Count Based On Criteria
May 4, 2007
I have a spreadsheet for my customers. i Break them down in 3 categories
L c r Column o gives me the total dollar amount of all columns. I have figured out how to tell how many of each I have sepratly and there respective dollar totals
How do count how many $0 amounts in column o belong to l r c respectively
In other words if I had 10 c's how many were $0 in o. Lets say I had 10 c's but only 6 had a total greater then $0 in column o that would be 60 percent
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Jan 20, 2014
I need a way to find a value in a column which has one or more corresponding values in an adjacent column. Then take all of the corresponding values found and count all occurrences of the found values in another column. But I only want to count the entries if an adjacent column is not blank.
Not the easiest thing to describe. Starting to wonder if I need to think in reverse. I hope the attached example makes more sense.
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Dec 3, 2008
I am trying to count AE2:AE601 if AE2:AE601 <= 2 and if AF2:AF601 = the value of AH2 but the formula that I have create returns a 0 when it should be returning a 1.
Where did I go wrong? Here is what I have so far.
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Aug 25, 2006
This is probably a simple question for excel gurus, but I am a molecular biologist, and don't set up these formulas every day. I have a table full of genotypes that I have indicated as 0, 1, 2 or 3 in columns. Column heads are gene names; row heads are subjects (patient numbers). I want excel to look in row 1 in column A and see if there is a 1 and also in column B in the same row to see if there is a 1, and if both are 1, count that patient in a tally. I want to be able to get a count of the number of patients with 1's in both columns. If someone can tell me what functions I use to set up this tally, I think I can set up more elaborate formulas. At the end, I want excel to look at several columns and tally the number of patients that have 1's in several columns.
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Oct 31, 2013
I am looking to count every 4th column that has a average score less than 90. My columns are set with 3 scores and 4th column has the average of those scores. Like such:
I can count them using a SUMPRODUCT(--(MOD(COLUMN function but I cannot get a criteria to work.
Non-VBA preferred
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Dec 6, 2013
Attached is a workbook that better explains what I am trying to do. I am counting pastdue accounts from several different insurance companys. I have several pastdue brackets, and I need the total amount of pastdue accounts for each bracket, for each insurance company. I think the countifs function wrapped in an index match may get the job done, but I have not been able to figure it out. right now I have a countifs wrapped in an if statement, and it is producing incorrect results.
test book 1.xlsx
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Jun 29, 2009
I am attempting to count records based on 3 criteria in 3 different ranges and am hitting a wall. My formula will be on a different worksheet as it is the summary sheet.
Worksheet "Cases"
Column E - Type
Column F - Month
Column G - Year
Worksheet "Recap"
Recap month will be input into Cell I5 eg. "6" for June
Recap year will be input into Cell K5 eg. "2009"
Cells N10-N15 is a list of Types
Summary Cell J10 will need to count if
1)worksheet Cases column E = worksheet Recap N10
2)worksheet Cases column F = worksheet Recap I5
3)worksheet Cases column G = worksheet Recap K5
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Aug 27, 2006
I've looked at the various examples in a search of topics simillar to my topic but I still can not get thsi to work.
I have a work book that contains 2 sheets
Sheet1 is called RawData of Multiple columns
Sheet2 is a quick report basded on Sheet1 data.
I need to find a way to do counts where 2 criteria are met.
Count the number of Times the phrase Major Victory appears in column M
( Range M1 to M50 ) of Sheet1 IF the value in Column L ( Range L1 to L50 ) of Sheet1 = USA
I tried this:
=COUNTIF(RawData!M1:M50,B1( AND(RawData!L1:L50=$A1)))
I am using B1 and A1 ( from Sheet2 ) as search criteria
but it gave me 0 ( and I know this is wrong ).
Based on the reading I did on simillar topics it appears that I cannot use CountIF in this case.
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Sep 11, 2006
I have ahseet with the following columns:
Col 1 = Item Description
Col2 = Price
Col3 = Discount Rate
I would like to gather a count on another sheet of all instances in col 1 where it is equal to 'Fridge' I know I can use the SUMIF function but I would like to do it in VBA code.
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Dec 7, 2013
What I require : Column F to be blank as long as the following is true:
1) Column A (Order) cannot be blank.
2) Column E (Status) has to be equal to either "Completed" or "Successful".
