Calculate Percentage Of Individual Months Between 2 Dates And Populate Different Cells With Results

Dec 20, 2013

I want to display the percentage of occupancy for each month for condo rentals.

I have columns with dates that represent bookings throughout the year. check in and check out dates to be more precise. (A1 and B1 for example) and I have columns with months Jan, Feb, etc. (C1, D1, etc. for example)

The problem I run in to is that I can calculate the number of days between the dates and the fraction of the year (*12 to get a monthly value, but I fail to understand how I can break that up so that I can populate each month with a correct percentage of the total term.

E.g. A1=1-jan-2014 and B1=20-jan-2014 is an easy one because it only covers 1 month:
formula: =(YEARFRAC(A1,B1,3))*12 gives me 62,47% which I could just use as is for that month.

So far so good, but when the period covers more than one month or when the months overlaps, I don't know how to break the outcome up into the appropriate months to display the correct percentage for each month in its own column.

e.g. A1=1-jan-2014 and B1=20-Mar-2014 gives me a result of 253% with the same formula.
100% for November, 100% for December and 63% for January, which I could somehow formulate to break up over different Months.

But then it gets more tricky. What if the booking starts on a day other than the 1st of the Month?

e.g. A1=5-jan-2014 and B1=20-Mar-2014
The result of the formula (243%) is correct, but isn't sufficient to put the correct percentages for each month in their respective column.

What formula(s) should I use to break down the percentages to match the correct fraction of each individual month?

I attached an example of what I have so far for your review : test.xlsx‎

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Calculate Averages Of Individual Months Over 40 Years

Jan 5, 2012

I have a large sheet of daily river flows and precipitation amounts, over 40+ years.

I want to calculate the average flows in each month of each year (ie 11/1968, 12/1968, 1/1969 etc). Dates are in Col A, flows in Col D.

How to average a particular month over all years like so:


But I don't know how to average per month of each year, or how to make a formula that will allow me to quickly calculate the averages of 100s of months.

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Calculate Months Between Dates

Aug 21, 2007

I am building a template to auto populate budget value by straight line based on task start/end date criteria. some tasks could give me correct duration distribution, but some don't. I am looking for If function, which could give me correct monthly allocation budget. Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve. task 0110 duration is from 09/15/07 to 05/24/08, duration month is 8. budget $34,465supposed to be allocated to 8 month starting from Sept, 07. but my if logic return 9 month instead.

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Calculate Number Of Months Between Two Dates

Oct 5, 2007

Is there a formula which would show the number of months between two dates eg.

15-Jan-06 to 30-Nov-07 = 23 months

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Calculate Day, Months & Years Between Dates

Dec 20, 2006

I have two columns with dates (and times) in that I am trying to define how many days, hrs and mins have elapsed i.e. A1 has 12/12/06 21:00, B1 has 17/12/06 21:00. C1 has B1-A1 and is custom formatted to show as dd"days" hh"hrs" mm"mins". In this case it will therefore show as 5days 0hrs 0mins. Which is correct.

However, if more than 1month has elapsed then the format m"m" d"days" h"hrs" m"mins" does not work. For example 17/03/06 03:00 to 20/12/06 07:00 shows as 10m 4days 4hrs 00min, which it clearly isn't.

I know the reason it does this is because it calculates the difference between the two times and adds that to it's 0 value, which in my format is 01/01/1900 00:00. therefore when it adds 277days (the answer) it becomes 04/10/1900 04:00, so my formatting is just calling the month value ('10') and the day value ('4').

I understand the reason it does this, 277 days on from 01/01/1900 is indeed Oct 4th, but 277 days on from 17/03/06 is not 10months and 4 days as there are different length months in between. It also seems to add a month on, possibly because the format for 'months' is between 1 & 12 and therefore cannot begin at 0?

Does anyone know if it's possible to force excel to work out the correct number of months and days have elapsed between two dates and not apply it to 01/01/1900? Or any other possible solution, maybe with a different custom format?

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Calculate Number Of Months In Specific Year Between Two Dates?

May 19, 2014

I am trying to calculate the number of months in a specific year between two dates.

For example.

Start date 01/06/2012
End Date 01/02/2013

Number of months in 2012 = 6
Number of months in 2013 = 2

How can I write a formula to give me the answer of 6 & 2 from the start and finish dates?

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Excel Average Dates - Calculate Percentage For Each Column Individually

Feb 11, 2014

I have an excel spread sheet with columns of dates I am trying to get an average formula that counts dates less than a year old as 1 and blank cells and dates greater than a year old as 0 and then gives me a percentage. For example I have a column with 10 dates all less than 1 year old I would get 100% but if I had a column with 8 dates less than a year old and 1 dates older than a year, and 1 blank cell, I would get 80%

Is this possible at all, or do I have to calculate the percentage for each column individually.

