Copy The Entire Row Depends On A Cell Value

Jan 9, 2009

I would like to create a macro for my boss, their requirement is, in sheet 1 , they have one column, To chase . So when type "y" in any of the cell in a 'To chase' column, then copy the entire row and paste to sheet2.

Also is it possible to do this any selection change event of the cell?

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If Cell = X, Then Copy Entire Row Into A New Sheet

Apr 20, 2009

I have a report that I use everyweek and split up into various sheets according to the criteria.

So if any cell in column C contains "Apple", then I want it copied into a new s/s (with the headers). I basically have to do a number of iterations on this, can someone assist please? The main problem I invisage is asking Excel to copy the row into the new sheet underneath the last one.

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If Cell = True Copy Entire Row To A Dif Tab

May 5, 2009

If you look at the attached spreadsheet you will see 6 tabs. Main, New Cust, Quote, etc.

"Main" will be the sheet that everything is inputted. If there is a "Y" under new customer, I want the entire row to copy to the tab "New Cust". If there is an "X" under quote, struct design, or graphic design I want it under its approp. tab. The Lisa tab should take certain Sales-Person and copy entire row on the Lisa tab. The certain Sales-Persons are BS, PK, PB, PD.

Buttons are fine. The "main" page will be getting updated daily w/ new info so after entering new data, i can press the button and it should copy the above to its locations.

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Copy Entire Row If Cell Contains Certain Text

Mar 26, 2014

Im looking for a formula that will highlight the cell where i can copy it if that cell contains a certain text.

My text will contain "FAS CEH" and I want to be able to copy that row plus all the other rows it copy and move it to a new sheet. Ive read some forum but i cant find a formula that will highlight/copy the entire row.

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Copy Entire Row To Another Sheet Based On Cell Value?

Jun 4, 2014

I would like to sort rows from Sheets 2-6 based on the value in Column G into Sheets with the same name. For example, if a cell in column G states "BluePrint", I would like the entire row to be copied into the tab labeled "BluePrint".

however I have been unsuccessful in adapting the coding to my specific wording.

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Macro To Copy Entire Row From A Selected Cell

Nov 10, 2008

I have a macro that will go through a set of numbers and check them against a condition. if the cell complies with the condition i want to copy the entire row to a new sheet. sofar I have tried the following to select the current row but to no avail.

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Copy/Cut Entire Row To Another Sheet Based On Cell Value

Jan 31, 2010

Based on the example and solutions from one of our friends post

i want to know the code with the same data as posted in THAT example,changing the data slightly like adding "TODAY" & "TOMMORROW" as other key words which will be Cut/Copied as seperate groups one beneath the other.

I had attached the worksheet with the actual data & the final Required format.

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Copy The Entire Row If The Cell In Column Has The Word

Jan 5, 2008

I need a formula to check sheet 1 column N and to copy the entire row if the cell in column has the word NO.

The row has to be extract in sheet 3.

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Combobox Values Depends On Cell Status?

Oct 2, 2013

I have a worksheet with three columns in it. the first column is the "channel column", the second column is the "status column"; which indicates the status of the channel column wheter it is active or not, the third column is the "circuit name" column which indicates the circuit name for each channel. now, the status of the channel depends on the value of the circuit name column.. if the cell in the circuit name column is blank, the status column has an if formula that automatically changes it to vacant status, otherwise active.

i added command buttons namely "active" and "vacant". this buttons correspons to active userform and vacant useform when clicked. in each userform there is a combobox. My problem is how would i fill the combobox in the active userform with the active channels only , and same in the vacant userform with vacant channels only. the comboboxes list should correspond to changes in the status column, that is if one channel gets an active status it would be deleted from the vacant userform and be added to the active userform

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Change Events - Depends On Cell Values

Jul 6, 2009

I receive real time data ( Last Trade Price ) of soybean commodity futures through DDE in to excel ( cell A1 ). During market hours A1 will keep updating every milliseconds or seconds.
My cell B1 ( =A1 ) will have same value as A1 and will update at the same time.

What I'm looking for - A macro code so Whenever value in B1 is between 9.5000 and 9.5050, I want run a subroutine ( similar to calling a macro ). Since B1 would change dynamically so everytime B1 comes between range 9.5000 and 9.5050 a subroutine is fired.

I'm planning to CALL following subroutine -
Sub BuyBeanst()
ActiveCell.Value = "Y"
ActiveCell.Value = "Y"
ActiveCell.Value = "Y"
End Sub

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Copy Entire Row Based On Text In Cell To New Sheet

Aug 11, 2011

Monthly, I get a CVV of data with associated statistics. I'm generally only interested in rows with the first cell (A) containing specific words.