3) Column D (Sales) has to have the same date as Column C (Contact), but due to bad data quality each order number can have several rows and as long as the Sale date from one of the other "Duplicate" rows equals the contact date it needs to be counted. This is as long as there is not already a row for the Order that already has Sales / Contact day matching.
In the attached spreadsheet, I have highlighted the rows that should be blank in column F in green. My attempts at formulas to count this are in the columns highlighted in red.
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Mar 10, 2014
count cells row wise that meets criteria both in column & Row as well.
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Apr 2, 2009
i need to count based on 2 seperate sets of criteria in the same row.
column G houses the total number of hits as a number,
Column E holds the division
Column B holds the job title,
rows 2 through 222
i need to sum up the numbers in each G field, where the G and E field match a specific text criteria.
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Jan 3, 2013
I'm trying to create a formula that tells me the following:
If the item is marked as closed (vs. active), then how many renewals/terminations replacements/etc are there? These are two difference columns in a worksheet.
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Dec 2, 2008
using various keywords, and I haven't been able to find a solution that works. It would seem SUMPRODUCT is what I need to use, but thru all the combinations I've tried, I still can't get the syntax right. The problem is: I have dates in col A, and the word "Holiday" in col D. I need to create a formula that counts the number of instances of the word "Holiday" in col D, only where the date in col A is =DATE(2008,1,1))*(A11:A45
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Feb 19, 2009
I'm facing a big problem and I can't found a solution for days.
I'm trying to count/sum unique values in a Range, base on a criteria excluding Blank cells. Basicly I'm using the Formula Below:
Let me Put to you an example for you been able to understand my problem.
Example considering Range "C2:C20" exluding blank cells
(1) - To count unique values
(2) - To count unique values based on criteria in range "B2:B20"
(3) - To sum unique values on "E2:E20" based on same criteria
They all work fine. But I need to insert a merge at Row 10 for
better reading purposes and the (2) and (3) are returning (#DIV/0). The (1) formula still work's.
I just don't know what to do guys ....
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Jul 21, 2009
I need to have multiple ranges count based on several criteria. The hitch is that needs to count if one or more criteria is met not all. I tried using a COUNTIFS however that seems to evaluate based on AND not OR.
Is there a nested COUNTIFS or similar function that would work?
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Feb 17, 2008
My data is like:
A1: 5 -- B1: X
A2: 5 -- B2: X
A3: 5 -- B3: Y
A4: 3 -- B4: Y
A5: 3 -- B5: X
A6: 8 -- B6: Y
A7: 2 -- B7: X
A8: 3 -- B8: Y
A9: 1 -- B9: X
I want the count of unique numbers in column A based on the criteria i have on column B.
So the count for X should be 4 and for Y should be 3..
Can i achieve this using formula only?
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Feb 18, 2008
I have 2 columns on column contains 2 numbers, the other comlumn has names. We'll use A1:A4 and B1:B4 for the example.
Row A Row B
25 John Smith
50 Mike Jones
25 Chris Carter
50 Mike Jones
I want to be able to count one number in "A" but only if the name is not duplicated in "B".
My result for #25 would be 2.
My result for #50 would be 1, because Mike Jones is duplicated.
The results would be displayed in two seperate boxes, so I would only need on formula to count #25, then one formula to count #50.
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Jan 9, 2007
I have a worksheet with two tabs.
First Tab
Account Name
Account Number
Second Tab
Account Name
Account Number
Account Ship Location Number
On the first sheet each account name and number only appears once.
On the second sheet there may be multiple entries for each Account Name and Number.
On the first tab for each row I want to compare the Account Number column to the Account Number column on the second tab. Where I have a match I need to count how many unique Account Ship Location Numbers correspond.
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Jun 27, 2012
I can't seem to get a formula to work. I am trying to count the number of times "EE" shows up in a range only if "CR" is listed in that row within another range. For simplicity Column A has a list with the following values scattered from A2 through A100: CR, LT, ST, DI. Column B has a list with the following values scattered from B2 through B100: EE, EF, EG.
I need to know how many EE's are listed in column B if CR is on the same line in column A.
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Feb 5, 2013
I get this work a lot and am looking for a much more effective way of working the dataset,
I have numbers like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on.......
These come under criteria like (1) = 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on.....
I am look for an automated way of doing a count of any number that falls under this criteria, so I want to count based on criteria (1) it would count all 1.1,1.2,1.3 and so on as one count.
I am attaching a sample document to see how it is laid out. [URL] .....
