Cannot Use Tab To Move Active Cell When Protected

Jul 29, 2013

I have a workbook given to me by a coworker who password protected it. I generally use the tab button to navigate when adding information to cells with the number pad. I am unable to use tab when navigating his sheet until the protection is removed. How can I fix this so that I can tab through it when protected?

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Move Active Cell One To The Right - 2000

Dec 16, 2003

What is the command to move the active cell? For example, suppose C15 is the active cell, and I want a macro to move the active cell one to the right. Or maybe 3 to the right, and one down. The deal is, I'd like to be able to make the active cell move in a fixed pattern relative to the cell that is already active (before the macro is run), rather than moving to a final fixed destination (which would be something that even I could figure out). In other words, if I select R20, and run the macro (or whatever other mechanism you guys come up with), then R21 will be selected; likewise, I can click G12, run the macro, and G13 will be selected.

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Insert Row On Sheet & Move Active Cell Row To It

Oct 23, 2007

I would like to create a macro that could archive entries from one sheet and insert them in another. I created one but the problem is that the entry has to be the same row each time.


Sheet 1 – is current jobs and sheet 2 is old jobs.

My macro moves an entry from Row A-5 of Sheet 1 and moves it to the top of Sheet 2.

I would like to be able to scroll through each entry select it and have it moved to the top of the Old Jobs sheet.

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Move To A Cell Depending On Variable Active Cell

Jul 23, 2013

So, I just started checking Excel Macros. I'm working on a quite large data base where I need to search for a given part number and then move N columns to the right and display the text inside that cell on a message box.

Here's what I got 'til now:

Private Sub M0016216_Command_Button_Click()
Cells.Find(What:="M0016216", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate


[Code] ........

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Code To Move Active Sheet Tab All The Way To The End (right)?

Dec 10, 2008

I searched and found a couple of different active.sheet codes but could not get it to work. What I want to do is move the worksheet tab I create in the code below all the way to the end (right) of the worksheet tabs already in my workbook.

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Move Active Selection In Userform

Jun 7, 2012

I have a userform with a dropdown box, a refedit and an accept button.

The user selects an item from the drop down box and then selects where on the sheet they want to place the item. I am wondering how to move the selected box in my Userform once the user has selected an entry from the drop down list. This is so that they dont actually have to click in the refedit box after selecting from the drop down box.

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After Click On Button Move To Specified Column In The Active Row.

Feb 11, 2009

I try find function or create macro witch makes move in to the specified column after clicking on button. But this move will be in the same row, where i was last active.

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Excel 2003 :: Highlight Cell On Same Row As Active.cell Whenever Active.cell Changes

Dec 10, 2012

whenever the active cell is within a given range, highlight the cell on the same row in column S (by changing its interior colour). This should occur each time the active cell is changed, whether by cursor keys or mouse. The effect would be similar to the row and column highlights at left and top of the worksheet.

This action should be restricted to one sheet in the workbook.

It's for Excel 2003.

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Selecting Range From Active Cell To Last Entry In Same Row As Active Cell

Jun 8, 2014

I have got stuck on one piece of my code and having trouble fixing... Overall I am trying to find variable station name in cell L2 of Sheet 2 in Sheet 1 and then select and copy the data from the data in "cell L2 of Sheet 2" to the last entry of that row. I have attached an example test spreadsheet of the data and a macro is within Sheet 1 called test1. Please note that cell L2 in Sheet 2 will always be different station name and the station list in Sheet 1 will change with differing station name.

The code I am using is:

[Code] .....

The code that is not working and bringing up an error is:

[Code] .....

Attached File : Copy of Testexample.xlsm‎

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"Move After Enter" In Protected Sheet

Dec 6, 2009

I have a spreadsheet where only certain cells are to be edited by he user. After editing a cell I don't want the cursor to move. option/edit/move selection after enter is unchecked. All works as expected. I protect the sheet using options "select unprotected cells" is true, "Selected protected cells" is false. This seems to override the "move selection" turned off property. The option box does not work when unchecked.

I have searched the general forum and programming forum and see no cure for this. I tried a one line macro "Application.MoveAfterReturn = False" thinking if I set it programmatically, it will work. It does not. Is there a few lines of code that I could add to a ThisWorkbook macro that would reocord the current cursor location and set location to it after hitting enter? Or possibly an even simpler solution that I'm overlooking?

