MS Access Data Import Into An Excel Worksheet.

Oct 7, 2007

I currently have a userform, and on commandbutton_click, it performs
the following code that adds a column in a access table to a combobox(cbList)

Private Sub CmdName_Click()
Dim rstName As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strClientDatabase As String, strConnectionString As String
strClientDatabase = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "9001.mdb"......

After its listed on the combo box, upon commandbutton_click on another button, i wish to extract a particular record, based on the selection made on the combobox(cbList). This is where im having problems caused i have no idea how to do so. I just want it to extract the particular record row, based on cbList, and insert it into range A100:D100 in a particular worksheet. It is then updated and added to a listbox which ive already done the coding for, and with another button click it would add the details in the listbox into the appropriate location i wish to.. The only place im stuck is with extracting the data from access into a A100:D100 range in any worksheet. what ive come up with, but is incomplete is :

Private Sub CmdImport_Click()
Dim adoRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strClientDatabase As String, strConnectionString As String
strClientDatabase = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "9001mdb"

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Import Access To Excel?

Feb 17, 2014

I am trying to import database records into Excel, but i keep getting an error "run-time error 424" on the code below.

It is probably something simple, but i havent tried importing from Access to Excel before.

The code below should clear the data from "Existing" and then copy the data from test.mdb into the same sheet.

The error occurs when opening "Data Source"

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim dbCommand As New ADODB.Command
RowCount = Worksheets("Existing").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Worksheets("Existing").Range("A2:V" & RowCount).ClearContents


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Import From Access Using Excel VBA

Dec 17, 2008

I use Excel 2003 and am trying to import information from an access database. The recordset I am looking for is based on Cell B3 on a worksheet named Import.

Is there a way that Excel VBA Can do this?

The recordset contains text in the standard of Memos, Will I be able to import the entire Memo?

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Format Text File For Excel To Import Into Access

Jan 12, 2010

I have a large text file that is generated daily and want to import into MS Access as the end result.

First I need to reformat into the row format in excel rather than the format it is in. The issue is not all the segments are the same number of lines or they may have mutli message lines. The names with colon : after them I want to be field names in the table which I wish the text file to import into. Please, I am looking for assistance with this.

I have attached sample data of the text dump, and the name of the file is as you see but different date on the end. At the very end of the text file you will see the desired output which I will then import into Access

Also every new message begins with the dotted line and the date and time at the end.

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Excel 2007 :: Import Data From Worksheet Into Another And Group Data Into Sections

Mar 2, 2012

I want to be able to run a macro that will export some of the data from a worksheet called Generated Report into another worksheet called Matrix. The data will be taken Generated REport and grouped into sections of the worksheet. These sections will be defined by the BRID value.

The Data that i want to export will be from the first 5 columns within the Generated Report(note there are other columns which data is not required from).

The following columns will be exported from Generated Report -

BRID,Requirement, Bug Description, Bug ID and Alt Bug ID.

BRIDRequirement Bug DescriptionBUG ID Alt Bug ID
PQ115 PQ115-Login Bug Description text xihllloloj43712 123
PQ116PQ116-Landing Bug Description text ghghghgoot 43713 126

For Matrix

The data will be imported into Matrix worksheet into the following columns as part of the row headings

- Requirement, Description, Bug ID and VF Bug ID.There will also be other columns (outlined below) which i will use to manually enter data

The data will be grouped and imported into the relevant section by its BRID eg PQ115, PQ116 etc.

I want each section (marked by BRID number)to be separated by row headings.

These row headings are to be generated after populating all data within each BRID number.

When the data has been populated in each row there is a column called 'Status' which contains drop down list boxes which can be assigned.

The default status will be set to 'To Do'. The complete row headings are displayed with Output from Generated Report underneath

BRID Priority Requirment Description BugID Alt Bug ID PC UpdateNotes Actual Result Type of DEfect Test Status Tested by
PQ115 PQ115-Login Bug Description text xihllloloj43712 123 To Do

BRID Priority Requirment Description BugID Alt Bug ID QC UpdateNotes Actual Result Type of DEfect Test Status Tested by
PQ116 PQ116-Landing Bug Description text ghghghgoot43713 126 To Do

So far the macro that i have been using allows me to locate the data for each specific BRID in Generated Report and copy into the corresponding BRID section within the Matrix. I have to repeat this step for each new BRID and i want to be able to whole automate this process.

