Every N-th Cell Value From A Column And Create Another Column Consisting Of Every 4th Number

Nov 5, 2008

I was wondering, is there a function that would take, lets say, every 4th cell value from a column and create another column consisting of every 4th number ?

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Compare Column Number Of Cell With Last Cell Column Number In Loop

Jan 11, 2014

I am trying to save an excel sheet to .csv format with the following macro:

[Code] ......

The following part of the code needs to be modified so that the commas appear correctly in .csv file even for null values for any given column.

[Code] .....

I have attached the Sample Sheets. Source sheet and the Result sheet. The Result sheet doesn't provide the required result. Some data are missing and unwanted commas have been added. How to correct the logic in the above piece of code.

Attached File :

Result Sheet.csv‎

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Column Number Of Last Column In A Row Where Cell Contents Greater Than 0

Jun 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with rows of data. I need a formula that will return the column number of the last column in a row where there is a value >0.

Let's say that cells A1:F1 contain values. Some have values of 0 while others have values >0. I need a formula in cell G1 that will tell me the column number of the last value >0.

0 2 5 0 6 0

So the formula in G1 would return a value of 5, which corresponds to column E.

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Convert Column Number Into Another Column Cell?

Dec 27, 2013

A column:

I want to put/write to B column the some numbers (42,11,72,48..) in A column.

B column:

How can I achieve it?

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Create A User Defined Function To Search A Column Of Data For A Part Number

Mar 25, 2008

I want to create a user defined function to search a column of data for a part number.

If it exists I want to have a the UDf returna "fail" otherwise "pass"

Here is the code I was trying to use

Function firstpass(SN As String) As String
ws = Worksheets("Defects")
c = ""
With ws.Range("a1:a9999")
Set c = .Find(SN, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
End With
If Not c Is Nothing Then
firstpass = "Pass"
firstpass = "Fail"
End If

End Function

This function only returns a "#value" and I don't quite know how to troubleshoot it.

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Create Column To Show Month Only Using Date Column As Reference

Jan 16, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with a column showing dates (dd/mm/yyyy). I need the column next to it to display the month only (Jan,Feb etc).

How do I create a column to show the month only using the date column as a reference.

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Create Formula In Column B To Add 4 Days To Date Based Upon Column A

Apr 3, 2014

I have a form in which users will manually enter a date in Column A. I would like to create a formula in Column B which will add 4 days to the date based upon Column A. However, the 4 days should only be added to a select set of dates which I would like to specify. If the date is not found in this select set of dates, then the result in Column B should be the same date as Column A.

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Create Sequence - Put Order In Second Column Of Item That Is In First Column

Dec 28, 2011

I need to put the order in the second column of the item that is in the first column.

In the last line item Computer is recorded for the third time.


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How To Create A Cumulative Column Based Upon Another Column

Jul 24, 2009

I have a model built that calculates the daily Profit and loss ('Data for Pivot' tab, column M). I would like to calculate the cumulative profit and loss and am having a difficult time doing this with a simple formula. The Daily P/L column is empty (#NA value is in the cells) up until cell C138 as there is no data before that (which is the way it is supposed to be). However, once data has begun to be populated the daily profit and loss is shown (in this case from M138 onwards). The issue I am having is that I cannot seem to be able to create a formula that will capture the cumulative P/L. My desired result is evident in cells N179 onwards, as it simply captures the cumulative p/l. However, this only works if I change the formula once data is populated (in this case cell N177 is where i put in a new formula; the previous formula can be seen in cells N3-N176). If I attempt to put in the formula that is in cell N177 for all of the cells in column N, it gives me an error. Thus, I think that this may need to be programmed via VBA, but I have not been successful in doing this. The issue is that the data population in this model begins on different cells based on the different inputs that I put in ('Mov_Avg_Chart' tab, cells c6 and c8). Thus, I can't hard-code a formula based on a particular cell. If anyone can help me with this,

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Create Range For Entire Column From A Cell?

Jan 7, 2014

I have this code:

Modules --> Module1:

Function Find(strSearch As String) As Range
Dim aCell As Range
Set aCell = ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Find(What:=strSearch, LookIn:=xlValues, _


I've walked this through the debugger. The Find function is finding the "Applicable" column fine (column 2). But how do I convert the aCell object to a range so that Intersect will be true, and will uppercase the cell value that was updated? If I were hardcoding this, I would return Range("B:B").

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Lookup/Match: Compare A1 For The Values In Column B, Then Return The Corresponding Cell (column C) In Column D

Jan 31, 2008

I've been searching the forums for this problem but I can't seem to find any answers. Anyway, this is the problem. See screenshot.

