Access/read Data From A Hidden WorkSheet

May 19, 2006

I'm trying to access/read data from a hidden WorkSheet in Excel 2003 using:

Application.Worksheets("Hidden Sheet").Activate
With ActiveSheet
**** Data ****
End With

The accessed **** Data **** refers to another ('unhidden') WorkSheet. How can I read the data without making the WorkSheet visible to the User?

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Macro To Access And Read Data From HDF Files?

Feb 16, 2013

Does Excel can be used to read data from HDF files? Specifically, what I would like to do is this: I have an Excel worksheet with some latitude data on Column A and longitude data on Column B. I would like to open a HDF file, which contains many sets of data, out of which 2 are the latitude/longitude data, and a third set contains the data that I want to extract. I will use the latitude data in Column A to search through the first set in the HDF, which will return me the row number. I will then use the longitude data in Column B to search through the second set to return the column number. With these row and column numbers, I will then extract the corresponding data in the third set, and write it to Column C in the worksheet.

how to write a simple VBA code for it? Or point me to some relevant information?

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File May Be Read-Only, Or You May Be Trying To Access A Read-Only Location

Jan 4, 2007

I'm trying to open a file on a network drive...but I'm getting the following error message when it opens: "This file may be read-only, or you may be trying to access a read-only location. Or the server the document is stored on may not be responding." Now, the file itself has no rights restrictions and is not read only. It doesn't appear to be locked.

Now, there are other Excel files in the same directory which I could open fine; however, the Excel documents having the above problem all have a little black icon "appears to be a padlock" (image attached) at the bottom left hand side of the Excel file icon. I tried the following:

- Renaming
- Converting to a different file format (didn't work, it won't let me)
- Opening in notepad...etc doesn't work.

This file is dated back in you think it's corrupt? Is there anything i can do to open or recover this?

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Read Only Access In Excel?

Jan 16, 2012

I have an excel file which is shared by multiple users. I would like to make one person to have read,write or edit permissions and rest of the users to have only read only permissions.

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Direct Read Of Access Table

Jul 11, 2008

I have a RecordSet that has been built and accessed sequentially with no problems. I now want to access it directly, via it's Primary Key.

I know I can access it as follows :

With MyTable
Do Until .EOF
If ![PrimaryKey] = Work_Key Then
MyData = ![Data_To_Extract]
Exit Do
End If
End With
As a MainFrame Programmer, I would expect to be able to access that record directly, via it's Primary Key, something like :

Read MyTable Key = Work_Key
MyData = ![Data_To_Extract]
Am I thinking too much like a Mainframe Programmer (that *is* my trade, it's difficult to adjust sometimes !)? Is the With - Do/Loop method the way to go, or is there a Direct Read method I should be using?

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Textbox Wont Read From Hidden Columns

Sep 23, 2009

I have a userform with a bunch of textboxes that read from certain rows/columns/etc. However, when I hide certain columns (I need them hidden) the textboxes don't display the data (it only displays when the columns are not hidden).

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Read Worksheet Data Into Userform

Sep 10, 2009

I have setup a userform to record fuel issued to vehicles. I have a text box which I would like to use to display the last meter reading from my fuel pump. This data is stored in the last cell in column F of "Sheet1" workbook. Is it possible to read this data into my userform so when it starts it displays the last pump reading?

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Only Execute Code On A Write-access Basis, Not Read-only

Jul 6, 2009

I have recently used a before_close event on this workbook to save a backup of the open file to another location on my system. This works fine but I was wondering if there was some more code I could add to only execute this event on a write access basis.

The file I use can be viewed by anyone on the network as read-only and only certain users with a password can edit/update with a write access password.

The backup event is use executes every time the document is closed be it read-only or write-access.

Ideally I would like to add some code to only execute this backup if the file is opened on a write-access basis.

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Find Hidden Data In Worksheet

Jul 6, 2006

Excel 2003. Windows XP Professional. Bank reconciliations. How is it possible in an unprotected worksheet to hide additional data input in formulas so that visible invalid numbers produce accurate results? Displaying hidden formulas in formula bar reveals nothing. Blank cells have been included in formula, but searches for hidden numbers and links in these cells produced nothing. I'm at my wit's end to correct this misuse of Excel in my office.

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MS Access Data Import Into An Excel Worksheet.

Oct 7, 2007

I currently have a userform, and on commandbutton_click, it performs
the following code that adds a column in a access table to a combobox(cbList)

Private Sub CmdName_Click()
Dim rstName As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strClientDatabase As String, strConnectionString As String
strClientDatabase = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "9001.mdb"......

