Function To Put In A New Column To Get The Abbreviated Year And Month Of A Previous Column In The Same Row
May 18, 2007
Is there a function to put in a new column to get the abbreviated year and month of a previous column in the same row???
Ex. Row A B C D
3/14/2007 5/16/2007 2007-3 2007-5
Instead of using the YEAR MONTH funcion for each row is there a universal function that I could designate to the whole column of C and D something like C=YEAR(A(row#))???
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Oct 18, 2009
I have 4 columns
Column A is "Customer Number"
Column B is "Date Can Opened"
Column C is "Month" (currently blank except header row)
Column D is "Year" (currently blank except header row)
I would like a macro to do 2 things here....
1. Extract the Month part of the "Date Can Opened" column and put it in column C.
2. Extract the Year part of the "Date Can Opened" column and put it in column D.
Currently, the "Date Can Opened" column is formatted as a date like */14/01 taken from the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box) ...
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May 14, 2009
I have dates in my column “A”, for example (A1 cell =22-Mar-1971), (A2 cell=30-Dec-1965). Now my requirement is in B column date and month from A column and year should take current year. Output in B column (B1 cell =22-Mar-2009), (B2 cell=30-Dec-2009)
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Jun 19, 2014
So yesterday I created a thread [URL] ..... that would clear a specific content if a date (or rather a day) matched the criteria.
Today I'm continuing with that document and need to sum the columns if the date in a row is the correct month and year.
Ex. Row 1 contains the date "yyyy-mm-dd" and row 2-5 contains empty cells or the value x. The x values are all random placed.
So, I want to sum all the "x" for February 2014.
I'd rather use a formula here than a macro/VBA-code but anything will do. I have tried myself with =sumifs and =sumproduct but with no success.
See attached file for example and for my =sumproduct formula.
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Dec 15, 2008
Need a formula for counting the number of occurences of a month & year in a date column? The spreadsheet is looking at items raised in any given month e.g. all items raised in Dec-08.
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Feb 21, 2008
I have the following variables in these columns
Column 1: Ship (1064, 1065, 1066 as the field contents)
Column 12: Date (21-Feb-08 as format)
Column 13: Weld Length (1000 as format)
Column 15: Defect Length (1000 as format)
What I need doing is the following is in a single cell per month add up what the total weld length is as well as the defect length as I have Jan 08, Feb 08 etc on another sheet where these values will be returned.
There is a seperate sheet for each Ship so would like a formula that I could ammend 1064 to 1065 etc
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Oct 21, 2009
Sheet1 AB120091002Valid220090702Valid320100702Not Valid Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
In this A column Shows Year month Date format I need VBA Coding.
If A column is Grater than Today date Means B Column States Not Valid. Else Valid.
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May 11, 2013
I want to group data (rows) using month and year in date column using macro.
For example.
Date ID Amount
01/01/2013 12345 $100
02/01/2013 13452 $73
03/01/2013 12232 $50
04/01/2013 34232 $125
01/02/2013 12322 $67
02/02/2013 12345 $100
03/02/2013 13452 $73
04/02/2013 12232 $50
05/02/2013 34232 $125
01/03/2013 12345 $100
02/03/2013 13452 $73
03/03/2013 12232 $50
04/03/2013 34232 $125
I want to group rows by mm/yyyy in date column. Also I want sum amount column by month.
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Apr 4, 2013
I am working in a spreadsheet that contains a bunch of data, it is not limited, and varies. It has some fiels such as: name, date of birth, address, and others. I am interested in creating a column with only the month digit of the date of birth for each row.
I have been working with some code, I am not quite sure how to continue. The following table would be a example that I have of the data, it has only to entry in the column of Date of Birth, but my data range will always vary. I want to get the month and past it in the next cell that is available in this case would be column c or 3... The worksheet name is REP.
Dim Cell As Range
' 1st cell with the posting date
Set Cell = Range("A2")
Do While Not IsEmpty(Cell)
If Cell = "Date" Then
[Code] .....
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Dec 17, 2009
In attached sheet, I am trying to find total cost by month only for year 2009. Currently formula I have in Cell c24, is {=SUM(IF(MONTH(B2:B9)=1,D2:D9,0))} But this calculates for all years, not just 2009. How do I modify above formula, so for each month, it shows total cost but only for 2009?
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Dec 6, 2013
I need a VBA Function, I have a start dates in column A and end dates in column B what I need in column C is the abbreviated days excluding the weekends. For example if I have 11/11/13 in A1 and 11/20/13 in B1 then in C1 I need (including start and end date) Wed, Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Another example If I have 11/29/13 in A1and 12/3/13 in B1 then in C1 I need Fri, Mon, Tue.
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Feb 3, 2009
I have a column titled "Start Date", "Month/Year", &"Total". I want to count the number of dates that appeared in the "start date" column that have the same month and year of the "month/year" column. That count should be in the total count. For ex, I want the first total (april 2008) to be 1, the second (may 2008) to be 1, and so on. I tried using countifs month and year of the start date is the month and year of the month/year column. Not working.
Here's my data: ....
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Aug 7, 2013
I have a problem where there are 4 arguments passed to my COUNTIFS function to give me a total count i.e. "KP","James Report","Completed","Month"
Here is the Formula I used;
=COUNTIFS(Master!$B$2:$B$29,Picklist!$C$8,Master!$D$2:$D$29,B3,Master!$H$2:$H$29,Picklist!$C$2,Master!K2:K57,Picklist!E9 )
The last part of my formula is throwing an error "K2:K57"
What I should get in plain English.... "The number of 'James Report' 'Completed by 'KP' in 'August'. (Any specified month based on what comes from my "dates field" on my Master sheet.