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Automatically Update A Protected Cell Based On Contents Of An Unprotected Cell

Apr 30, 2009

I am trying to find some VBA that will allow protected cells to be updated when a user enters or selects data in other cells.

For example:

Cell 'A1' starts out blank.
Cell 'B1' has a drop down to select specific items.
Cell 'C1' is the date of the order and is a locked cell.
Cell 'D1' is the date of completion and is a locked cell.
The worksheet is protected to prevent direct changes to cells C1 and D1.

If a user enters any information in A1, then C1 displays the current date.
If a user selects 'Complete' from the drop-down list in B1, then D1 displays the current date. Both of these actions are independant of one another. This format is the same for every cell in the 4 columns indicated above. I thought I was able to do this in another spreadsheet I created a year or so ago but I have not been able to figure out what I did and I do not have the spreadsheet to look at.

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Write Anyone In Particular Cell Only & Remaining All Cell Total Protected

Nov 30, 2009

we have one excel sheet. I want to write or edited data in specific cell. For example anybody can write in coloum : C1, c2, c3, c4, k6 and m6 (highlighted in green colour) and remaining all cell range protcted no one can change data. Also they didn't know formula which i m writing in others cell for example fom l6 to l33 or n6 to n33. We are attach file for ur ready ref to know easily.

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Why Is Protected Cell Warning Appearing

Jul 26, 2008

I know the code is long, and bad, but I'm including it anyway in the hopes that it will give some clue. The activeworkbook.refreshall refers to a bunch of queries on other tabs of the workbook using VisualFoxPro ODBC if that matters...

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VBA - Protected Sheet But Enable Cell Range?

Jun 26, 2014

Have wrote the following code to enable 7 sheets to be unprotected, the pivot tables and charts housed within them to be refreshed then the sheets to be protected. However, once the macro has finished I need to be able to still use the filters on the pivots to flick through data. I also need the data table to be protected with the exception of a cell range that can be edited (preferably password protected.

Sub Refresh()
' Refresh Macro
' Refresh Pivot Tables/Charts


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Customised Prompt When Trying To Unprotect A Protected Cell

Jun 12, 2009

when the user tries to enter data into Ranges E25:E26, G25:G26 OR I25:I26 I want to have my own customised prompt that says: "You are using Imperial Units. Enter drafts in the Imperial range by clicking the Imperial button on the left".

To make it more interesting, the cursor should go to the range that I have named 'Imperial', when the user clicks on the 'OK' button of the above prompt.

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Password To Change On Cell In Protected Worksheet?

Jun 18, 2014

I have a worksheet where parts of it is locked with a password. I have a data validation cell with a drop down list. I want to set a password to select and change only that cell.

I don't want the list in the cell to be shown without the password

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Counting Cell Entries In Protected Cells

Apr 25, 2006

I'm trying to create a worksheet with only one unprotected cell (simple enough!) and I want to base calculations in other protected cells on a running total of how many times a value has been entered in my unprotected cell. Re-entering the same value would need to be counted.

First enhancement would then be a means of resetting the counter.

Second enhancement would be to check for a valid entry and only then increment the counter.

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Allow Cell Entry In Some Cells On Protected Worksheet

Aug 15, 2007

I know that there is a lot on locking cells but it is confusing to me. I am able to lock a worksheet but that is not what I need. I have an Excel document that has thirty to thiry-six names on it. I do not want anyone able to edit the names. But I do want them to be able to add a name.


There are 30 students in the classroom. A new student comes in. I want the teacher to be able to add that student to the roster but not able to edit the names above. What do I need to do?

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Allow Cell Formatting On Locked & Protected Sheet

Jun 22, 2008

I have locked some cells on my Spreadsheet so other people can not change them. What I would like to know is how do I change the colour of the font? I also would like to Bold/unbold the font.

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Find Method To Search For The Active And Non Active Values

Jul 14, 2009

I have a range of amounts in Sheet 1 from F7:Q13 and im using the find method to search for the active and non active values in the cell. Which means that if there's a value in the cell it will transfer the value in Sheet 2, if nothing is found in the cell the cells in Sheet 2 will return as nothing or null.

