Copy Data From One Spreadsheet To Another

Aug 26, 2009

I am trying to copy data from one spreadsheet to another but am having trouble with the VBA code. I am new to doing this so have looked online and tried to find the code to do it. I have come up with the code below but it keeps failing at the While section.

Sub Starters_Click()

Dim Counter As Long
Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
Dim Source As Workbook
Dim Dest As Workbook
Dim OriginalWorkBook As Workbook
Set OriginalWorkBook = ThisWorkbook
Const MyDir As String = "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktop"

On Error GoTo Err_Execute

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

For Counter = 1 To 100

Set Source = Workbooks.Open(MyDir & "HRTest" & Counter & ".xls")..............

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Copy Data From A Row To Spreadsheet And Print

May 4, 2007

I have a list of names in column "A" worksheet1. I need to copy the name from "A1" sheet1 to "A10" on sheet2 Then print a range called "Document" from sheet2 Then get the next name "A2" sheet1 etc. down Until it reaches a " " in column "A" sheet1

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Copy Partial Data To New Range In Spreadsheet

Feb 19, 2008

I have data in columns a - d; the number of records can vary from a few to a huge number which (to me) makes the problem more complex.

I need a macro that will copy every 3rd record into rows e - h; and every 5th record into columns i - l, etc.;

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Import 2 Sets Of Data Into One Spreadsheet (no Copy/paste)

Jul 9, 2013

I haven't work with Excel for a while. I have a "main" file, with info such as name, address, phone #, etc. and another file with additional info for each person required to, in the end, do a merge. How do i combine the 2 files so that the secondary info plugs in next to the last column in the same order as the "main" file.

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Copy Data Based On Cell Entry To Different Spreadsheet

Nov 10, 2008

i am trying to find a way to automatically copy information from a worksheet on my computer([list.xls]-List of accounts) to a worksheet on a shared folder([summary.xls]- accounts that have paid)

example:[list.xls]Sheet1!A:A has account numbers, C:C has account balance and D:D has notes on account.
If D:D is "paid", copy acc# to [\foldersummary.xls]Summary!A1, balance to B1 and notes to D1.

If D:D is "payment pending" do same as above but in row 2 and so on.

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Find Data In First Spreadsheet And Then Copy To Last Row Of Destination Sheet

Nov 8, 2012

I think I am closer but how do I get all of the data from A2 in the origination worksheet and then copy it to the last blank cell in column A in the destination sheet?


Sub test4()
Dim lastrow As Long
Set StartSheet = ActiveSheet
Workbooks.Open Filename:="D:\_DoxaMobiusServtrax Import Template"


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Designing A Macro To Copy Data From Web Pages Into Spreadsheet

May 17, 2006

I have a folder full of uniformed web pages ( name and design) and I was wondering if it's possible to create a macro that will open up each page, copy specific data from each page, and paste it into an Excel 2002 spreadsheet. Unfortunately, my skills in VBA are very limited at best and I'm not sure if this is doable or is it something I'll have to go into each page and copy the data.

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VBA - Copy Data On Different Cells In Master Spreadsheet To Multiple Closed Workbooks

Dec 19, 2013

I have tried to write the below VBA to copy a specific cell to a specific workbook. I have set the folder path in B1 and listed the file names in column E4 onwards. E1 being the number of files in column E. I get a run-time error 91 "Object variable or With block variable not set" on Current File =

Sub UpdateParameters()
Dim CurrentFile As Workbook
Dim wbOpen As Workbook


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Copy Certain Cells From 1 Spreadsheet To Other Spreadsheet Depending On Condition

Jan 13, 2010

I have noticed that the basic problem I have is a common one on this forum with different varibles for different people. I have attached a dummy copy of the spreadsheet that I am using.

I need to copy cell information for one spreadsheet to one of 2 other spreadsheets depending on a dropbox condition. The master spreadsheet is the Issues spreadsheet, and depending on whether the user chooses Transferred Complaints or Transferred Offences (in Column K) I need to transfer certain cells to the Complaints or Offences spreadsheets.

The information I need to transfer from Issues is: .....

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Select Data From Spreadsheet Column If Condition In 2nd Spreadsheet At Same Time Is Met

Aug 11, 2013

I have two spreadsheets, one gives me the beginning and end of civil twilight as a measure of day vs. night. The spreadsheet has Date/Time in the first column, and the value 45 in the 2nd column when it is night. The second spreadsheet has also 2 columns with date/time and body temperatures of a squirrel. I want to get basic statistics (mean and standard deviation) of the squirrel's nocturnal body temperature, that is for times when it is night (value 45). The tricky part is that Date/Time of both spreadsheets are different. The procedure has to recognize that the date/time of body temperature lies between the beginning and end of the value 45 blocks of the first spreadsheet.

files: twilight sheet squirrel temperature

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Merge Files? (add Data From One Spreadsheet To The Appropriate Places On Another Spreadsheet)

Feb 6, 2009

Often I need to add data from one spreadsheet to the appropriate places on another spreadsheet. For example:

Sheet A has 10,000 records with these fields: id#, name, address, place of employment.

