Cells On Condition
May 8, 2008
I have a progress column of cells with a data validation dropdown list (the list has 3 values).
If the 'complete' has been selected from the dropdown list and a date has been suppield in the column next to it, i want that cell in the progress column to 'lock' - be uneditable.
How do i do that. I don't know who a macros works and i don't understand VB scripting stuff.
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Jan 15, 2014
Here's a simplified example:
[Code] .........
I'm looking to return the values in column A adjacent to the cells in Column B equal to "Y". The kicker has been returning only the cells where the condition is true. Column C displays the desired behavior.
The closest I've been able to get is with a simple IF statement but I'm pretty sure the answer is a far cry away from there and likely requires an array formula. I'd prefer not to use VLOOKUP or OFFSET but will if the alternative is very complex.
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Dec 4, 2006
way of protecting an array of cells on the condition that information is entered in another array of cells or vice versa. So, put simply, if data goes into a1 then a2 becomes protected (or vice versa).
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Dec 12, 2012
Basicalley I have a series of columns, each 5 letters together represent an order(a,b,c,d,e), the columns are repeated approximately 15 times, similar to the following;
Bag Size:B/G5lb2lb 16oz8ozB/G 5lb 2lb (repeat...)
Catagory 1ABCDEA1 B1 C1 (repeat...)
Catagory 2 AABBCCDDEEAA1 BB1 CC1 (repeat...)
The B/G stands for Whole Bean, or Ground, the A's are drop down lists giving those 2 options, the other cells (non-A's) are all numeric. At the end of each row, the orders need to be summed up into categories; 5lb whole, 5lb ground, 2lbs whole, 2lbs ground, 16 whole, 16 ground etc..
I am looking for a way to sum each category for all orders as necessary, in one cell adding all B's (in that row for that catagory) if its corresponding A is whole bean, in the next summing all b's if its corresponding A is Ground. The same will go for the C's D's and E's.
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Feb 26, 2012
I want to add a certain value to all cells when a certain condition is met.
I'll try to explain:
I have the following table. What should happen is by pressing a button it would automatically increase the value specified (in this case 50) to all values in the column "Frete 20" that meet the condition of the "Pais" being, in this case, "Angola".
The same should happen for each column (Frete; BAF; CAF;...)
Pais Frete 20 BAF 20 CAF 20 PSS 20 Angola 20 30 40 50
So when clicking the button it would add the corresponding value to each column
POL Pais Frete 20 BAF 20 CAF 20 PSS 20 Cape Town Africa do Sul
[Code] .......
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Mar 19, 2014
How to make blinking effects vba on the cell, if cell A1:A300 have FAILED value?
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Apr 23, 2014
I have a Requirement where we need to concatenate the cells based on conditions
i have the attachment for the reference . please download the file from the link.
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May 10, 2008
I have some data in numaric form from range a2:f20000 which I have got as a sum from a sheet and I want if any cell (a to f) from row 2 to 20000 has sum up value blank or 0 then it deletes shift xlleft.
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May 1, 2009
W3:W300 is a protected range containing formulas returning numbers from one upwards, with two decimal places.
I need some vba to check this range and, if a number greater than 1 is found, to make the corresponding cells in Columns X and Y blank and lock them.
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Mar 1, 2010
I have a workbook (column K) set with the following format conditions:-
Cond.1 - =(I3="declined")
Cond. 2 - =(G3>0)
Cond. 3 - =(K3
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Aug 21, 2008
i've got a list of values that need summing, but only if i certain value is in another cell:
a b
1 paid
1 paid
1 not
1 paid
1 not
i need a formula that will count all the values in column a only if column b is set to "paid"
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Feb 3, 2008
The problem is as follows
- I have 2 columns with 10 cells in them.
- I have a total summary of column A
- Everytime a value is entered in a cell in Column B, i want the value in the corresponding Cell in column A to be subtracted from the total summary of column A.