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Calculate Percentage Between Two Cells

Jun 26, 2007

in A1 I have 57 in B1 I have 75 so if I calculate percentage between those two I should get somewhere around 5% instead I'm getting 76%,

what am I doing wrong, in C1 I have =A1/B1 and then formated under percentage.

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Color Cells Based On Difference In Months Of Dates

May 14, 2008

I have dates in Column D (mm/dd/yyyy). I'm trying to write a macro to compare the date in any cell in Column D to the current date. Then, if the date in that cell is within a month of the current date, color it red. If the date is within two months, color it orange. Etc, for up to six months. I've read up a little on dates in VBA, but I'm pretty lost.

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Conditional Format - Dates Greater Than 18 Months And 24 Months?

Dec 6, 2013

I have a date column (Column E: Date Entered) on my spreadsheet that I need to set conditional formatting on. There are two conditions:

1) 18 months from the date in the cell needs to be highlighted yellow

2) 24 months from the date in the cell needs to be highlighted red

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Formula To Calculate Percentage Based On Number And Text In Cells

May 14, 2014

I have a form in work which acts as a tick sheet for tasks complete on a construction site. When a task is complete I copy & paste from a key of dates i.e. week ending 11.05.15, this allows me to see what week a task was complete.

Generally I only marked off tasks which were 100% complete but my manager wants me to enter the % of the task complete also, i.e. 80% in the box.

So my question is how can I have the formula assume that any box with a date & shading is 100% and any cell with a number i.e. 80 is only 80% complete. I need it to monitor around 150 cells and give me the overall % complete based on what i have discussed.

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Adding Percentage To Individual Dropdown List?

Nov 10, 2013

If I have a drop down list created that contains each state, is there a way to correlate a value (%) when that state is selected that would be able to be used in formulas created in other cells in that row? And how would I go about creating that?

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VBA Code To Get Individual Values In A List Placed Into Individual Cells

Apr 7, 2014

My current project involves sorting a spreadsheet, selecting specific qualifying data from the sheet, storing it into a variable, the pasting the individual values from the list into individual cells on a different sheet within the same workbook. Here is the code I have so far...

Sub Test()
'' freeze screen updating to remain on main worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'' move to Avaliable worksheet
[Code] ..

When this code runs the first item in the list pastes into Sheet10 A1, but no other values from the list are placed into Sheet10. Previous to this I had been using a variation of this code to push the list into a combobox list within a userform. In that case instead of

ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet10").Range("A1") = x

I had

Combobox1.list = x

And this worked perfectly; creating a list within the combobox (in fact I can use this modification to interrogate my code to determine if the list is being properly generated, and it is).

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Data Transfer (populate The Green Field Individual Part # )

Oct 20, 2008

This sheet is comprised of 3 different section. The purple section is an input field. Quantities are added based on product type and date. The blue section is a breakdown of all the individual parts that go into the specific product. The green section is a breakdown of all the possible parts in the entire product range.

What I would like is to populate the green field individual part # with the appropriate sum from all the different product types based on quantities desired. I'm sure this is a confusing description but it will make more sense once you check out the sheet.

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Individual Dates To Consecutive Dates

Mar 30, 2007

how to achieve the following: I have a list of names and individual dates and what I would like to do is convert to a 'names' column, a 'to' column and a 'from' column where the the 'to' and 'from' columns are the dates that are consecutive weekdays (carrying over each weekend as well)?

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Populate List Of Months Based On Date & #

Jul 15, 2009

I have a # of months in P11, and a Start Date in P12:

P119 Months126/1/2024

I need to excel to autopopulate monthly dates from the Start Date = to the # of months displayed in P11: ...

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Calculate Percentage Of A Percentage?

Apr 26, 2013

calculating the percentage of a percentage and writing the formula for excel.

There are 295 people in a room, of the 295, 75 or 25% are mothers. (I know how to calculate 25% - 75/295 = 25.42) of the 75 mothers 35 have 3 children, 32 have 2 children and 10 have 1 child.

35 is what percent of 25%
32 is what percent of 25%
10 is what percent of 25%

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SUMIF Function: Calculate What Is The Total For An Individual For The Whole Month

Jul 3, 2006

I have the same data (but not necessarily on the same cell for everyday) for everyday of the month. Now I need to calculate what is the total for an individual for the whole month. Example,I need to total John's data for the month of January from the individual sheet for Region 1, Region 2 and region 3. I tried the sumif function as below but it does not seem to work. =SUMIF('Jan 1:Jan 3'!B5:B7,"John",'Jan 1:Jan 3'!C5:C7). I have simplified the file as an attachment below.Appreciate need as the original file is for 6 months and I need a way to compute the data.

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Calculate Age In Months

Nov 9, 2009

I need to be able to calculate age in months, and round whatever remainder to the middle of the month (.5). I am calculating z-scores and percentiles for in a childhood obesity project. The DoB and Date of measurements must be converted to read anything from 142.0 to 142.9 as 142.5.