The cells (column A) are those such as below:

make a webpage free create web page free make a website with yellow pages how to create web page

So, if I wanted to take copy the rows where the cell contains the text 'create web page'. I want it to take 'create web page free' and 'how to create web page' and the cells in their respective row.

I would like these rows to be copied into a new sheet.

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Copy Entire Row To New Sheet Based On Cell Change

Feb 10, 2013

I am trying to copy an entire row to another tab based on when a cell changes. The column where the change will come from in colum N. I am using this code based on what I have read on this board, but cannot seem to get it to work correctly.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim LC As Integer, iCol As Integer, Found As Range
iCol = 14 'column containing K
LC = Cells.Find(what:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns).Column
If Target.Column = iCol Then
Select Case Target.Value


In the end what I would like to do is everytime there is a change in column N, the macro copies the information from that row into the other tab. I would like the information to overwrite anything that is alraedy in that tab as well. So if someone accidentally putc in a C instead of a K, it will not keep that information in the wrong tab.

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Find A Value In Cell Then Copy Entire Row And Paste At Top Of Same Spreadsheet

Jan 8, 2014

first need to look for "PR" in column G, if found need to cut the entire row and insert at the top of the same worksheet.

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Create And Name New Sheets Based On Text In Cell As Well As Copy Entire Row

Jul 20, 2013

I have attached a file showing what I would need the output to look like. I need to know how to search a range of cells (in this case column E) and if the day of the week is Wednesday to copy that entire row to the Worksheet titled Wednesday. I would do it manually but I have several thousand rows of data to get through, and there has to be a better way.


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Excel 2010 :: Copy Entire Row If Cell Contains Specific String

Apr 5, 2012

I am a total newb to excel and vb, and only have minimal experience in embedded C.

I have a very large spreadsheet with 9 columns and the max number of rows that excel supports (office 2010).

What I want to do is copy the entire row of data IF a cell in that row contains a specific string I'm interested in.

If it's necessary, the column that contains the values that would trigger a row copy would be column C and the data would be pasted onto a new sheet.

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Copy An Entire Column Having Numbers And Words On Every Single Cell Into Another

Jul 2, 2007

How to copy an entire column having numbers and words on every single cell into another column but only copying numbers, not words.

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To Search In All Excel Files In A Folder And If Find In Any Cell Copy Entire Row

Feb 13, 2014

I have a macro that searches in all the excel files contained in a folder (weather files are opened or not) and returns the information (File name, Sheet name , Cell Address, and contents of the cell). I just want to amend the said code so that it copies not just the cell alone but" the entire row in which the cell is present".

My code is as follows

[Code] ......

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Excel 2007 :: Creating Order Form - Copy Entire Row If One Cell Has Data

Dec 3, 2012

I'm trying to create a very simple order form. It's been a while since I've done this in Excel, and I couldn't find an answer when I searched. (I may be a lousy searcher, though.)

I want the user to enter a quantity in Column E of the "Common Items" worksheet, and have all the rows with quantities copied to the "Order" worksheet. (On the "Order" copy below, I just did a copy/paste to show the desired effect.)

Excel 2007

Item Number

0.9% NaCL 1000ml Bags

[Code] ....

I'm pretty sure this can be accomplished with an If/Then, but I'm lost! Optimally, they'd enter their quantities, click on the Order sheet and hit print.

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Excel 2013 :: Copy Entire Row If Cell Contains Specific Text And Paste Values Into Another Worksheet

Jun 23, 2014

I am using the code below in Excel 2013.

Sub Test()
For Each Cell In Sheets(1).Range("J:J")
If Cell.Value = "131125" Then


This works great except that it pastes formulas. I would like to paste values only. I've tried
" PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False" and it gives me an error.

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Alter Existing Formula To Copy Specific Cells In Row Instead Of Copy Entire Column?

May 1, 2014

I need the macro to look at cells B9:B84 on the Sheet1 tab of the Cost Template. If it finds an x I need it to copy the 3 cells to the right of the x and paste them in a template. For example if it sees an x in cell B9 it would copy cells C9, D9 and E9, open the Purchase Order to the Detail tab, then paste it to cells B3, C3 and D3. It would continue looking for an x down to B84. So if it found 5 cells with x, it would give me 5 instances of the Purchase Order with 3 cells pasted into each.

