Automatic Updates; Concatenating Name Of Day To Date
Jan 28, 2009
I have two problems with my PivotTable: 1. My PivotTable consists of a constant number columns and varying number rows, eg.......
The dates (with data) should continue to update as I add new date records to the source datasheet, but they don't. I try the refresh option for the table, but it only updates for the dates that it was designed for. I also have automatic updates set, but so far nothing is working. I have to rebuild the PivotTable each day after I add new data...
2. Second problem are the date labels on the rows. I need to have them include the literal day of the week such as
Thursday 01/01/09
Friday 01/02/09
Another less urgent problem that I would like to solve is that I have included additional percent calculations for the total column that I am having to rebuild each time. Can that be included in the PivotTable as well?
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May 29, 2008
I would like to update data in a pivot with an offset function once I have new data in a worksheet. The range of the data is from A to CB.
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Oct 4, 2006
For a project, I need a way to automatically have updated stock values in a worksheet to work into various other formulas. I tried the HYPERLINK formula to the individual stock reports, but it wasn't specific enough to simply get the current value of the stock. Is there a way to narrow that formula down to get only that number, and still have it update every time I open the worksheet?
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Jul 18, 2007
I am looking to total a sheet as follows into a header row - Is it possible?
A - B - C
1)Date - Estimated Time - Actual Time
3)7/27/07 - 2 - 4
4)7/27/07 - 3 - 4
5)7/27/07 - 2 - 5
6)7/28/07 - 2 - 4
7)7/28/07 - 8 - 6
8)7/28/07 - .25 - .4
9)7/28/07 - 1 - .5
I would like B2 to read "7/27/07 - 7hrs, 7/28/07 - 11.25hrs"
and B3 to read "7/27/07 - 13hrs, 7/28/07 - 10.9hrs"
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Jan 2, 2010
The following formula is in cell A3: A3=IF(A2="X",A1+365,""). Rather than A3 displaying only 1 year, I would like for it to update after that day occurs to =A1+730, and then A1+1095, and so on.
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Jul 1, 2012
I am trying to create a chart which updates every time a new date (and its data) is added to my list below:
Click Through Rate
The chart plots the number of impressions and the Click through rate (on a secondary axis) against the date.
I think I need to use the offset property but am not totally sure how to do this
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Aug 1, 2008
I have been struggling with my Excel 07 Date format. Nearly every time I perform a calculation, enter in a value etc in a spreadsheet my answer is returned as a date. So for example if I enter in a cell: = 5 - 4. I get the answer "1-Jan-1900" instead of 1. I have to manually set the formats to general or number if I want the correct format. The setting seems to be the default one and occurs for all workbooks I open. What can I do to change this.
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Feb 25, 2009
how can you automatic the date to today's date when you open the excel file?
Price Report For 02/25/09
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Jun 24, 2014
I'm working on Excel sheet which cover period of time, I specify the period on the top, (cell E4= FROM : cell G4= TO) then I have to fill column (B) with the days name, and fill column (C) with the starting date from beginning till the end date.
E4= 24/06/2014 G4= 23/07/2014
B9= Tuesday C9= 24/06/2014
B10= Wednesday C10= 25/06/2014
I'm getting this work by a VBA code, and if it's possible to have the days names in Arabic language, and set the print area from (A1) till the (next) row after the last day in the column i.e cell (G39)
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May 22, 2014
In column A, field 1 i want to post the text "Week 2, 6-10 Jan" with 5 days in the week. Field 2, "Week 3, 13-17 jan" And then i just want to pull this field down in the column, but then the week number changes and the date interval.
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Sep 24, 2009
I have a "customer info column" column (b) and a "date column" column (a) is there a way that when i put a new customer into column B, that column A would automatically put the days date in which i put the new customer in column B. so b3 would have the new customers name and A3 would automatically have todays date (the day i input new customer) inserted.
so b4=new customer a4=todays date, tomorrow i input another new customer and then b5=new customer a4=tomorrows date and so on down the line.
there is no "right clickinsert date" or anything like that.