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Import Data From Selected Excel File Into A Specified Worksheet

Mar 17, 2009

I have a workbook which, amongst several worksheets, also includes 12 blank worksheets (one for each month of the year).

Is it possible to have a macro that will (a) first prompt the user to select an excel file to import (the excel files to import are provided each month and only have one tab); then (b) select which worksheet to import the data (values only) from the selected file into.

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Excel 2007 :: Import From Access Table Based On Parameters

Dec 12, 2011

I am attempting to create a template that will utilize data from an Access table, and allow the user to select the parameters in the Excel file. The amount of records in this table is slowing down the Excel file, and I would like to lessen the amount of data that is imported based on the user selection.

The Access table will have three columns:

Part Number|Line|Catalog Code

I would like to import all three columns, but allow the user to select the records imported based on the catalog code.

The users do not have read or write access to the sql tables, so I run an Access query at the end of each day to create an Access table that they can access.

I have 2007 versions.

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Access Data Import

Jul 2, 2009

I am having some issues importing data from Excel to Access. I am attempting to import about 45000 rows of data from Excel to Access. It appears Access is only importing about 16000 of the 45000 rows. I am using 'import' in 'get external data'.

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Specify Format Of Access Data Import

Oct 3, 2006

I tried to upload my spreadsheet but the zipped excel spreadsheet was 78KB over the forum max. Its hard for me to explan this without you looking at the spreadsheet. Basicly I'm exporting data from Access to Excel into a spreadsheet. When the data exports into excel I want the data to be formated in such a way and this is where some code will need to be written. I've made up 2 spreadsheets within excel. One sheet is how the data comes into excel from access and the other sheet is how I'd like the data to look without me having to doctor the sheet every time I export.

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Data Rows Import To Access Columns

May 24, 2014

In Excel, we have multiple images for duplicate subjects: But when imported into Access, we run into a major problem:

How it is currently laid out in Excel:

Subject 1
Image 1.jpg
Subject 1
Image 2.jpg


How Access requires it in order to do what we need:

Subject 1
Image 1.jpg
Image 2.jpg
Image 3.jpg


Duplicate rows vary from 2 to 15 of the same subject. There are about 40 columns, and the image data is in Column K:K

There are thousands of rows, and I am totally stuck on how merge, transpose or otherwise get this data the way Access requires it...

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Import Data From Access Table To Pivot Table - Enable Auto Refresh

Feb 1, 2010

I have enable Refresh on Open for my excel pivot table, but user need to click "Enable Automatic Refresh" , only solution i came across is to change the registry setting. Which i dont have access to edit registry(admin disable the access).

Alternate solution i try to use Access macro to automate the process and use Outputto save it as a excel file A. Then use excel file B to update pivot table from excel file A.(as excel A data is always latest)
The problem is i will get "....A file name already you want to overwrite.." prompt.
Which defeat the automate process.

Any other solution to enable the automatic refresh on open the excel workbook?

Or Access can overwrite the exist file or save it as another file name with timestamp ?

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Populate Values In Excel Worksheet From Access Table?

Mar 26, 2014

I want to write down the code that will populate values in "Sheet1" from the Access table. The column headers shows "Envelope types", "Envelope Size" fields from the Access table and each cell should store sum(volume) for each month in the table.

As I can't upload access table in the attachment so I have exported data into Workbook named "tblmain" as attached. But in actual tblmain is Access table. consider it an access table.

wrting code that will fetch data from access table and store in all the cells of the table in "Sheet1" of Elevate workbook.

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Excel 2010 :: Import CSV Into Worksheet

Dec 11, 2012

Excel 2010 / Win 7.

I have some code that imports a csv file into a workbook. This works fine when i use a file named .csv. I was hoping to use a random file name (in this case .bmhs) so that we can determine which files we need to import.

The problem i have is when importing a '.bmhs' file the data comes in column A and is a comma seperated list. If i use .csv then the commas are used as the column seperators (which i need).

impFle = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="BMHS Files, *.bmhs", Title:="Select Import File")

would give me 1,2,3,4 all in column A

impFle = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="CSV Files, *.csv", Title:="Select Import File")

would give me 1 in column A, 2 in column B, 3 in column C and 4 in column D.

Is there any way that i can maintain using my own file name (.bmhs) but have excel treat it as a csv file.