I think the problem lies on the FindWhat variable. Im getting a compiled error which im not sure what is it.

I've attached the spreadsheet so you get a better idea of the problem that i encountered.

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Macro With Reference To Active Chart On Active Sheet

May 14, 2014

I currently have the following macro running to set a chart's data values:

Sub C3Quarter12013()
' C3Quarter32013 Macro
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Activate
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = _

[Code] ......

When I copy the tab and change some of the data within the cells, I want the macro refer to the chart on the current tab and the values in the current tab - as currently it refers to only "Chart 2" and the values in the tab 'Figure 2 - WE OPH'.

I've tried changing the sheet name to but that doesn't seem to work.

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Excel 2007 :: Hyperlink Not Work With Cell Protected

Oct 24, 2012

Excel 07

I inserted a hyperlink into a cell that goes to a web page. It works when the sheet is NOT protected, as soon as I protect the sheet it stops working. How do can I lock the workbook and that cell so nobody can change it but the hyperlink still work?

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Allow Locked Cell Comment Viewing On Protected Sheet

Nov 16, 2008

I just realized that some of my comments on a worksheet are being cut off or not viewable. By Default the Comment is displayed to the Right of its cell. I have a Scroll Lock to prevent users from scrolling off the work area. Some of the comments are being displayed past this scroll area and the user is unable to read the comments as they are being cut off or being displayed beyond the scroll area.

Is there anyway to reposition or set the area that these comments are displayed? For Example, to the Left of the cell so that they are able to be viewed. The Workbook is Protected and the Cells with comments are locked so the user won't be able to click on the cell. I found 2 Codes that would work if the user could either click on the cell or if the comment always visible(they are not)

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Dim cTop As Long
Dim cWidth As Long
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim sh As Shape
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator _
= xlCommentIndicatorOnly
Set rng = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange
cTop = rng.Top + rng.Height / 2 ................

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UserForm Code Showing Cell Protected Message

Aug 24, 2006

I have a spreadsheet set up to automate calculations and control data input for in process quality control checks. The spreadsheet is basically a series of input boxes requesting information from the user. To control the input of part numbers I have some code for a userform which populates listbox within the userform from another closed spreadsheet (opens & closes without updating screen) & enters the selected data from the listbox into a selected cell in the spreadsheet

all the input boxes and calculations are working well, the userform works well, BUT when I include the userform within the code I get the following problem, an error saying that I am trying to change data in a protected cell where data has been entered and then protected by the VB code, even though the code is not trying to change the cell.

I have tried just loading and unloading the userform and everything works well, it only fails when I actually use the userform, and then close it. from this I am fairly sure the problem lies within the form so I have been through the form code line by line and deleted anything that is not vital and the problem persists. Here is the form

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, Response, MyString
Dim Part As String

Part = ActiveSheet.Range("B1")
Msg = "Are you sure you want Part No" & vbNewLine & Part ' Define message.
Style = vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 ' Define buttons.
Title = "SELECT PART No." ' Define title.

Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbYes Then ' User chose Yes.
Set_Data_1 ' Perform some action.................

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Set Page Breaks Based On Cell Value On Protected Sheet

Mar 1, 2008

I'm not sure went wrong but my code was working fine until I protected the worksheet. Then I made some changes to the code by adding code to unprotect the sheet before running the code and then protecting it again when complete. That didn't work. I unprotected the sheet and ran the code again and now I'm getting a Run Time Error and the code stops when it attempts to set the Page Breaks which was previously fine. Because the data I use to generate this report is based on data from another report that does not need to recalculate before running. I have a Worksheet Activate Private Sub that sets the Application Calculation to Manual. When the sheet is deactivated it sets it back to Automatic. Hence the line in the following code to calculate this worksheet. When attempting to debug the line that highlights is the first line that attempts to set the page break that corresponds to the matching location criteria from cell A2.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("A24").Value = Range("A1")
Range("A25").Value = Range("A2")
Range("A26").Value = Range("A3")
Range("A27").Value = Range("A4")
Range("A28").Value = Range("A5")
Range("A29").Value = Range("A6")
Range("A30").Value = Range("A7")
Range("A31").Value = Range("A8")
Range("A32").Value = Range("A9")
Range("A33").Value = Range("A10")...................

