Count Excluding Duplicates Based On Multiple Criteria
Jul 4, 2014
I have the below table of data and what I am looking for is a formula that will count the number for unique numbers (col E) depending on a several criteria. So far I have got this formula but it's not working!
What I require : Column F to be blank as long as the following is true:
1) Column A (Order) cannot be blank. 2) Column E (Status) has to be equal to either "Completed" or "Successful". 3) Column D (Sales) has to have the same date as Column C (Contact), but due to bad data quality each order number can have several rows and as long as the Sale date from one of the other "Duplicate" rows equals the contact date it needs to be counted. This is as long as there is not already a row for the Order that already has Sales / Contact day matching.
In the attached spreadsheet, I have highlighted the rows that should be blank in column F in green. My attempts at formulas to count this are in the columns highlighted in red.
using various keywords, and I haven't been able to find a solution that works. It would seem SUMPRODUCT is what I need to use, but thru all the combinations I've tried, I still can't get the syntax right. The problem is: I have dates in col A, and the word "Holiday" in col D. I need to create a formula that counts the number of instances of the word "Holiday" in col D, only where the date in col A is =DATE(2008,1,1))*(A11:A45
I need to have multiple ranges count based on several criteria. The hitch is that needs to count if one or more criteria is met not all. I tried using a COUNTIFS however that seems to evaluate based on AND not OR.
Is there a nested COUNTIFS or similar function that would work?
I can't seem to get a formula to work. I am trying to count the number of times "EE" shows up in a range only if "CR" is listed in that row within another range. For simplicity Column A has a list with the following values scattered from A2 through A100: CR, LT, ST, DI. Column B has a list with the following values scattered from B2 through B100: EE, EF, EG.
I need to know how many EE's are listed in column B if CR is on the same line in column A.
I posted a thread a while ago asking for a formula to rank based on multiple criteria (Rank On Multiple Criteria). The following; = SUMPRODUCT(--($A$2:$A$50=$A2),--($B$2:$B$50=$B2),--($D$2:$D$50=$D2),--($G2>$G$2:$G$50))+1)
works an absoulte treat, however is there a way to modify it so that does not allow duplicates? The data in the G column refers to time values acheived during testing of athletes, the problem arises when two athletes achieve the same score and thus they are ranked the same. However, body mass is also measured (F column) and in essence the athlete with the lower body mass has achived the better score and thus should be ranked accordingly.
I have a large spreadsheet where I've successfully ranked a large series of data based on revenue, using product classification as a criteria & summarising this on another page with the top 20 products. The problem I'm having is that within certain criteria's I have some products with the exact same revenue figure, so if the 2nd ranked product within classification "C" for example has revenue of $100, & there's another product within the same classification also with $100 of revenue, on my top 20 report I have results for the 1st & 2nd ranked product, but a blank for the third product & then results again for the fourth
removing duplicate names. Students were allowed to take a quiz as many times as they wanted. I need to remove the duplicate entry by keeping the highest grade.
Here is the setup of my excel file. Column 1 has surnames, Column 2, has first name, and column 3 has grade.
I can't figure out how to filter them based on first and last name because some students have the same name. with the grade as the criteria
I am trying to come up with a formula that will count everything excluding 1 in one row, while looking at another row to determine the group. The attached example explains things a lot better.
I am going to have 2 formulas. 1 for the "Big" group and one for the "Small" The formula needs to look first at the column that has the group in it. Then it needs to count everything is column A excluding "Snake" And return the value.
I have a spreadsheet which lists letters issued, the date issued and the potcode. I need a formula that counts, on a weekly basis, the number of letters issued to postcodes in Sutton and Bexley.
I have a count sheet set up on one worksheet and the list of postcodes applicable to each area are listed on another worksheet. I have been playing around with sumif, sumproduct etc, but these don't seem to work as I am pointing the formula to a list of postcodes and not an individual postcode. For example, the formula for one week needs to tell me, the number of letters issed to Sutton between 26/07/08 - 01/08/08. This is what I tried -
But I get #N/A - if I change the last refernce to a specific cell instead of a range it works, but this will make the process very lengthy as there are lots of postcodes!
