Time Formula: Input The Arrival Time Of A Car

Feb 18, 2007

when i input the arrival time of A Car, the time he arrives late appears in column D it should read 15 Minutes. how i can get this time to appear automatic after i have registered the arrival time. A Car due at 19:00 arrived at 19:15. 15minutes late. I would be grateful if you could lead me in the right direction.............

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Formula To Calculate Time Allotted Minus Time Used And Show Difference In Hour And Minutes?

Apr 27, 2014

Formula to calculate time allotted minus time used and show the difference in hour and minute.

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Calculate Time With If And Formula When Time Passing 12am?

Jul 1, 2012

I have a problem here:

1 8 pm 9 pm 10 pm 11 pm 12 am 1 am 2 am
2 8 pm 11 pm
3 8 pm 2 am

I typed a formula : =if(and(c$1>=$a2,d$1

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Display End Time Automatically Upon Entering Start Time And Time Usage

Dec 19, 2008

I have a worksheet which contains START TIME in column A, then TIME USAGE in column B and END TIME in column C. User enters start time, followed by the number of time usage in minutes, how could i possibly display the end time automatically in this scenario? how do you add the entered time usage to the start time to display the end time? Say if I enter 1:00 AM at start time and 00:15 minutes on time usage, how can 1:15 AM be displayed on the end time automatically?

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Date/Time Formula: Pick Up A Date With Time Entry On A Worksheet And Place It Into A TextBox On A UserForm

Jun 17, 2006

I am attempting to pick up a date with time entry on a worksheet and place it into a TextBox on a UserForm. Format on the sheet is mm/dd/yyyy h:mm AM/PM. The UserForm is placing the value as mm/dd/yyyy 12:00 AM. here is the

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
If Not Range("dDate").Value = "" Then
TextBox2.Value = Range("dDate").Value
TextBox2.Text = Format(DateValue(TextBox2.Text), "mm/dd/yy h:mm AM/PM")
TextBox2.Value = ""
End If
End Sub

"dDate" is the named range where the date is sitting. The format is also set on the TextBox2 exit event. Can anyone see why only the date portion is being transfered with the default 12:00 AM for no time component of the value?

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Working Time And Over Time Formula

Oct 7, 2006

d9 is where i enter my start time from a drop down menu and
d10 is where i enter my finish time

what i would like to do is have a formula to work out my total hours work then minu 45min and tell me whats is remainig which is over time


i start work and 06:00 and finish work at 15:00 which is 9hours i then remove my 45min break which then give me 1/4hour (0.25 of an hour) as over time

the 0.25 is then timesed by a figure of say 13.4481 which would then tell me that i have earnt 3.362025

and so on eg if i have 0.5hour it would tell me what that work out as.

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Formula To Add Time When Time Exceeded

Oct 28, 2013

I need formula (not VB) that will add time (0:30 minutes to each working shift) when these times are exceeded:




[Code] .........

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Date / Time Input On Every Row

Nov 3, 2008

I am running excel 2003. I am creating a book that needs date & time input on every row. I am trying to input this automatically based on adjacent cell being >0. Every time there is a new input, the previous dates / times update to the latest one.

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Input The Exact Time

Oct 25, 2007

I have a sticky problem. I have a spreadsheet set up that counts almost everything I do at work, and I would like to input the exact time I receive a call and have the spreadsheet break it down into time periods, e.g., 8-10, 10-12, 12-2, etc., to count what time of day I get most of my calls and sales. In other words, I want the sheet to read the time I input and count it as part of a specific time period, and then count the number of calls taken and sales made from those calls. I can easily compute my closing percentage when I get those numbers. Also, since I have all the days of the month on the same spreadsheet, would it be possible to break them down by day (range)?

I can see where knowing how to do this could come in handy for other projects as well.

no VBA. I play with it at home, but I also struggle with it mightily.

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Input Time Without Colon

Oct 25, 2007

I am making a template for our security kiosk log and I wanted to simplify it as much as possible. I found the "time mask entry" and imputed that into the vba code. It was working for awhile however stopped working a few days ago. I went back and copied and pasted it again and changed the range to what I needed and an error came up stating "unable to set the NumberFormat property to the range class."

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim vVal
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A100")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

With Target

vVal = Format(.Value, "0000")
If IsNumeric(vVal) And Len(vVal) = 4 Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
.Value = Left(vVal, 2) & ":" & Right(vVal, 2)
.NumberFormat = "[h]:mm"
End If
End With

Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

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Time Fractions And User Input

Mar 12, 2008

What I am doing is creating a spreadsheet solution to tack race times. These show up in past performances in the following formats in paper copies: 45 2/5 seconds. The end user would have to put in maybe 30 of these times based on the number of contestants. Keeping in mind that the 45 2/5 number will be used in some calculations, I want to give the user the easiest input interface. Meaning instead of inputting like this; 0:45.4 (mm:ss/00 format), I would like them to just enter 45.4. the spreadsheet would input format this cell into a time format that would be able to have calculations done to it. Another example might be 1:35.60 (mm:ss.00 format) which is 1 minute 35 and 3/5 seconds. This would be entered as 135.6.