This value will be used to look up the the appropriate LMS (Box Cox, Median, and Standard Deviation) in another excel table. I have to be able to compute age in months so 142.5, 143.5, 144.5, 144.5 etc. It is just not rounding off to the nearest half month.

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Calculate Individual Contribution On Customer Satisfaction For Entire Team

Oct 23, 2012

I am planning to calculate the individual contribution on customer satisfaction % for the entire team.

Currently the layout looks roughly like this:

C2 - contains overall team Csat %
C4 - contains total number of surveys received

C9 -> C15 contains operator names
D9 -> D15 contains operator individual csat %
E9 -> E15 contains operatore number of csats received

Using the data above I thought I should be able to generate a number or % that would indicate the individual's contribution to the overall score.

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Calculate Age In Years And Months

Oct 5, 2006

I was asked by a colleague how they could put a persons date of birth in one cell, todays date in another, and return their age in years and months. Accuracy to within a month. This is what I gave them.

=TRUNC((B1-A1)/365.25)&" Years "& ROUND(((B1-A1)/365.25-TRUNC((B1-A1)/365.25))*12,0)&" Months"

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Find Dates Between Monthly Range And Sum Another Cells Results That Are In A Range

Oct 10, 2009

I'm trying to make a by month spreadsheet that has all twelve month ranges starting in for a3. in a3 it would have the start date and in a4 it would have the end date. I'm trying to locate all of the dates between those two dates and pull in the profit ammounts from another sheet, the results would be in row 5. I would also like to pull in the loss amounts and have them in row 6. All corresponding with the date range in rows 3 and 4.

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Making Single Graph With Two Datasets That Have Individual Dates

Apr 3, 2014

I want to make a single graph from two data sets that have individual dates.


Data set 1
1. January 2010 2. january 2010 ... 10. december 2010 etc
10 15 ... 10 etc

Data set 2
1. January 2010 ... 1. January 2015 etc
200 ... 200 etc

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Copying 1 Row With A Date Range To X Rows With Individual Dates?

Aug 19, 2013

I have an Excel file containing data about employees. Each row contains a lot of information that is relevant for a specific date range, denoted by the columns "start date" and "end date". I would like to copy each row so that I have it accessible per date that is within the date range. The only columns that would change in the copy are the date columns. For example, for 1 row that has a date range of 01/08/2013 - 05/08/2013, I want to copy the row 5 times except the date columns become "01/08/2013", "02/08/2013", etc.

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Take Individual Dates And Total Into Summary Page Automatically

Apr 23, 2008

I have multiple tabs for each month (Jan, Feb, etc) for the 2008 year and I have a Summary tab.

For the individual months, I have each calendar day in a column and whether the day was for sick, vacation, etc in the rows. So if someone was sick in April, I would mark the day they were out of the office. And so on...

Well now I need to figure out how I can take those individual dates and total them up in the summary page automatically.

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Calculate Number Of Occurences With Last 3 And 6 Months

Jul 14, 2009

I have a row containing:

Date entered
Date of Birth (DOB)
Occurrences of Name + DOB this Month
Occurrences of Name + DOB within last 3 Months
Occurrences of Name + DOB within last 6 Months

I can manage the occurrences this month but haven't a clue how to calculate the 3 and 6 months ones. I have attached a sheet.

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Calculate The Average Of The Previous 12 Months

Oct 14, 2009

I'm trying to make a formula that will calculate the average of the previous 12months. The goal is to tie the formula to a reference cell that contains a date. Each time the date is changed by a user the calculation will be updated accordingly. Here is the CSE formula that I thought would work:


I've also attached a sample file to illustrate the problem. The 'range' portion ($C$5,(COUNT(C5:$C$53)-1)[/b]of the Offset function was setup simply to get the 12 months which preceeded the reference date.

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Calculate Number Of Months Between Two Given Date

Apr 12, 2006

Start date: 12/04/2004
End date: 12/04/2006
The formula should give the answer to 24 months

Example 2
Start date: 12/04/2004
End date: 13/04/2006
The formula should give the answer to 25 months

When I use function =(YEAR(A4)-YEAR(A3))*12+MONTH(A4)-MONTH(A3), it does not
show 25 months for "Example 2" as it is still within the same month "April"

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Calculate Number Of Months In A Year

Feb 1, 2012

I need to automatically calculate the number of months a deal runs through 2012 dependant on the start and end date.

I have attached a basic spreadsheet. Column C shows the results I would like the formula to calculate.

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Adding # Of Months To Calculate A Date

Jul 30, 2007

Is there a way to add # of months to a date and then find out what would be the exact date?

For example if cell A1 = 04/30/07 and Cell B1 = 14 what is the statement that would give me 06/30/08 in Cell C1?

Also, how can I modify the statement if Cell B1 = 14.5 to get 07/15/08?

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