Create A Formula To Pull The Person's Name And The Avg Number Of Cartons
Dec 5, 2007
I am trying to create a formula to pull the person's name and the avg number of cartons sorted for the month from this spreadsheet.
I've attached a sample of the spreadsheet I created, you will see at the bottom I would like to see the person that had the highest avg for the month and the person with the lowest avg for the month.
This is just a simple spreadsheet to track productivity of my sortation employees.
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Sep 21, 2007
I have worksheet 1 which calculates a member's pension which is based on his date of joining a scheme, date of leaving, salary and yearly contributions paid into the scheme. Normally I would input these details manually but now I have a large number of members to produce figs for. These members' details will be on worksheet 2 with a separate row for each member's details. I want excel to process each member one by one and enter his details in worksheet 2 on the calculation worksheet 1 and put the results in worksheet 3. Is this possible? And how???
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Apr 29, 2014
Drop down menu that can pull data for 1 person at a time from Table?? (Even possible)
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May 16, 2014
if there was a way to automatically add each student to a class list as their information is inputted. What i mean is, after input Sally Student in the main enrollment list she would automatically go to the class list for the class she has chosen.
I have attached a sample workbook with my desired results. Basically what i want to do is make this easier for those in charge to get the class lists from the main list without having to copy and past all the time.
The class lists are in the tabs in the workbook.
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Aug 7, 2014
I have a list of data which i need to send to individuals. I can sort the data by person's name.
I need to send each individual person their own data. Instead of copying and pasting each person's data into a new tab for everyone, is there a quick way in excel that for each change in person's name (Column A), that it creates a new tab with all the data?
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Mar 29, 2014
I have WorkbookA that pull numbers from WorkbookB. In Cell D2 of WorkbookA is the name of WorkbookB. The data to be pulled from WorkbookB is in Cells H364 through S364, H being data for January and S being data for December. In January, the data from Cell H364 is pulled into WorkbookA. In February, the data from Cell I364 is pulled into WorkbookA, and so on.
The formula can be written such that, based on WorkbookA indicating in Cell B14 the current month, each month pulls the correct month's data from these cells in WorkbookB.
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Sep 12, 2013
Formula to pull the lowest number that falls in Cells I2:L2 and the number must be 0 or Greater. Some of the numbers might be negatives and I am trying not to pull those numbers.
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a column of numbers each have a 0. infront of them (example 0.2346
0.5698). I want to pull the number from the right until it hits the decimal sign. So for the two above the result would be 2346 and 5698
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Oct 15, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that I want to use to plan projects across days and I want to assign a task to any one of four people. there maybe more than one task in any project that the same person may be assign to. Want I want to do is count how many assignments they have on that day. I've tried using things like vlookup, row(), hlookup and a various combinations of these with countif, or maybe dcount, I'm just not sure, but I think I'm finding it too tricky.
I've uploaded the sheet here..[URL] .....
So in other words how many tasks does person y have if the x is on their row. The person is a data validated drop down list so if the person changes from y to b then this will effect the total at the bottom.
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Sep 5, 2013
The first column is "Person Name" and the second column is date in format "6/27/2013". I want a formula to calculate the total number of calls a person made in the month of June.
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Jan 25, 2008
I'm trying to create a work Rota and I'm having a bit of a problem with a certain section. In Worksheet 1 I have the following headings:
Cell A - Name
Cell B - Monday
Cell C - Tuesday
Cell D - Wednesday
Under these headings is each member of staff and the hours they work, IE L (Late), E (Early), SD (Short Day) etc. In the final Column, it counts the number of hours that this person works (Early is 7.5). In Rows 46, there is a section here to work out how many people are working earlys, which is where I have the problem.
The hours are worked out by doing a lookup function on the cell that says E, L etc and goes to a CODES sheet and pulls the value of that letter. What I am wanting to do is lookup that Letter, which and look in the cell next to it and count how many people would be on an early etc.
