Get Number Of Records / Samples In Column C Between Two Dates In Column A?

Mar 6, 2014

I am trying to get the number of records/samples in column C between two dates in column A.

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Highlight Dates In Column H If They Are Greater Than Column G By Certain Number

Sep 5, 2013

I need formatting to highlight the dates in Column H if they are a greater than a week or more from Column G. Tried some different ways of doing this with the conditional formatting but cannot get it to work yet

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Combine Multiple Records Onto 1 Row Based On Unique Number In Column

May 2, 2008

I searched and searched and I can't find an easy way to do this without using Access which I am rubbish at. Is there an easy way to do the following in Excel.
I have several thousand records by row each with a unique numerical identifier. The unique identifier is the "Household". Within the household there are sub "Accounts". The sub accounts are truely unique. All the "Accounts" are in the same column.

What I am trying to do is combine the records into one row per "Household" with the accounts listed in successive columns. The maximum number of accounts there may be is 7 but it can be as few as 1. Example:

HH Acct
1 1234
1 2345
1 3456
1 4567
2 9876
2 8765
3 1113
4 5556
4 4447
4 3335

HH Acct1 Acct2 Acct3 Acct4 Acct5 Acct6 Acct7
1 1234 2345 3456 4567
2 9876 8765 8765
3 1113
4 5556 4447 3335

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Filter Column Data By Time Interval And Count Number Of Records For Each Interval?

Apr 28, 2014

I have a column of "timestamp" data (in mins) which i want to filter by a given time interval, say 10 mins. Then i want to count the number of records for each time interval and output the data to a sheet. how can i achieve this? through vba?

I attached a pic illustrating what i want to accomplish.


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Sum Values In Column That Correspond To Column Of Dates Between Two Specific Dates?

Jun 25, 2012

What I am trying to do is sum values for each day of the month up to a designated date.


A1=any date of the month

A2-A31 = 6/1/2012-6/30/2012
B2-B31 = values that correspond to each date

how can i sum the values in column B from the beginning of the month to A1?

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Calculate Number Of Dates Within A Column Based On Month

May 15, 2009

I have a column say column B for example that has a list of dates in the format dd/mm/yyyy. I would like a summary at the top of the columns to state how many dates there are for the current month. But I wondered if this was possible based on the TODAY() function or similar. Thus the user would not have to change anything.

So for example at the start of the month it may state 14. Half way through the month down to 6 and at the end of the month 0 for example.

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Datedif Formula: Calculate The Number Of Days Between Dates In Column A And B

Jul 5, 2007

I'm trying to calculate the number of days between dates in column A and B. I've looked at the examples in this site and thought I used the formula correctly, but the cell returns an error message when I type: =DATEDIF(A1,B1,"D")

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Configuring Dates: Enter A Date In One Column, Another Column Will Automatically Populate With The 1st Of The Next Month

May 8, 2009

how to make a certain type of date automate. It's kind of hard to explain, but basically, I'd like to make it so that when I enter a date in one column, another column will automatically populate with the 1st of the next month. For example:

If I enter 4/26/2009 in the 1st column, column 2 will read: 5/1/2009
If I enter 1/19/2008 .................................................. 2/1/2008

Also, it's very important that if the FIRST date is already the first of the month, then the second column will read the same. For instance: If I enter 3/1/2009 in the first colum, the second column will ALSO read 3/1/2009.

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Date Column (insert In The First Column Dates Starting From 01/01/2000 All The Way Up To Today)

Nov 11, 2008

I'm trying to create an excel worksheet as follows:

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5
Date Time In Time Out Hours Worked Pay

I want to insert in the first column (Column1) dates starting from 01/01/2000 all the way up to today, 11/11/2008. So I would end up with a unique date on each row.
To accomplish this manually would be a daunting task. I'm a newbie to excel and don't know how to use any in-built functions.

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Find Median Of Set Of Numbers On Column That Correspond To Dates On Left Column

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to find the median of a set of numbers on a column that correspond to dates on the left column. I want a monthly median average of the numbers on the right which correspond to the dates on the left. So for example. I want to make an equation that gives me the median of all the numbers on the right if they fall within the range of a certain month(in this case October). I've tried These:


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Formula That Counts Unique Dates In Column Based On Another Column Value?

Jan 8, 2014

How would I count unique dates associated with another specific value on a worksheet?

For instance, Lets say I want to count each day a particular person makes a sale.


Sales PersonSale IDSales Date
Don 1001/6/2014
Don 1401/7/2014
Don 1601/8/2014
Jack 1011/6/2014
Jack 1021/6/2014
Mike 901/5/2014
Mike 1031/6/2014

So on another worksheet, I'd have:

Sales Person Days with Sale
Don 3
Jack 1
Mike 2

The Formula would go into the "Days with Sale" Column.

