Find All Values Under Column And Paste
Aug 18, 2008whats the most effiecient way to find all values under column B2 and all values in column O2 and paste them in column U2?
View 9 Replieswhats the most effiecient way to find all values under column B2 and all values in column O2 and paste them in column U2?
View 9 Replies1. For a file moving from one cell to the next, down the column, get the values and seach for the values in file number two.
2. If that value is found, copy a cell from file 1 to a cell of a column on the same row where the value was found on.
3. Do what was done on number two, but with a different column.
this is what i have so far...
Sub replace()
' Macro2 created by david
' for the entire sheet, moving from one cell to the next down the column, changing rows
' search for the contents in another sheet, and then if that is found,
' copy the row number to a variable, and then
' copy column K from sheet 1 to column N of sheet 2, using the same variable above
' after that same, but L goes to P.
Rng = Selection.Rows.Count
Dim toFind As String
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Rng
toFind = Range("A + i")
I have the file here i work with, basically the first column is a legend and the column to the right of it is a pointer column to help me find out where a legend is located in another file. So i was wondering if a macro could be made to basically find where the "legend column" A, C, E ect ends ( every other column is a legend column , one next to it is a pointer column ). and then combine the ends all of the columns contents and put them into 1 column.
In the file with this question i have showed you what i start off with, i highlighed in yellow where each column legend ends, ( normally these are not highlighted and i find them manually ). In the 2nd tab i show what the end result should be. All the columns are now consolidated into 1 column. 1 after the other.
I am looking to create some vba code that looks for a specific value in column 'm' (Z-AUD) for example and where it occurs within my data range copies and pastes the values in columns O,P and Q in to columns K,L and M.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCurrently there are 3 sheets in my wbook, however there are likely to be 30 or so soon enough. Each sheet has loads of Cols of data and no sheet is generally the same.
I'm after my "Control" sheet to display a replica of the columns entitled "Destination" found in all other wsheets. i.e. each sheet has a destination col and I need an automated way of getting these lists side by side.
The challenge I'm faced with is that the destination col in each sheet is never usually in the same column, i.e. sheet1 could be colA, sheet2 colB etc and each sheet might contain more than one destination col,
Build a roster from:
Sheets(Settings).Range("A21").Value (this value is variable)
Find that A21 value in Range T2:T100 (each value in the range is unique)
Copy that value to Sheets("Roster") E8
and the next 9 values to
Reason for posting: I've been trying to do this with vba but sheet formula will probably work, I can always Copy/Paste Special/Values to clear the formula. Keyword searching has resulted in no progress.
The idea is that i have several monthly data in columns. I also have a subtotal column that can be a "Total Trim I", "Total Trim II", "Total Trim III" or "Total Trim IV". I also have a yearly total: Jan Feb Mar Total Trim I Apr May Jun Total Trim II Total 2005
I wanna cut the "Total Trim I" column, paste it after the Yearly Total and cut and paste the "Total Trim II" after the "Total Trim I" column for every year... It'll look like this: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total Trim I Total Trim II Total 2005. But not every trimester has 3 months... I've been thinking about a find function but i have troubles with the implementation.
how does one go about finding a specific valuein a worksheet, then selecting the value in the next column, then pasting the value in a different worksheet?
For example, I want to find a particular person's name in a worksheet, upon finding the name, I want to select the number associated with the person which is in the column to the left of the name. I then want to copy and paste the number in a different worksheet.
I have a report where I would like to have a macro search for a date string in columns N-S and copy the date to Column C, same row. The number of rows will vary from day to day. I would then like to format all of Column C to 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
Attached is a file where the date string is included in Column N on row 2 and Column O on the row 3. The dates for both these lines would need to be copied and pasted to their respective rows in Column C.
I've attached a workbook which contains two sheets:
Data is updated on DEVICE_PAYM each day with the figures I need located in column "AN". I need to be able to copy the data from "AN" and paste it into a column on the PAYM sheet. The destination column on the PAYM sheet needs to be specified by inputting a specific date - ideally, I would like to use the calendar Add-In as part of this process. I've already input some code for the calendar but am unable to develop this further so that it finds the correct date column and pastes the data across from the other sheet.
My goal is following:
I do an inventory of my schools equipment and have much info in many columns. But I just want to concentrate on column A.
This is example of the room names at my school and look like this:
Column A
Essentially, I have 2 Sheets:
"SheetWSS" = data to be copied
"SheetWSD" = destination of copied data.
Below is a sample of the data in "SheetWSS"
1------Trade ID -------Description---------System no.