For example: If cell A4 has a value of 200, i want that value to be subtracted from the total summary of column A when i put a value (for example 'X') in cell B4.
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Feb 14, 2013
I have a piece of code that basically performs a calculation and prints one value to a worksheet at the end. This code is part of a larger simulation model and by the end of the model this piece of code is executed thousands of times and thousands of values are printed to the worksheet. However, at the start of that piece of code there is an if statement which influences the end result. My question is, how to identify which end values were calculated using each method in the for loop.
For example would it be possible to highlight the cell (in which the value is printed) in red if the
num= 0
Part of the if statement was used and highlight the cell (in which the value is printed) in green if the
num= 1
Part of the if statement was used?
This would identify which values were calculated using each method.
'Change in Model set prior value
If ws1.Range("D" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row < 2 Then
num = 1
counter1 = counter1 + 1
sh1.Range("g3").Value = counter1
[Code] .....
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Jul 31, 2014
I am using the following code to amend the colour of a cell when a name is entered in ROW J however, i need it to colour the row from A to O on the line the name is entered on.
So for example Dave is in j2 (j1 is a header) the line from A2 to o2 goes green.
I have tried a few things with interesting results but not get desired result.
[Code] ......
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Oct 20, 2009
Whenever "online" appears in the "Desc" column I need to shift the matching row down (shaded area). for example, "online" appears in H2, hence, C2:E2 need to be shifted down to C3:E3 leaving C2:E2 blank. Next, H3 has "online" there, C3:E3 need to be shifted down one row so the result will look like the data on the "result" tab.
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Nov 2, 2009
In the workbook, 3 columns of importance Column N,S and AC. Concatenate order ("S"&"N"&"AC") - combine it and show value in column AG. Column AC has either 0 or any other number (50,60,100 etc). If it is 0 I need to insert an 'F' at the end of the code in column AG, any other numbr and i need an 'O'.
Column N has contract code, this will be in the middle, usually its alphabets like RF,EF, but sometimes numbers like 21,33, etc but when its a single digit number like 6, i need it changed to 06 (need the 0 infront). Column S has exchange codes, and this has to appear in the front of the code in Column AG. Same as Column N, if there is a single digit number then put a 0 infront of it.
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Oct 4, 2011
I need to be able to fill a cell in the same row based on values in two other cells in different columns.
Current Layout. Call these columns A, B, and C
I have 3 different states I work with, OH, IL and PA. There are different tax exemptions based on whether or not the class is RES or COM.
State = PA, Class = RES, Tax Exempt = 1
State = PA, Class = COM, Tax Exempt = Null (not "0")
For all other states, Tax Exempt will always = 1
I need the VBA code that will autofill column B with the proper Tax Exempt status based upon columns A and C.
The code I have now just looks at the first value in columns A and C then fills all of column B with that number.
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Jan 10, 2014
I want to color cells if it is texted as ULF by green, if it is texted as OS by red in the all row down, it easy but I can't.
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Apr 30, 2014
Column A has data e.g. cat is fat xy>zzy, dog is random xyzzy, rat is a hoax.set xyz, frog is alon.23e xyz, bullseye.8 x.z
I have a look up table as below:
Col D
(Note: the values in Col D do not have a set number of characters, so I cant use a Right/left Formula)
I need a lookup to look for the values in Col D within Col A and return the values in Col D. Is this possible?
All I really need is col D characters separated from the first word/words.
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Nov 23, 2006
How do I define two adjacent cells as a condition to be found in other adjacent rows. E.g. if the value A1=X and the value B1=Y, how do i perform the action that's seeking for X in K1 and Y in L1 at the same time. Subsequently, I'd like to display the X and the Y behind as they are displayed in the original A1-A2.
