I would like the current date inserted automatically into a blank cell when I click on it. It will always be in the same column, but a different date on each row for that particular entry. I used to use datepicker.xla--loved it, worked great. But now I get an erroe message when I installed and tried to run it on a new pc. Does excel come with a drop-down calendar you can pick a date?
I want a bit of code so that when I insert data into column 'C', it inserts today's date into column 'H' - in the same row. (So when I insert data into C22, the code inserts the date in H22). I want to do it with VBA code rather than an in cell function.
if I add data into C2 then the current date will appear in A2. I also don't want the date to change every time the project is opened.
If I enter $32,500 into C2 - The current date (4-Dec) would appear in A2.
then if I close excel and I open it tomorrow, A2 would still read as 4-Dec, while if I enter $23.52 into C3, the current date (5-Dec) would appear in A3.
- would need to be able to enter multiple entries on one day as well.
What I am wanting to do is have excel insert a static date automatically. I know ctrl + : inserts date and ctrl shft + ; inserts time. I want excel to do this automatically. The now() and today() functions auto update the date. I dont want the date auto updated when the file is reopened after it is saved. The file is a template so I guess what I am really wanting is a automatic date/time stamp when the user saves the file so when it is emailed and reopened the date does not auto update.
I am currently using Excel 2007 and I am looking for an easier way to enter the system date and time into a cell. I am aware of the MS-Excel shortcuts but work in an environment where data capturers still often get it wrong.
Is it possible to use a Excel function/button to auto insert the system date and time by clicking on a cell/button or Alternatively use a calendar to do so.
What I am trying to do is to give the user the ability to insert a photo and have it autosize into a range of cells--so far I can only get it to work with a single cell and a predefined file. Can this be refined so that rng references a group of cells and pic somehow lets the user input a file name or pick its name and location?
Sub test() On Error Resume Next Set pic = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("C: ange.gif") On Error Goto 0 If Not pic Is Nothing Then 'Found it!' Set rng = ActiveCell With pic .Height = rng.Height .Width = rng.Width .Left = rng.Left .Top = rng.Top End With End If End Sub
I am trying to write a Macro that will insert a Text Box that auto-fits the shape of a cell to hide its content. Once finished, the Macro will need to lock the cell and the text box so the contents of the cell are hidden. The idea is that I want to share a spreadsheet with someone but want to hide individual cells for various reason.
I have a user form that when a command button is clicked it enters the data from the from into coloums a,b,c,etc. I have code to do this but I want to add code to add a static date in coloum B based on if coloum A had data entered from the form. I need the date not to change to current date when the file is reopened. I am trying to elimate a date text box in the form. I have a link to the file http://www.box.net/shared/zdtsjv0qos
I am trying to auto generate a calendar based on two drop down menus - Month and Year.
Once the month and year is selected I want to import all work orders onto the calendar based first on the "Labor Name" found in the list of work tab, then assign each work order for that labor name to the respective date on the calendar for the month.
I have used the following =IF(ISBLANK(Q6),"",(NOW())) & =IF(ISBLANK(Q6),"",(Today())), but when the excel file is closed and opened the date changes to now or today. How can I make the date stay and not change?
Am following the below steps to add a function that saves the last saved time of the sheet continuously:
1- Click on ALT + F11. 2- Choose This Workbook. 3- Insert a module. 4- Paste the following code:
[Code] ........
The I insert the defined function LSDate() into the cell i want the last saved date to appear in, but what happens after is that whenever i save the sheet this date doesnt update and when i click enter on the same cell it shows the error message #NAME?. So how can i solve this error and get the last save date updated instantly.
Kind of like what they do in airline booking web sites, where you have the option "show calendar" and you select the date from there, to avoid any possible typing mistakes. When you select the cell, a calendar or a date drop-down list should pop-up.
I have a spreadsheet from which i run monthly reports for aother business area. I have filters in row 2 (which is my header row) and what i want to do is filter column CH to show blanks and filter column CE to show non blanks. Then in every visible cell in column CH below the header row (row 2) i want to enter todays date - this is so a record is kept of when each row was detailed in the report. I have tried the code below (which i tried to amend (unsucessfully) from code i got here to clear some cells when i ran another filter for another report).
Sub FilterSheets_Monthly_OFMDFM() If ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly = True Then MsgBox ("This filter must add the date on each row included in this return." & vbLf & vbLf & "It must be run while the workbook status is not Read Only!" & vbLf & vbLf & "Please close this spreadsheet and re-open using the password. Thank you.") Exit Sub End If Dim i As Integer Dim rng As Range Application.EnableEvents = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False........................
Is there a really easy code which will insert the current users ID into a cell adacent to the one previously completed automatically? For example if a date was entered in A2, then B2 would automatically be completed with the user identity?
Need formula for populate a cell with a date. I have a workbook with 5 sheets (mon, tues, wed, thur, fri) and I'd like to type a date on mondays sheet so all the other sheets follow on the date ie:
Noverber 1st 2008 is typed into sheet 1: A1, sheet 2 automatically displays November 2nd 2008, sheet 3 displays November 3rd, etc..
I know it's basic progression, but I'm not sure how to do it with date/text...
I was trying to use a modified version of JBeaucaire's code to achieve the same results within my form. In my workbook I have a a table (called Table27) that ranges from A7:CL109
This is the code I'm attempting to use:
[Code] .....
Column A is where my target cells are... where the user will enter data. In cell CI (the 87th column) I want the Data & Time stamped.
I thought I'd modified the formula correctly, but I can't seem to get it to work.
I am creating a time sheet for a supplier & when the supplier enters a date into column A I would like a new line to be inserted below & include the formatting, formulas & data validation from the row above.
I have a workbook template that will have multiple tabs. I would like to have it that when you open this workbook the date populates in A1 for each tab and is static. At that point they can save with another name leaving the template intact so when you open it again (on another day) it will populate with the current date. Is this possible and if so how?
I am playing around with creating a calendar based on a date (month) I enter into a cell. I am doing this with a simple =date+1.
I have a sample attached. Only problem I am having is that for months with 30 days I don't want the last day to show the first of the next month. But I can't simply remove that as if I entered a month with 31 days I would need it to show the 31st.
I want to put a permanent date & time stamp in cell A1 (date) and cell A2 (Time) when cell A3 is populated by any character which would be an inputters initials.
I'm thinking that it will be an "IF" statement but then I am getting confused about how I make it not update when the spreadsheet is opened at a later date and time.
I need to send an email reminder to teachers on the day they have duty. I know how to set up an email that sends on a certain date, but I am unsure how to code it when the date changes. I have attached the spreadsheet.
In cell A 53, I have the date November 24th. In cell C53, I have the email address of the teacher doing duty that day. In cell F53, I have the date November 25th. In cell, I53 I have the email address of the teacher performing duty that day. On November 24th, the person in C53 should receive a reminder email. On November 25th, the person in cell I53 should receive a reminder email. I will have spreadsheet for every month of the year. So there will be LOTS of changing dates. How do I code this when the date keeps changing?
I am now trying to create a excel macro to auto populate all the dates with reference to a start date and end date. The catch is that only working days are required in the range. My reference cells (start and end date) are in Sheet 1 while the destination cell range are in Sheet 2. The reason for creating a macro instead of a function is that the intervals between the start date and end date changes frequently (annual, semi-annual and quarterly) Best case scenario would be a button which I can just press after i input the dates to generate the range of dates in another sheet.