2--------579----------------Loan ---------------------- 7
4--------702----------------Deposit--------------------- 11
5--------703----------------Loan ----------------------- 58
6--------732 ---------------Loan------------------------66
7--------733----------------Deposit-------------------- 99
etc...(no more than 10000)
Now, an explanation of the data:
1) I work for a small bank (CORP) that takes deposits and gives loan.
2) CORP books these trades using only system no. 7 and 11; other system nos. belong to customers.
3) When a single trade is booked, the 2 sides of the transaction is recorded (by Trade IDs) . E.g rows 2 and 3 relates to one trade. So if CORP loans money with system no.7 to CUSTB, who uses system no.22, it shows for CORP a loan and for CUSTB, a deposit.
4) Everyday, the data in "SheetWSS" is updated with a different number of rows from previous, but the number of columns remain the same.
So, here's what i'ld like the macro to do:
1) Go into Column C, find system no.7 and 11.
2) For each 7 and 11 found, Copy the next row . So if for e.g, system no.11 was found in C4, i want the ENTIRE ROW 5 to be copied.
3) Paste the entire next row in "SheetWSD" until we have a list of all opposing sides of the same transactions initiated by CORP.
Ccheck the attached sheet for the explanation.
I have a workbook with 20 sheets in English Language, but I must to translate in Russian. Translating has done by human translator, so translation is good. I must change phrases and words in english to russian. I can use find/replace function but doing by hand it's very tie consuming. I need VBA or macro who takes values in column A, finds it in entire worksheet and changes it to matching value in column B. Is it possible and how I can do it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have three sheets in my excel workbook. In second sheet, I have a simple If condition that checks to see if new items from Sheet1 meet a condition (eg, if startdate from sheet1 = today()). I am trying to copy the cells from column A and paste the values in my other sheet. I want it to append after the last cell in column A of my sheet 3.
Sub CopyNewCRs()
Application.CutCopyMode = True
Selection.Formula = Selection.Value
Set myRange = Sheets("Sheet3").Range("A2").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
Worksheets("SDP_CR_Status").Range("myRange").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, SkipBlanks _
:=True, Transpose:=False
End Sub
I have a workbook that has 397 sheets. On many of the sheets (but not all) they have some of the same data. On sheet 1 cell B5 is ContactID, Sheet 15 cell B32 is also ContactID. Sheet 1 A5 needs to reflect Contact ID and Sheet 15 A32 needs to reflect Contact ID. I need to find all sheets that contain the data "ContactID" and place (paste?) Contact ID in the same row, but in Column A.
Right now I am doing a Find all and clicking through the sheets 1 at a time (some of these finds though have 30+ sheets).
I am looking for a formula that will find the lowest 5 number group in column A with a total value from column B under $100 in the below table.
1 $28.75
2 $28.00
3 $27.75
4 $24.75
5 $25.50
6 $25.25
7 $25.25
8 $16.50
9 $24.75
10 $26.50
11 $24.50
12 $27.00
13 $26.50
14 $23.50
15 $23.00
16 $19.25
17 $20.75
18 $25.00
19 $20.50
20 $20.50
21 $17.75
22 $22.50
23 $20.50
24 $19.75
25 $20.00
26 $10.75
27 $11.25
28 $5.25
29 $13.00
30 $9.00
I have four worksheets with columns for different months (including future months) with a mixture of values and formulas. What I need to do is to be able to copy....paste values all the data (excluding the cells with SUM totals) which relates to a column which is less than the current month date. In other words, if today's date is the 15th May 2006 for instance, I need all columns relating to Jan, Feb, Mar and Apr to be copied and pasted as values in the same cell they are currently in. If the date was the 26th June 2006 I would need this to occur for the columns relating to Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr and May only. Hopefully you are following my logic? FYI - a formula for the current date is stored in another sheet.
I have attached an example sheet for you to have a play with. If any questions please let me know.
I need to find the last instance of "IO" in column E and copy cells in columns B to E for the row below to another tab called "OP" cell O9.
I need the VBA code for Excel 2003.
I am trying to work out some code that will allow me to search worksheet2 to find the last filled cell in column A.
I would then like to copy the contents of the cell.
Then past this data into the first empty cell in a column in worksheet2
How do I transpose the values in a column of cells (so the value in the topmost cell in the old column becomes the value in the bottommost cell in a new column)?
View 6 Replies View Relatedgetting a vba formula to copy values from two columns and paste it in 3rd column on the click of a button.
