Auto Insert Non Updating Static Date
Feb 11, 2006
What I am wanting to do is have excel insert a static date automatically. I know ctrl + : inserts date and ctrl shft + ; inserts time. I want excel to do this automatically. The now() and today() functions auto update the date. I dont want the date auto updated when the file is reopened after it is saved. The file is a template so I guess what I am really wanting is a automatic date/time stamp when the user saves the file so when it is emailed and reopened the date does not auto update.
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Jun 25, 2008
I have a user form that when a command button is clicked it enters the data from the from into coloums a,b,c,etc. I have code to do this but I want to add code to add a static date in coloum B based on if coloum A had data entered from the form. I need the date not to change to current date when the file is reopened. I am trying to elimate a date text box in the form. I have a link to the file
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Mar 12, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that has the date in one cell. I want the date to remain static unless I make a change. ie, when I first create the sheet I want a static date to go into this cell. Then I only want this date to change if any changes are made to the workbook (several sheets), I dont want the date to change everytime I open the spreadsheet. It must however update if I make any changes to particular cells on various sheets.
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Apr 10, 2008
I recently found on this site the macro to auto insert a static date in one column when an entry was made in the previous column.
What I have in my spreadsheet and what I would like to be able to do is if I select a particular Order Status from a drop down list, that it auto inserts the date into the respective columns.
Column F contains the various Order Status indicators ie Order Submitted, PO Raised, Delivered, and Invoice Received.
The date columns that I would like populated and which correspond to those status indicators (in order) are Column G, Column I, Column L, and Column K.
So if I pick Order Submitted, the status date should be auto populated in Column G. If I pick PO Raised, the status date should be auto populated in Column I etc.
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Jul 30, 2013
I am trying to create an IF formula to check a cell (A2) and if that cell is populated to return a non updating date in a different cell (K2).
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Jan 25, 2008
I have used the following =IF(ISBLANK(Q6),"",(NOW())) & =IF(ISBLANK(Q6),"",(Today())),
but when the excel file is closed and opened the date changes to now or today. How can I make the date stay and not change?
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May 15, 2009
I want a bit of code so that when I insert data into column 'C', it inserts today's date into column 'H' - in the same row. (So when I insert data into C22, the code inserts the date in H22). I want to do it with VBA code rather than an in cell function.
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Dec 4, 2008
if I add data into C2 then the current date will appear in A2. I also don't want the date to change every time the project is opened.
If I enter $32,500 into C2 - The current date (4-Dec) would appear in A2.
then if I close excel and I open it tomorrow, A2 would still read as 4-Dec, while if I enter $23.52 into C3, the current date (5-Dec) would appear in A3.
- would need to be able to enter multiple entries on one day as well.
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Nov 19, 2004
I would like the current date inserted automatically into a blank cell when I click on it. It will always be in the same column, but a different date on each row for that particular entry. I used to use datepicker.xla--loved it, worked great. But now I get an erroe message when I installed and tried to run it on a new pc. Does excel come with a drop-down calendar you can pick a date?
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Nov 17, 2009
I am currently using Excel 2007 and I am looking for an easier way to enter the system date and time into a cell. I am aware of the MS-Excel shortcuts but work in an environment where data capturers still often get it wrong.
Is it possible to use a Excel function/button to auto insert the system date and time by clicking on a cell/button or Alternatively use a calendar to do so.
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Mar 18, 2008
When a value is placed in a cell (Mr Brown) I would like a static time to automatically appear in the next cell.
I have never written macros or used the VBA.
Can someone give me simple, step by step instructions on how to do it.
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Jan 24, 2009
I have 2 cell, A1 and B1. When any data is entered into A1, B1 will display the time corresponding to when the data was entered.
I was thinking about function for B1 would be "=IF(A1="","",now()) ". It worked such that it will display the time, however the value in B1 will automatically update itself if I were to randomly input any data in any other cell too.
For example, I input "testing" in A1. B1 display "11:20PM". Ten minutes later, I input "hello" in A2. B1 now display "11:30PM".
Anyone know a way to stop B1 from updating? or only update when new data is entered into A1 only?
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May 20, 2013
The code below works nicely to insert a time stamp in column B when the user selects "Yes" in the corresponding cell in column A. The problem is if I try to delete any rows or clear the contents of the cells I receive a "Run-time Error 13 - Type mismatch." If I delete the contents of the cells one at a time I do not receive the error. What I am trying to do is the user has a list of items to select from in column A. Only if "Yes" is selected I want the time stamp in column B to appear.
