Insert Formula Across Variable Number Of Columns With VBA
Jun 19, 2014
I have two variables - the number of stages, and the number of people.
The stages will start in say C22 through G22 (if there were 5 stages). The number of stages will vary upon a user-inputted number in A1.
The names of people will start inB29, so I'd like to insert the simple formula (=Max(C23:C28)) across cells C29-G29 (again with my example of 5 stages), with relative references to the columns, of course.
Ditto for the next name in B30, etc, so that I get the max value for Person#1 in Stage 1, 2, 3...Person#2 in Stage 1,2,3...
Inserting the formula over the dynamic ranges.
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Mar 25, 2009
I have to work on sheets with variable columns.
So for eg Col A Col B Col C Col D are fixed and then there are variable no of columns - Col E Col F and so on....
I have to insert columns after the last colum ie in Col F in this case.
However, the new column (lets call it Col G) will give a value with formula that connects Col E value with Col B (fixed)value. Again Col H (another new col) will also give a value with formula connecting Col H with Col B(fixed).
Easy to do in normal scenario but when I record macro in excel ( i cannot write VB), the variable columns make it difficult.
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May 9, 2014
get this macro to paste the formula across to a variable number of columns? It is falling over at
Range(Cells(5, .Columns.Count)).Paste
Sub Clear()
With ActiveSheet
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Sep 25, 2012
I am looking to place a formula which will look like this:
=min("A2:?2"), where ? depends on "number of columns". If number of columns is 4, then it should be D, E or Z. Number of columns is specified as an integer in range("B2").
I do not want to do it in a macro, want to do it in the formula.
I have done this before, but can't quite remember. I have tried:
=min(range(cells(1,2),cells(1,2+B2))), but does not work.
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Aug 8, 2009
On the attached Excel file, I have code that will insert a variable number of rows and copy and paste from and to variable positions. That all works fine when run from a command button, but when I try to run it from the Worksheet_Calculate by entering 1 in J1 or K1 (inrange cell is J1+K1 for testing purposes) the CommandButton1_Click sub runs continously until an error occurs.
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Nov 3, 2009
I'm using Excel 2000/2002. I have a workbook with 12 sheets named Jan, Feb, etc.
I want to add a new sheet (Report) with formulas in various cells to get data from a cell in a particular sheet.
For instance, in a cell of the new sheet is: =Jan!D64. I want the user to be able to select a month from a drop down list and for the formula to change sheets depending on the month selected. The formula should be: =(sheet name!)D64. I tried playing with INDIRECT, but maybe couldn't get the syntax right. I can't use macros, the Excel is on a server and they are not permitted. The end user is less knowledgeable in Excel than me.
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Jun 13, 2014
I would like to create a change event macro that will update multiple formulas that pull data from various tabs on a file. The tabs are named with a single date. So ideally when a certain master cell (Allocation!H2) is updated to the current date the macro will be prompted to update the range that contains formulas and update its and index match fomula based that has a variable being the tab name which is a date. I have a range of dates in cells F4:AB4 and want the formula to go into F5:AB5, I can then fill that down to whatever row I want...that bit I can handle.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim KeyCells As Range
Set KeyCells = Worksheets("Allocation").Range("H2")
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May 21, 2009
somehow i managed to do this at first and then forgot to save my personal work book and cant remember how to do it.
What it is, is if cell A1 has a certain phrase in it ie Customer Reference then i want to insert four columns before it so it ends up in cell E1.
The other thing which i never managed to do is. I have 5 workbooks. master, book 1-4. I want to past all info in columns A:T from Book 1-4 into Master in the next available row.
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Jan 31, 2008
I have a spreadsheet which contains data needing to be re-formatted into a suitable format for my database. So far I have been doing this by hand, but want to make it quicker as I have over 2000 lines to sort out. I am trying to write a macro that determines whether there is data in the column next to the active one (D2), and if there is counts how many columns there is data in. Once it has done this it needs to insert the same number of rows as there are columns, then copy the column data and transpose it into the empty rows. My macro seems to work at first, but it exits after around the 4th row, but I can't work out why.
