I have an excel file which contains 59058 numbers ranging from 1 to 70 arranged in a matrix so they are from A1 to Q3474.
I need to find the most frequent number, the second most frequent, third most frequent and so on to the ninth most frequent number.
I am aware of the MODE function, but that function has 2 problems, it can only handle 255 numbers, and it only shows the most frequent number, and I'm also interested in the second most frequent number and so forth.
In this old thread (which the software did not let me continue) Yogi mentions 2nd mode and third mode etc.
In the above thread, Yogi has a nice formula for finding the "other mode", when the other mode is a tie. I am wondering - is there a simple formula to find the 2nd (or 3rd) most frequent number. For example the (AFAIK non-existent) formula or function would act like this:
I have a column of names of people who have logged calls within a period. Some of these names obviously pop up more than once and I am wanting to report on those top 3 people who have logged calls in that period.
In short, I want the top 3 most frequent in a list.
I have a need to look within a variable number of rows (but only a single column) and find the most common value(s) within that range.
If there is only one most common value, I return that value. If there's more than one most common value, I need to concatenate the values (if they are text) or average the values (if they are numeric).
In a row i have : A1= 450B1=560C1=500D1=510E1=445F1=430G1= 420. Those values represent several weights of a product prepared in this case 7 times, now that i want to decide what is the most relative weight to use on my list, i need a formula to tell me what is the most frequent bin scored given a difference of 50 grs maximum. The formula should return the following answer : 400-450 which means that the most frequent weight bin is between 400 and 450 grs , now the 50 should be variable so if i change it somehow in the formula to 100 it should return 400-500 which means that the most frequent weight bin falls between 400 and 500 grs. Any smart frequency formula can do that?
I am using a formula that finds the most frequently occuring text from a range of cells that have the text 'Ra' 'Ma', 'Mo' or 'Mi' in them (each cell has a drop down list with these text items only). I am currently using this formula to find which of the four text items appears most frequently in the range:
This formula works fine in a case where there is more of one text item than any other, but when there are two items with the same number of entries, this formula comes back with the item that fulfils the criteria first - i.e. if 'Ra' appears 5 times and 'Mo' appears 5 times, then either could come back, depending on which appears first in the range.
The text items rate in importance with 'Ra' being the most important, then 'Ma', then 'Mo', then 'Mi' is the least important. What I am trying to do is, in cases where more that one text item appears the same number of times, get the formula to display the one that is the most important. So for example 'Ra' will always appear over 'Mo' if both have 5 entries, but 'Mo' will appear over 'Mi' if 'Mo' and 'Mi' both have the most entries.
I have a list of names in 1 column and I would like to be able to find out what name is most frequent and I'd also like to know how many times that name appears in that column.
I am trying to find a formula for the output cell. Suppose the designated cell = 7 due to formulas above it. So that number is always given but can change. I then need a formula for the ouput cell that says if the designated cell is greater than or equal to 1, and less than 10, then the output cell should equal .034. So suppose the designated cell = 18.2. Then I would want the output cell to be .072 since it is greater than or equal to 15, and less than 25. The template I am using has 23 rows of numbers like above. I didn't know how to do it for 23 rows though. If/Then doesn't work because it is 23 statements long (well over the seven limit) and the vlookup only works when the cell is equal to a number and not a range.
I am trying to find the percentage in a column that is used the most. I know =MAX() finds the maximum number but I need the one that is used the most and if there are 2 that are the same, I need the greater of the two.
I am trying to find the next cell in Column C that contains a value. Please see attachment.
I need a formula in cell E7 that will find the next number in Column C after the row it is in (ie. the number "2" in cell C9). E7 should then return the row number (ie. 9).
I have a hockey scoring sheet, which has player names, goals and assist with it. What I want to do, is to print in to a different sheet player's name and goal amount, who has scored the most goals.
On Sheet1, I have 6000 rows of Data of which Columns B (ID) and D (Date) are needed to locate the row number on Sheet2.
Sheet2, Column A will correspond to ID and Columns C and D are start/end dates.
I am looking for a calc/function that will locate the row in which the ID matches column A and Date falls on or between the dates in C and D...as I will need the value in Column E of that row.
I'm trying to extract the number portion from the following string. I'm trying to use FIND to find the first digit between 1 and 2 so I used an "or" argument along with the code number, however it's not working here. What I really want to do is find any digit between 1 and 9 in the string, however I started with this formula for now. why this doesn't work and provide a better formula. I want to understand why this didn't work to understand the functions better. Text string is as follows "standard VAT rate: 20% (Jan 1984)". The formula I used in the following =MID(A253,FIND(OR(Char(49),CHAR(50)),A253),2) where A253 contains the string. Is it possible to use a logical argument within a find?