A few questions first:

1) Would it be easier to leave the number inputed alone until the calculations ar finished then translate into a time factor?


2) would it be necessary to convert into a time factor as inputted be cause of the 60 factor involved with the time factor?

Having asked those questions, setting this all up with the exact scope I am working towards, any help or sugesstions as to the best way to proceed would be fantastic!

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Vba - Input Filename To Open Each Time

May 13, 2007

Below is the code that references a file to import = Jan.txt.
There are different files I want to import, using this macro.

However I have not been successful with creating a variable
and then creating a statement which requires me to input the filename that I want to import for the macro run.

With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;U:Jan.txt", Destination _

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Input Future Date And Time Into One Cell

Oct 20, 2012

I need to input a future date and time into one cell. For example, if I have a member ship that ends on October 20th at 3:00 pm exactly the kind of format you get when you enter the function "NOW". I would like to put that into one cell and then be able to add and subtract from it.

For example I would like to do something like this, if I had inputed the date and time in A1:

"=Now-A1", it would be cool if I can get the remaining hours or minutes along with how many days are left but not completely needed.

It would also be beneficial if I can drill down further and do it by time zone as well.

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Auto Date And Time - Input Data

Dec 6, 2013

Auto date and time using excel macro.

In cell B2 until Z2 I am inputting data.

Once the data has been inputted in cell B2, I like to have date and time to have in Cell B6.

If input in cell C2 then cell C6 to have date and time..

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How To Lock Down Time And Date When Input Data

May 23, 2012

Is there anyway to lock down the time & date when I input a data? Assuming I have a TIME formula in column A, and a DATE formula in column B. So when I input any data in column C, A & B can automatically show and also lock the time & date.

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System Name And Time Update Based On Input?

Feb 26, 2013

In Excel sheet1 Column G has Names(John,Augutus,Jennie ect..) In Coulmn H i need to daily update the Present or Absent status, once i update the status i need Coulmn I to automatically fetch the System name and Column J should update with Time and date..

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How To Automatically Lock Cells Every Time Input A Value

May 6, 2004

a code that would automatically lock a cell every time I input a value to it?

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Input Current Date Time When Saving

Aug 26, 2006

I am trying to create a code so that when the save button is hit, it puts the current date and time into a given cell before it saves. This way I will know the last time something was updated and saved.

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Lock User Input For A Given Amount Of Time

Jan 8, 2008

Is there a way to freeze the user input when it first comes up for a given amount of time. In essence, I am trying to force the user to read before clicking.

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Format Cells So 24 Hour Time May Be Input Without Colon

Nov 30, 2003

Is there a way to format cells so 24 hour time may be input without the colon, as an example 1425 instead or 14:25? We can do it in Access. One would think it possible in Excel, yet I have not discover how if indeed its possible.

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Check User Input To Prevent Run-Time Error

Dec 28, 2007

what I want. It relies on an input box asking the user to enter a part code, which when found creates a duplicate copy. However, if the user enters a part that doesn't exist I get a run-time error. Can anybody point me in the right direction so when a user enters an incorrect part they get a message telling them it doesn't exist.

Private Sub SortTest_Click()
Dim s As String
Dim r As Excel. Range

s = InputBox("Enter the number you wish to find")
If StrPtr(s) = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must enter an existing part number!"
Set r = Cells.Find(What:=s, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

Range(Cells(r.Row, "A"), Cells(r.Row, "AH")).Copy
Sheets("APL").Cells(r.Row, "A").Insert Shift:=xlDown

Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.Goto Sheets("APL").Cells(r.Row, "H")
Selection.Offset(-1, -5).ClearContents
Selection.Offset(-1, 0).Select
End If

End Sub

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Input And Display Data In Cell In H:mm Format Without Changing To Time

Feb 25, 2010

Can i put into the cells B38-AF38, that would display the sum of B20:AF20 + B24:AF24 + B28:AF28 + B32:AF32 +B36:AF36 in a h:mm format.

When imputing the data into a cell in a h:mm format, I need it to display in that cell and formula bar the h:mm format without having to put an apostrophe in front of "h" or ":mm" value. Once complete, this form is going to go to other trainers to use on their computers and I dont think they would remember to keep putting an apostrophe before the data.