Code is below.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
With Target
If .Value "Yes" Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Range("A1:A50"), .Cells) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
With .Offset(0, 1)
[Code] ......
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Aug 21, 2013
I had a spreadsheet with an insert row macro which worked fine and dandy, unfortunatly I decided to split the worksheet across two worksheets and the macro requires updating, The macro currently runs fine for the 'To be State' worksheet but gets an error on the 'As is State' worksheet. The code breaks down on this line:
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown
The only difference between the two worksheets that I need is that in the 'To be State worksheet' columns C and O need to be copied down from Row 3 while in the 'As is State' worksheet columns C and U need to be coped down from Row 3.
The worksheet names are:
As is State
To be State
My Code is:
Sub InsertARow()
Dim CurCell As Range
Set CurCell = ActiveCell
Dim CurCellInA As Range
Set CurCellInA = Columns("A").Cells(CurCell.Row)
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Dec 18, 2012
I have 2 drop down menus based on car make and model.
The first contains Make and the second contains the models of that make using the indirect function (All through data validation (this may be my problem))
Now what I'm wanting is that when the Make changes, the Model will automatically changes to either the top (or any really) model from the list for that make or to change to blank. So can this be done without VBA?
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Jan 5, 2009
It's some code I found and altered that automatically updates the cell to the right of a column that has drop down box data validation, creating a list of the selected values seperated by commas. The thing is, I only want it to do this in columns 8 and 10 but data validation drop-down boxes have been used in several other columns. I've tried various methods of limiting the scope, the latest being the line: If Target.Column = 8 Or 10 Then. But the auto update is still being applied to all drop down boxes in the sheet. So, how can I make sure the auto update only happens when the drop down boxes in columns 8 and 10, updating into columns 9 and 11.
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Sep 20, 2006
Everytime that I insert a row into a worksheet which a number of formulae refer to, those formulae get updated automatically in such a way that it is not in my favour.
The formulae refer to rows 2:2000 on a number of different columns. Adding a new row shifts the references to 3:2001. I presume that I can stop this from happening
= SUMPRODUCT(('List of DD Donors'!E2:E2000)*('List of DD Donors'!F2:F2000='DD Tally'!E6)*IF(DATEDIF(('List of DD Donors'!G2:G2000)-1,DATE(2006,3,31),"m")>12,12,DATEDIF(('List of DD Donors'!G2:G2000)-1,DATE(2006,3,31),"m")))
changes to...
=SUMPRODUCT(('List of DD Donors'!E3:E2001)*('List of DD Donors'!F3:F2001='DD Tally'!E6)*IF(DATEDIF(('List of DD Donors'!G3:G2001)-1,DATE(2006,3,31),"m")>12,12,DATEDIF(('List of DD Donors'!G3:G2001)-1,DATE(2006,3,31),"m")))
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May 5, 2009
I have two sheets. One called "Roster" and one called "final". On the final sheet i have cols for each question on the final exam. I also have a total col which sums up the pts for each question.
On the "roster" sheet. This is kinda like a summary sheet. On this sheet i use a vlookup (shown below) in the cells which are supposed to reference the cells on the "final" sheet for the total pts.
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Jul 26, 2007
I have a worksheet with many different formulas in many different cells. When I insert or delete a row, there is one formula in one cell that does update to reflect the change in rows. The cell is located several rows below the section where rows are changing. It is a simple formula too. Here is the formula: "= SUM($E$3:E11)*0.09". If I delete more rows that cause the highest row number to be less than 11, this formula updates. If I insert more rows and go beyond row 11, the formula does not update. I have tried using $E$11, $E11, and E$11 to no avail.
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Jul 3, 2014
So, I work in a large indoor grow facility, and as such, we need to keep an active, updated calendar of all activities that will need to happen in the grow. If something happens to a set of plants, we need to change to date of transplant into the next pot size and every transplant after that, as well as moves into the flowering room from the vegetative room.
I have tried to manually make a calendar (I'm not worried about auto-generating a calendar or auto-filling dates, only things that happen on those days.) and tie in this information, but I'm having issues automatically searching a column and finding the date, and then pulling more information from that row automatically. (i.e. If anything in Column E has the date 7/3/14, then fill the data from Column C and Column B on the same row.)
I'm attaching a copy of the spreadsheet that I am trying to pull the Data from, and a copy of the Calendar I mocked up.
FYI, the spreadsheet I am pulling from Automatically fills once you put in the Clone Date, and then if you add in an adjusted date, it will adjust all later dates from that same section.