I am trying to find a formula to count rows that meet multiple criteria, but one of the criteria can be multiple values. I have a list of people with a list of clients that they are responsible for. Each person is responsible for 10-20 clients. Every day I run a report that shows the project worksheets submitted for each client and if money has been awarded or not.
I'm wondering if there is a way to count, for each person, the number of project worksheets that show "awarded" in column K. That would mean that I would have to look for, for each person, any of their multiple clients in column B and "awarded" in column K.
I am trying to put the formula in D2:D9, as I use A2:D9 for a chart. O1:P79 contain the names of the people and the applicants that they are responsible for. A17:D158 contains the list of project worksheets (updated daily). I used =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(B17:B999,P1:P14)) to count the actual number of project worksheets for each person, but I can't figure out a way to modify that to add in the "awarded" criteria also.
In short, I would like a pivot table to only count unique values, but when I click into the pivot I would like to show all instances of that value. For example:
I have a table of data that I am creating a pivot table from. There are fields for Customer ID, Task Name, Age, and Notes. There will be multiple records for a single Customer ID each time it has new notes.
I would like to create a pivot table that has Task Name in the Row Labels, Age in the Column Labels, and count of Customer ID in the Values, so that, for example, I can see how many accounts have been in the Design task for 2 days. However, when I do this it counts each record, but I would like it to count each unique Customer ID. Also, when I click into the pivot, instead of pulling up one line per Customer ID, I would like it to pull up each instance of Customer IDs in that Task Name/Age combination (similar to doing a DISTINCT in SQL).
Flagging Duplicates based on Multiple conditions..
I have attached the file for reference with Dummy Data as the actual data runs in thousands...
What I require is to flag Duplicates with some formula so that I can filter and then later delete those specific rows from the records...
The Duplications has to be considered on Multiple criterions: 1. If the FNAme and LName is appearing for one Company more than once.
2. Sometimes there would be inconsistency in Data Entry, so the FNAme would be typed in the Column for LName and vice-versa.The code needs to understand the same.
3. Alongwith the above, if the Designation is different then the record with the Lower Designation based on the Weightage should be Flagged as "Duplicate". Ex: -
4. If there's a tie between the same designation then the record with the Maximum information across all the columns having Max info should be Unique. Ex:- The amount of details mentioned in the following columns would determine the record to be termed as Duplicate or unique
5. If still the records are identical then the first occurence can be unique...
I have made this data to give an example as the actual data is very confidential.
Please allow room for adding New Designations as the Designation and their Weightage needs to be Dynamic.
Please refere the Word doc Duplication Criterion Explanation for the explanation.
I am trying to tell the spreadsheet that if column G *and* column V are both identical to another row's column G and V, then the entire row is a duplicate and to highlight and delete it. I also want to record a macro of this process to apply to all spreadsheets.
Here are the tutorials I am looking at, but whatever I am doing is not working the way it is working for them.
Conditional Formatting, find duplicates with multiple columns [URL]...
I am highlighting cell A2, and under Conditional Formatting, I select "Formula Is" =SUM(COUNTIF($G:$G,G2),COUNTIF($V:$V,G2))>1
Then I select the format as light orange text, but it is only highlighting A2....
That is as far as I have gotten, and I still do not know how to go about deleting the duplicate entries. I have also read there are issues with recording a macro when trying to find duplicates using more than one column in the formula, but I have not gotten that far so I can't test it.
As is likely evident in my formula and process, I am not very experienced with Excel.
I have a list of isometric drawing numbers ending with a [underscore]weld number e.g. 1692-SG-0040-04_05.
Some welds are repaired--in that scenario the amended weld number will be 1692-SG-0040-04_05R1, and even 1692-SG-0040-04_05R2 if repaired for a second time.
On occasion a weld may be cut out entirely and a new weld done. The weld number for that will be 6317-FG-1690-02_06C1.
And here's a wrinkle I've just verified...a cut weld may also be repaired so the weld number will look like 1698-SG-0077-01_04C1R1.