B20= 1:15 (1h15m) NOT 1:15:00 AM

B24= :30 (30min)

B28= :45 (45min)

B32= 1:45 (1h45m) NOT 1:45:00 AM

B38= 4:15 (4h15min)

I have attached a copy of the form for better clarification.

It doesnt seem to be complicated, but it's certainly a lot more than I thought.

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Search Timestamp Value Giving Input With Date And Time Rounded Off Value Alone

Jul 29, 2013

I am a beginner to Excel macros. I am writing a macro to find the value based on the search criteria am giving

E.g. ( Record in table)

Column A
24/07/2013 15:04:05

Input am giving

24/07/2013 15:04 ( since am not sure about the milliseconds)

I need to find and fetch the Datas based on the input am giving

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Formula From Time In And Time Out

Sep 1, 2007

Time in/Time out Hrs Worked, Rate is 12.82 per 15 minutes and the amount billed and the total amount due shows up in the last cell.

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Calculate Time Between Start Time And End Time?

Feb 7, 2014

the vendor has a 21 hr working window; start from 7am and goes until 4am; Mon to Fri.

Here is a scenario:
- i request for a product information from a vendor on 3-Feb-14 8:00am (Monday)
- he replies with all of the product info on 6-Feb-14 12:00pm (Thursday)

can you find the time in above scenario consideration the working window?

Here is another scenario:
- i request for a product information from a vendor on 6-Feb-14 8:00am (Thursday)
- he replies with all of the product info on 11-Feb-14 12:00pm (Tuesday)
- Sat & Sun are days off but keep in mind that my Friday shift ends on sat at 4am so the networdays formula wont work.

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Add This Number To The Start Time, Factor In Break Minutes And Get To The Projected Completion Time

Mar 3, 2009

I am trying to provide a tool for department leaders to monitor productivity for order processing in their departments. The variables I have are: Number of orders(variable), number of pickers (variable), start time(variable). Then, I know each order takes 1 picker 4 minutes to pick on average, and there are 45 minutes worth of breaks during the picking process. So after entering the variables I used =(((C3*4)/60)/D3) to come up with the time needed to process the orders. What I can't get to is how to add this number to the start time, factor in break minutes and get to the projected completion time. I have Excel 2003 at work. Clearly I need to take a class!

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Function To Be Added On Timestamp Macro To Align Time Of Users From Different Time Zones

Mar 28, 2014

I am looking for a function to convert time given by my computer (Local time) in EST (Eastern Standard Time). We are several users of a same file (with timestamp macros) and all time need to be aligned to one time zone (EST), even if all users are working in different time zone (EST, CST and IST).

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Lookup Sunset Time Based Onrecord Date - Incorrect Time Calculated

Mar 22, 2012

Consider this code:

'light eligibility
Dim facb As String
Dim sunset As Variant
[color=green]' check if facility has lights[color]
facb = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(RID, ds, 10, False) 'find facility code
If WorksheetFunction.VLookup(facb, fac, 6, False) = "Y" Then 'facility has lights
sunset = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tempws.Range("A9"), sun, 2, False) 'lookup the sunset time based on the record's date

[Code] ......

This code checks the need for lights at a facility.

It first checks to see if the facility even has lights by cross-referencing a value in the record with a facilities database.

If it has lights, it then checks to see if they are needed. If the rental goes past the sunset time, then it needs lights. Sunset is determined by cross-referencing the date value in sheet1! A9, with the sunset database.

If it needs lights, variable lghtson is calculated equal to "sunset"-30 minutes.

As I step through this code:

WorksheetFunction.VLookup(facb, fac, 6, False) = "Y" Facility has lights.
Check to see if lights are needed.
sunset = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tempws.Range("A9"), sun, 2, False)
sunset=0.879166666666667 which is 9:06PM. This is a proper value from the lookup.
If rental_end.value > sunset Then
rental_end (value from textbox) = "9:30 pm" , sunset=0.879166666666667. This is true, and Excel accepts it as true ...
lghtson = sunset - 0.5
0.379166666666667 = 0.879166666666667 - 0.5 (9:06 AM)

This is not the value I was looking for. I was looking for 8:34PM (0.856944444444444)

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Excel 2010 :: Insert Date And Time In Column Upon Data Change For First Time Only

May 3, 2013

I am looking for a macros VBA where a user insert or update a data the date and time should be insert in column I and save the workbook.

Note: If the column I already have the date and time inserted before then it should give message record already have date and time.

I am using office 2010.

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Table Which Shows Time Started, Time Finished And Then A Total For Hours That Day, Then That Week

Mar 30, 2009

i am looking to do a table which shows time started, time finished and then a total for hours that day, then that week.

Start 08:00
End 16:00
Total 8 hrs.

How can I get the total to display as 8 hrs? not 08:00? When I change the format to "number" it shows 0.33?

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