I want to compare A1 for the values in column B, then return the corresponding cell (column C) in column D.
e.g. D1 = 2, D2 = 1, D3 = 4, D4 = 5 and D5 = 3.

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Create Formula In A Column That Increments Cell Reference From Data In Row

Sep 8, 2012

I'm new to Excel (4th day in class) and I can't find the answer to what I'm looking for on the net. Part of the problem is that I don't know what to call it, so I have a hard time looking it up.

Very simply put, let's say there are examples numbers 1,2,3,4 put in cells A1 to A4 (vertical) and more example number 50,60,70,80 are put in cells A6 to D6 (horizontal)

What one formula can be written in B1 that I can copy down to B4 that will make B1=A1+A6, and B2=A2+B6, and B3=A3+C6, and B4=A4+D6

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Combine Multiple Cells To Create Unique Cell Value In A Column

Sep 23, 2012

I would like to know how to combine multiple cell value from each column to create a unique value. for example column A will have values (a,a,b,c,d,e,e,f,i,j) and B will have (1,2,1,1,3,4,5,5,6,7) and C has ( xxx,yyy,zzz,xxx,yyy,zzz,xxx,xxx,yyy,zzz).

i need to create a list of unique possible combination of data into column D.

I have placed below example and how to create a similar code and what functionality does this.

A Code
B Code
C Code
D Code


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Conditional Formatting (largest Number In Column B The Hotel In Column A Should Be In Bold)

Oct 18, 2008

when the largest number in column B the hotel in column A should be in bold.

So in excel language IF(Number in B Is Max display corresponding hotel in column A as BOLD. But I can't figure out how to do this.

You can see here on the image:

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Range Object/property: Calculates 2nd Column Based On 3rd Column's Number

Jun 1, 2009

I'm trying to write a code that calculates 2nd column based on 3rd column's number or vice versa based on the condition set on the 1st column. Below, there are two procedures. "SimpleCalc" and "SimpleCalc2". I first wrote SimpleCalc2, but it isn't working, so I worked around the error by writing SimpleCalc, which selects a cell and moves around by offset. I personally find it hard to read and error prone as I develop more logic around it.

I'm trying to develop more function based on this code, so I need to make it neat and flexible. what I'm doing wrong in SimpleCalc2? Or do you have any suggestion to improve the code "SimpleCalc"? I'm using Excel 2003.

Sub SimpleCalc()

Dim SimpleMethodRng, SimpleMethod As String, i As Integer


SimpleMethodRng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Dashboard").Range("N5:P12")

For i = 1 To 8

SimpleMethod = SimpleMethodRng(i, 1).........

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Add Number 1 In Adjoining Column When Existing Column Has Amount Highlighted In Green Or Red

Dec 27, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with sales which I colour green when they are outstanding and red when they are despatched. I would like to automatically add a 1 in an adjoining column when the cell is green (eg outstanding) or zero when they are despatched so that it totals up the number of outstanding orders.

a b

172.95 (this column would be green)
024.00 (this cell would be red)
124.00 (this cell would be green)
132.25 (this cell would be green)

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Find Cell Value Row Number & Use For Column Number

Jun 2, 2008

to update these values via a form in this sheet. I can find the correct row to be edited by entering a value from column A and B. The problem is if I want display the values of that row first and then change it. If I want to change row 10 data how can I bring back the value in ROW 3 AND THE COLUMN VALUE? The next step would be to do the actual update if I want to change ROW 10 to "Ooi" and a sales value of 200?

This is what I have done so far:

Dim myRows As Integer

With Sheets("Mrt")

'Retrieve history information for row
For myRows = 4 To 49
If comboxDay.Text = Range("A" & myRows).Value And textboxdescription.Text = Range("B" & myRows).Value Then
textboxbedrag.Text = Range("C" & myRows).Value
chkBTW_Ja.Value = Range("D" & myRows).Value
txtNota.Text = Range("S" & myRows).Value
End If
End With

Picture attached to show how sheet looks like.

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Automatically Applying Custom Value / Number In One Column Dependent On Another Column

Apr 8, 2014

I work in a factory where we create different types of units daily. Below is a list of planned production on a specific date, say today's date. This is a very crude example, with information missing, and it is important to know that there are conditions attached such as:

The types are added randomly. The amount of types is much greater meaning that each type is on it's own page with breaks between. Everything produced on this date will have a URN (unique reference number) with its first 6 digits equating to yy-mm-dd and the last two being the position of the unit in the production sequence (first=01, second=02 etc).

I have gotten it to the point where if you enter them in sequence (Type A first for example) it will lookup to see the last assigned URN and taking the quantity into account issue the correct URNs.