Sub split_For_Database()
Dim No_Of_Cells As Integer
Dim Start_Cell As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Dim LastRow As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim lRows As Long
Set LastRow = Range("C65536").End(xlUp)
i = 0
Set Start_Cell = Range("C2")
Set Cell = Start_Cell
Do While Start_Cell.Address <= LastRow.Address
Do While Cell.Offset(0, 1) > 0
i = i + 1
Set Cell = Cell.Offset(0, 1)
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Feb 11, 2014
01012014 DAVE JOHN
02012014 MAT
What I want
01012014 DAVE
01012014 JOHN
02012014 MAT
03012014 CHRIS
03012014 MIKE
03012014 PHIL
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Dec 4, 2012
My data looks like this in one sheet:
Where A is associated with 2 other letters, B and C. D is associated with one other letter, E, and F is associated with 3 other letters. I want an automated way to paste this into 2 columns in a new sheet, like this:
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Jul 23, 2012
I have a sheet with a company name in column A, and a list of comma separated values in column B. I can easily convert column B to multiple columns with the Text to Columns function, but then I'd like to insert each individual value in a new row in column B.
So, at the moment I have data that looks like this:
Company A
Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, Value 4, Value 5
Company B
Company C
Value 1, Value 2, Value 3
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Dec 5, 2007
In my spreadsheets, I want to insert a formula in the existing columns of data. This is to be done after every 2 columns. There are 25 rows as well from 5 to 30.
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Aug 26, 2006
I want to create a custom updating formula that finds the last data element on a different sheet and then updates it's own formula. I have to do this because I want to find all of the blank cells and count them up (for missing data purposes). How can I go about putting the last row number in the formula?
This below is the best I can get but it 1004 errors out, I'm assuming because of my "Row" variable. Should I try a concatenate and custom build the formula each time within the macro?
Sub MacroToRun()
Row = Selection.Row
Sheets(" Chart Data").Select
Range("B2").FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(CleanData!R[-1]C[17]:R[row]C[17],"""")"
End Sub
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Jun 19, 2008
I have a formula that will be used by others to obtain a certain result by altering a number in the formula. What I would like to do is make that number obvious as the one that can be changed. The formula reads - "=(M48+P48+Q48)*0.08453-(((J48+K48)*$K$4)*0.1)" -what I would like to do is color the 0.08453 in the Formula Bar so it stands out.
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Jun 3, 2009
I'm trying to enter the summation formula into three columns that vary in placement based on the value of num_objs. Basically, the number of grey columns in each of the three sets will equal num_objs. I want the user to be able to enter values into the grey columns in the middle section and the values of the two rightmost white columns (with '0's in them currently) will change accordingly.
My current code is below. However, I keep getting a compile error saying "Expected: end of statement". I've been searching for a solution online for a couple days now, and I don't see how my code is different than what I've been seeing of other people using variables in their formulas.
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Aug 31, 2006
I'm working in a workbook with several sheets, the first two collums of each sheet are =to the first sheet. some times I need to insert a line, but when I did that, I need to type again all formulas or drag the previous ones, and format again the cells. is there another way to do this?
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Apr 8, 2014
I am trying to insert formulas to my cells in different columns and then fill down the formulas as many rows as in the reference column. So far I have put my formulas in a macro but I seem to get problems with " and ' symbols. My macro looks like this:
Sheets("Sold Articles Database").Select
Range("U3").Formula = " =VLOOKUP(LEFT(K3,2),'Input Variables'!$A$48:$B$52,2,FALSE)"
Range("V3").Formula = " =VLOOKUP(K3,'Product datas'!$A$2:$C$10000,3,FALSE)"
Range("W3").Formula = " =VLOOKUP(K3,'Product datas'!$A$2:$D$10000,4,FALSE)"
[Code] ........
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Mar 23, 2012
I have a master data sheet with four columns, A, B, C and D
Column A has the primary data and B,C,D has dependent data values;
So when I insert a new cell in Column A with cells Shift Down, I want mandatorily new cells to be inserted in the same row in col B, C and D as well so that data integrity is maintained;
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Jun 27, 2014
I need a macro that will create a sheet at the end of the workbook.
Sum data from a variable amount of sheets and display that data on the created sheet.
Here is a step by step:
Starting on sheet 5.