Sheet B has 5,000 records these fields: id#, GPA, college major, type of degree.

Some of the records in B contain information for the same id#'s as sheet A. I want to add this information together so that a Sheet C will have these fields: id#, name, address, place of employment, GPA, college major, type of degree.

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Compare Before Spreadsheet Data To After Spreadsheet

Apr 2, 2014

Wondering if there is an easy way to compare 2 spreadsheets that should have identical data on them? The first spreadsheet (Before) has the output data from 'before' a code fix was applied. The second spreadsheet (After) has the output data from 'after' a code fix was applied. The spreadsheets have 7 columns of data and almost 500 rows.

I've already copied the data from the source datasets provided by my IT folks into Notepad (.txt) files and then used Excel to open them as fixed width spreadsheets. I have 1 workbook with 1 spreadsheet with 'before' data. And, I have 1 workbook with 1 spreadsheet 'after' data. And, I have another workbook that contains both worksheets. So, I'm ready to go whenever I get hints of what to do next. :-)

I need to be able to show my client that we did not impact the data with the code fix that was applied. I want to be able to show my client contacts (business folks) an end result via Excel that confirms that I actually compared the 2 sheets and there were no differences. In other words....I can't just show them a formula with '0' as it end result (even tho that's basically what I'm trying to prove).

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Importing Data From Spreadsheet To Spreadsheet

Apr 24, 2006

I need to write a macro that will import data contained in another spreadsheet, but am unsure how to do this. I have several (about 15) spreadsheets that contain data. I need to import key bits of this data into one central spreadsheet that will be used for reporting purposes. I only need 2 cells worth (values) from each source spreadsheet, to be pasted into the destination spreadsheet, into designated cells.

The source spreadsheets are usually closed down and kept on a file server, which my PC has access to. Ideally I want to activate this macro with a control button - i.e. I press the button once and the macro goes off and collects/updates each field with the latest data stored in each of the source spreadsheets.

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Auto Copying Text (Not Data) From Cell In One Spreadsheet To Another Spreadsheet Cell?

Nov 4, 2012

I wish to Automatically copy the TEXT that is written from Spreadsheet 1 cells D5 to F5 to Spreadsheet 2 cells F5 to J5 .... a similar range of cells.

Is there a formula I can use or do I need to venture into the programming side of things.

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Copy Row From Another Spreadsheet

Sep 16, 2006

I need to bring in a row from another excel sheet then run a calcuation and save that value in a cell then pull the next row from the other excel sheet and run the calc again and so forth till there is no value in the row of the excel sheet I am pulling from. I would like this to happen if you click a button.

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Copy Cells From One Spreadsheet To Another

Feb 28, 2009

I have two spreadsheets, call them Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. Each sheet has 3 relevant columns of information I need to compare, we will just say they are in columns A (A list of items),B and C (both are the data that needs to be compared).

What I need to do is find a way to match the number from column A on sheet 2 to its location on sheet 1 and copy the information from the 2 other cells associated with it into columns D and E on sheet 1 in the row where that item appears.

For example:
Item #5(found in column A) is located in row 7 on sheet 1 and row 3 on sheet 2. I would need to copy from sheet 2 B3 and C3 to sheet 1 into D7 and E7.

Manually searching and copy and paste would be very time consuming since each sheet contains 8000-10000 rows.

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Copy Spreadsheet With Different Names

Mar 12, 2008

What I’m trying to do is create a Workbook that works within a folder that pulls data from other Workbooks within the same folder.

Example: Workbook name “RATES.XLS” would be the name of the main Workbook with all the information. I would like to be able to pull certain cells from the other Workbooks as they arrive in the folder over to the Rates Workbook.
Every day, two new Workbooks show up in the same folder with a name like “1Name9_MMDDYYYY” and “2Name1_MMDDYYYY”. So the only thing different everyday is the date added to the name of the file and ofcourse the information is different, but formated the same and in the same cells.

Once I get the information from the other sheets linked, I will need to figure out a way to capture the date on the same line and move the data down the sheet within the Rates.xls workbook.

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Copy Certain Text And Its Row Into A New Spreadsheet

Jun 20, 2007

I am trying to make a macro where when you click the Export button Macro it just takes anything that has a Yes in Column A2:A100

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ASP Generated Spreadsheet. Cannot Copy All

Dec 6, 2006

We are having a sporadic issue throughout our company where when users attempt to open an ASP generated spreadsheet in Internet Explorer and then hit CTRL+A to copy all contents and attempt to paste into a regular Excel-launched spreadsheet (i.e. launching Excel independent of IE), the last two columns are not being copied. Further, when attempting to just copy the two columns, themselves, only the first is copied, and when attempting to copy one cell each in the two columns (that are in the same row), only the first cell is copied. Additionally, when examining the clipboard in this instance, only the first cell is being copied to the clipboard, so for some reason attempting to copy it out of the Excel spreadsheet that opens in IE is when the issue occurs (vs. having the issue occur when you are trying to copy into the new Excel spreadsheet from the clipboard).

