Formula In / With Dropdown: Calculate The Average %age In The Attached Spreadsheet

Oct 13, 2009

Need formula to calculate the average %age in the attached spreadsheet. I would like to enter a score between 1 and 4, but with 1 = 10%, 2 = 25%, 3 = 80% and 4 = 100%. The score in the cell must still show as between 1 and 4 but the total must be an average of the relevant %ages. i.e. if scores are recorded as 1, 2, 3, 4, then the total average % will be (10%+25%+80%+100%)/4 = 53.75%. I'm not sure whether this should be in the Validation or in the Total cell.

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Key Formula (E10 On My Attached Spreadsheet)

Jun 25, 2009

I am trying to set up a cell (E10 on my attached spreadsheet) to act as a key that would collect all of the PO#'s from a seperate column (cells A12:A27 on the attached sheet) and wouldn't repeat any of the repeat PO#'s. I am trying to do this because I currently save each order form by the PO #('s) and at times I find myself typing a long string of PO#'s for the book name. It would be much easier if this key cell would reflect all of the PO's for me and I could just copy and paste the contents into the save as box. This brings up another problem- when I try to copy and paste the contents of the key cell I have now, I just get the formula, not what the formula returned.

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The Results Of The Formula In Cell K36 In The Attached Spreadsheet Returns A Value Of Null

Feb 5, 2010

The results of the formula in cell K36 in the attached spreadsheet returns a value of null. It should be $1,200. Am I blind or have I done something wrong. I just can't see the problem with the formula.

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Spreadsheet That I Have A Lot Of Macros That Are Attached To A Customized Toolbar Saved In The Same Spreadsheet

Jun 26, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that I have a lot of macros that are attached to a customized toolbar saved in the same spreadsheet. I saved this is a read-only file. When I open as read-only and run my macros (testing), I save it as another file. When I then open the "template" to do the same thing, the toolbar/buttons now reference the file I previously saved as something else. Help please? Is there a macro that would delete all macros before saving the file as something else?

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Emailing Attached Spreadsheet?

Nov 29, 2012

Add worksheet as an attachment to an outlook email by having a button on the spreadsheet itself. However I have added another worksheet which i would like to add to the same email ie 2 attached worksheets to the same email this being decontamination certificate. I have tried to do this myself by copying and pasting some of the code and changing the paths and name but all I get is one or the other or the wrong name to the worksheet.

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Formula To Get An Average Based On A Dropdown List

Jul 14, 2009

Im creating a spreadsheet at work, which has a drop down box with the options of open and closed in it.

I also have a column for length of time of the claim, what i need to do, is now find a way of getting a average length of a claim, but only to see the closed option from the drop down box.

for example,

row 1
open date - 02/06, closed date - 01/07, dropdown box - closed, life - 29
row 2
open date - 10/06, closed date - n/a, dropdown box - open, life - -39400

as you can see from the example above, i cant simply do a average of the whole column, as would read the open ones as well. so is there a way of doing the formula, but telling it to only see the open, or closed ones?

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How To Find Risk Analysis Calculation For The Attached Spreadsheet

Aug 7, 2014

I am trying to find risk analysis calculation for the attached spreadsheet.

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Formula To Calculate Average Of Every Other Cell

Oct 29, 2009

I have a row of data starting in cell E4 that could, theoretically, go to the far right end of the spreadsheet. I need to enter a formula in cell D4 that calculates the average of every other cell in this row, starting with E4, that is E4,G4,I4,K4...

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Formula To Calculate Median Of Dropdown Selection?

Aug 17, 2012

Is there a formula to calculate the median of a dropdown (Alt+DFF) selection?











If I select a the answer should be 4, c should be 6.

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Formula To Calculate Average/wtd Avg On A Subset Of A List

Jun 2, 2006

I will do my best to explain but just in case I have attached a worksheet to make things easier. I have a list of a few thousand products with data on each product. When I run through a series of cuts, I get a subset list and want to be able to calculated a weighted average by somehow saying to do a weighted average (and/or count, and/or average, etc.) on the characteristics of only the products in the subset.

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Formula To Calculate Average Number Of Rebills Per Client

Aug 30, 2009

I need help with a formula to calculate average number of rebills per client.

I don't know how to get excel to add the number of unique client in a given row. Example

Column A
Client 1
Client 1
Client 1
Client 2
Client 2
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4
Client 4
Client 4
Client 4
Client 5

Formula needs to calculate number of Unique clients. In this case, the answer is 5, but how can I get excel to calculate for me?

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Formula To Calculate Average Values In Column B Where Value In Column A

Mar 11, 2013

I'm currently using this formula to calculate the average values in column B where the value in column A ='s E1 eg:


Instead of doing this however, I need the formula to calulate the average from column B where the "Date" in column A ='s the year and month I specify in other cells.

Year value specified in: F1
Month value specified in: G1

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Adjust Headcount Formula In Attached Document?