Column D has a variable amount of part numbers in it. These part numbers would be different between the ascending sheets.
Column T, U, V has an inputed number in it that would need added up across all duplicate part numbers in all the sheets.
(Note: The data would also need started on row 4. Everything above row 4 is headers)
Here is a small example:
13019090W Part A1
68705500 Part B1
64202900 Part C-11
59634600 Part D1
26005300W Part E1
I need the macro to start with sheet #5(starting on row 4). Check to see if there is data in column T, U or V. If there is, to create a new sheet at the end. And copy the entire line into that sheet (starting on row 4).
After that, to check every sheet after (excluding the newly created one, starting on row 4) for data in Column T, U and V. And then check for duplicates in Column D on the newly created sheet. If there is a duplicate to add/subtract that number in Column T, U and V to the SUM in column T, U and V in the newly created sheet. If there is no duplicate, to copy the entire line to the new sheet.
So that when finished. On the new sheet, you have the SUM of T, U and V for everything that has data in T, U or V for all of the previous sheets, plus the entire line of the first instance (excluding the first 4 sheets).
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Dec 15, 2008
I have a worksheet where over time I add columns that need to be added in a "Total" cell.
Above example, the cell being added is 10 columns after the previous one.
What formula can I use to automatically pull the value from every 10th cell starting with M3?
Preferably every 10th cell till a value I determine... i.e every 10th cell but only for the first 15 occurrences.
(Is this anything to do with the Series command?)
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Mar 16, 2009
to copying a formula from one column to the next adjacent column and also incrementing the 2 numeric values inside the formula. Please see attached sample.
One value increments with each new column whereas the other increments with each new row. Please see attached sample.
And in the last row there is the average formula which must copy the new column and average the new column.
I tried to create a Macro in attached but it did not work with formulas.
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Aug 24, 2007
I am trying to increment a row when i copy it across columns. I have searched for a couple hours on how to do this, but I have not come up with a solution that I can understand that works for my situation.
I found this page, but I guess I am too novice to comprehend it. [url]
I would like the number in this formula to increment when i copy it to the adjacent column.
This formula is in B178.
So in C178 I want it to be
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Dec 3, 2009
I had a quick question for something that should be simple but I can't figure it out. I have a column of sorted values, it goes
and I want to insert a row to separate the A's from the B's. But there will be a random number of A's. I can figure out how to count where the A's end. But I can't figure out how to insert a row. Any suggestions? I tried the two below but they don't seem to work. The for section is counting the A's, and it works, it's what comes next that's giving me a headache!
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Dec 5, 2006
I have a folder of numbered graphic files (500 odd) and want to insert the correct graphic in a spreadsheet depending on the value of a cell (the value will be the graphic name). Thus everytime the cell value changes, the correct graphic file will appear.
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May 7, 2009
I can use the MATCH function when i am in excel but i am having trouble getting it to work when i am trying to insert the formula using VBA.
Here is the code i have but it wont even compile........
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Apr 21, 2009
I have the following line of
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=2009_15", Operator:=xlAnd
The highlighted portion is going to change from week to week. I have never been able to put a variable inside of quotation marks. I am sure it is simple, which explains why it is out of my mental grasp. how I can assign a variable in there?
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Mar 11, 2008
I am using a variable named " Totals" as a range type to refference the range in a formula. It works the way I have it.
Dim Totals As Range
Set Totals = [U37: AE37]
Now instead of the absolute refference, I would like to change the row refference by an offset of my current row, using a formula with a varriable. The columns stay the same.
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Dec 30, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with thousands of columns. Due to poor planning on my part I need to insert a column between each existing column (e.g. I need to insert a column between the existing columns A and B, B and C, etc...). I would rather not have to do this manually thousands of times.
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Oct 29, 2013
I have the following code to execute a connection to a DB and return the result of the SQL statement. I have a variable in the statement that I want to be able to change from user input in a single cell. Unfortunately I am unable to get this to work.
Here is my code
cell_value = Sheets("some sheet").Range("P8")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("some sheet").Cells.Clear
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
[Code] ........
This fails and gives me a debug error, however if I declare the condition I want the code executes fine. This would mean having to update the code every time the condition changed or putting the whole query in a cell on the sheet which I do not want to do.
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