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Search A Column Of Dates & Return Data From Another Column

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to get a formula that will search one column range B and pull data from another, D. Dates are down column B and some of those dates are repeated several times. In column D there is only one piece of data (a number) entered for each day. Eg, if 08/06/2009 has been entered 3 times in column A, there will only be data entered in 1 of the cells of column D and blank cells in the other 2.

Column B -- Column D
07/06/09 -- 54000
08/06/09 -- 62000
09/06/09 -- 61000

I couldnt get the LOOKUP function to work properly, as there are duplicate dates in column B and I often got a result of 0 returned.

As Ive only got 1 piece of data added in column D per day and any duplicate days would just have blank cells in D, I can actually get a SUMIF function to work, SUMIF(B3:B60,DATE(2009,6,8),D3:D60). Although it does work, it doesnt feel right using it and I would prefer a formula that would return just the one cell, instead of the sum of a range of cells.

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Convert Column Of Dates Into Column Of Date Values?

Dec 9, 2013

In a worksheet, how do I convert a column of dates into a column of each date's numeric value?

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Averaging Values In Column B For Recurring Dates In Column A

Mar 10, 2014

I have a set of data with daily total returns (TR) for 218 companies on the FTSE350 between 2007-2013. The Data looks as follows:

Company ..............Date(daymonthyear)..... TR
1........................... 112007 ..........................10.4
1 .......................... 212007 ..........................10.2
1 .
1 . .
1 .......................... 30102013 .........................12.3
. . . .
. . .
. . .
2............................112007 .......................... 4.5
2 ............................212007 ..........................4.6
2 .
. .
. .
. .
. .
218.......................30102013 .....................13.2

I want to perform a dickey fuller test to see if there is a unit root, but for this I can’t have repeated time values, thus I need to create a daily average TR for each day (Thus summing up all TR values for all companies that have data on TR available on that day and averaging them).

How in excel can create an average value for TR every time a series of numbers in the “date” column take the same value? The best thing possible would then be if this could appear so that I have a data set that looks like

Date (daymonthyear)........ TR
112007 ..............................13.2
30102013............................ 9.4

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Check All Dates In Column B Then Add All Corresponding Cell In Column C

Jun 22, 2014

I am trying to check column b which hold dates then add up column c if the month is the same

02-may-14 0.05
02-jul-14 1
11-Jun-14 14
20-Jun-14 0.34
26-Jun-14 15
26-Jul-14 21

This what come up with


But this will only add up dates that are 02-jun-13 I would like it to add up all dates in June.

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Sumproduct -in Column A I Have Dates And In Column B I Have Names

Jan 30, 2008

in column a I have dates and in column b I have names.


A1 = 1/1/08
A2 = 2/3/08
A3 = 3/1/08
A4 = 3/1/08

B1 = Jenny
B2 = Jenny
B3 = Jenny
B4 = Pat

I am trying to count the number of instances of "Jenny" in January.

I tried =sumproduct(A:A,>=39448

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Select Records And Create A New Column

Apr 27, 2009

Basically what I want to do is take any value that isnt "0" in column F and place it in another column in a nicely formatted table. So basically get rid of all the zeros...

Im sure this has been done and asked before but I have no idea what to search for or if there is some easy forumla in excel for situations like this.

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Unique Records In A Column With A Twist

Jan 11, 2013

I would like to place a formula in cells A2 down that does a running count of unique combinations of columns B and C.

For example, the first record is a white dog, so at that point there is 1 category of dog, next is a brown dog, so there there is now 2 categories etc.

I initially tried to adapt an array formula 1/COUNTIF($B$2:$B8,$B$2:$B8) but this wont quite do the trick.

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Find Records Based On More Than One Column

Feb 9, 2007

I have a very large table that has a one to multiple relationship in a GIS. GIS doesnt support that type of relation ship. I need to find records that are related to the single key but have different values than the first record for that key.


Col 1 col 2 Col 3(key)
ab ab 1
bc bc 1

In this example, only the first row (ab) will be regarded in the GIS. so I need to pull out the second row and put it into another dbf based on the three columns so that I can then put it into the GIS so that the second row is considered and not ignored.

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Group All Records Where The Values In Column A Are Equal

Dec 24, 2008

I need to group all records where the values in column A are equal. BUT I needed them sorted by another column (the whole sheet, not just within each group). Currently, all of the values in column A are listed in random order. Is there any way to do this manually?

to elaborate a bit further, consider the following:

Columns: A-B-C-etc.