May 28, 2014

I've posted a document in which I'm trying to calculate the weekly headcount for employees using their timecard entries.There are many entries per week for each employee, but I want to count them only once per week rather than each time they make a timecard entry. I need to tweak it to deal with one condition that it currently doesn't handle.The person who provided has said he doesn't check in with the forum very often, so I'm putting this out there to a wider audience.

Whenever the value of column W = "UTO" (unpaid time off) I want the formula to ignore that entry (count it as 0 rather than 1) and continue on to the next entry. The way I have the formula now, it counts any "UTO" entries as 0, but then it does not count the subsequent non-UTO entry as 1. I'm not expert enough to fully understand the formula that was provided


I have added embedded the formula in an IF statement to ignore the "UTO" entries.

=IF([@[Util?]]="UTO",0,--(COUNTIFS(B$2:B945,B945,U$2:U945,U945)=1)) ("Util?" is the header for column W)

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Formula: CHECK And LINKED TO Which Consist Of The ID's Of Each Computer And The Attached Monitor

Aug 1, 2007

I'm trying to find a way to create an excel sheet for my company. It will be used to import into our CMDB. Its for computers(ID) and their monitors(LINKED TO)
We have made 3 rows: ID, CHECK and LINKED TO which consist of the ID's of each computer and the attached monitor. The CHECK row is where we put the word "OK" if that computer is physically present at that location. After this list was made, we decided NOT to link the monitors to the computers, so afterwards we will delete the row LINKED TO.

What i need to do now, in order to not have to seek every monitor manually, is to have a formula which looks up an id (i.e. WBE01111) in the LINKED TO row, and if that one exists in the ID row, it will place the word "OK" in the CHECK row.

Example: (with WBE01111 being a monitor attached to computer WBE03333)

[ID]_____________[CHECK]______[LINKED TO]
WBE03333________ OK _________WBE01111
WBE09999________ OK ________ WBE08888

**=formula must put OK here

So the WBE01111(monitor) below [LINKED TO] exists in the [ID] row, i want the formula to see that, and put OK below [CHECK] for WBE01111

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Concatenate Formula (drag Down The Attached That Will Place Zeros Infront Of Any Numbers That Don't Have 9 Digits)

Jun 17, 2009

I need a formula to drag down the attached that will place zeros infront of any numbers that don't have 9 digits. so if a part number consists of 6 digits then i need 3 zeros in front of it, if a part number consists of 9 digits then i dont need any zeros proceeding it.

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Dynamic Average With Different Dropdown Selections

May 6, 2014

I have a worksheet that is computing the average price for an apartment rental, and I want the average to change when I de-select or select different qualities from my drop down list. For example, I want to look at buildings that allow pets and Utilities included in rent, which hides all but 4 buildings, yet the average remains the same that was calculated with the whole data table.

I know it's relatively easy to just then average that out, but I would really like to have it be dynamic for future additions and comparing many variances quickly compared to other data sheets of buildings in other areas.

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Formula To Average Range Of Cells And Copying It To Calculate Next Range Of Cells?

Mar 17, 2014

I have a row data corresponding to the measuring of load cell per min and I need to average the values per hour. So I have a column B for the date (from 1-01-2013 to 31-01-2013, column C for the time (0:00:00 to 23:59:00), and D de values per min I want to average. I have to do the same for the rest of the month of 2013 (February, ...., December).

I would like to know if there is a way to create a formula to calculate the average of the first 60 values (to get the average of the first hour of 1-01-2013), and then copy it to get the average of the following 60 (average of the second hour in 1-01-2013) and so on.

If there is no way to do it, I would like to know if I can do it using functions like average, match, index, offset, what would be the best match of those functions.

I also tried it by doing the analysis in another tab and using the function "averageifs" with two criterias: one for the date (example 01-01-2013) and another one for the hour (example 0:00:00), but it didnt work, it show error: #value. I inserted an extra column in the data tab with just the hour (example 0:00:00) in front of the corresponding column with (example 0:01:00, 00:02:00, etc)
Equation I used for this:

=AVERAGEIFS('Data (min)'!D$6:D$43206,'Data (min)'!$A$6:$A$44646,A6,'Data (min)'!$B$6:$B$44646,B6)

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Set Up Spreadsheet With Linked Dynamic Dropdown Lists?

Apr 24, 2014

I am trying to set up a spreadsheet with linked dynamic drop down lists, based on a table.Using the OFFSET function, I have managed to get this to work if the table is on the SAME sheet at the drop down lists. But I want to be able to put the drop down lists onto a different sheet, so that I can lock and hide the table.

I don't want to use the 'name based on the previous column' idea, as the table is large and will change weekly. the drop downs show all values, even duplicates, which I would like to get rid of.

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Feeding Dropdown List Results Into Different Spreadsheet

Jun 25, 2014

I have to create a series of drop down lists with choices on it for people at the company to fill out to see how much time they spent on each type of project. The plan is to have people fill out a "daily form" to see how much work they did that day, and have the results of that feed into a "monthly form" to sum up how much they worked that week. One of the aforementioned drop-down lists have them choose between three categories of work, M, N and B.