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Copy From UserForm Into Spreadsheet

Jan 5, 2008

I just want to know how do you copy details from a userform (Im doing patient details such as Name, address etc) in the spreadsheet. I have got an OK button I think a VBA code needs to be used that will tell the from to copy the details in an empty row. My user form currently overwrites the original row and is annoying!

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Copy And Link Every 3rd Row Of Spreadsheet Into Another Worksheet?

Jul 19, 2012

I want to copy and link every 3rd row of my spreadsheet into another worksheet

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Copy Values From One Spreadsheet And Transfer To Another?

Aug 31, 2012

I am currently trying to run a macro that will take all of the values from one column in a workbook, copy and paste them in another sheet in the workbook. The data may vary in size and the macro must run until the preceding columns value (on the same row) is empty, which will signify that there are no more values to copy. Also this data may duplicate, which in this case I would only like to paste unique values.

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Copy And Paste Values To New Spreadsheet?

Jun 20, 2014

I'm downloading a tone of financial data from a database and without fail there are always a few odd numbers over time that are either wrong or that I want to through out of my charts/analysis. But I don't want to change them directly in the sheet that I use the code to download straight from the database since I can just click update and the codes refresh the latest data into the format I need. Basically once I hit refresh and download the data into the coded worksheet template I want a macro that lets me pick a tab or multiple tabs and copy and past special value the data into a new worksheet where I can manipulate the data without screwing up the code.

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Copy From One Worksheet Into Rows On Second Spreadsheet.

Oct 13, 2009

Worksheet (Daily Sales) - daily input, copy to the worksheet (Weekly Sales), Monday through Saturday. The ranges copied are not consecutive. I am using If...then...else.

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Emailing: Proper Copy Of Spreadsheet

Jan 6, 2010

This is a followup to a post I had marked as solved, and it's really not. Below are two different Email routines I've tried, both based on macros by Ron DeBruin, neither of which fully satisfy my need.

One routine creates a copy of a spreadsheet and mails it. The problem with that is that my source spreadsheet has cells containing 255 characters or more, and Excel truncates the cells after 255 characters, so all of the data isn't going into the new spreadsheet.

The other creates a new spreadsheet, copies the data from my old spreadsheet, and pastes it into the new spreadsheet. Problem with that is the new spreadsheet doesn't have my footer or headers and isn't formatted to print correctly.

I need to either find a way to get past the 255 problem, or find a way to copy a properly set up spreadsheet and paste my data into it. My code is below: This one copies the spreadsheet and mails it

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Copy Multiple Spreadsheets Into 1 Spreadsheet

Oct 1, 2012

I have created with most of it being done by Austrada (who has done a great job) code to copy multiple spreadsheets into 1 spreadsheet. We have run into a error Run Time Error '9'. Subscript out of range.

Sub CopyData()

'You need to make sure you have activated the Scripting Runtime reference for the FSO to work
Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject


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Copy Cells From Spreadsheet1 To Another Spreadsheet Under Same Header?

Sep 15, 2014

Everyday I get reports on Spreadsheet1 from different users, who all keep the same format & Headers and I am trying to compile these on Spreadsheet2. So that I can copy cell data from this Spreadsheet2 to a cells in another spreadsheet3, under same headers but having more or different number of columns and also the command/action runs till the end of Row with data on Spreadsheet1 or Spreadsheet2. Ultimately I am going to append records from Spreadsheet3 onto a table in Access Database. For some reasons I have to keep the reports on Excell spreadsheet.

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Create Clone Copy Of Spreadsheet For A New Year

Sep 11, 2009

I have an Excel spreadsheet containing a large amount of formulas applicable to 2009. I want to create a duplicate workbook for 2010. I want to maintain all cell formatting, ie A1=sum(whatever) without retyping it all. When I attempt to use copy-and-paste (or paste special) from 2009 to 2010, the cell values maintain a reference to the 2009 workbook. For example on 2010 workbook, A1=[2009]sum(whatever). Therefore the values from 2009 print in cells. I only want to maintain cell formula formatting, not a reference back to 2009 workbook.

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Copy And Insert Cells Into Running Spreadsheet

Nov 29, 2013

I receive a Excel download daily consisting of 6 columns of nine numbers and currently "copy" column 2 and "insert copied cells" into a running spreadsheet. I would like a simple way to have the 9 lines pasted as below rather than as sequential lines.




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Copy Two Specific Columns From One Spreadsheet To Another In Same Workbook

May 29, 2014

I'm looking to write a macro code that copies two specific columns to a separate spreadsheet in the same workbook, and then sort the rows by values in ascending order.

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