I have to calculate the difference between the start time and end time of a job. The only catch is, how can I avoid calculating "out of hours" time. So, if a job goes from 9am to 9am the next day, I want it to avoid calculating between the hours of 23:30 and 03:30.
Another example is if a job goes from 02:00 to 04:00, I want it to avoid the tim between 02:00 and 03:00.
If there is a difference in days, so the job goes overnight, how do I take that into consideration also.
I've got a time difference from 8:00AM - 12:30PM as 4.30 I'm trying to get the minutes, .30, converted into a 6 minute increment, .5. Is it possible to do this and if so how would it be done? Below is a chart of how the time is converted from 6 minutes increments into decimal form.
I am currently usins Excel 2007 and would like to calculate the diferrence in hours and minutes (ideally in decimal e.g 4:30 should be reflected as 4.5) between two date and time groups, excluding the non-working time between 17:00 and 09:00, weekends and holidays. An 8 hour working day is to be used. I have attached a spreadsheet were I tried to achieved the above with little success.
I have two Rows of data. Each row contains a unique Name column and separate columns for Date, Hour and Minute. I would like to calculate the Time difference in Days, Hours and Minutes between the two Dates. I’m not sure if the way I’ve set it up is the most practical. I’ll attach the spreadsheet to better explain.
i've two time constraints with 22:00~6:00 and 6:00~22:00. i'll apply time span to two constraints,calculate time covering on two constraints. it will start at anywhere of 00:00~24:00, time span will be 00:00 ~24:00. i add some formula, a3=start time, b3=end time. time constraints with 22:00~06:00:
What I want to do is calculate the overtime that someone has worked but in multiples of 15 minutes.
Example, if someone worked 20 minutes over they would be paid for 15 minutes overtime. If someone worked 31 minutes over they would be paid 30 minutes overtime.
The possible overtime someone could work in one day is 6 hours.
I want it to return the overtime in decimal numbers (e.g 0.25 for 15 minutes overtime).
I have attached a sample spreadsheet.
I would prefer this to be done in VBA if possible?
I'm trying to do some calculations involving times. I'm using the format [=A2+(A1>A2)-A1] in order to calculate times from one day to the next which avoids negative numbers. This is working well. My problem is now that I'm trying to develop my spreadsheet and am trying to embed this inside an IF statement as the [value_If_True]and I get an error because it doesnt like the leading equals sign inside the IF statement.
Time arithmetic, I have two cells representing a time range.
The first one (say: X1) is formatted using the custom format [h]:mm and contains a certain number of hours and minutes. It gets its value by summing up other cells in the same format. A typical entry could be 98:35 to represent a duration 98 hours and 35 minutes.
The second cell (say: X2) is formatted as a number with 4 decimal places after the comma, and similarily gets its value by summing up other cells in the same format. It also represents a time duration as a number of hours. A typical entry could be 202.7500 to represent a duration of 202 hours and 45 minutes (because 0.75 of an hour is 45 minutes).
I would like to calculate the hour difference between these cells, and display it as hours and minutes. In the example given, the result should be negative, i.e. -104:10.
My first approach was to use the formula X1-X2 and format the result as [h]:mm, but this gives me a #VALUE! error.
I have an excel spreadsheet where you enter the start time and end time for job function. Since some of the times cross midnight, I use the formula J3=IF(I3>H3,I3-H3,1+I3-H3) where I is the end time and H is the start time (format hh:mm). This part works fine, however when I sum column J and change my format to Time 37:38:00 (since it is over 24 hrs), it returns a large number of 2234:48:39 which should be closer to 223:00:00.
I have two sets of data, one is recorded every 5 minutes and the other is every 15 minutes. I am trying to add every 3 cells in the 5 minute column so I can compare it side by side with the 15 minute column. I have tried one of the responses in this forum with placing 0s in 2 cells and then the formula in the third however this does not allow me to compare the 2 sets side by side.
I'm just trying to calculate the difference between dates in two columns and applying conditional formatting based on if it is a positive or negative number. But when there is a null value in either of the date columns I don't want anything returned.
So far I'm either getting a 0 or a FALSE.
Column A = Date 1 Column B = Date 2 Column C = Formula
I am trying to determine the average reduction amount of appraised property values. I have two columns in my spreadsheet. Column H has appraised value of property. Column I has the accepted value of the property. Sometimes the accepted value is the same as the appraised value, sometimes it is reduced, and sometimes it is rejected.
I want to be able to find the average reduction amount when the accepted value is less than the appraised value and is not rejected.