I have to make it so that in the monthly form, the results from the daily form segregate themselves into the different M, N and B tables in the monthly sheet. To make it more clear, on the daily sheet, there is just one huge table. For each row, they are to input what type of work they did, how long they worked, etc. On the monthly data table there are three different tables, one for M, one for N, and one for B. I want to have the entries from the daily spreadsheet to feed themselves into one of the three tables in the monthly spreadsheet depending on whether M, N or B was chosen.

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Excel 2007 :: Insert Dropdown Box Into Spreadsheet?

May 14, 2013

I need to insert a drop down box into my spreadsheet, and depending on the option selected, the formula used to calculate the value into another cell changes. How do I implement this in Excel 2007?

To put this in context, I need a list of acids in cell C3. Depending on the acid selected, the formula used to calculate acid concentration in another cell (D3) changes. I need a way to implement this.

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Dropdown List In Spreadsheet Which Combine Info From Two Columns

Oct 24, 2012

I'm trying to have a drop down list in a spreadsheet which combines the info from two columns.

For example:

1 John 29
2 Sandy 40, etc

And the drop down list turns into

John 29
Sandy 40

Is this possible?

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Formula To Have Spreadsheet 2 Pick Items From Pass / Fail Column On Spreadsheet 1

Jan 23, 2012

Workbook 1 has 2 spreadsheets. Spreadsheet 1 contains Item and Pass/Fail Columns. under the item column is the serial number of the item tested. the Pass/fail column has the serial number duplicated if it failed tested. what is the formula is to have spreadsheet 2 pick the items from the pass/fail column on spreadsheet 1?

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How To Calculate Average Time

Aug 6, 2014

how to find the average times of two different sets of groups. There are the baseline times and intervention times. Both groups have three subtopics: Time Fell Asleep, Woke Up, and Duration (how many hours I slept). I am not sure how to find the average of each subtopic. Here are the times....

Baseline times:
Fell AsleepWoke UpDuration
2:30 AM10:00 AM7:30 hrs
4:30 AM12:30 PM8:00 hrs


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Calculate Average Percentage

Apr 5, 2012

I have a column of percentages, how do I get an average % rate at the end of my column?

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Calculate Average Across Different Worksheets

Sep 27, 2012

I want to calculate the average for 6 cells across 6 different worksheets.

For instance in sheet 7 i want to calculate what the average of sheet 1 A1, Sheet 2 A1, Sheet 3 A1, Sheet 4 A1, Sheet 5 A1 and Sheet 6 A1 is. However some the cells contain blanks/zeros which are resulting in an error message. The overall figure still needs to be divided by 6 to get the average.

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Match And Calculate Average

Mar 15, 2013

I need to calculate the average based on SKU patterns.

For example, if the SKU begins with "CZD", then take the average SKU that meets that pattern.

Items Sold


[Code] ......

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Calculate Average If Condition Met

Apr 3, 2008

I have two columns of data. Column B is age column C is gender. I want to calculate average male age and average female age. Suggestions?

57 f
53 f
47 m
40 f
42 m

Average female age is ___
Average male age is ___

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Calculate The Average Time

Mar 16, 2004

I need to find the average time it takes students to take exams . I use the following formula =text(end time - start time, "h:mm"). I am able to calculate the amount of time it takes a student to take the exam. Now I need a formula to calculate the average time students take to complete a test. I have over 80 times i need to average. Whenever i try a formula I keep getting 0.

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Multi-Spreadsheet Formula Down To Populate The Other Cells In The Total Spreadsheet

Jan 4, 2010

I have attached a document paralleling a document I am working on. The dollar amount in each spreadsheet represent sales. I have entered in values into the candy, soda, and chips spreadsheet. I have also linked values for candy into the total spreadsheet. My question is can I somehow type something or drag the formula down to populate the other cells in the total spreadsheet?

The idea I am thinking but which I don't know how to implement is to list all the items (as in column G) and list all of the relevant cells (e.g. B1 in the Candy spreadsheet) as in columns H and I (Note that all items will have the same cells but the cells will have different values...e.g. all three items have a cell B1 and B2 in their spreadsheet but these cells contain different values). I then try and fail to create a formula in cell B3 of the Total spreadsheet. I am trying to create a formula of the following nature:

='(Spreadsheet Name From Column G)'!(Cell Name From Columns H and I)

The Second half of the formula doesn't really concern me (i.e. the cell name from column H and I). However I am perplexed as to how to achieve the goal in the first parentheses above.

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Creating Payroll Spreadsheet With Dropdown List Linking To Values

Dec 3, 2013

I am trying to attempt to create a payroll spreadsheet with certain aspects and with multiple worksheets. so what im trying to accomplish is this

1/ on my main worksheet would have the payroll template there would be 2 columns (1) would be "routes" (2) would be the dollar value of that route.

2/ i want to be able to pick from a drop down list in colume (1) which will have various routes such as A,
B, C, D, E etc

3/ once i have selected a route in colum (1) i want to have the dollar value that is associated to that route to show up in column (2)

ex/ route A worth $1
route B worth $2

create a dropdown list but thats about it, i have not been able to link any values together.

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