Basically, I need to group all of the "1"'s and all of the "4"'s so that the extra values will show underneath the other. HOWEVER, I need them to be sorted such that the order in which they appear are XYZ. So the goal would be:


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Find Records And Return Values To New Column

Nov 20, 2009

I have one Column (Col A) which has a list of values. In Col B I would like to filter out the values in Col A based on some criteria. For example, below I would like Col B to show all of the records in Col A where the LEFT six characters = "Active".

Col A:

Col B would result in:
Col B:

I'm sure this is elementary, but I can't seem to figure it out.

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Count Unique Records With Criteria From Another Column

Feb 14, 2008

As the title says, I need to count the number of unique records (names) in column A, where column L is = to something specific (X,Y,Z,W, whatever) for some statistics im trying to report.

Please see the attached spreadsheet. For role X statistics, I need a count of the unique names from col A, where col L = X. Based on my sample spreadsheet, the number should be 2. For Role Y, it should be 3.

There is the potential for spaces in the rows, and no one will be 'cross role'

I've got a few different methods to just count unique values with specific criteria in the same column, but I just can't make anything work for specific criteria in another column.

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Formula To Count Unique Records In A Column

Apr 30, 2009

I need a formula that will:

Count unique records in column C
Where value in column N = "ABC"
And value in column I = "XYX"

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Extract Unique Records Based On 1 Column

Aug 27, 2007

I have a single excel data sheet with 10 rows of header information and then multiple rows and columns of data

I need to extract the 10 rows of header data plus the rows for each unique record in Col A into its own separate worksheet, with the work sheet name being the unique record from Col A

To further add to the challenge, the data in col A may have "/" in so will not comply with excel sheet naming convention so would like an error message to remind me to manually change a sheet name.

I attach an dummy data sheet just to show what I mean!

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Copy Records Meeting Condition In Column

Dec 8, 2007

I have created a loop to go through a series of records on one spreadsheet, and if it finds a "100.00%" case in column G then it will cut that record, move to another spreadsheet and paste it there. I am so close but I can't seem to get the pasting part to work and I've tried quite a different number of things.

Dim cellPercentage As Variant
Dim cellLocation As Range
Dim x As Integer
Dim found100PercentCases As Range
Dim cellAddress As String

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Move Records Between 2 Multi-column List Boxes

Jan 28, 2008

i want to do is transfer records held in one list box to another list box when a command button is clicked. The list boxes both contain 6 columns. My code is attatched

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Auto Fill Dates: The Sheet To List The Dates In A Column For Each Month Automatically

Jun 17, 2007

I have a sheet with a date and the number of months on it which will change. I need the sheet to list the dates in a column for each month automatically: e.g. Two cells contain date jan07 and the period 10 months. The rows A1 to A10 should have jan07jan16 listed automatically. If I change then change the number of month to 11 I would like the rows A1 to A11 to update automatically.

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Conditional Formatting (largest Number In Column B The Hotel In Column A Should Be In Bold)

Oct 18, 2008

when the largest number in column B the hotel in column A should be in bold.

So in excel language IF(Number in B Is Max display corresponding hotel in column A as BOLD. But I can't figure out how to do this.

You can see here on the image:

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Range Object/property: Calculates 2nd Column Based On 3rd Column's Number

Jun 1, 2009

I'm trying to write a code that calculates 2nd column based on 3rd column's number or vice versa based on the condition set on the 1st column. Below, there are two procedures. "SimpleCalc" and "SimpleCalc2". I first wrote SimpleCalc2, but it isn't working, so I worked around the error by writing SimpleCalc, which selects a cell and moves around by offset. I personally find it hard to read and error prone as I develop more logic around it.

I'm trying to develop more function based on this code, so I need to make it neat and flexible. what I'm doing wrong in SimpleCalc2? Or do you have any suggestion to improve the code "SimpleCalc"? I'm using Excel 2003.

Sub SimpleCalc()

Dim SimpleMethodRng, SimpleMethod As String, i As Integer


SimpleMethodRng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Dashboard").Range("N5:P12")

For i = 1 To 8

SimpleMethod = SimpleMethodRng(i, 1).........

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Add Number 1 In Adjoining Column When Existing Column Has Amount Highlighted In Green Or Red

Dec 27, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with sales which I colour green when they are outstanding and red when they are despatched. I would like to automatically add a 1 in an adjoining column when the cell is green (eg outstanding) or zero when they are despatched so that it totals up the number of outstanding orders.

a b

172.95 (this column would be green)
024.00 (this cell would be red)
124.00 (this cell would be green)
132.25 (this cell would be green)

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