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Excel 2003 :: Grant Access To Selective Columns On Shared Worksheet

Nov 15, 2012

I'd like to grant access to selective columns on a shared worksheet.

For example:
Columns A to D should be edited by only me
Columns E to G can be edited by anyone
Column H should only be edited by someone else

The worksheet has to be shared and has been shared by me. I know how to protect & hide locked cells etc but the problem I'm running into is this...

After locking & password protecting say columns A to D and then sharing the worksheet, I am unable to edit my own columns (columns A to D) without first entering the password.

However in order to enter the password I need to unprotect the sheet. And in order to unprotect the sheet, I need to unshare it!

Is there any way around this or perhaps a completely different way of approaching it?

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Sql Import To Access

Dec 20, 2008

The size of the table I'm importing will change, so i would like for the code to not matter on size. Also its, gonna be large too. The sheet will always be the same and the column headers will match for excel and access.

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Import The Last Row An Access Table

Nov 26, 2007

Is it possible to import the last row an Access table into Excel either through VBA or an excel function.

I need it to be only the last row, due to the size of the database, I have tried importing using a query but this takes a long time as it checks each row first.

Is there a way to find the last row automatically a bit like this in excel.

myendrow = sheets("sheet1").range("a65536").end(xlup).row

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Access/read Data From A Hidden WorkSheet

May 19, 2006

I'm trying to access/read data from a hidden WorkSheet in Excel 2003 using:

Application.Worksheets("Hidden Sheet").Activate
With ActiveSheet
**** Data ****
End With

The accessed **** Data **** refers to another ('unhidden') WorkSheet. How can I read the data without making the WorkSheet visible to the User?

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Import Multiple Word Tables Into Worksheet

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to take multiple tables from a Word document and import them into an Excel worksheet. Currently I have found two versions that when combined, could yield what I am looking for. The first one imports the table's data from Word, but does not maintain formatting of the table (font, colors, rows/columns etc.):

The next code maintains formatting, but only imports/pastes one table:

[Code] .........

For the second one, I do not like the fact that it is calling a specific Workbook to paste into. If I could somehow maintain the ability to import/past multiple tables while keeping formatting that would be perfect. An extra bonus would be to import each table within the Word document into individual Worksheets in Excel. I am also using Office 2010.

References: [URL] .........

VBA - How to preserve source formatting while copying data from word table to excel sheet using VB macro? - Stack Overflow

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Import Appropriate Data To Worksheet

Nov 11, 2009

I have a workbook that contains an 'AllData' sheet. That sheet has 6 columns titled "category, keyword, bid, advertisers, search vol, online". Each category has its own worksheet and i want to put the data for each category onto the corresponding worksheet. I am having a difficult time describing this so I have attached a brief example. I have to do this for 145 categories so I would much prefer to do it automatically rather than manually.

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Import Access Table Into Different Cells

Mar 17, 2014

I have a table i'm importing from access. I'm wondering if there's a way to split the table so that it imports into separate locations. The following shows what I'm trying to do.

This is the data table. You'll note that under FlatOrTrim, I have 2 choices.

I'd like the ones in flat to populate one portion of the worksheet, and the ones in Trim to populate a different part of the worksheet. Like so: (Not all the data matches up perfectly, ignore that)...

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Import Specific Fields From Access (VBA)

Apr 1, 2009

I have working code to copy the matching records of an Access table into an Excel worksheet, but now I am trying to modify this code so that I can select a couple of specific fields from the table instead of just copying all of the fields (there are 15 fields in the table, but I only actually need 4 of them for this particular report).

Here is the code I am currently using to copy all of the fields over with the matching records:

Const myDB = "DSD Errors DB tester.mdb"
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
' Test Field Select button
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sSQL As String

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM DSD_Invoice_Requests WHERE `Paid?` IS NULL"

How can I modify this so that I put specific fields from the table into columns in Excel that will not line up with the layout of the table? For the sake of the example, let's say that I need fields 2, 4, 6, and 8 of the table to go into columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Excel.

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Import From Access - Filter Query

Nov 15, 2006

I have the following code for importing a query from Access to Excel.

