Formula's Showing All The Time

Aug 6, 2009

why formula's I type in to a particular worksheet show all the time(this is a workbook containing numerous macro's). I have checked under 'Options' that the show formula's box is not checked

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CSV Import Showing Times As Date & Time

Jul 17, 2007

I am trying to import a .csv file with several fields that are timestamps. I get the file in Excel, and do Format, Cell, date as mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm.

My results come back as 1/0/1900 12:37:22 AM
My raw .csv field looks like 37:22.4

how I lost my date? I did check my system clock just in case, and it appears to be accurate.

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Line Chart Showing Values Over Time Intervals

Feb 18, 2007

I'm trying to do a line chart showing two teams and their cumulative scores over the period of a game. I've attached a sample with mock data. Is it possible to change the x-series of the charts to display custom time intervals like 0 min 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, etc? Currently the x-series only has labels for each specific time there was a change in value. I've tried to change the scale but the options that I want aren't there.

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Formula Cell Showing Formula Not Result

Aug 24, 2006

I know this is an easy one but I'm unsure why I can't easily modify a formula. The key event in this formula is "+190". Every time I change the value the formula no longer works. I've copied to another cell and the formula no longer works. My question is when you have a formula like this one if you have to modify how do you do it and keep the formula working.

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Formula Not Showing Zero's

Jul 23, 2006

I can't get the zero's to show up in the part number formula in the wooksheet. Also how do you get the zero's to stay when you type numbers such as (03,04,ect.) the zero always disapears. I need it to stay as a number and not text.

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Formula Showing In The Cell Itself

Jan 29, 2009

I created a formula in a cell and it worked fine but then I created the same formula in the cell just below it and I changed some of the numbers and when I hit the enter button the formula showed up in the cell and not the final result which would be the answer to the formula. Does anyone know why it would do this? I have an example below....

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Data Not Showing - Although Can See In Formula Bar

Jun 20, 2012

A student is in their exam and they have entered the formula correctly but the result is not showing - only showing 0.

Formula shows in formula bar.

Formula view is turned OFF.

Turning it on shows the formulka

Why cant she see the results?

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Chart Not Showing Results From Formula

Jun 16, 2014

I have a spreadsheet (attached) that has a formula, which calculates the number of days between two dates if another field contains data. My problem is that when I chart the data, it isn't showing up in the chart. Cell G1 (Tab 1) contains a 1 because the document was returned 1 day late. This isn't showing up on the Chart (Tab 2).

Read & Sign Tracking-061614.xlsx‎

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INDEX SMALL ROW Formula Showing #REF!

Dec 10, 2008

I have the formula (found in cell "C2") on the Report sheet. I need to perform a function, but I cannot get it to work on the sheet I need to pull information from. The sheet RecapWk12 has a small section pasted (with some cells edited for obvious reasons) from the actual workbook. I can get the formula in Report cell (A10) to work on pulling information from sheet2. You can see I am getting (#REF!) in cell C2.

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Formula Is Not Showing Properly Date

Jan 9, 2007

I'm trying to have a fixed date entered into column B when data is entered into column D. Here's the formula in column B:

=IF(D3="", IF(B3=";", FixedDate(),B3))

When I enter data into cell D, I get the following result in B:


Taking this a step further, even if I do a "control + ;" I still get a value of
0-Jan-00 in the cell but the formula bar shows me "=1/9/2007'. ??

I've gone through all of the options but cannot fix this error. I have two spreadsheets using this formula. The first one worked fine last year but now I have this error in it. I also started to create a new sheet and still have the same error.

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Formula Correct But Not Showing Answer

Mar 11, 2013

I am using this formula for long now

=SUMPRODUCT(('[Diesel Statement.xlsx]Nov 12'!$C$2:$C$251=$H$1)*'[Diesel Statement.xlsx]Nov 12'!$G$2:$G$251)

every month i just add a new sheet and change the month name in the formula to that eg

I changed it to

=SUMPRODUCT(('[Diesel Statement.xlsx]Dec 12'!$C$2:$C$251=$H$1)*'[Diesel Statement.xlsx]Dec 12'!$G$2:$G$251)

but now it is not calculating the answer is coming as #value!.

