Code To Find The First And Last Duplicate Entry

Aug 10, 2009

i need to identify the first and last duplicat entrys and delete all rows in between.
eg keep row 275 and 277 and delete row 276 all duplicates only in column C ..

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Testing For Duplicate Entry

Oct 18, 2013

I have a form that information is entered in. At the end the user can then save the information in a spreadsheet by pressing a command button. The updating to the spreadsheet works, it is the part where the last entry is tested against the info on the form to prevent a duplicate entry that do not work.

I have tested that the program reads the info from the spreadsheet (see the commented lines).

I can attach the whole spreadsheet, but some of the entries on the form are linked to another spreadsheet that make it a bit cumbersome to attach two files.

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
Dim lRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("TonnageInput")

[Code] .....

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Duplicate Entry Warning?

Jan 29, 2014

I have a userform with a text box which asks for a Tag number which is then linked to a cell. Is it possible to show a warning dialogue box if a duplicate Tag number is entered?

how to set this up on a single cell also would like to see if code can be written for this?

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Formula - Find First Entry, Second Entry

May 28, 2008

say sheet 1 has 2 collums A & B

collum A is Names Collum B is Dates

Bob Fenton 05/04/08
Rob Smith 05/06/08
Al Feth 05/08/08
Al Feth 05/18/08
Al Thomas 04/23/08
Rob Smith 05/23/08
Bob Smith 04/22/08
Bob Fenton 05/15/08
Al Feth 05/10/08

sheet 2 has unlimited collums in collum A is the name of the person in collum B to Z (or more) i would like a fomula that will search sheet 1 and return the dates for each entry of that name.

so sheet 2 would be like ....

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Prevent Duplicate When Entry From List

Oct 9, 2012

How prevent duplicate when entry from list?

Attachment file : testing.xlsx

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Remove Duplicate Entry Of Date

Jan 22, 2014

I am trying to remove the duplicate entry of the date the list goes like this

01/22/2014 6:10
01/22/2014 6:12
01/22/2014 6:13
01/22/2014 6:15
01/22/2014 6:17
01/23/2014 7:00
01/23/2014 7:01
01/23/2014 7:02
01/23/2014 7:03

But I want
01/22/2014 6:10

01/23/2014 7:00

I have attached a file where I need to clean up column A but still maintain the rows sheet one is what I have sheet 2 is what I am hoping to achieve.

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Remove Row If Duplicate Entry In Column A

Sep 1, 2009

I would like a loop that would run through the information in column A and if its duplicated delete the entire row… Also it needs to be able to handle 10 records to 10,000, it changes daily

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Restrict Duplicate Value Entry In Textboxes

Nov 24, 2008

I have a userform with 8 text boxes and users have to enter different numbers separated by commas like 1,5,6,15,28 and so on.

I want to put a validation that if a number is entered in any of the textboxes than the same shall not be allowed in any other textboxes. Even in the same text box, no duplicate number shall be allowed. ie if in a textbox 1,2,15 is entered , then in the same textbox also, user cannot enter 1 or 2 or 15 again.

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How To Prevent Duplicate Entry In Column

May 25, 2009

I have a huge worksheet with 26 columns and 1200 rows. This worksheet is updated by 4 people everyday. Column C, H, N & R are updated daily by these 4 people so these are dynamic columns so to speak. I would like to have a VBA that informs that particular individual when he enters a duplicate data, maybe a popup saying duplicate entry.

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Prevent Duplicate Entry From Textbox Into Different Worksheet

Jun 12, 2009

I have a entry form in which i want to register customers. the first field is the customer number (which is unique(created by me) for every customer). This is TextBox 1 in the document. I would like to search for duplicates in worksheet 2, collumn A, when pressing "enter" to move from TextBox 1 to TextBox 2. A search for duplicates should start and a message should appear " duplicate found" if found, otherwise continue to TextBox 2 for further entry of information.

Please see my attached document for clarification.

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Automatically Check Each Worksheet For Duplicate Entry

Apr 17, 2008

I have multiple worksheets of computer equipment, each worksheet is a group/department. Column H is the serial number column and the entries have to be unique. I have managed to create the code below which does find duplicates across worksheets.

When error message pops up about which sheet the duplicate already exists on, the duplicate entry is deleted and the cell is blank but the error checks again and reports the blank existing on another worksheet and then it is stuck in a loop. How can I ignore the blank or null.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim I As Integer
I = Sheets.Count
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("H2:H200")) Is Nothing Then
Do Until I = 0
If Application.IsError(Application.Match(Target, Sheets(I).Range("H2:H200"), 0)) Then
MsgBox "That entry already exists in the " + Sheets(I).Name + " sheet"
End If
I = I - 1
End If
End Sub

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Macro For Data Entry That Checks For Duplicate Record

Dec 31, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that uses a Form for Data entry. Each record has ID, Name, State, and about 20 more columns of information for each ID.