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Apr 9, 2013
I need the following text in cell B:7 to change depending on the date.
"SAP F&R Poland Milestones for Tuesday the 9th of March 2013"
The thing is i need the date to read the date for the previous day? The reason being is that im reporting on the milestones for the previous day.
I guess im looking for a way to have the "Tuesday", "9th", "March" and "2013" to change automatically?
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Jul 23, 2007
I have a week in sheet1. For eg.
01/07/07 in A1, 02/07/07 in B1 ....... 07/07/07 in G1.
Now in sheet2 I want to continue 08/07/07 in A1 ..... 14/07/07 in G1 and so on and so forth in following worksheets.
How can I automatically obtain the dates in corresponding columns in the following worksheets?
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May 12, 2008
I can input the date and time automatically in the worksheet while a enter a number in the 3 column but when ever i enter number in the next cell whole time is changing in all the cell and it showing the same time for every number in the entering and not different time in the columns
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Apr 14, 2007
When I type a date in, e.g. 01/01/07, the result is 01/01/2007.
01/01/28 => 01/01/2028
01/01/29 => 01/01/2029
01/01/30 => 01/01/1930
01/01/31 => 01/01/1931
Excel resets itself to '1900's' after XX/XX/30. Is there anyway to change this so any year I type will always be '20XX'?
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Feb 14, 2014
i am trying to make one cell automatically change to current date and time when the cell next to it has changed value. ive search other posts but cannot figure this out. so if cell A1 changes value cell B1 should automatically fill with current date and time cell A1 changed value.
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Mar 10, 2009
In Column G I have a Drop down list of dates. In Column H I want to show the month for the dates, as per when they are selected. I tried simple doing in cell H2 "=G2" they changing the format of the cell for just the month. which worked but for the cells in H that haven't had a dates selected yet it brings back January-00 all the way down. I need a way of getting rid of the January-00 but having the cells ready so that wen the date in G is selected the month auto appears in H.
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May 26, 2009
Attached is a sheet I use for my pubs to send me their financial information.
Unfortunately, like most staff - they become lazy and need to be kept in line, but when it comes to money, I need it all to work out exactly.
The sheet seems to almost perfect for what I need now, but for the week commencing date on the bar business sheet.
This is the master date for all the figures inputed so I need the week commencing date to always be correct from a Monday.
At the moment the formula I have in ensures that, but when I open it the following Monday to get the figures the date changes to the following Monday from when the sheet was started. there a Makro that can run that when you open the sheet for the first time it will ask for the week commencing date which will then lock that date or would it be better inserting another sheet called calendar with week numbers and do a lookup function so that a specific week number relates to a specific week commencing?
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Feb 16, 2010
I am trying to automatically capture and record the date of a cell's last change in value (date stamp). I have an item price list and if a particular cell gets updated I want to automatically record the date of change of that cell. I realize that after I change cell A1 I could tab to cell B1 and enter Ctrl+; but if I have a hundred new prices to enter I don't want to do that (plus me or the data entry person might forget).....
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Mar 19, 2010
I copied the code that was used to inserting the date when the cell next to it was updated, the original post can be found here: [URL]
The Code below will check a range of cells between c3 and c20 and if I make a change to the value in any of them, then the cell to the right of them will have the date inserted. I've had to modify the original code from the other post a little bit to stop an error appearing when I insert a new Row:
[Code] ....
On the first example that was posted it all ran ok until until I attempted to insert a new Row, then it would put the date into about 5 of the cells to the right of where it should do and I received an error message with the usual Debug stuff on it. It would also delete my column descriptions that I had on Row 2.
Would it be possible for it to not auto insert the date on any new blank row that I insert?
What would be the correct range for me to get the code to work on c3:infinity....
Is it also only possible to enable macro's and code like this in the current document instead of every document that you load through excel.
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Jul 16, 2008
I have a workbook with several sheets, each of which represents a client. At the bottom of this sheet, I have a call log to record the times that we attempted communication, left a message, etc. Since it's tedious enough as it is, I'd like to save my team 2 seconds and a slight bit of that tedium by having the date an attempt was made automatically recorded in the row where the attempt is entered.
