Combobox Values Depends On Cell Status?
Oct 2, 2013
I have a worksheet with three columns in it. the first column is the "channel column", the second column is the "status column"; which indicates the status of the channel column wheter it is active or not, the third column is the "circuit name" column which indicates the circuit name for each channel. now, the status of the channel depends on the value of the circuit name column.. if the cell in the circuit name column is blank, the status column has an if formula that automatically changes it to vacant status, otherwise active.
i added command buttons namely "active" and "vacant". this buttons correspons to active userform and vacant useform when clicked. in each userform there is a combobox. My problem is how would i fill the combobox in the active userform with the active channels only , and same in the vacant userform with vacant channels only. the comboboxes list should correspond to changes in the status column, that is if one channel gets an active status it would be deleted from the vacant userform and be added to the active userform
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Jun 5, 2014
I have set of user-form contains with Combox & 2 textbox and to generate report one cmd button
I have 3 different sheet contains report of daily activities ( Dispatch,Closed,Cancel)
If Dispatchcalls Select In Combobox1 ,Then Filter Start And End Date In Two Textboxes Then Click Cmd" Export Data To Excel"Extract Data from dispatchcalls Then Save Data Into Excel File As "Dispatchcalls".
If Closedcalls Select In Combobox1 Then Filter Start And End Date In Two Textboxes Then Click Cmd" Export Data To Excel"Extract Data from Closedcalls Save Data Into Excel File As "Closedcalls".
If Cancelcalls Select In Combobox1 Then Filter Start And End Date In Two Textboxes Then Click Cmd" Export Data To Excel"Extract Data from Cancelcalls Save Data Into Excel File As "Cancelcalls".
"C:UsersmaniDesktopNew folderLenvo_ReportsONSITE CasesVlokupuf" This is path i stored existing 3 file dispath,closed,cancel
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Jul 6, 2009
I receive real time data ( Last Trade Price ) of soybean commodity futures through DDE in to excel ( cell A1 ). During market hours A1 will keep updating every milliseconds or seconds.
My cell B1 ( =A1 ) will have same value as A1 and will update at the same time.
What I'm looking for - A macro code so Whenever value in B1 is between 9.5000 and 9.5050, I want run a subroutine ( similar to calling a macro ). Since B1 would change dynamically so everytime B1 comes between range 9.5000 and 9.5050 a subroutine is fired.
I'm planning to CALL following subroutine -
Sub BuyBeanst()
ActiveCell.Value = "Y"
ActiveCell.Value = "Y"
ActiveCell.Value = "Y"
End Sub
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May 28, 2014
I have a Multipage with 3 pages in userform1, and I just want to add an item to the combobox in userform2 depends on the multipage that is active.
I have the below code but I'm getting an error 'Object doesn't support this propert or method'
Commandbutton in Userform1
[Code] ......
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Mar 26, 2014
I have set of data in multiple range ,need to fill the and replace the old values depends upon two column values (AH & AL)
IF Active Calls is "TATA" In AH:AH, and IF Action Onwer Col is "Blank",in AL:AL
Then Fill the Blank cells by Values "SVC" in the col Action Owner,Then Replace Old values by "Updates Awaited" in Status Col(AM:AM)
Find the attachment & basic code take this code for this task
[Code] ....
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May 21, 2007
I am analysing data to determine buy or sell transaction signals. The problem is that the method can and does produce frequent signals that are merely confirmation rather than new information.
Therefore, I need to select a signal, eg a "buy" signal where the previous transaction signal was the opposite, eg a "sell" signal.
In the attached sheet N10 is a valid signal as the previous signal was a "sell" signal. However, N14 is not valid as the previous signal was also a "buy" signal.
Currently, I am using a simple formulae to determine the signals, e.g. =IF(J26>0,J26,0). Hoevever, I need to modify this by looking back to confirm that a value >0 occurred first in column K rather than column J. If the value >0 occurred first in column J then I need to ignore the buy signal.
I am not sure if the formulae can be modified or if a macro is needed.
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May 12, 2014
I have some vba code that currently copies a status table out of a worksheet, into a temp file for an email. The status table in excel has a column D which can have different status. I want to select everything in the table except rows that are 'Descoped'. Currently my code looks like:
Set rng2 = Sheets("Execution Status").Range("B2:F420")
This picks up everything without looking at the status. I want to change it so it doesn't pick up the rows where Column D contains 'Descoped'.
In pseudo code I would describe it as:
Set rng2 = Sheets("Execution Status").Range("B2:F420") where value in D5:D420 is not equal to 'Descoped'.