I tried to find something other than Excel as well to do this for me, but AFAIK nothing exists to make the calendar update Live, only to reproduce a new calendar with the current spreadsheet. This is not an option, I need it to stay up to date.
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Oct 29, 2008
I have fought with this for 2 days and I am trying to have a worksheet cell update the date and time if the cell it is referencing (B3 see below)
Here is the formula I am using however it updates every time a new row is added to the worksheet. So the Date/Time stamp on each row is always updated to NOW() everytime.
=IF(ISNA(B3),"0/0/00 00:00",NOW())
I would like to have a Date/Time stamp stay as is once that row has been added. Is there anyway to stop the field from updating once the date and time have been set?
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Aug 5, 2013
It seemed to be working OK for the first hour I had my sheet open. I then noticed that a variation of the following Sub would not update unless I clicked somewhere else in the sheet or edited another non-included cell. It's like something is holding up Excel from running this function and updating the cells if b2 is greater than a3 then a3 will not update to = b2 immediately.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [b2] > [a3] Then [a3] = [b2]
End Sub
My data in column B is formula derived and that formula contains data that is live updated data brought in from DDE link.
My question is, should I setup this formula as part of a macro, instead of workbook code and attach an Application.Ontime function to ensure reliable execution? Could too many IF statements cause delays (about 100 of them currently in the code Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range))?
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Aug 13, 2009
if it is possible te refer to a cell in another worksheet.
I have 10 worksheets in sheet one I put in cel A4 a digit en sheet 2 I put the formula that refers to sheet 1 cel A4.
Now I want a formula that refers to sheet -1 so in sheet 3 the formula automatically refers to sheet 2 cel A4 and in sheet 4 the formula automatically refers to sheet 3 cel A4 without corrections to the formula.
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Jun 18, 2009
I have found threads that explain that if you want a to use the now() or today() function but make it static, you have to put a code in the worksheet relating to it.
I have read quiet a few threads, but i can't seem to make my code work.
I need to format column A to have the date format in it. I have a event procedure that puts Now() when run in Column A and I think i need to add the following code to the worksheet to make it static.
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Feb 28, 2008
I have a rather simple question that I can't seem to find an answer to anywhere, even with a date stamp search on the board. I've found similar answers, but nothing specific to my problem.
I'm currently working on a department worksheet to track productivity. I have the formula in 2 cells to automatically display the current Sunday through Saturday dates when the worksheet is opened:=TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY()-1) in E1 and=E1+6 in E2However, I need these dates to be static once the week is over for each worksheet and the workbook will contain a sheet for each week in the month (I'm not sure if that matters). I know this needs to be done in VBA, but I can't find how (if possible).
I'm new to this board and not a super Excel pro, so any help would be fantastic! Also, I'm working with the company's very old Excel97.
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Mar 13, 2014
Have been trying to set a chart here to autoupdate which normally is fine to do. In this case however there are other columns in the data table that run down to Dec 2014. Even if i define my needed range, the graph will show the full timeframe (with lots of unneccessary space).
I've attached an example. Rate % is the column that will be updated monthly and I would like the graph to only increment along when a new figue is entered here. I've defined this range as 'Rate' within the sheet.
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May 21, 2009
Running XL07. Need to have one workbook pull data from several dozen others.
Have columns to the right that refer to the query table.
As I add in queries to other workbooks, the time to update each individual query goes up a lot; it feels as if the update time is increasing geometrically. I'm giving up after 2 hours, for query updates that used to take
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Feb 20, 2008
I have the following macro which runs vlookups between two sheets in excel. Whenever i add columns to the range the vlookup column reference is not the correct cell. Is their any way I can adjust the macro so that the column number adjusts in the formula when a new column is added??
Sub template()
ActiveCell.Formula = "=if(VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,3, FALSE)="""", """",VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,3, FALSE))"
ActiveCell.Formula = "=if(VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,4, FALSE)= """", """",VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,4, FALSE))"
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Dec 12, 2011
I am attempting to create a formula which will detect of a cell is empty, and if it is empty enter the date by using TODAY(). I also dont want this date to change when opened after it has been entered. This is what I have been working with so far.
I am trying to use the second formula to change the value in the cell "A1", but instead it just returns a true/false statement in the cell with this formula.
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Aug 24, 2013
If I want date to be current and time constant how to do it for ex:
in A1 want display of 8/23/13 8:00 next day when I open excel A1 should display 8/24/13 8:00
so my date is dynamic but time is static.
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