For example:
if I have 3 rows filled in column A and 5 rows filled in column B then i need a formula to copy 3 rows in A and 5 rows in B and paste it to column C. so column C will have 8 rows now.
The number of rows the value can be entered can vary. [ example: sometimes we may have 6 rows filled in A 2 rows in B ]
I know it's very simple; I'm obviously a beginner. What I would like to do is to have an input box prompt me and then take these values and paste them into columns. One value for each column. Ideally what I would like to have happen is for the values input into the inputbox to be pasted to specific cells. I have attached an image for reference. The beginning of the range B10 and C10 will be fixed but the ending cell range B14 and C14 will be variable based on the number of entries; essentially one less than the total number of forms on row 15.
View 11 Replies View Related1. In this formula in column C, below, i have A2 as the look up... sometimes this will be A3 , A7 or other... how can i vary this formula? I've tried it all ways.
Range("C2:C" & LR).SpecialCells(4).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(A2,Data!$A:$B,2)"
It need to be inserted based on the first cell in column A which has a value.
2. after this has done its thing... how can i paste the values to ONLY those cells which have been affected by the formula. I don't want to copy, paste special the whole column as there are sub total and other exciting things included.
I have a template with data only in column B, with fields going down the rows. I'd like to copy B2, B4, B6...B24 to the next blank row (so the values need to be transposed to a row vs. column) in a Consolidated Workbook. Here's what I have so far:
NextRow = Worksheets("Sheet2"). Range("A1000").End(xlUp).Row + 1
For a = 2 To 24 Step 2
Worksheets("sheet2").Cells(NextRow, a / 2) = Cells(a, 2)
Next a
Except that the formula above pastes the first value in column B of sheet2, any ideas on how to get it into column A? Worksheets("sheet2").Cells(NextRow, (a / 2)-1) = Cells(a, 2) gives an error. Also, instead of sheet2 in the same workbook, I need to paste the data into sheet2 of a different workboook (i.e. Main, located in My Documents.)
Sheet linked from external file, new data coming daily. How to copy Values of cells from B4 till B-empty to C column? The attached file has a properly displayed data.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to copy and paste the values from a worksheet (HS-Detail) in a file to different tabs depending on the value in column A (Regions). I have a macro that works but it pastes the formulas and it takes quiet a while to run due to the number of records. How can I alter this to paste just the values and speed up the macro?
[Code] ......
I'd like to have done is to have a blank column inserted between columns W and X(these values change so the VBA statement should reference the end of the columns) and the values that are now in column Y(April 17th values) pasted as values into the now empty column X. I would like to do this for tabs Ann-Sheet 2. I'm having a bit of trouble with setting up the loop that would go through the desired sheets.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a little bit of problem with lookup function. When i paste values from another worksheet (paste special, values) in a cell which is lookup value i get #N/A. These values are numbers. When i put '7 for example i get the values i want from lookup table. I have a lot of these cells and its tedious job to put ' in front of every value. Is there a quicker solution?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've got two question on how to 'find' some values in a specific data file, namely:
- the '52-Week High' of the share price (highest value of the share in that specific year)
- the value of the share price of the last trading day of that specific year (this isn't always 12/31/20..)
Simplified, my data looks as follows:
-In column 'A' I've a created a line of unique edentifiers (company CUSIP + year -> combined column D and E), in my set this column consists of 405 companies over 6 years of daily data -> aprox 460000 rows
-In column 'B' the date is shown -> its daily trading data
-In column 'C' the daily share price is shown
-In column 'D' the company's CUSIP (edentifier for specific company)
-In column 'E' the year
Sheet 1:
My final data set has to look something like this:
-In column 'A' the unique edentifiers (company CUSIP + year)
-In column 'B' the specific year
-In column 'C' the '52-Week High' of the share price (highest value of the share in that specific year) -> red numbers from sheet 1
-In column 'D' the value of the share price of the last trading day of that specific year (this isn't always 12/31/20..) -> green numbers from sheet 1
-> off course all the empty cells in column C and D normally contain the missing values
Sheet 2:
The big question is how do I manage to identify the red and green colored values (and link them to 'sheet 2')?
Regarding to the '52-Week High' (red colored in the sheets) I've already tried with the following functions:
- VLOOKUP: When I use this one I only get the most upper value, for example in the case of '8668102001' this would become '12'
- Combined INDEX/MATCH: The same problem as with VLOOKUP
- IF-function:In this case I get the max value of the entire 'C'-column, in the example of sheet 1: this would be '115'
Regarding the value of the share price of the last trading day of a specific year, I couldn't manage to come up with one.