I have tried:
Set rng2 = Sheets("Execution Status").Range("B2:F420").Value "Descoped" and nothing gets selected.
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Jan 9, 2009
I would like to create a macro for my boss, their requirement is, in sheet 1 , they have one column, To chase . So when type "y" in any of the cell in a 'To chase' column, then copy the entire row and paste to sheet2.
Also is it possible to do this any selection change event of the cell?
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Aug 24, 2006
I would like to find out if I can have the values I selected in a two-column listbox and a one-column listbox in a userform shown in the status bar. It is possible to select more than one value in the list boxes, so the formula needs to be able to add the selected values.
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Dec 17, 2011
I am looking for the most efficient was to update cells in the active row from the values of the selected item in a combo box(4 columns).
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Mar 5, 2014
I am able to quite easily count the number of specific values in a cell after the table has been filtered. However, the problem I have run into is that some times the data needs to be placed into the spreadsheet twice (or to be more specific the same subject is associated with several unique data points).
What I need: some way to count the instance of some give value in column D only once based on the presence of a duplicate (unique) identifier in column C. However, when I filter the entire database, it must count *only* the filtered cells and not the hidden cells as well.
Column C Column D
111111 M
111111 M
111111 M
Currently calculates: M=9, F=2
Right now it incorrectly states there are 9 "M" from column D when it really should be 5 since 3 are duplicate values. My main difficulty is making sure this continues to work after I filter the entire sheet (say column ZZ) and have a bunch of hidden cells.
Equation currently using to count only filtered values (in this case "males" and "females"):
="M = " & SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(D3:D13,ROW(D3:D13)-MIN(ROW(D3:D13)),,1))*(D3:D13="M"))
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Apr 8, 2007
is it possible to perform calculation such as sum,multiply value of 2 combobox and get it shown at 3rd combobox/label at userform initialize stage?
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Apr 7, 2014
I have a company and I try to keep a record of all my clients in Excel. Below, you can find a simplified example:
Now, I have so many clients that my Excel file is quite large. So when I want to change the status of a contract, I have to manually look up the file number and change the status manually.
What I ideally would like, is a form that says:
Change status to paid: xxxxxxxx
Where the x's are, I would have to enter the file number, press enter and the corresponding status should change to "paid". I have about 30 contracts a day that change status.
I tried to "draw" what I mean:
Is this possible in Excel? And how is it done then?
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Oct 15, 2006
I have two questions.
1). I have dates listed in excel (01/01/2006 to 12/31/2006) say from range B12:B376.
How do I get these values to a ComboBox.
2). If the above is possible and if I select a value in ComboBox say 08/07/2006, it should get updated in a particular cell say A1
So selection of 08/07/2006 in ComboBox, should reflect 08/07/2006 in cell A1.
Note: This ComboBox is on the UserForm and not on the Excel Sheet.
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May 6, 2007
Cell A1 value is: B1 Value should automatically show "Possible"
Cell A1 value is: B1 Value should automatically show "Possible"
Cell A1 value is: www.jigarparekh.html B1 Value should automatically show "notvalid"
I need a formula which can automatically see the status of the website address and updated in B column. which means that one dose not need to go to the website page to see if it is correct or not.
I have lot of website in the one sheet and i don't want to go all this website and check if they are correct. I want the status of this website in b column once when i have the website name already in the A column.
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May 25, 2013
We are looking to have the unit number yellow box (A1) change to match the unit status box color (I15:I19) with RED being first priority then ORANGE, YELLOW and final GREEN. If any-one box is say 'Inspect" ORNAGE and the others are all GREEN, the unit number should go ORANGE; and so on. If we can get this working then we want to do a MASTER that matches in the same way that would just have unit numbers. There will be several hundred by the time we're done!
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May 9, 2014
I have an excel file that we add data too for assignments and I want the date to auto popuate if the status is changed to Mitigated, Escalated, or offline. I wrote the below function which works but when i open it the next date the current date is written to those cells. creating a function that writes the date when the status is change and then leave the date alone unless the status is changed again.
[Code] .....
I have attached an example of what i have and below is the function
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Mar 31, 2014
I have a user form we are using to transfer data into an excel spread sheet. When transferring the date from a text field it is formatted as general, I need this to be a date format DDMMYYY. The cell needing formatting is N2
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Mar 4, 2012
I am seeking some code that will check that the PC / Laptop has an online ethernet connection via it's NIC (Network interface card). I want it to output to the spread sheet to a Conditional cell (Connected / unconnected).
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May 30, 2012
I am having with Excel 2007.