The issues I have are when the URNs are less than "10", there is a problem displaying the 0 before the digit which disrupts the sequence. I can provide more clear examples if required.

Type A


Type B



Type C



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Formula That Advances Column Number While Being Dragged Down Single Column?

Jan 14, 2014

I am creating a tool that is populating information off of another excel document and presenting the information in a different format then the data originally appears. Basically I am unsure how to create a formula, for example, in cell A1, that as I drag it down (A2, A3, etc) the column letter in the formula advances but the row number remains the same. In another words as the formula moves into cell A2, the "Sheet1!D3" changes to "Sheet1!E3", where as normally it would advance to "Sheet1!D4". I just started back up in excel, im sure this is way easier then I am making it seem but I have been unable to come up with a solution.

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Return Column Header Based On Column Criteria And Number Value

Feb 7, 2014

I have the following sample data set and I'm trying to return the appropriate column header based on criteria (i.e. DDD) and a number value which will be somewhere within the range of the table. In example below, the value returned should be Header 2 because the value is greater than those in Header 1 column (range H9 to L26).

Here's data table:

CriteriaHeader 1Header 2Header 3Header 4

DDD10.00Header 1>>>=INDEX($I$9:$L$9,MATCH(I29,INDEX($I$10:$L$26,MATCH(H29,$H$10:$H$26),)))

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Return The Column Number Of First Column In A User Inputted Range?

Feb 19, 2009

I'm creating a macro that creates a co-ocurrence matrix from variables that are adjacent to each other.

In order to proceed, I need to know how to return the column number of the first (leftmost) column in a range that the user selects.

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Highlight Dates In Column H If They Are Greater Than Column G By Certain Number

Sep 5, 2013

I need formatting to highlight the dates in Column H if they are a greater than a week or more from Column G. Tried some different ways of doing this with the conditional formatting but cannot get it to work yet

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Get Number Of Records / Samples In Column C Between Two Dates In Column A?

Mar 6, 2014

I am trying to get the number of records/samples in column C between two dates in column A.

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Getting Sum Of Cells B-F To Post In Column G Unless Column J Has Number Greater Than Zero

May 9, 2014

In my spreadsheet, I have a column for credit card totals (G) and cash totals (J)

I am adding the amounts for Food (Column B), Liquor (Column C), Wine (Column D), Beer (Column E), and Taxes ( Column F) for a total in Column G.

However, Column G is only for credit card totals and I want to do the same calculations for cash totals (Column J) using the same B through F Column without those numbers being plugged back into Column G, when I have no credit card total.

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Look Up In Column A Of "AS" Once It Find That Number I Need It To Return The Number Thats In Column E Of That Row To Sheet "IS"column D

Nov 20, 2008

i have 2 sheets one called "IS" and the other called "AS" in cell a2 of "IS" is a number that i need to have excel look up in column a of "AS" once it find that number i need it to return the number thats in column e of that row to sheet "IS"column d. summary: a2 of "IS" looked up on sheet "AS" and returns the number in column e to cell d2 of "IS"

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Trying To 1 Or 0 IF Cell Contain Number From Another Column

Dec 18, 2013

I'm trying to look at each cell in column A and ask In C2 "If A2 contains a number that is listed in D2:D5, then 1, else 0". I've attached a sample. I am not sure this is even possible via formula, I would take VBA if needed.

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Use Row And Column Number To Get Cell Value

Oct 19, 2012

If we don't use offset() function, we can probably use the following approach to fetch the cell value using its row number and column number:


Here, suppose A1 and A2 store the row number and column number respectively.

But the one here only applies to the same sheet. What if i want to get value from a different sheet? For example, two sheets: Sheet 1 and Sheet 2.

If I type the formula in Sheet 2:


Then this results in an error.

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Use Of Column Number Instead Of Column Letter In Formulas

Jun 16, 2013

In my spreadsheet the formula
gives 8 which is correct.

But I know ONLY that the column is 11 (that is 11 th column). Then how do I write the above count formula wilthout using column letter k.

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Every Number In Column 2 Must Have A 0 Attribute In Column 1 - Flag If Not

May 20, 2014

0 01
0 02
0 03
1 03
0 05
2 06
0 07

in column 2, something may have multiple numbers, but it must have something in column 1 that is equal to 0.

ex. everything above is ok except the 2-06 because it needs a cooresponding 0-06. I need some way to flag these so that i know when there is something in column 2 without a cooresponding 0 in column 1

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Convert Column Number To Column Letter

Nov 20, 2009

in a macro i have this: col=cell.column 'suppose col=16384. then i need to place in a cell this formula =(XFD2708*100/XFD2597)-100 so i'm looking for "something" that can convert 16384 in XFD.

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