Let's say this all takes place in A47:D47. For example, if I called the client on 7/15/08 and left a message, I would record who was called in B47, the name of the caller (me) in C47, and the result in D47. If possible, I would like to have the date of the attempt (today's date on the given day) entered in A47 upon the entry of information in B47:D47.
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Dec 12, 2011
I am attempting to create a formula which will detect of a cell is empty, and if it is empty enter the date by using TODAY(). I also dont want this date to change when opened after it has been entered. This is what I have been working with so far.
I am trying to use the second formula to change the value in the cell "A1", but instead it just returns a true/false statement in the cell with this formula.
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Jan 12, 2012
How can I get an automatic time & date entry into cell B1 based on a alphanumeric entry in cell A1. The time and date must not re-calculate every time the workbook is opened.
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Jun 17, 2014
Column A = Product code
Column E = Expiry Date
How to make macro code automatic sort by expiry date (oldest to newest) then product code (A to Z)
After i put new item in product code & the expiry date...
I like to auto sort every time i put new item in next row.. and the result will be ber25 1/20/2015 will be on top of ber25 1/21/2015
Expiry Date
Activo 10K
[Code] ..........
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Jul 16, 2008
I am making a movie ticket spreadsheet for the employees to use when selling movie tickets. Below are the feilds that I have. Everything is based on the number of tickets sold. So when someone sells 5 tickets I would like the date entered without changing when I update the sheet the day after.
Begin #End #$ Amount# SoldNamePayment AbbreviationDate
Under payment the payment abbreviation we use words like debit, cash, check, etc when selling a ticket. Can you type c in the payment abbreviation field and have it automatically put cash in the same field without using autocorrect?
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Dec 6, 2006
Look at the attached spreadsheet. It represents the times that the POG (Purchase Order Generator) program takes to run Could you look at producing a graph (easy enough) for the indicated data But then, could you see if you can have an input field in the graph that allows you to enter date – then the graph automatically redisplays for that day’s information only…….? And maybe automatic scaling for the graph? This is something I have been meaning to try – but don't know what to do.
For Example: Enter a date: 291106
**Then the information of what the user entered will automatically display but in a bar graph form. **How I can search for the information through excel? That will make the user easier to search than to find it manually?
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May 21, 2014
i have an excel sheet which contain some standardized chemicals with due date for standardization i want excel sheet sending email for outlook email list if the due date is older than today by 2 days. my work and i'm not clever using macros and VBA the file is attached
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Jul 28, 2007
Is there a way to save a file and have it automatically put today's date in the file name?
Example: original File name = test.xls
desired file name = test072807.xls, or test.072807.xls, or test.07 28 07.xls
So, I open the file, do whatever, and then click save.
When I click save, it does one of the above, given that today is 7 28 07.
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Jan 15, 2010
Is there a way to automate the date and time in one cell upon saving? I have seen some posts elsewhere upon this subject, but here is the twist:
this is a shared workbook with each tab allocated for a different person. Each person needs to update their worksheet and have the date and time update upon saving. The date and time would appear in the same cell for each sheet. I am fairly certain that this cannot be done with an Excel formula, so I would appreciate if anybody had any VBA suggestions. (I am just starting to learn VBA
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Mar 29, 2014
At work I have a register/log. Its just a printout of a standard format in excel sheet. I print a month of sheets at a time and write the day and date on it by hand at the top. Is there some formula in excel by which it prints the dates as well in a progressive manner. Eg. If today is 29th May 2014 and today I print 30 copies of the register/log. The first copy has todays date on it and the the next one had tomorrows date....and the 30th copy automatically has the end of April 2014 printed on it.
I've found this code but cannot get it to work.
My workbook is called Shift Log, the worksheet is called v2 and I'm using Excel from MS Office Professional Plus 2010 (32bit)
#Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, _
ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim sDate, i
sDate = InputBox("Enter the starting date, or click 'OK'" & _
" for the current date", "Start Date")
[Code] .........
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