data needs to go to the next available line in the sheet, which can be determined by using xlup + 1.

Assuming the next available row is #244 and that MAWBNoVar has a value of 4 then what i need to do is this.

B244 = txtMAWBNo1
C244 = cbDestination1
D244 = txtGW1
E244 = txtCBM1

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Can A Macro Write A Formula As An Array Formula

Jun 7, 2006

I'm trying to have a macro write down an array formula, but when I hit ctrl+shift+enter, the recorder says it can't record. If I write in the macro ...FormulaR1C1 = {=...} then I get the formula as a text. Is there a way to tell the macro that a formula should be entered as an array formula?

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Sort & Re-write Column Data To Rows - 2003

Nov 10, 2008

I have company asset data listed by item on wksht 1. Example:

Company A Computer 200
Company C Coffee Machine 21
Company A Car A123
Company B Computer 70
Company A Chair B14
Company B Desk C56
Company C Computer 59
Company C Desk C789

I want to sort and covert the column data on wksht1 to row data on wksht2. Example:

Company A Computer 200, Car A123, Chair B14
Company B Computer 70, Desk C56
Company C Computer 59, Coffee Machine 21, Desk C789

I'd like to do this via VBA/Macro(s) if possible.

I have to do this every month, so it would be nice to append the existing data to an "archive" file on wksht3 and then create this months data.

The data is imported each month via a text file with comma delimited fields which become the column data in the top example.

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Better Way To Write A Sum IF Formula

Nov 5, 2008

I basicaly need to look down column Q8 to Q52 for the falue "C19"
If that value is present - Then I need to look up the value of associated
with what is in its respective cell in column O8 to O52.
Then add them all together.

I have the formula that follows and it works, however it is huge. I have to repeat the IF,Vlookup 44 times. Just wondering if there is a better way.

Here is the formula I am using.

.... all the way to C52.

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Write Formula With Cap Of 125%

Jan 23, 2014

Write a formula with a cap of 125%




[Code] .......

How to write the formula to know how much commission with be paid out for x,y,z?

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Write This Formula

Jan 30, 2007

need to write this forwula for excel 1000((value from cell)+.256)=(((x+.314)1000)+9)1.0625. I would like to plug in a value from a cell and find the comparative value x. I am comparing the airfregiht cost between two carriers that have different surcharges for fuel, secuirty, and tax. One has no security or tax.

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Write Visible Worksheet Rows/Columns To Text File

Feb 5, 2008

I am trying to write the contents of a worksheet to a notepad file. Also, the worksheet has some hidden columns.

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Write This Worksheet Formula In VBA

Jan 1, 2010

I want to write the following worksheet function in VBA. In cell B1 : =IF(OR(A1={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}),"Yes","No").

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How To Write IF AND OR Combination Formula

Dec 24, 2012

My Columns are as follows:

A1-Criminal Name, B1-Crime, C1-Age, D1-Ratings, E1-Punishment

In the punishment column one will get 22 years life imprisonment if he fulfills the following conditions.

1. He must have done Rape OR Murder


2. His Age should be >30


3. His Ratings should be>8

It should throw 22 years in the Punishment column only if the above conditions are met otherwise it should be Nil.

More Info on this:

1. Crime column includes Murder, Rape, Robbery, Assault, Kidnap etc

2. Age column ranging from 22-75 years.

3. Ratings column ranging from 1-10 points

4. There are 3400 records we have in the list

How to write an IF AND OR combination formula for this ?

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Write Formula Using IF / OR And AND Combined Together?

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to write a formula using IF, OR & AND combined together, but I can't see to get my formula in the correct order. I have tried moving several sections around but I still keep getting an error.

IF(OR((A2="1A",A2="2A",A3="3A",AND(IF(OR(B2="Q4 2013",B2="Q1 2014"),"Y","N")

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How To Write Error Into Formula Bar

Mar 8, 2014

I'm looking to write a nested IF formula which will be dependant on certain cells that have errors in them (because those error cells have a formula in them which can't formulate becuase the numbers needed for that formula haven't been entered yet).

For example.

Cell A1=#DIV/0!. Cell B1=5.

In cell C1 I want to calculate the average between A1 & B1, but there is an error in A1.

I'm trying to figure out how to make a formula which ignores an error and gives me the value in the cell which doesn't have an error. But I also need it to calculate the average if both cells have a value in it.

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Write Flexible Formula

Jan 23, 2007

I have a sum field in excel which contains the formula to compute sum of certain cells. For eg. Cell C1 has value (C2+C4).

I have written a vba code to find cells whose value are to be included in the sum field (variables Lrow1,Lrow2 and Lcolumn1,Lcolumn2 contains the row and column number respectively). These cells may differ each time vba code runs. Can I write formula in the sum field based on Lrow and Lcolumn variables.

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Formula Counting Attendance - Counting 1 Day Too Many

Feb 3, 2014

I was given this spreadsheet to count attendance by entering the entry date and exit day, however it's counting the first day and the last. I'm needing it to only count the first day and not the exit day.Book2.xls

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Write Double Interpolation Formula For Table?

Apr 16, 2014

Power.jpg I must write a double interpolation formula for the table.

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How Do I Write Formula To Show A Profit Margin

Dec 1, 2008

I need to work out the profit margin from goods i sell.

I have cost A2
Pack size A3
Net cost A4
Tax A5
Gross price A6

I need to work out the margin between A5 and A6.

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Write A Nested If Formula With Special Conditions

Aug 16, 2009

I thought that a nested if is what I needed, but now I don't know what I need I have explained in greater detail within my sample that's attached. Quote:....