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Jan 15, 2014
How to create a search formula that will look up a person's name in a given worksheet in a specified cell?
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May 19, 2009
Im trying to come up with a password that changes daily that contains 2 constant numbers and some multiplication:
The formual would need to be like a string for example:
1 (the day * a number) 2 (the month * a number)
The numbers 1 and 2 are always the same.
I have a spreadsheet that has the month (number) in one cell.
The days are in columns A1 - A31
Everytime i try to do this in Excel, it trys to multiply every number.
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Sep 22, 2013
I am creating a custom autonumber in excel. The autonumber will be based on the value of another cell's value. So for eg, in cell A1 will look at B1, if B1 has the number 1, A1 will take B1 and add the autonumber to it, eg a, b, c.
If within, b5 the number is 2. So if the number in the corresponding row in b changes, the autonumber must restart.
I've decided to go with a-z for the autonumber as i realized for .1, .2, .3 is limited to 9 values in the list bec. 1.10 may be read as 1.1
I've tried a few options such as creating a named range, however the problem is getting the autonumber to restart.
Below is what i want to achieve via excel formula:
Column F
Column F
[Code] .........
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Mar 13, 2014
I'm using the VBA code below for a piece of code.
[Code] .....
However, I want to use this same function in another place, without the limit set on the cells that will be cleared.
What I would like to do is send the formula the cell to start at (E14), offset that by one column, and then send a number of rows. With that, create the range to be cleared.
Something like:
[Code] .....
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Aug 29, 2012
I am trying to create a formula that will determine the number of orders for a specific customer whose orders have a pallet count between a certain range. The customer code is a cell reference, as well as the beginning and ending values I am looking for. I have the data on a separate tab from where I am putting the formula.
Here is what I was trying to use, but it was coming up with "0" for everything:
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Nov 23, 2008
I have three worksheets called North, East and South. Data is held in each of these sheets starting in D1:BZ144 and the data is in columns of three. Example columns D:E is one set of records, F:H is another and so on. The first cell of each set of columns is the company name.
I need to copy all of these records into a Summary works sheet so that the records are in held in columns B:D and that the first cell is shown shown in column 'A'.
Secondly, in a second sheet I'm trying to setup a lookup so that I can call the company name and the records from the sheets North, East and South are shown that relate. I've tried using HLOOKUP but as the company name only appears in the first column I cannot get columns rwo and three to show.
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Mar 27, 2014
I have 1200 doctor/patient records to input into an excel spreadsheet for import to an online EHR database. I can set up all the normal formulas and formatting but for the life of me not figure out how to create a custom formula to take the first letter of the patient first name and last name and add 6 figures to create a unique patient identifier.
ie. James + Smith+ random 6 figures = JS245318.
In my spreadsheet the first name is under Column 1, Last name Column 3 and the unique number generated in column 4.
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Jul 6, 2014
I'm trying to compile a spread sheet that will pull the play by play logs from the NHL website.
The logs are listed in order.
Game 1 is [URL]... Game 2 is [URL]... etc etc
I am trying to put them all on one spreadsheet. (or to do it in batches of 100, or 50 or whatever the size of the file allows)
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Mar 8, 2013
I am currently pulling information from a database into Excel. In column A is a list of dates that vary depending on how many days I decide to pull. On any given day there are options to which car will be driven and it is random and there are attributes associated with that drive such as below. If the car was not driven the data pull inputs "No Data" or a "0". On any given day up to three cars can be driven but it is still possible that only one will be driven. This is shown in the second table below. I'd like to be able to create an automated summary table such as the first table below. The summary table should be organized by date and show what cars were driven and their attributes. I know this seems simple but in reality I have six different cars and up to 10 attributes for each car and will be pulling months at a time. The only thought I have had is to do a for loop that checks every individual cell but I am not sure how to implement that.
[Code] .....
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Jul 13, 2012
I have a sheet with data that is associated with a month or season. I need to create a drop down list or check boxes on another sheet that will allow me to select the data associated with the month or season that is chosen.