After its listed on the combo box, upon commandbutton_click on another button, i wish to extract a particular record, based on the selection made on the combobox(cbList). This is where im having problems caused i have no idea how to do so. I just want it to extract the particular record row, based on cbList, and insert it into range A100:D100 in a particular worksheet. It is then updated and added to a listbox which ive already done the coding for, and with another button click it would add the details in the listbox into the appropriate location i wish to.. The only place im stuck is with extracting the data from access into a A100:D100 range in any worksheet. what ive come up with, but is incomplete is :

Private Sub CmdImport_Click()
Dim adoRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strClientDatabase As String, strConnectionString As String
strClientDatabase = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "9001mdb"

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Entering Formula- Data Imported From Access And Saved As A Worksheet

Dec 7, 2007

I have a workbook with just one worksheet. It's just a list of data imported from Access and saved as a worksheet. When I try to enter a formula ie '=4+4' it goes in as text and will not calculate. I have tried various formatting to no avail. I added a second worksheet to see what happens and this works fine. (XP home, Excel 2003).

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Set Textbox Control Source To Hidden Worksheet NOT Active Worksheet?

May 6, 2014

I have created an excel worksheet that will provide budgeting and estimating tools for my project managers. All data used to be manual entry and took a good while to complete. I am trying to automate the process with VBA.

I created a UserForm called InfoVerify1. On that form I have TextBox 1 - 10. When the UF opens, the boxes display project information from my worksheet called "Basis of Estimate", also known as Sheet26.

The TextBox1 ControlSource is set to "E4". When I run the macro with Sheet26 active, the proper information fills in. However, when I am on the Start page or any other worksheet and I run the macro, it tries to fill in the text boxes with E4, etc, from the active sheet. I tried changing the ControlSource to "Sheet26,E4" or any combo thereof with only error messages.

how to get it to refer to a cell on a particular worksheet and hold to that worksheet no matter which sheet I am on at the time I run the Userform?

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Locate/Access "Hidden" Module

Sep 30, 2009

I've got a macro I need to edit which is on a module page I don't know how to access. the code was created using the naming format: mymacro (pathh). It's run by using another macro on another module page named: [module 8(code)]. The page i need is named [module 11(code)]. how to pull this up in my VBA editor?

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Worksheet Is Being Read As Corrupted

Jan 22, 2014

I recently added formulas to the attached worksheet where a cell is linked to a "true" and a "false" which are linked to check boxes. When "true" is activated the cell with the formula will = "HOLD" and when "false" is activated the same cell will ="RELEASE". Now, when i saved this worksheet and tried to reopen it a dialog box popped up that said "the content is not readable.... excel will try to recover the content" (or something like that) so when i click "yes" to the dialog box then the sheet opens fine , however, when i save the sheet the same box pops up? Maybe there is something wrong with my formula because before i inserted the formula to the sheet the sheet worked fine.

See attached TEST1.xlsx

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Read Worksheet To 2nd Array

Aug 13, 2008

I have a worksheet with 7 columns and I would like to read this into a 2d array. The worksheet can have as much as 50k rows.

1) is it possible to read 50k rows into a 2d array?
2) is it more efficient to read data into an array for access/manipulation as opposed to a worksheet?
3) can someone show me how to read in a worksheet with 7 cols to a 2d array?

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Read Conditions From Cells On Worksheet?

Apr 20, 2012

I understand that if I want to do sumifs with an "or" condition, I do something like

=SUM(SUMIFS(A:A,B:B, {"Condition1", Condition2"}))

I have a lot of conditions, so I'm wondering whether there's any way I can read the the conditions from cells on a worksheet, so I don't have to type them in manually. In other words, I'd like to have the things inside the "{ }" be cell refrences.

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Read / Import Text File Into Worksheet

Jan 23, 2008

I want to read data from Notepad into Excel. I found this code on the net and have been trying to modify it for my needs:

Sub ImportText(FileName As String)
Dim X As Long
Dim FileNum As Long
Dim TotalFile As String
Dim Lines() As String
Const DataRowStart As Long = 1
Const DataColStart As Long = 1
FileNum = FreeFile
Open "" For Binary As #FileNum.................

This pastes the contents of each line into 1 cell but I want to paste each value into a seperate cell. So in the attached data.txt there are 5 records each of 2 lines. For example in the 1st record I want to paste 05-693-1900 into 1 cell then 0040 in the cell to the right of that, Town A into another cell, 000000 into another cell....and so on. For the 2nd line it should be 000000000033 into one cell, AA28816 into the adjacent cell...and each remaining number into a seperate cell. I also want to leave 3 blank lines before going to the next

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Worksheet Access Log

Aug 26, 2009

I want to create a log of everyone who opens a particular workbook. I'm using Excel 2003. I found this macro, and created a worksheet called "Log", but I've opened the workbook several times and nothing appears on the Log sheet.

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Export Hidden Worksheet To PDF?

May 2, 2014

I'm able to export hidden worksheet to PDF. Currently, I have the follow code below which will export active worksheet.

With Worksheets("ExportTable")
.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PdfFile, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=True

After I hide the tab, when I tried to export it. I have an error message of "Invalid argument". I should use another type of code to export hidden tabs.

