Count Columns With Data Then Insert That Number Of Rows
Feb 11, 2014
01012014 DAVE JOHN
02012014 MAT
What I want
01012014 DAVE
01012014 JOHN
02012014 MAT
03012014 CHRIS
03012014 MIKE
03012014 PHIL
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Jan 31, 2008
I have a spreadsheet which contains data needing to be re-formatted into a suitable format for my database. So far I have been doing this by hand, but want to make it quicker as I have over 2000 lines to sort out. I am trying to write a macro that determines whether there is data in the column next to the active one (D2), and if there is counts how many columns there is data in. Once it has done this it needs to insert the same number of rows as there are columns, then copy the column data and transpose it into the empty rows. My macro seems to work at first, but it exits after around the 4th row, but I can't work out why.
Sub split_For_Database()
Dim No_Of_Cells As Integer
Dim Start_Cell As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Dim LastRow As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim lRows As Long
Set LastRow = Range("C65536").End(xlUp)
i = 0
Set Start_Cell = Range("C2")
Set Cell = Start_Cell
Do While Start_Cell.Address <= LastRow.Address
Do While Cell.Offset(0, 1) > 0
i = i + 1
Set Cell = Cell.Offset(0, 1)
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Oct 9, 2006
I have a spreadsheet which is to record quality checks on work carried out by staff. The spreadsheet has a customer reference number in column B and a Staff reference number in column C.
I can carry out a number of checks on a member of staff on one transaction, so for instance, I could carry 3 checks on one customer number, which would result in the staff ref number being enetered 3 times (there is 1 check per row).
I need a formula to count the number of checks I carry out on each member of staff. My problem is that although 3 checks could be completed on someone, if it is on the same customer NO, it only counts as 1 check. In effect, I need a formula to count the number of staff ref numbers which have a unique customer number eneterd in the adjacent column.
All the cust numbers are unique so would I be able to use a wildcard?
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Jun 3, 2012
I want to count the number of duplicate rows where the exact text in columns A and B match. An example is as follows, where column C would be the desired result. Note that there are hundreds of different text values of column A and hundreds of column B, I just simplified the example.
Excel 2007
[Code] ......
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Aug 7, 2013
I need to count the number of equal cells in col D beginning at the top of the column. The counted cells must begin with a text prefix of "Category:" without the quotes.
Some but not all of the cells in col D begin with a prefix of "Category:" without the quotes, followed by a word or words following the word "Category:" See examples below. All of the terms prefixed with "Category:" in col D are in alphabetical order. I need to count the number of identical cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix.
Examples of the contents of cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix are as follows:
Category: Adversity
Category: Answers
Category: Assurance
Category: Blessings
Category: Build
Category: Change
Category: Children
Category: Choices
Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are not adjacent.Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are separated by 3 to an undermined number of rows.
I need to count the number of equal cells in col D and insert the count in col A at the last equal term. For example, col A above would have 93, 1, 1, 5, 10, 8, 3, and 12 inserted into col A.
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Dec 5, 2008
I am trying to count the # of rows in a spreadsheet in which there is non-blank text data in 2 separate columns. For instance, if the spreadsheet looked like the one below (dashes just for formatting purposes):
Mary-------some text--------some more text
John-------<blanks>---------just text here
Sue--------just some here-----<blanks>
Dave-------something--------something else
The total # of rows with something in both the "THIS" and "THAT" columns above would therefore be 2.