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Excel 2007 :: How To Adjust Protected View Settings But Protected View Tab Is Missing From Trust Centre Settings

Dec 12, 2013

Excel 2007 - need to adjust protected view settings but the protected view tab is missing from my Trust Centre settings - have the following tabs - trusted publisher / location, add-ins, activeX, macro, message bar, external content and privacy options. Document is a revenue authority download and without being able to adjust the protected view settings, can't input data.

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Excel 2010 :: When Cell Selected Can't Use Arrows To Move To Another Cell While Pointer Is Over The Cell

Apr 18, 2013

When I use the mouse pointer to select a cell I can't use the arrow keys to move to another cell while the pointer is over the cell and I can't edit the cell while the pointer is over the cell. If I move the pointer away from the cell then I can move around and edit as normal therefore I don't think this is a scroll lock issue.

This issue also happens when I select a tab. If I select a tab and then leave the pointer over the tab I selected then I can't use the arrow keys to move around the worksheet or edit a cell; if I move the pointer away from the cell then I can move around and edit as normal.

I am using MS Excel 2010.

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Excel 2003 :: Unprotected Cell Won't Allow Input On Protected Sheet

May 19, 2010

Using excel 2003, Workbook has several sheets, all sheets are protected workbook is not. I have my cells containing formulas locked, I have unlocked the other cells that require input of various data. When the user goes to type in a "unlocked" cell, (to over write the now obsolete data) it will not allow the user to delete the data, the curser remains a cross and the formula bar or the cell itself will now allow any changes.

I have double checked that the cells are unlocked. I can enter data after the last entry in the unlocked row and or column, but I want to be able to "cut or delete the data that is no longer need and begin entering data from the beginning cell of choice. I want to copy this "old" data to an archive sheet, but it will now allow me to select it.

Example: I have 6 columns starting, (a to f) the formulas are in columns e and f and start at row 4 These columns are locked and hidden. Columns a,b,c and d are unlocked for user input. All data is started from A5 which I want it to start from each time the old data is deleted and new data entered. If I place my curser on any of the cells in the e and f rows, the cursor remains a cross which is what I expect it to do, but columns a to d are doing the same thing, they are acting as if they are locked OR atleast those cells in the a to d areas which have existing data, as I can enter below.

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Event Triggered When Not Expected When Deleting Protected Cell Data

Oct 31, 2013

I have a relatively complex excel VBA solution which has a top level spreadsheet containing a dashboard of stats (test statuses within projects).

There are various reporting options available which open other spreadsheets to collect data and present it within the top level spreadsheet - these are closed once the data has been copied.

For example, I select an option to show me all the issues relating to tests for a particular team and the solution opens a series of spreadsheets and copies the issues into the summary spreadsheet.

The problem is that the report has the option to double-click a row, which essentially opens the corresponding Excel file and focuses on the relevant row containing the issue.

This works fine but I've added protection to the report to prevent users editing the data here (they should double-click to open the underlying file and edit there).

The report is a protected sheet and locked/unlocked cells can be selected - in fact, they need to be to allow the double-click event.

If I put my cursor in a cell and click Delete then pass over the warning that the sheet is protected then select Enter, Excel raises error "1004: Select method of Range Class failed".I understand that use of worksheet select is not a good idea but what concerns me is that the event which occurred prior to the double-click (the one which collected the data for the report) is running when it shouldn't be so.

Why would the earlier event be triggering and why doesn't it hit my breakpoint placed in the related code block even though that must be running?

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Double-Click Cell On Protected Sheet To Open UserForm

Apr 23, 2008

I have spreadsheet with client names. I'd like to build logic that will open a form with client information when a user double-clicks on the client name. But I have a couple of problems.

- First, I'd like to protect the sheet and hide the formulas. But when I protect the sheet, I get the "the cell or chart you are trying to change is protected" error when I double click the protected cell.

- If I deselect the "Select Locked Cells" options when I protect the sheet, I no longer have the ability to double-click on the cell.

how I can double click on a cell yet not allow the user to edit the cell (or see the formula)?

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