Sub LoadAdditionalData()
Application.Run Range("AUTOSAVE.XLA!mcs02 .OnTime")
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= Array(Array( _
"ODBC;DBQ=S:NBHD_RENEWALDatabaseNR DB_current.mdb;DefaultDir=S:NBHD_RENEWALDatabase;Driver={Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb)};" _
), Array( _
"DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;MaxScanRows=8;PageTimeout=5;SafeTransactions=0;Threads=3;UserCommitSync=Yes;" _ ...............

I currently have filters set to 990 (finance code) and 3 (quarter) but I would like to be able to enter these parameters myself everytime the macro is run.

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Import Sheet Into Access Without Do.cmd Command

Jan 23, 2007

is it possible to import an excel file into access from an excel form?
without using the access, DO.CMD call?

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VBA To Import Access Database Stored On SharePoint

Jun 14, 2013

How to import data from an access database, specific tables, to excel using vba; the trick being the database is stored on SharePoint Server 2010.

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Entering Formula- Data Imported From Access And Saved As A Worksheet

Dec 7, 2007

I have a workbook with just one worksheet. It's just a list of data imported from Access and saved as a worksheet. When I try to enter a formula ie '=4+4' it goes in as text and will not calculate. I have tried various formatting to no avail. I added a second worksheet to see what happens and this works fine. (XP home, Excel 2003).

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Auto-Run Macro - Import CSV Data Into Specified Worksheet

Jun 27, 2013

I've created an Auto_Run macro that imports a CSV file into a specified worksheet. That worksheet is referenced by VlookUp in another worksheet within the workbook. Everything works perfectly EXCEPT, in the midst of running the macro, the user is prompted to (RE)choose the csv file already specified in the macro. Neither the folder nor the filename ever changes, so I'm not sure why I have to keep indicating the file every time the macro runs.

PHP Code:

 'Sub Auto_Run() ' ' Auto_Run Macro ' '    Sheets("CSVData").Select    Cells.Select    
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp    With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _  "TEXT;
G:TestProjectsWorkOrderTest.csv", Destination:=Range("$A$1"))        
.Name = "WorkOrderTest"        .FieldNames = True        .RowNumbers = False        

[Code] .......

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Import Last Row Of Data Of Multiple CSV File To One Worksheet?

Aug 21, 2013

I'm looking for a macro that will import the last row of data of each .csv files from a specific folder, i.e., c: emp, into one new worksheet.

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Excel 2010 :: Access Data Connection Query - Missing Data All Of Sudden

Oct 19, 2012

I created a slick little excel sheet with the data coming in automatically via Access query. It has been working fine for months. Now all of the sudden there are a bunch of cells with missing data. The weird part is it's not as if whole columns are missing data, more like 90% missing. When I go to Access and run the query all cells are populated as the should be. There have been no changes to the query at all during this time.

btw...I am running Office 2010

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Importing Access Data Into Excel Tab?

Jun 17, 2014

I have an acess database where I export the data into a blank excel workbook and then copy and paste the data into a report file. My goal is to automate this process and my first thought was to add a button into the access database and have it export to an excel template, but using/editing the access database is not an option, so, that leaves me thinking about automating this process from excel. Is it possible to export data from an access database into cell A1 of a tab?

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Saving Data From Excel To Access Through VBA

Mar 12, 2014

I have created one Info path solution to gather information from different locations to one hidden Access database. And in last month or two I already have more than 30 000 entries in database. On other side I have created 2 excel workbooks, one for purpose of report that has all connection done through VBA, user just opens it, clicks button and gets report and one workbook that is for other set of users so they can change 2 specific columns of data, everything else is locked. When one department fills value it should fill based on gathered information, and clicks save that cell or cells are being locked.

At first I did on worksheet change event, when user changes a cell (enters information) it triggers worksheet_change event and saves that value in database and colours cell green. But, then users start complaining that when they use copy paste or the use fill paste option (just pull value from one cell to others) it does not save value. Ok ... that is because worksheet_change event does not trigger in situation when copy paste in any form occurs.

So how to solve it ... when pulling data in excel I pull identical table (data) in other hidden worksheet. When they change what they need to change, they click button "save to database" i have created and there is a macro that makes other sheet visible, goes through the records and saves where cell value in table that is being entered is different then same cell in hidden table.

Problem is that sometimes my code works without a problem and sometimes they get an error. I cannot figure out when. When a lot of users use that excel file, for some users it is a read only file, and as I presume that is ok, because macro works in any case and data are stores in database so excel file itself does not have to be saved.

Here is code.

[Code] .....

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