We are trying to make either a macro or a function that will look through the contents of a cell, find the first NUMBER and then paste the results to another column. Below is an example of what may be in cell A1:
I have created a worksheet that uses lookup for the numbers that are in sequence but am unsure what formula to use when trying to lookup non sequence numbers as shown below.
Sequence No's Cell A1:A10 would be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (as example)
Non sequence No's Cell B1:B10 would be 2,5,1,7,3,8,4,10,6,9 (as example)
What do I use to lookup, if cell C1 = 1 and needs to find the No 3 from the Non sequence cells?
I've written this code to find a value in the worksheet chosen from the combo box (I think it works as its doesnt error), but I now need too write some code to pull out the row number from my code and put data into the same row (but different columns). This is my code so far:
Code: Private Sub BookButton_Click() Dim rFound As Range[code].....
In the screen shot I'm trying to find the row number where a particular price of an order has been reached. In this case, for the first order, my execution price is 1.8859, my stop loss is 1.8834 and take profit is 1.8884. I need to look and the future prices to determine which event had occured first (either the take profit or the stop loss). I though by using row numbers I would compare and which ever is smallest would mean that it occured first - the profit/loss is then calculated.
The other caveat is that an exact match may not always be available - for example, the second trade is stoped out because the highest price for the 12:35 timeframe exceeds the value I'm looking for. Still it would have triggered a stop loss.
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Misc.xls___Running: xl2002 XP : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutH6I6J6M6H7I7J7M7H8I8J8M8I9J9M9I10J10M10I11J11M11I12J12M12= ABCDEFGHIJKLM3DateTimeOpenHighLow*Order*PlacedOrder*PriceStop*LossTake*ProfitStop*Loss*Row*#Take*Profit*Row*#Profit/Loss42006.11.1512:001.88651.88661.8863*N***these*are*the*cells*that*need*the*formula*52006.11.1512:051.88651.88661.8856*N******62006.11.1512:101.88591.88591.8857*Buy1.88591.88341.88841080.002572006.11.1512:151.88581.88591.8853*N*...............
i'd like to find a value, for example, 9, in another column. in the other column it might have 9, or it could have 7-10, 8+, 9-11, etc. is there anyway i can fix my formula to account for this?
i'm using the following: =LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,SEARCH(A11,J4:J32),O4:O32)
A11 is my value, aka 9 J4:J32 is my "other column" O4:032 contains the value i want returned
it could be any value, but it's always i number i have to look up. can anyone please let me know if there's a way to do this?
I want to find a number within a text string, then count the letters in the same string, then add the number to the number of letters.
For example, if I have 9RR in a cell, I want to add 9 + 2 = 11.
The data will always be arranged with the number on the left side of the string.
So, if the number is a single digit, I know I can use left(A1) + len(A1) -1 to get my desired result. But, the trouble I am having is what if there is a double digit number like 10RR...I'm not quite sure how to create a formula (without using VBA) to give me a result of 12 for this cell.
I've got a very large spreadsheet wherein I need to write a formula for each row to find the first cell with any entry greater than 0 and then add to that cell the contents ONLY 5 cells contiguious to it.
For example data set is this (in .csv format for you)
I need formula to find first instance in each row of entry greater than 0 and then add to that the contents of next 5 cells.
Jones would find the 5 and then add the 2,7,9,3,10 to it for formula result of 36 Smith would find the 3 and then add the 8,17,23,9,3 to it for formual result of 63
selecting a range under a condition. I'd like to write a macro to find the maximum value for a certain ID. The number of ID rows (left column) is unknown so can't say range("A1:A5"). Then have the ID and max number shifted to another column. Maybe use 'rows.count' ?
I am having trouble using a cell reference with a VLOOKUP formula. i have 2 worksheets each containing an invoice number column. the first sheet uses the VLOOKUP to find a shipping code from a range of values in the 2nd sheet (the range includes the invoice number, shipping code and 2 other columns). i can get the formula to work by simply typing the lookup_value into the formula like so: =VLOOKUP(7128,'Detailed List'!$B$7:$Q$1500,5,TRUE)
this gives me the correct result but what i need to happen is for the formula to take the lookup_value from the invoice number cell reference in the first sheet for that record and match it to the same value in the 2nd sheet. so instead of the code above it would read: =VLOOKUP('F10','Detailed List'!$B$7:$Q$1500,5,TRUE). the value of cell F10 is '7128'. however, when i try this i get a return of #N/A and no matter what variation i try it still produces the same result.
I need to find the row number of a cell based on a particular value. I am populating a row within a spreadsheet with a value (the columns have unique identifiers). After that is done, I need to go to a different spreadsheet, grab different values, and place them in a different column in the above referenced spreadsheet. So, what I want to do is find the row number for the unique identifier, then place the value in the column.