The data entry is working well.

What I need now is to add a check for a UNIQUE ID. If they are adding a new record I need my form to return a message if the ID they use is already in the database. So if they enter XXXXX and that is in the file already - they should get a message that XXXXX is already in the database and to please enter a new ID.

And once they fix XXXXX to XXXXY then the record is added.

I should add that the ID is stored in column A.

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Macro To Delete An Entire Row If A Duplicate Entry Appears Only In A Certain Column.

Feb 20, 2009

Is there a macro to delete an entire row if a duplicate entry appears only in a certain column.

1. Look for the column header with the name "File Number"
2. Anytime the same number under the "File Number" column appears more than once in that column, keep the row that contains first occurrence of that number buy delete the entire row anytime that number is repeated in another row in that same column.

This is regardless of what is contained in the other columns. For example..let's say these cells contained this data...

B1 - UTE00225
B2 - UTE00546
B3 - UTE65513
B4 - UTE00225
B5 - UTE00225

In this case, I would want to keep rows 1, 2, and 3. But, I would want to delete rows 4 & 5 because the number "UTE00225" has already appeared first in B1. I'm using Excel 2003.

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User Box Options If Cell Entry Is A Duplicate Found In A Table Column

Aug 23, 2009

I have a table that i use for a customer database. and the end user adds new customers to this table, what i would like is for a message box to pop up whenever cell B2 matches an entry in a column in the customers table. the table starts on row 25, and the column i would like to check for duplicates is column B. I would like the message box to give the user the message "A customer by this name already exists, Would you like to load this customers file?" If the answer is yes, then the row that the match was found on would be copied and pasted onto row 1. if the answer is no, then nothing else happens. I hope this makes sense, i am posting this sheet of my workbook for reference.

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Data Entry By Textboxes On Userform - How To Prevent Duplicate Record Being Entered

Jan 3, 2013

I have created a userform with 3 text boxes. It also has three buttons - clear, Cancel and Generate record button.

User form takes entries in the three text boxes and on clicking the Generate Record button, the values of the three Text Boxes are inserted in Column A, B and C of sheet1. The columns keep on populating with new data on each submit in the row below the last record.

Now it is required to enter data only if the value entered in TextBox1 is new and has not been entered previously in column A. If textbox entry is already aviailable in column A, a message box of 'Record available' shoud be prompted and the text entry must not be allowed until the data entered in TextBox1 is not unique.

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Avoiding User From Inputting Duplicate Entry Into Single Cell In Excel

Dec 3, 2013

I have a worksheet in which i am asking a user to enter manually a number in cell E3. Suppose the user starts with 100, then the next time he is entering in E3 he shoudnt be able to enter 100 nor any number less than 100. I dont have a range for the numbers that the user is going to enter.Therefore countif function does not work. Is there any way that i an store the number taht the user enters first in cell E3 and then use that database to avoid the user from entering the same or a number lesser than that number.????

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Macro To Comment On Cells Based On Formula's (duplicate, Length, No Entry)

Jun 25, 2009

making a macro that will scan for duplicates, length & empty cells.

I have the sample file below that does conditional formatting but it doesnt help as much because I want to show the reason for the highlight's on a comment instead.

sample file : [url]

file that might help out: [url]

checks would be:
column A - duplicates and/or length should not be over 100 characters
column B - duplicates
column F - should only contain 2 comma's(or 3 keywords)
all columns - check if no entries are found(empty cells)

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Prevent Duplicate Data Entry Via Userform Based On Exact Match In 2 Columns

Jul 16, 2012

I have a userform with several textboxes and 2 comboboxes. The data that I need protected from duplication is based in the comboboxes. If I ignore the other fields and presume the following it may be easier to understand:

The comboboxes are populated by the data stored in sheet1 and when the userform is complete, the OK button populates all the data into sheet2

Combobox1 contains names eg, John, Julie, Bob etc
Combobox2 contains colours eg, Red, Blue, Green etc

I want the userform to allow the data to be entered into sheet2 only if it is not an exact duplicate of the choices in BOTH of the comboboxes

For Example
John Red
Julie Red
Bob Blue
John Blue

These are all ok, however, to try and enter John Red again would bring up a message box indicating a duplicate entry and prevent the data from being entered.

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Zip Code Entry

Jan 26, 2010

I would like to have a column for ZIP codes and some of them have the full ZIP code 5+4 digit extension and some are just the first 5 digits.