Then I tried to add up by

=VLOOKUP($H$1,'[Diesel Statement.xlsx]Dec 12'!$C$2:$G$215,5,TRUE)

but it does not add all the entries only one entry is shown.

I want the total of the column G. looking up for values in C = H1 value

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Formula Showing In The Cell But Not The Result

Aug 23, 2002

I have a formula in a cell and when I use the formula bar it shows me the correct answer but it doesn't show me it in the worksheet. Only the formula shows up.

The same formula could be another place in my worksheet and work fine.

I have tried changing format. Copying formula from another location and changing the information to fit my needs it won't show me the result.

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Formulas Are Showing In Cell Instead Of The Result Of The Formula...

Mar 8, 2007

I tried doing Ctrl + ~, but it did not work

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Formula Showing - Minus Value When Cell Is Empty?

Jun 6, 2012

I have a formula when C15 is empty it shows -18 value. I need if the value is blank then show blank?



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Part Of Excel Formula Showing In Cell

Apr 30, 2014

I was given this Formula to use in a cell to calculate the total hours from 2 different cells, from inputting date and time from and to an example from 4/1/14 0:00 thru 4/1/14 12:00.....The problem I am encountering is that when the spreadsheet is 1st opened "+1" is visible in the cell where this formula is. I am asking how the formula can be altered to have the "+1" not visible in the cell before any date and time is entered.

= INT(F13-D13)*24+(((F13-D13)-INT(F13-D13))/0.04166666)+1

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Formula: Looks Up A Chart Showing Scores Referenced Against Each Other

Apr 20, 2007

I have a formula that looks up a chart showing scores referenced against each other as shown below. (Scaled down version)
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Table Template.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows Windows 2000 (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1B1C1D1E1=
ABCDE12006-2007Altofts JnrsCarleton JnrsEmpire ColtsHemsworth Terriers2Altofts Jnrs- 3Carleton Jnrs12-3-4-0 4Empire Colts - 5Hemsworth Terriers -Results
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

The problem is when the score is i.e. 12-3 the formula is only looking at 2-3. Hence this actually then shows as a defeat. The formula causing this problen is an array and shown as
Question. How can the formula be changed to reflect scores like 12-3 to be shown as a home win.............

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Prevent Formula Showing Error Values #DIV/0!

Jan 18, 2008

I Spoke too soon here, I am getting value errors, how to do it with conditional formating. I tried if cell value is =to #DIV/0! then white (dosent work). Richard this dosent seem to work mate =IF(SUM(F6:V6),"",AL6/SUM(F6:V6))

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Showing All Choices On Dynamic Chart Using Lookup Formula

Jul 28, 2014

I've created a simple dynamic chart using a combination of data validation and an index match match formula. Every time the user makes a choice the chart updates with the right info. However is there a way to create a choice where the user can show *all* the choices at once on the chart ?


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Number Showing Extra Decimal Places In Formula Bar

Aug 22, 2009

If you look at the attached file in Column E line 47 you will see that it displays
373.97. However if you look in the formula bar it shows 373.9694. I am trying to make it so that the formula bar shows the same number as in the cell. Any idea on how to do this? I have tried everything I know how to do, which is not much.

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An IF Or SUM Formula- The Rows Showing Data/values To Be Copied

Jan 17, 2007

I want cell B4 on sheet 3, to show the value of cell B4 on sheet one ... only if there is a value in B4 on sheet one then i want the rest of row 4 to be copied to sheet 3 also.

HOWEVER if the value in cell B4 sheet 1 is BLANK/EMPTY then i want the full row to be over looked and the next row to be checked (B5 all the way to B30)

Once B4-30 on Sheet 1 has been checked and only the rows showing a data/value have been copied to sheet 3, i then want the same process to start again on sheet 2 - Again only the rows showing data/values to be copied.

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Formula For Showing Data Depending On Cell Entry

May 18, 2007

I need a formula that displays the word "Day" or "Days" depending on cell entry i know the formlula =IF((B12)>0,"Day","") to show the word day but i want it to show "day" if a 1 is entered or "days" if any number over 1 is entered.

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Function/Formula To Determine If Row/Column Hidden/Showing

Apr 2, 2008

In the enclosed wb you will find 2 custom functions.