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May 28, 2008
I have text in Q2:Q30 this text is spread out in N2:N500
then i have Numbers in K2:K500
what i would like to do is to
find Q2 in N2:N500 (can be there many times) and add numbers from K2:K500 where found into R2
example Q2 is Denmark
I have Denmark in N40, N60, N490
Now in R2 i would like to add K40 + K60 + K490
i have started with this
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(Q2,$N$2:$N$500,0)),SUM but now i`m stuck
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Oct 3, 2008
I've created (with the help of jmthompson from here) a macro to pull an entire row of data and copy to another sheet (Sheet1) if column U has "YES" in the cell.
Now I need to clear the contents of cells in range B-U after the copy has occurred.
Here's the current macro: ...
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Jul 1, 2009
I am trying to Excel VBA for doing an AutoSum function in Excel.I am struggling as the recorded macro is giving me fixed ranges whereas the number of rows would be different each time. What I need that the Delivery Qty in Column C be a Total whenever there is a text "Results" in column B?This should happen for every row with Results as a text.In Excel the Autosum feature should take care of this but I am unable to write a VBA code to do this.
DeliveryAct.goods issue dateDelivery Qty
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Sep 27, 2006
I need to test a condition that at least one cell in the range (A1:A10) is not numeric. Is the syntax smth like: IsNumeric=False or smth like that? I cannot recall.
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Dec 15, 2006
the report I'm creating has rows of refreshable data with a header and I need to find a way to count number the rows where a "yes" value appears in column J, then paste that total number into another new sheet in cell E9. I saw it on here a few days ago, but didn't mark it
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Apr 30, 2007
I have cells in a column, which contains text and numbers. I want to count the number of cells that have value greater than zero.
I tried using DCOUNT, but I got no idea why is its not working
where the values are form I15 to I114.. and J5 contains the condition >0
Also, while I am at it.. Is there a straightforward way in excel to get the count of the max run of cells with values greater than zero.
for e.g if cells from 18 to 30 have values greater than zero , and cells 44 to 50 have values greater than zero. then I want it to return 13. i.e (30-18)
I am hoping that there is a simpler way than looping through the column in VBA
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Jun 11, 2007
I have a spread sheet with the following data (starts from A1). Please note that a number of rows may not have the ShipmentValue and/or CustCategory:
OrderDate, CustName, ProdName, ShipmentStatus, ShipmentValue, CustCategory
I am trying to write a code which will highlight (say with Yellow Fill) those rows (Columns A:F) Where the ShipmentStatus = "Late" or where ShipmentValue is missing (i.e. blank). I have been able to get only as far as the code below and would appreciate your help in completing the
Sub Highlight()
' This code will highlight those rows A:F in which the Shipment Status
' (Column D) = "Late" or the ShipmentValue (Column E) is blank
Dim MyRng As Range
Dim StatusChk As String
Dim RowCount As Integer ' Counter to count the # of rows
Dim ColCount As Integer ' Counter to count the # of columns
StatusChkCriteria = "Late"
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Jun 22, 2007
1.I have a map which fill with value in the cell like shown below.
2.I need to count the value in the cell using VBA.
3.There are many maps with different value that I have to count manually. So it takes time to count the value on by one.
4.By referring to the map, I want the VB to count how many value in each cell within the range of the map only, which mean I just want to count how many 1, 14, 19, 2, 99 and others.
5.The answer will be displayed on the bottom of the map like this:
For example:
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Feb 7, 2008
I have an Excel file ( book) that I use for scheduling my restaurant employees. There are currently formulas in place that retrieve information from cells on one sheet to a cell on another sheet. For example:
If, on the first sheet I schedule Joe the following section on Tuesday AM (D14), his name will be automatically shown on another sheet which list the section/floor plan in quick view.
I need a formula (on a third page) that will allow me to tell me how many times an individual employee has had this particular section. The sections are listed with a letter preceding it. Such as D**, P**, B**, SB**, etc.
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Mar 13, 2014
I create a macro to copy cells for data starting from A4 to N4 from sheet - Register to 'Case History' when the cells in column N are 'Yes'. Also, would like to copy specific range from A-N and not the entire row. Please refer to the attachment.
Tracker Dept..xlsx
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