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Sep 22, 2006
I have 6 columns of data laid out as follows,
columnA columnB columnC columnD columnE columnF
I need to find data in columns B and C and add the figures from column F, which drop down one line. I have written the following formula which is giving me far higher figures than I should be getting
= SUMIF($B$2614:$B$2640,"bhree*",IF($C$2614:$C$2640,">=01/07/2006",( OFFSET($C$2614:$C$2640,1,3,1,1))))
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Feb 17, 2010
The best way to explain my problem is to look at the table below:
How it looks now: ApplePrice 1
Price 2
Price 3FruitDeliciousPearStore 1
Store 2FruitVery DeliciousHow I want it to look:ApplePrice 1FruitDeliciousApplePrice 2FruitDeliciousApplePrice 3FruitDeliciousPearStore 1FruitVery DeliciousPearStore 2FruitVery Delicious
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Jun 9, 2014
I would like to insert rows into column A from column D based on the count values and without affecting subsequent values in column B and C. For example. Count of a value in column A =1 and count of that same value in column D=5, THEN 5-1 (count of D - count of A) insert 4 rows in column A (shift cells down) without affecting data in column B AND C. Basically making the counts in column A and D equal.
The above example should look like this -
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May 21, 2009
somehow i managed to do this at first and then forgot to save my personal work book and cant remember how to do it.
What it is, is if cell A1 has a certain phrase in it ie Customer Reference then i want to insert four columns before it so it ends up in cell E1.
The other thing which i never managed to do is. I have 5 workbooks. master, book 1-4. I want to past all info in columns A:T from Book 1-4 into Master in the next available row.
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Aug 22, 2007
I have this excel file which has data in it. However, this data will come in everyday. Eg, A1 to A10 is QWE, A11 to A20 is RTY, A21 to 30 is UIO. But as I said earlier new data will come in everyday. For eg, it will become A1 to A15 is QWE, A16 to A30 is RTY and so and so forth.
I need to insert 2 rows after QWE, RTY, UIO. But as data will come in everyday, I cant standardise my columns to insert the 2 rows.
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Jul 30, 2013
Is there a way to insert a specified number of rows. For example, I want to insert 500 blank rows today but maybe tomorrow it will be 650 blank rows.
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Jun 19, 2014
I have two variables - the number of stages, and the number of people.
The stages will start in say C22 through G22 (if there were 5 stages). The number of stages will vary upon a user-inputted number in A1.
The names of people will start inB29, so I'd like to insert the simple formula (=Max(C23:C28)) across cells C29-G29 (again with my example of 5 stages), with relative references to the columns, of course.
Ditto for the next name in B30, etc, so that I get the max value for Person#1 in Stage 1, 2, 3...Person#2 in Stage 1,2,3...
Inserting the formula over the dynamic ranges.
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Aug 16, 2012
I have attached an example of what I need the macro for. I really need it to look at the columns with the names (Girth Weld, Weld) and the Joint length column to make its moves. Mainly the joint length. I think that would get me on track and give me some room to explore and learn what else I need to do. I love to try and figure things out but this is killing me!
Sub LineUp() 'assumes data in order and concates unique
Dim i1 As Long, i2 As Long, n1 As Long, n2 As Long
Const StartRow As Long = 5
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May 21, 2009
What is the easiest way to stop users inserting new columns or rows into a workbook? Is it a case of protecting each sheet individually?
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Apr 7, 2013
I am unable to insert sheet rows or columns in a microsoft office spread sheet in a specific file. Other files are Ok.
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Dec 6, 2008
I would like to select a number of columns and then run a macro that would insert two columns after each of the selected columns.
Or is there perhaps a faster way than using a macro?
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Sep 12, 2009
My F4 key (which I use constantly) works for every "repeat" function except for inserting rows or columns. I can repeat every other option EXCEPT inserting rows/columns. I just had Office 2007 uninstalled and had Office 2003 put back on my PC. My IT group can't figure it out.
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Feb 7, 2008
I found lots of threads for inserting rows but not the one I need. I'm trying to insert rows with a macro on the position as specified in a cell f.e. in cell D4 I type the number 80 then the macro has to insert three rows at row 80
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Feb 3, 2009
I need to insert one or two rows depending on the criteria of two different columns.
We have two shops (A and B)...and the sales are expresed like this: ....
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Feb 22, 2008
I have a large data file. In column A is 8760 entries (every hour of every day of the year). Columns D & E are linked, Column D is the time and date whilst Column E is a parameter assocaied with that time and date.