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Protect A Hidden Worksheet

Jun 10, 2005

Is it possible to protect a hidden worksheet. I do not want them to be able to unhide the sheet unless they know a password to do so.

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Access Another Workbooks Worksheet

Dec 28, 2007

In another thread I was able to access another workbook with a listbox.

I'm now trying to do the same thing with a command button. Here's what I have so far without success.

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
With Range("'Estimate_Database.xls'!ELECTRICAL")
End With

End Sub

The file path being C/Documents/Estimate_Database

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Hidden Rows In Protected Worksheet?

Jul 21, 2014

I was able to create a macro that allows a user to unhide rows in a protected worksheet without unprotecting the other locked fields (see below). My question is: I want to add to this command so that 1 row can not be "unhidden" if the previous row is still hidden. For example, row 25 can not be unhidden if row 24 is still hidden.

Macro command used:

Private Sub Commandbutton4_Click()
Sub Hide_Rows2h()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="xxx"
Rows("25").Hidden = Not Rows("25").Hidden
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="xxx"

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Insert Rows On Hidden Worksheet

Mar 23, 2009

My workbook contains 10 worksheets. Some users will use all 10 worksheets; some will use only 5 worksheets. If a user is not using a worksheet, I would like to hide it but leave it in the workbook.

However, I want to keep all workbooks in sync even though a user may choose to not use a particular worksheet. When my macros encounter a hidden worksheet, they stall. Does coding exist that allows a Macro to run on a hidden worksheet without making the worksheet visible?

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Open The Hidden Worksheet When Clicked

May 2, 2006

1) I cannot figure out how to write VBA so the "Show Results" button will open the hidden worksheet when clicked.

2) When I use the userform to add new info, it does save to the worksheet, but when I cose the userform and try to open the spreadsheet, I get the following message, "Userform is already opened. Reopening will cause any changes to be disguarded". If I answer yes, I lose my changes, if I answer no, the changes are saved. I want this message to go away and data from the userform to automatically be added to the spreadsheet.

3) I want to make sure the "Account Number" field has a 9 digit number in it before it can be saved. If there is not a 9 digit number I would like an error message saying "Please enter a 9 digit account number" as a pop up.

4) I want to make sure both the "Account Number" and the "Assignment" fields have been populated before the data can be saved.

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Hidden Worksheet Macro Not Working

Jun 26, 2006

saw the other posts about hidden worksheets and couldn't get my makro to work. The macro works fine when the sheet in question is not hidden but when it is or when I tried to solve it with

Sheets(" total").visible = True
Sheets("total").Visible = False

Why could this be? The problem only occurs when the sheet is hidden or when code like the above are used, what could be done to fix the problem.

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Toggle Worksheet Hidden Status

Mar 2, 2007

I have a button on a sheet that I want to unhide another sheet, but if this other sheet is already visible then I want this same button to hide it.

Here is what I tried and it does work except it runs all the IF's instead of stoping at THE IF that matches the condition.

Sub HideUnhide()

If Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetHidden Then
Sheet2.Visible = True
End If
If Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden Then
Sheet2.Visible = True
End If
If Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetVisible Then
Sheet2.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

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Prevent Referencing Hidden Worksheet

Jun 3, 2008

I have a spreadsheet which I'm using as a log-in front for a series of other workbooks. The usernames and passwords are stored hidden cells within a "very hidden" worksheet. The workbook is protected and VBA code itself is password protected.

In short no-one can directly view the passwords (unless the password to unprotect it all is known.

What I have found is that someone can use a formula to reference the cells containing the user details. "=a1" for example.

Is the a method hiding the contents of a cell from excel itself? I want the vba script to be able to see the value, but any "=a1" formulas to return a blank.

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Exporting Worksheet To Access Table

Oct 7, 2009

I have a script that exports an excel worksheet into an access db table and thsi is working fine. However i want to define a specific worksheet where the data is being exported from within the code but im having trouble doing, its using just a range at present.

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Macro To Access Worksheet Via Popup Box

Jan 19, 2010

I have a macro below that gives me a popup box that lets me type in the new sheet i want to access. etc(sheet1.xls) It give me 2 boxes one i must type the old sheet i currently access etc(sheet0.xls) and the next is the new sheet i will now be accesssing.

Is there a way to change this so i only get one box that will let me type in the new sheet i want to access?

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Best Way To Populate Worksheet From Access Database

Mar 8, 2008

I have an excel worksheet that I need to populate with a few thousand data points from MS Access. Currently I do this through vba code somewhat similar to this:

rst2.Open myQueryString, cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect
Do Until rst2.EOF
wsht1.Cells(1+counter, 1) = rst2!val
counter = counter +1

Now this method works, but it is pretty slow to load. I remember reading as a general excel optimization technique you should avoid using long loops accessing cells on an individual basis.

Is there a better way for me to dump large clumps of Access data into Excel, instead of populating it cell by cell?

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