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Jul 4, 2014
I have the below table of data and what I am looking for is a formula that will count the number for unique numbers (col E) depending on a several criteria. So far I have got this formula but it's not working!
=IFERROR((SUMPRODUCT(--(A3="2014"),--(B3="1"),--(D3="Boc Limited"),)),"")
supplier name
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Aug 18, 2006
I need to monitor the average daily usage of a liquid tank for a customer. We fill this tank every few weeks. The formula I am looking for would ignore the fills and just count the daily usage.
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Nov 10, 2006
I have a list of several ranges defined in vba, and i am trying to find which range a cell containing word is in excel. Im am looking for help for a good way of doing this.
For an example: Say I have 2 ranges defined, the first range corresponds to column A, the second to column B (just an example). The word "Dog" is written in cell B15. I want to find out in vba what range "Dog" is in. I would like some vba code to check and find either if it in a given range (boolean) or a way of checking a list of ranges and returning which it is in. The word will only appear once on the spreadsheet. I have played around with the find command (A=range.find(Pl), then check if A exists) but i havent had any luck (I get an 'Object variable or With block variable not set) I tried searching for a while, but was having trouble finding something related to what i am trying to do.
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Jul 17, 2014
I have a ListObject table called Table1, and the column name is Table1[Company]. The records have been sorted A-Z for the Company.
The records look something like this
Date Employee Company
1/1/11 Jane A Company
1/1/11 Jane B Company
3/1/11 Bob B Company
2/1/11 Bob B Company
4/1/11 Bob B Company
5/1/11 Bob C Company
What I need is a sub() to look in the column of Table1[Company] and determine:
The # of records that match the criteria given the Company name, and where they start and end. Ultimately, I'd like to copy and paste this portion of the table to another spreadsheet.
So for instance, if the Company = "B Company", then I could find out there are 4 records and there locations to copy and paste them.
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Jul 5, 2014
I am setting up a template to use to track candidates throughout their lifecycle. I am also creating a 'summary report' on another worksheet that counts total number of candidates, counts the number of candidates that have been submitted to the client, count of the number of candidates that have been interviewed by the client, etc.
How do I count the number of candidates in the spreadsheet?
In Cells A6:B5, I have "Submitted"
In Cells A7-?? I have dates for those candidates that have been submitted.
Then a new section titled, "In Process"
A list of candidates are contained within that section.
Then a new section titled, "For Review"
There are multiple sections, so the date in Column A1 may not always be in a constant row, as it depends on how many candidates are within a certain 'phase'.
I have a column I5, titled "Status" This column has a built in drop-down list that contains pre-defined status, for example, "Submitted", "Candidate Declined", "2nd Message Sent", etc. I need to be able to create a summary report based on a count of candidates that fit certain 'Statuses'. For example, count the number of candidates that were Interviewed. This could be a combination of Statuses: Phone screen with client, 1st F2F, 2nd F2F, etc.
(At home, I am using Excel 2003. At work, I am using Excel 2007. So if it's easier to create in Excel 2007, that's fine.)
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Jun 1, 2007
I am trying to use the DCOUNT function to count based on two different criteria in adjacent columns is this applicable.
I have column B that contains initials and I have column C that contains a type (of store) so it'd look like this
jp RET
jp RTO
jb RET
ma RTO
ma Fur
tc CI
ma RET
jp RET
and I want to have a count of how many RET's there are for Initials JP ect
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Mar 10, 2014
I have two columns. Column A had numbers and column B has names. I need a count from column A for each name in column B.
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Dec 6, 2013
I have a table with 3 columns with an unkown number of rows (text, date, date) that is being imported daily.
I want to create a 4th column with dates starting from today and each subsequent row be one day earlier. I want to look at 30 previous days.
I then want to count the number of rows (looking at column 1-3) with the following criteria:
Countif column2<= "date in colum4" AND column3< "date in column4"
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Sep 22, 2009
Here is what I have. 4 Worksheets. The first worksheet is a summary page. I have 350 personnel that are broken down into three different groups. So each group has it's own sheet. Here is what I need to accomplish. Results need to be posted on the summary sheet.
I need to compare cells B2 & D3 for each row on a worksheet and display the number of times they match on a worksheet. For example how many times does EP & EP match on a certain row. I need to compare cells B2 & D3 for each row on a worksheeet and display the number of times they don't match on a worksheet. For example how many times does EP & MP occur. I've attached an example for reference
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