Column H always shows a numerical value (i.e. $250,000), but Column I may have a numerical value or show "rejected".
So I am running in to a large brick wall! I have a single pivot tablet with a column for items received and then a column for items shipped. I would like to create a calculated field in the pivot table that will subtract the items received from the items shipped columns. I have attempted to add the calculated field using the tool bar but it keeps giving me "0" for every item on the pivot table when there are obvious differences.
Is a way to calculate the difference between two columns in a Pivot table .
I have the data something like this in a pivot table....
Sum of MetricValueColumn LabelsRow LabelsFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyNet New My SitesNet New Team Sites0Number of Provisioned Users322059319906322372350239332914328404Total Capacity In Use (GB)1585.381722.761824.731947.772124.282262.78Total No. of My Sites208212316924682307313313134317Total No. of Team Sites101751082311396683273227940
What i need to do is to calculate the "Net New My Sites" and "Net New Team Sites" values something like this.... Net New My Sites (March) = Total No. of My Sites(March) - Total No. of My Sites(February) Net New My Sites (April) = Total No. of My Sites(April) - Total No. of My Sites(March)
See attachment. In this example, in Column D I want to calculate the percent difference between the numbers in the last 2 columns (Column B and Column C). BUT I want a formula that will automatically update if I were to insert a new column between Column C and Column D. So as a result, new numbers would go in Column D and the percent difference would now be in Column E.
The left contains data input and the right Columns contains certain formula.
How do I set it up so that the worksheet can eg. Calculate 5 rows and rest 1 Second and continue this way until it reached the end of the rows? (Number of rows is not fixed).
I'm trying to automate the attached schedule so that the formulas in H stop increasing once the amount in column J equals zero. So far everything I've tried either gives me a circular reference error or ends up giving me the same result as if I depreciated the asset an additional month.
i want to ask for a reason if a item is late where M & line is the time it should have left and N & line is the actual time it left.
TL is the difrence between the two times i want the input box to read " DRIVER DISPATCHED 30 MINUTES LATE PLEASE ENTER REASON" but it returns "DRIVER DISPATCHED -.11233543 E2 MINUTES LATE" how do i format this to show the difrence in minutes
TL = Range("N" & Line) - Range("M" & Line) late = InputBox("DRIVER DISPATCHED " & TL & " MINUTES LATE PLEASE ENTER REASON")
What is the best suitable formula to find "First blank cell", then "date difference" between today and its previous cell's (i.e today minus "C1" in this case).
I need to calculate the amount of time between two dates, and show it in the number of hours and minutes. My dates are formatted to show the time in Zulu time. So 1406 = 2:06PM.
Here is what I have:
A1 = 6/4/08 1406Z B1 = 6/5/08 0402Z
For this example, the formula should return a result of 13 hours and 58 minutes. With the result, there is no need to desingate Zulu time with a 'Z'. But I need the result in a format that will allow me to calculate an average for all my data.
I'm looking for a macro or formula that can calculate the difference to the lowest of col C based on option in colB. See attached. I complete what it should look like in F. Basically, this can be done by sorting the data by colB and using this formual for every group. =C2-MIN($C$2:$C$4). This is not ideal because I have many of these to do and you have to adjust the min range for every group. Plus group sizes will vary.
There has to be a better way. Ideally, I would not like to have to sort the data, unless a macro did it for me....
I am trying to figure out what formula to use to calculate the difference between the creation date and resolved date in hours and days. That is, In once column I would like to see the difference in 'hours' and in another column I would like to see the difference in 'days'.
how to calculate the difference in value of an item between two dates on a pivot table. I have one table that feeds the Pivot Table and it has three fields:
Data as of Date Item Value
So each day, the Data as of Date is updated to the current day and the items are the same but the values are different. I need to calculate the difference in value between the most recent date and x days ago. I cannot figure out how to do this via Pivot Table.
From the below example, I would need to know the difference between date & time of Received and Resolved in number of days. Meaning - time difference should also be calculated in days
CELL ACELL BCELL CCELL DCELL E - REQUIRED OUTPUTReceived DateReceived TimeResolved DateResolved TimeTurn Around Time - IN DAYS20-Jan-122:43:00 PM23-Jan-124:50:00 PMDifference between Resolved date & time and Received date & time
I have a number which consist of 12 digits such as 765432123345. The first two digits denotes the year. I need to create a formula in the next column to calculate the difference in years by comparing to the current year of 2013. In this scenario, the difference will be 37. Is there a way to do this?