There should also be 8760 entries in these columns, however there are some missing data lines in columns D & E. I would therefore like to move the rows in columns D & E so they match with the entries in column A. Can anyone help? I have a headache as i have over 70 files to complete this operation on.
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Dec 29, 2008
My first sheet shows the data - a list of audits and their current status.
AuditStageAlphaIn ProgressBetaReportingCharlieCompleteDeltaCompleteOmegaPlanning
I've then used a simple count formula to add up the number by each stage and it's these numbers that I want the macro to use when determining how many rows to input.
Complete2Reporting1In Progress1Planning1
A second worksheet hosts the desired output - a simple report template, split into stages for each status type (completed, planning etc.) with the correct number of rows for each.
Completed AuditsCharlieDeltaReportingBetaAudits in ProgressAlphaAudits in PlanningOmega
So, I want the macro to ensure that we have the right number of rows for each stage, as this month will be run on a monthly basis and the stage each audit is at will change, and the number of rows required in each section will also be different.
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Mar 1, 2012
I am looking for a way of allowing users to edit the existing cells at their will, but simultaneously disabling the option to insert/ delete columns or rows.
By enabling Sheet Protection, I cannot find a way to do it. Can I?
I am on MS Excel 2007 by the way.
I found the way, just unlock all cells in Format Cells, Protection Tab. Then Protect sheet and de-select what you want to disable.
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Aug 31, 2006
I'm working in a workbook with several sheets, the first two collums of each sheet are =to the first sheet. some times I need to insert a line, but when I did that, I need to type again all formulas or drag the previous ones, and format again the cells. is there another way to do this?
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Apr 23, 2014
I have an excel sheet that I've automated for my shop ... Basically it copies a set of rows from one sheet, asks for which cell you want to start the paste at, then pastes it... Here's what I have so far:
[Code] .....
So I tried to use a variation of strReturn to indicate number of rows wanted but that didn't work ... Basically I'm going to create the "data" to include 50 rows, but have it selectable for the user to say they only want 5, 7 or 29 rows ...
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Feb 20, 2009
Column B contains geographical Areas. Column C contains a list of business departments.
North Env
North Env
North Ops
North Sales
North Sales
North Sales
South Env
South Maint
South Ops
South Sales
South Sales
South Sales
The values and number of these departments will vary. I want to insert lines to sum the totals at the bottom of each geographic area based on the number of different departments. So, for this example, for the North three lines would be inserted. For the South, 4 lines would be inserted.
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Oct 20, 2011
We have a sales table that 23 sales people update then send back to me. So each week I receive 23 worksheets.
The number of columns in the tables I get back can vary, depending on what each salesperson is reporting for that week.
I have written a macro that takes each sheet, automatically finds the last column and then adds two new columns of summary data.
I use COUNTA on the header row to find the number of colums. This usually works fine - but there is one problem that can occur.
Sometimes people insert one or more blank columns in the table. So how can I find the last column, because COUNTA won't work? (I do not want to simply delete these columns because some people have set up vlookups and their own macros based on the position of the columns they have defined, including the blanks.)
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Nov 12, 2012
I want to be able to return the column number depending on the cell.
For example I have the months of the year horizontally from f6:Q6 and I need to be able to return what column number a certain month i depending on the month I type in cell A1.
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Nov 15, 2013
Count all the true statements in column A (Work) of sheet1 (Checklist), once counted insert that many rows on sheet2 in a specific location, I found a count formula just don't know how to do the insert rows part
Sub CountRows()
Dim Rng As Range, CountTrue As Long
Set Rng = Sheets("Checklist").Range("Work")
CountTrue = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rng, "True")
End Sub
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Mar 1, 2014
I work on a daily basis with spreadsheets in excel. The number of columns is the same, but every single spreadsheet has a different number of rows. I recorded this macro in a table with 1196 rows and I would like to use this macro also in other tables with a different number of rows.
Sub City2()
' City2 Macro
Cells.Replace What:="POMPANO", Replacement:="Pompano Beach",
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