The IsRowHidden Checks weather row 3 is hidden and works fine.

However, IsColHidden does not change from False to True upon hiding col. C.

What did I do wrong !?

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Formula For Weekly Total But Not Showing Until Present Month Is Entered?

Jun 7, 2014

Every week, in row 3 i enter the number of boards cut. In row 9 i want a running total, but until this weeks total is entered, i dont want anything to show. This is the data for a bar chart which i print off every week. Next week is week 3 and i will enter the data in cell d3. When i do i want cell d9 to show the new total of B3,C3,D3. And so on each week.

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Formula Showing Revenue Recognition Based On Days And Months

Mar 15, 2014

I know I will earn $5,000 of monthly revenue from a client. $5,000 is represented in a monthly revenue cell. I have 12 columns showing the 12 months of the year. There is an additional cell showing the customers implementation date.

If a company's implementation date is on or after the 15th of the month (example: 3/28/2014) then the next month (April 2014) is skipped and the $5,000 is returned to columns May through December. All months prior to May return $0.00. If the implementation date is before the 15th day of the month (example: 3/13/2014) then the next month (April 2014) and all months after will return $5,000. All months including March and prior must return $0.00. If the implementation date is unknown then 12/31/2099 would be in the implementation date cell and $0.00 is returned for all 12 months.

Essentially, if the implementation date is prior to the 15th of the month the revenue will show as of the following month. If the implementation date is on or after the 15th of the month the revenue skips the following month and will show the month after.

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Formula To Calculate Time Allotted Minus Time Used And Show Difference In Hour And Minutes?

Apr 27, 2014

Formula to calculate time allotted minus time used and show the difference in hour and minute.

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Calculate Time With If And Formula When Time Passing 12am?

Jul 1, 2012

I have a problem here:

1 8 pm 9 pm 10 pm 11 pm 12 am 1 am 2 am
2 8 pm 11 pm
3 8 pm 2 am

I typed a formula : =if(and(c$1>=$a2,d$1

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Time Formula: Input The Arrival Time Of A Car

Feb 18, 2007

when i input the arrival time of A Car, the time he arrives late appears in column D it should read 15 Minutes. how i can get this time to appear automatic after i have registered the arrival time. A Car due at 19:00 arrived at 19:15. 15minutes late. I would be grateful if you could lead me in the right direction.............

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Formula Date Result Showing Number Not Date

Feb 27, 2008

I’m trying to resolve this issue and would appreciate some help.

I have a tracking sheet that tracks development of work to be completed by individuals.
I have a due date column that shows when the work should be completed.
Once the work has been completed, the user enters his completion date.

I have a formula that provides an overdue warning (Completion date – today’s date) and some conditional formatting.

When I copy the formula through all the cells in the column I get a number (example 39504) and this changes everyday.

How can I eliminate this being shown as it throws out my average development day calculation?

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Date/Time Formula: Pick Up A Date With Time Entry On A Worksheet And Place It Into A TextBox On A UserForm

Jun 17, 2006

I am attempting to pick up a date with time entry on a worksheet and place it into a TextBox on a UserForm. Format on the sheet is mm/dd/yyyy h:mm AM/PM. The UserForm is placing the value as mm/dd/yyyy 12:00 AM. here is the

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
If Not Range("dDate").Value = "" Then
TextBox2.Value = Range("dDate").Value
TextBox2.Text = Format(DateValue(TextBox2.Text), "mm/dd/yy h:mm AM/PM")
TextBox2.Value = ""
End If
End Sub

"dDate" is the named range where the date is sitting. The format is also set on the TextBox2 exit event. Can anyone see why only the date portion is being transfered with the default 12:00 AM for no time component of the value?

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Working Time And Over Time Formula

Oct 7, 2006

d9 is where i enter my start time from a drop down menu and
d10 is where i enter my finish time

what i would like to do is have a formula to work out my total hours work then minu 45min and tell me whats is remainig which is over time


i start work and 06:00 and finish work at 15:00 which is 9hours i then remove my 45min break which then give me 1/4hour (0.25 of an hour) as over time

the 0.25 is then timesed by a figure of say 13.4481 which would then tell me that i have earnt 3.362025

and so on eg if i have 0.5hour it would tell me what that work out as.

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