For instance, on Sheet1, I have Summer-12 as the label in cell A1, and the data associated with it in cell A3:AH15. Winter-12 is in cell A18 and the data associated with it is in B20:31.
This goes on for 3 years of data.
I need a drop down list or check boxes on sheet2 where I can select one or multiple seasons and then the associated data for those seasons appear in order.
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Nov 1, 2013
I am trying to create a Macro to pull from a list and then update the charts and print. I have a list that has over 100 clients. I believe I need to loop but I am not familiar with VBAs at all. Below is what I am trying to accomplish.
Sub Update()
' Update Macro
Application.CutCopyMode = False
[Code] ......
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Sep 16, 2012
See attached file - I would like to use the "Create Parts issue Report" Button to create worksheet titled "Parts Issue Report" based on the pulldown menu in cell B1 tab "Vehicle data" so each pulll down will generate a different "Parts Issue Report" when clicking the "Create Parts Issue Report" button. I think it needs to be a looping VBA to go thru the "Vehicle Data" rows and columns looking for the keywords "late" or past" as I only want a report created on that criteria. The output criteria I have label in the tab "Parts Issue Report" I can explain further if needed.
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May 31, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that has item names and then at the end the manufacturer number. I'd want to find way cut that manufacturer number off the end and move it to its own column.
I pasted some examples below of what it looks like. It is just coincidence that the items below all that the same length...they are all of varying lengths. The one thing they all have in common is that it the last thing in the cell and seperated by a space. I would think there would be a way to find the last space in the cell and cut everything to the right of that. I can do it in a macro if necessary, but where to start.
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Apr 3, 2012
I have two formula i use to pull out the number from text in a cell (J2), the problem i am having is that it will only pull out numbers up to 99,999 and i now have numbers over a million in some case that i need to report on.
I have two way I have been doing this see below, how can i change them so they will pull the number over a million?
I am sure it easy but i have tried all sort and i can not get it to work...
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Nov 11, 2008
I am trying to pull a value (text) from another spreadsheet corresponding with a number. I can't use vlookup because none of them are in a left column. HEre's an example:
there are 2 columns with names and percentages. I am trying to pull a name that corresponds to a certain percentage.
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Jul 16, 2012
I'm trying to pull a specific 10 digit number from a text string. The ID # is always 10 digits however sometimes there are dates in the data that need to be excluded as well as other numbers such as "I-9". The 10 digit number will always start with 1 or 8. Is there a macro or Formula to extract this data? Please find the example dataset below.
Edit: I should specify I want the "100118416" number from the first cell example or the "800011320" number from the 10th example.
NDM Abxx, Kexxxxx 100118416 2-29-12.pdf
VPG I9 Aberxxxxx, Dexxx 100113048 1-1-12.pdf
I-9 Abxxx, Rexx 100119966 4-5-12.pdf
NDM I9 Achxxxn, Paxx 100119008 3-15-2012.pdf
VPG I-9 Acxxxxx, Toxx 100112782 01-01-12.pdf
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Feb 19, 2010
(the html is messing up the out put for a2 and a3)
I am trying to get the total amout that is in the set in individual cells. I have the size type done just having trouble timesing the numbers in the cell
A1 A2 A3
10/2LB/CASE 20 Pound
12 16 OZ CASE 192 OZ
12/750ML/CASE 9000 ML
5 Gal/Box 5 Gallon
(i have placed the columns to match formatting normal=A1 Bold=A2 Underline=A3)
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Feb 13, 2008
In a1 i have 100.888 and a2 122.222 and a3 122.555UK,(and so on) in column b i want just want the number and not the uk, i have tried =left(a1,7) which works until a3 then it give me characters 122.555 and not the number/value 122.55. I need it as a value to use the vlookup, how do i do it?
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Oct 26, 2012
I have Put 15 Digit Number 234567890123456 in Cell A1. I am trying to get each Digit Seperately into Single Cell from B1 to P1.
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