When I hover the mouse over a cell with comments, the status bar displays a message; for example "Cell A12 commented by A satisfied Microsoft Office user".
I only get this message for one column. The cells in all other columns give my first and second name as the author of the cell comment.
Why it is only effecting one column. I have been unable to change the annoying "commented by A satisfied Microsoft Office user" to my own name.
Is there a macro that can do this? I tried two macros I found online, both from a few years back, but neither of them worked.
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Oct 20, 2009
Whenever "online" appears in the "Desc" column I need to shift the matching row down (shaded area). for example, "online" appears in H2, hence, C2:E2 need to be shifted down to C3:E3 leaving C2:E2 blank. Next, H3 has "online" there, C3:E3 need to be shifted down one row so the result will look like the data on the "result" tab.
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Aug 15, 2012
I have 4 checkboxes and if they are all unchecked then I need some text in the textbox. If even one of them is checked, then some other text in the text box.
Here is the code that I have been playing with:
Private Sub TextBox2_Change()
Dim check As OLEObject
Set check = Sheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects("CheckBox1,CheckBox2,CheckBox3")
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Sep 23, 2008
We have a need for formula that works out cost pricing but 1 of the items is based on the total cost excluding that item (VAT) and another is based on the total price (Cost of payment solution)...both are percentages of the respective factor. The way we have tried at the moment produces a circular there a way around this without a circular formula or a way to make a circular formula work to ensure profit is £0?
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Apr 8, 2014
I want excel formula to calculate the sum the value of partused depends upon serialno repeats where repeats of end of serial no i want result at end of every multiple serial no end cell.
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Apr 16, 2009
I want to create 26 - 27 folders (depends on financial year)
Basically in the current folder I want the folders to be created in the following format FE 22-04-09 for each fortnight in the financial year.
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Aug 16, 2009
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Jul 17, 2013
I am trying to display number of lines which depends on value pass by user. Actually user is passing some value. on which some group of lines has to be display.
for 1 value 9 lines
for 2 value first 9 lines + another 9 lines
for 3 value first 18lines + 9 lines
and so on till 52.(this 9 lines are set of some column and rows)
thus cant use macros..
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Apr 25, 2014
combobox's.. I have it working as I need it to with Active-x combobox but I need to move to a form method because the Active-x combobox is buggy in the worksheet and has these strange font and box resizing issues which there is no solution to out there.. Something about if you have external monitor or projector plugged in and it using a different resolution to what your native laptop or pc is using.. doesn't make any sense to me and unfortunately I have given up on it.
Problem is what I want doesn't seem like it can be done with form combobox but I will seek your support first before I come to that conclusion.
So using form Combobox, this is my setup:
Combobox1 contains a short list of Teams i.e. ENT,MEL,EMEA,MTVSSL,TSJ -- I am referencing this from the FORMAT CONTROL property Input Range: TEAMS!A2:A6
Combobox2 I need to list the names of the people in those teams i.e. John Doe etc.. I have column with teams as headers and the people in each column in the respective teams. i.e. B1:B16 has the list of people for the team called ENT (B1 is the header "ENT") and B2:B16 is the names of the people.
Problem is I don't know how I can link the two based on selection in Combobox1?
One catch, I prefer not to hard code the names of people in any code, if I can reference from a table or cell that would be better as the list of people within a team will increase over time.
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Apr 28, 2008
Firstly its probably best you download the file from below and open it up.
I need a formula to put in cells in column S on sheet March.
It needs to match up the correct price from sheet 'Container Price List'.
The price that should be displayed depends firstly on the account number, container and waste stream all matching to decipher which line the price is on. Then the price displayed should be the price in the column called 'exchange charge' however if this is 0 it should be the price in the column called 'rental charge'.
So for example, if you look at row 27 in sheet 'March' the price displayed would be £80.39. The formula will look at the account number 'c028' on sheet 'March' and match it to the any of 'c028' on sheet 'Container Price List'. It will then look at the container in sheet 'March' which is RL14 and match it with the ones that are RL14 in sheet 'Container Price List'. Then it will look at the Waste Stream in sheet 'March' which is GEN.C and match it with the GEN.C in sheet 'Container Price List'. The result given should be the exchange charge in sheet 'Container Price List' which in this case is £80.39.
If for example the exchange charge displayed £0.00 then the result given should be the rental charge in sheet 'Container Price List' instead.
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Jul 17, 2013
I am trying to display number of lines which depends on value pass by user. Actually user is passing some value. On which some group of lines has to be display.
for 1 value 9 lines
for 2 value first 9 lines + another 9 lines
for 3 value first 18lines = 9 lines
and so on till 52.
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