Is there a way to have it auto format with the "-" between the main ZIP and the extension? If I use the special format and select the ZIP+4 option, then the standard 5 digit entries will have a preceeding 4 zeros to complete the full zip code entry.

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Date Entry Using VBA Code

Dec 31, 2008

I am not sure how many questions I can ask in one day, but I have one more. I am using VBA code for easy date and time entry on a spreadsheet...I am a complete novice at this.

I need to add additional columns to the range for dates and times.
also, is it OK to use the code for date and time on the same worksheet?

Code for Date:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

Dim DateStr As String

On Error GoTo EndMacro
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A2:A100")) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Target.Value = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

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Find Last Entry On Calendar

Jan 14, 2009

I have a calendar where the user inputs the day Jan 1st starts on. This will then input the date on the following days. I need a formula to find when the 31st of Jan is and input a 1 for the 1st of Feb against the relevant day it lands on. See file attached.

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Find Last Entry In Column

Apr 17, 2006

I am having a problem where imported data from access will not be refreshing in a cell. It will not perform a calculation using the imported data. What the code does is import the data into a cell, then if the label of the row is not empty, perform a calculation. The weird thing is, if I open the VBA editor and go through my code line by line hitting F8, it works as I would expect. It is only when I run the macro either as a button or with the control toolbar that it will not work properly. I am not very experienced with VBA

Sub DrivesByAutomationByDonorGrp()
Worksheets("Mkt Penetration_DonorGrp").Range("C4:F2005").Clear
Worksheets("Mkt Penetration_DonorGrp").Columns("F").NumberFormat = "0.00%"
Worksheets("Mkt Penetration_DonorGrp").Columns.Hidden = False

'Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Dim qt As QueryTable
sqlstring = "select [Drives Without Automation], [Drives With Automation]" _
& " from qryDrivesByAutomationByDonorGrp"..................

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Find Last Entry In A Range

Sep 28, 2006

Example. I have a range of information on sheet 2 in cells A1:A25 that contains values that are text. Another range in B1:B25 that has numerical values. I would like to link the last value entered from those ranges to cell A1 & B1 on Sheet 1. Is there a formula option to do this?

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Auto Fill Off Of Zip Code Entry

May 19, 2009

If I have 3 fields: zip code, city and state; is there a way where I can have the user of my form enter their zip code and it will populate both city and state. I have the data, I just dont know exactly how to code it.

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Code To Format Date Entry

Jun 9, 2006

I have a macro which is designed to collect information and then assign each piece of information to a defined cell. I have Dim statements for each piece of information i.e.

Dim Info1 = Surname
Dim Info2 = Initials And so on.
Dim Info11 = Date of entry

This is working perfectly but the date when entered is reversing to american format. 08/05/2006 becomes 05/08/2006. Type into the cell manually and it works perfectly let the macro put the date in and it changes format. Can anyone supply a line of code that would format the date to dd/mm/yyyy? Then I could insert it after the part of my code which basically says go to this cell and put in the date.

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Code Data Entry Form

Oct 10, 2007

i have some data and i want search a record by two fields ("hsc and section") with in my data and i want to edit the remaining fields.

the fields of record are "hsc, section, amt, bcrc, date, prno"

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VBA Code To Unhide A Row When A New Entry Is Copy And Paste

Apr 26, 2014

I have 4-5 worksheets (sheet1,sheet2,etc) on a workbook. All of the rows except for the ones that are filled in are currently HIDDEN.

I have one worksheet called "Add record" which has a VBA code that adds a record to any of these sheets.

When it does this I want it to recognise when pasting the new record into any fo the sheets.. IF the row is hidden, the sheet needs to reveal that row.

I'm desperate trying to get this to work!!

Here is the code I have so far! This is a command button macro used in the "Add Record Sheet" I have FOUR different versions of this code. Each one adds the data to a specific sheet.

[Code] .....

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Format Canadian Postal Code On Entry

Feb 5, 2007

I can't find a custom format to validate a properly formatted Canadian postal code on entry, so I think my last hope is to ask someone to write me a VBA code.

Canadian postal codes consist of six characters with a space in the middle: a capital letter, a number, a capital letter, a space, a number, a capital letter, and a number.

Therefore, M2A 3J4 is a properly formated postal code.

I want a code to fix an improperly fomatted postal code (such as M2A3J4 or m2a3j4 or m3a 2j4) on entry.

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Execute Code Based On Cell Entry

Oct 28, 2009

I would like to write the code or create a macro that will execute when the value of a range of cells is greater than null. The macro or code that I would like to execute will UNHIDE a group of consecutive rows.

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VBA Code For Highlight Today And Yesterday Entry

Feb 3, 2012

I have a sheet where i enter values daily i want those entry who enter today and yesterday Highlighted.


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