Is there a formula to count these as one weld: 1692-SG-0040-04_05 1692-SG-0040-04_05R1 1692-SG-0040-04_05R2
This as one weld: 6317-FG-1690-02_06 6317-FG-1690-02_06C1 6317-FG-1690-02_06C2
...and this as one weld: 1698-SG-0077-01_04 1698-SG-0077-01_04C1 1698-SG-0077-01_04C1R1
I am having trouble creating a function to count duplicates of duplicates.
An example of the data table 1 is:
Product 1 2nd Product 1 2nd Product 1 New Product 1 New Product 1 Flt Product 2 2nd Product 2 New Product 2 New Product 2 Flt Product 2 Flt Product 3 2nd Product 3 2nd Product 3 2nd Product 3 New Product 3 Flt
I created a new table (table 2) and made a list of all the Products on table 1 and removed the duplicates. I now have 3 columns with titles New, 2nd and Flt as follows:
New 2nd Flt Product 1 XX XX XX Product 2 XX XX XX Product 3 XX XX XX
I am trying to count the duplicates for each product (XX), but I can't seem to work it out. I've tried the MS help function, but unsure of the actual formula I need to be using.
if possible, with a Excel formula. Assuming a column (M7:M200) has this information:
John Mary Lisa Mark John Albert |_Empty _| |_Empty _| |_Empty _|
I would get the sum of the cells except "empty", "John" and "Mark". The result would be: John: 2 | Mark: 1 | Others: 3 (My only interest is the formula to get the result "Others: 3") I tried with this formula: = COUNTIF (M7:M200, "<> John") but remains exclude "empty" cells and "Mark."
I need to somehow count the number of times two criteria are met in a certain set of data and store it in a cell on a seperate sheet. My data is all stored in a sheet called Data and the conditions are as follows:
1. Column C = WEB AND 2. Column D = Cancelled
So I need to count the number of times both these events occur and save them in my other sheet called Metrics. i lokoed it up on google but all the formulas I found referenced the same sheet and wouldn't work for my data set.
I need a way to find a value in a column which has one or more corresponding values in an adjacent column. Then take all of the corresponding values found and count all occurrences of the found values in another column. But I only want to count the entries if an adjacent column is not blank.
Not the easiest thing to describe. Starting to wonder if I need to think in reverse. I hope the attached example makes more sense.
I am trying to count AE2:AE601 if AE2:AE601 <= 2 and if AF2:AF601 = the value of AH2 but the formula that I have create returns a 0 when it should be returning a 1. Where did I go wrong? Here is what I have so far. =COUNT((AE2:AE601)*(IF(AE2:AE601,"<=2",IF(AF2:AF601,"="&AH2))))
This is probably a simple question for excel gurus, but I am a molecular biologist, and don't set up these formulas every day. I have a table full of genotypes that I have indicated as 0, 1, 2 or 3 in columns. Column heads are gene names; row heads are subjects (patient numbers). I want excel to look in row 1 in column A and see if there is a 1 and also in column B in the same row to see if there is a 1, and if both are 1, count that patient in a tally. I want to be able to get a count of the number of patients with 1's in both columns. If someone can tell me what functions I use to set up this tally, I think I can set up more elaborate formulas. At the end, I want excel to look at several columns and tally the number of patients that have 1's in several columns.
I have a spreadsheet for my customers. i Break them down in 3 categories L c r Column o gives me the total dollar amount of all columns. I have figured out how to tell how many of each I have sepratly and there respective dollar totals
How do count how many $0 amounts in column o belong to l r c respectively In other words if I had 10 c's how many were $0 in o. Lets say I had 10 c's but only 6 had a total greater then $0 in column o that would be 60 percent
Iam doing a market report for real estate. I have attached a file for reference. I am trying to track the Active Listings within a given time period and within a specific zip code. Unfortunately my local MLS does not track historical data on Active Listings, and therefore I have to use the Listing Date and the date it no longer went active to determine which listings were active in a given time period. Some of the listings are still active and therefore do not have a "No Longer Active" date. These listings will need to be counted as well.