I've attached my Cost Template and the Purchase Order it needs to copy to. In the Cost Template is a macro called Create_PO. This is what I was trying to alter to make this happen. I can't seem to get it right! FYI in case it matters, I had to change the Cost Template from .xltm to .xlsm in order to upload it on this site.

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Copy Entire Row

Jan 19, 2009

Here is the code that I have so far and it works almost the way I want it to. I need to copy over more than just that cell that is being coppied over I need to copy over certain columns in that row.

Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
Dim wksData As Worksheet, wksPayment As Worksheet

'payment sheet
Set wksPayment = Sheet11
Set wksData = Sheet26
Dim LR As Long
LR = wksData.Cells(Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

Dim varField As Variant
varField = wksPayment.OLEObjects("Listbox1").Object.Value
Range("F6").Value = varField

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Copy Entire Row From One Ws To Another

May 3, 2006

I have looked through the forum at several different copy and Vlookup examples, but I can’t seem to get them to work. I need to compare worksheet(1) (“Portfollio”) in column “B” against Worksheet(2) (“PJS Cap”) column “B” to find any items that the worksheet(2) has that Worksheet(1) does not. Then for these items copy the entire row to the end of worksheet(1). My code gives a runtime error on the copy line

Sub PJSUpdate()
Dim Found As Boolean
Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Dim LastRowE As Long
Dim LastRowP As Long
Dim InsterRow As Long
LastRowE = Worksheets("PJS Cap"). Range("b65536").End(xlUp).Row
LastRowP = Worksheets("Portfollio").Range("b65536").End(xlUp).Row
InsertRow = LastRowP
For J = 2 To LastRowE ' loops through the portfollio worksheet project list
Found = False 'flag intitated to not found........................

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VBA To Copy Range Of Row Rather Than Entire Row

Feb 16, 2014

This part of my code will copy the entire row to another worksheet within the same workbook.

I now need to modify it so that it only copies columns C through G of the row ... not the entire row. how to modify this section of the code?

Just FYI ... "Bdate" and "Edate" come from an entry made into an Input box. (mm.dd.yy) --- ie. 12/18/13 ..... 12/28/13

[Code] .....

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Copy The Entire Worksheet

Feb 13, 2008

I have a worksheet (will be the last worksheet) that I want to use as a template for further worksheets.

I want the user to be able to run a macro (?) and copy the entire worksheet and then insert it to the right of all the worksheets as many times as needed.

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Copy Entire Row To Next Sheet

Mar 2, 2009

with VBA on below mentioned data names in column A on that some names are repeated . That repeated names with amount & doc number should be cuted & and paste in the next sheet ie sheet2 help with VBA ....

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Copy Entire Row To New Worksheet

Mar 31, 2009

I've a worksheet where I maintain the IT tickets that I handle. Whenever, the I column is updated with Implemented/Closed, the entire row should be copied to a new worksheet.

I've tried with other VBA scripts provided, but was not success with the same.

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Copy Range ISO Entire Row

Feb 15, 2010

I have below macro button code, when i click on any row and enter button, entire row gets copied and paste in other sheet. Can we ammend this formula so that it should not copy entire row, instead it should copy range from row A to row Q only as i need to utilise other coloums which should not get copied to other sheet.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Sheets("FWD Mary Ann").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub

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Copy Entire Row & Paste To Another Row

Sep 25, 2007

If I want to just copy row 3 to row 4, why does the following copy the data fine, but not paste and give error "Object does not support this property or method"?


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Value Depends On Previous Values

May 21, 2007

I am analysing data to determine buy or sell transaction signals. The problem is that the method can and does produce frequent signals that are merely confirmation rather than new information.

Therefore, I need to select a signal, eg a "buy" signal where the previous transaction signal was the opposite, eg a "sell" signal.

In the attached sheet N10 is a valid signal as the previous signal was a "sell" signal. However, N14 is not valid as the previous signal was also a "buy" signal.

Currently, I am using a simple formulae to determine the signals, e.g. =IF(J26>0,J26,0). Hoevever, I need to modify this by looking back to confirm that a value >0 occurred first in column K rather than column J. If the value >0 occurred first in column J then I need to ignore the buy signal.

I am not sure if the formulae can be modified or if a macro is needed.

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AVB Code To Copy Entire Row To Another Worksheet

Mar 31, 2014

So I have an option on my userform that the user input selected.

I need the data once written to the worksheet [Master] to move based on cell AD [Customer Divert / TBP Divert / Failed Delivery]

Example: Row 12 has Customer Divert in cell AD I need to keep a copy on the master sheet but also copy the entire row to the customer divert sheet.

Need code and here to input in the Code sheet?

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