I don't know how to write a function for what I need. Right now I have a function that says '= if $b7=0,0,if($d7>$d5,-1,1)), but I've found a problem. If there's more than one zero it throws off what I'm doing. I need a function that will ignore any zeros within column D and use the second to last number. For example:

The formula in E12 should read '=if($B12=0,0,if($D12>$D8,-1,1))
The formula in E13 should read '=if($b13=0,0,if($D13>$D9,-1,1))
The formula in E20 should read '=if($b20=0,0 ,if($d20>$d12,-1,1))

I just don't know how to write this so that it will go back to the second to last number other than zero.

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Write Formula To Give Result If X Is Greater Than Y And Z?

Aug 7, 2012

If the total is >= to x but =(I10*0.9),"Over 90% spent",IF((M10+T10+AA10+AH10+AO10+AV10+BC10+BJ10)>=(I10*0.8)&(M10+T10+AA10+AH10+AO10+AV10+BC10+BJ10)

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How To Write Sum Formula For A Range In Last Empty Cell In Each Row

Sep 22, 2013

I have a spreadsheet. In this sheet the data is added daily so one column is increased everyday. The rows may also be increased. What I am trying to do is to sum the data in each row for a range of first cell in the row to the last non empty cell in that row and this has to be done for all the rows. So I thought the for loop would be useful for such requirement and I tried to write the following code. But unable to write the sum formula in the last empty cell in a row and I get the value error. The code is as follows.....

Sub sum_on_LastEmptyCell()
'find the last empty row in column A
lrow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'find the last empty column in a row

[Code] ........

Though one of my friend told that it can be done with "with and end with block but I am not aware of with and end with block.

It would be better if you tell me that how can I put the sum formula in my code. How can I use variables which return the row number and the column number in the sum range within the For loop because I want to put If Else condition for the calculations within the For loop i.e. if certain condition is true then I want this calculation to take place otherwise do something else. Moreover it will be easier for me to understand. Because I can use different formula based on different cells as well. Is there any way to do this?

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Rolling & Average (write A Single Formula That I Can Copy Down)

Mar 2, 2009

I've got a "Date" Column which has every day of every month, and next to that several columns with different types of data to correspond to a particular date.

To simplify this (because there are TONS of dates), I've made another "Date" column that displays only every 5th day. Now what I'd like to do of course is average the corresponding data over five days.

I don't know how to write a single formula that I can copy down that will do this.

I've attached a sample spreadsheet with only one month's data, the stuff I need a formula / code for is in red

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Write Vba Code Using Vlookup Formula Insert Pic From Picture Folder?

Mar 14, 2013

how to write vba code using vlookup formula insert pic from picture folder

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Write Formula That Will Count Number Of Unique Occurrences In Column?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm trying to write a formula that will count the number of unique occurrences in a column, if a specified value is found in a different column.

So I want to count the number of unique values in the "ID" column if let's say the text "NameA" appears in the "Name" column.

ID Name 12345

NameA 12346

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Counting Rows And Inserting Blank Rows

Dec 31, 2008

I have an excel sheet that has the A column populated with many different things.

I'm not sure how possible it is, but I'm trying to group everything up by 7s and putting a space in between the groups.



Would turn into




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Excel 2003 :: Write Formula That Will Leave Cell Blank If Nothing Is Entered?

Sep 28, 2011

how to write a formula that will leave a cell blank if nothing is entered. I do not want it to show a 0 unless the cell entered is a 0.

In cell G16 - I am adding U46 and U58 together.

I do not have a problem when it is 1 cell - my formula works fine. When I have 2 cells added together, the formula does not work.

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To Write A Macro That Will Insert A Formula Directly Into The Cells In Column M Of My Worksheet

Aug 9, 2007

I am trying to write a macro that will insert a formula directly into the cells in column M of my worksheet.

The worksheet has about 3400 rows. When I run the macro it does not adjust the cell reference in the formula so I am getting the same value in all 3400 rows.

I am using the following ....

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Counting Rows Efficiently?

Apr 14, 2014

I am extracting data from an electronic medical record (EMR) which has many search limitations. I am able to export data into a CSV file (attached) to perform some calculations (All the patient data is fake btw). I am trying to find the number of appointments for each patient within a specific date parameter. For each patient, one appointment appears on one row.

pt appt sample.png

What I want to do is count the number of rows (appointments) for each patient in an efficient manner. Right now I've just used the COUNTA function, but don't want to repeat this for every patient, due to the way that the workbook is set up. The data is all from the CSV file from the EMR; the only column I've added is the "Appointments since 2013" column.

The patient data is fake because I am using a test server for the EMR. However out in a real doctor's office, there will be over 2000 patients with possibly up to about 100+ appointments.

Not sure if there's formula out there that would make my task a lot easier and more efficient, or I need to play around with the columns to set it up differently.

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Counting Visible Rows Only?

Jan 10, 2013

I need to insert a formula to count only the visible rows in a database. I currently have =row()-6 etc. but when I hide certain rows they are included in the count. What formula can I use to ignore the hidden rows and only show the live rows?

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Counting Only The Visible Rows

Nov 4, 2008

How can I count the no. of rows of a selection which has some hidden rows...I want to count only the visible rows

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Counting Rows In A Table

Feb 6, 2013

I have a big problem. My table looks like

column A: 1, blank, blank, 2, 3
column B: 3, 3, blank, 5, 1
column C: blank, 3, blank, 5, 1
column D: 3, 3, blank, 5, 1
column E: 3, 3, 2, 5, 1

My problem is how to count rows where columns A,B,C,D are empty, and in column E is a number.

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