I have got a field in my Master sheet with dates which I have transposed into the right month of the year using Month().
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Nov 7, 2009
I am running Win XP and Excel 2003.
I have a macro I found here on the boards written by Lenze to delete an entire row based on what is found in column A. I would like to delete any row where Col. B contains 10 or less characters and I have modified it to do so (or at least I think it does). My problem is that it takes about 12 minutes to run the macro (I have about 50k lines to run through). I was wondering if this is the fastest method or if it examines things other than just column B.
Sub Test()
Dim i As Long
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
For i = LR To 2 Step -1
If Len(Cells(i, "B")) < 11 Then Cells(i, "B").EntireRow.Delete
Next i
End Sub
After this runs, I am left with Columns A to somewhere around AH. The columns are generally in the format of text followed by a numeric column. An individual text column has the same name through all of the rows. The numeric columns have varied values whether negative or positive.
Ideally what I would like: If a given cell (ie. C2) in Row 2 is numeric, then copy the cell to the left (ie. B2) into (ie. C1) and then delete Column B. I need this to work for multiple columns from B to C, skip D and E, and then from F to AG (and maybe beyond).
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Aug 20, 2014
I have a spreadsheet which is updated daily. Row A of the sheet has the date in it, and every day a new column is created for the that set of data. I have the below code which works at the moment:
[Code] .....
I want to use this same code on another spreadsheet to do the same process (I need to copy and paste 4 columns (A,B,C + D, into E, F, G & H, then tomorrow it will copy E, F, G & H into I, J, K &L etc etc)). The problem I'm having is that A1:C1 is a merged cell, then D isn't (used as a border to separate). So when it is copied I need to select the merged cell columns and column D (i.e. A:C & D on day 1) and paste it into E:H with E1:G1 merged.
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Nov 23, 2012
I am after a macro to insert a column lets say between column A and B. Once column inserted new column B should be filled by a text say "January" but it should be only filled upto the data of column A so if column A has data upto A600 then column B should be filled from B1 to B600.
I tried recording but it fills data upto B65000+.
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Dec 8, 2013
Looking for a formula to compare current year values to previous year values. For example, if the current year has values for the month of January through March (100, 100 and 150), current year value will be 350 and the previous year value will be 975 (i.e. 300+275+400). The aim here is to make the previous year months summation equal to the present (or current) values. As new values are entered for the current year, the previous year's values will have to change to reflect the new month's value entered for the current year.
Month 2012 2013
Jan 300 100
Feb 275 100
Mar 400 150
April 650
May 454
June 800
July 500
Aug 375
Sep 525
Oct. 300
Nov 410
Dec 510
Sample file is attached : Comparison_Years.2011.xls‎
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Dec 5, 2012
I have a file which is divided into 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 years in column A. I want these data in different column according to year. For example, Column E(2011), Column F(2012), Column G(2013) and Column H(2014).
Attaching sample a file with sample data to be converted.
It is also to be in consideration that data in column B and C should not be repeated and all year data should come in front of it.
I want this by coding or formula only. I dont want to use pivot table for this.
Expecting Result.jpg
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Aug 20, 2013
How to get only MONTH' YEAR if there is a DATE-MONTH-YEAR in a cell?
A1: 27-July-2012
Answer D1:JULY' 2012
Pl note "' " is suffixed after JULY (the month).
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May 1, 2014
I am working on a spreadsheet to track membership data. In Col A, I have the year that the member started their membership. In Col B, I have the dd/mm/yy that their membership renews.
For instance:
ABC Company began membership in 2002 (Col A). The next billing cycle (membership renewal) is scheduled for 7/1/2014 (Col B).
Is there a formula to take the month and day from Col B and the year from Col A and combine them? For the example above, I want the result to read: 7/1/2002
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Oct 13, 2009
On sheet 1 I have a list of 1000 firstnames
On sheet 2 I have a list of 1000 emails,
I need a function that states If a cell in the email column contains a string or value from the names column, it will result in a true statement so that I can separate out the emails that have these peoples first names.
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May 8, 2009
how to make a certain type of date automate. It's kind of hard to explain, but basically, I'd like to make it so that when I enter a date in one column, another column will automatically populate with the 1st of the next month. For example:
If I enter 4/26/2009 in the 1st column, column 2 will read: 5/1/2009
If I enter 1/19/2008 .................................................. 2/1/2008
Also, it's very important that if the FIRST date is already the first of the month, then the second column will read the same. For instance: If I enter 3/1/2009 in the first colum, the second column will ALSO read 3/1/2009.
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Sep 25, 2006
I have two combo boxes: One for entering the Year, and one for the month. I can produce a message if the user leaves either box blank but I want a message to apear it the user selects a year AND month less than the current year (iYear) and current month (iMonth). I therefore need an AND statement between the two criteria but i dont know how to do it.
'....First Checks the Comboboxes arent blank then below Checks a future month/year secection is chosen
ElseIf YearBox.Value = iYear & iMonthbox < iMonth Then
MsgBox ("You may not enter Data before the current Month")
Else '...... Run main code here
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Jan 16, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with a column showing dates (dd/mm/yyyy). I need the column next to it to display the month only (Jan,Feb etc).
How do I create a column to show the month only using the date column as a reference.
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Mar 8, 2014
I am working on a budget for myself and want it to have running dates so the first data column will have the current month. I was able to succeed with this using the EOMONTH function followed by EDATE functions in the following cells, I then have these columns filled using a nested VLOOKUP MATCH function pair.
The problem I run into is with the months that extend into the next year, in my data table I have month by month listed started on 01/01/2014 ending 12/01/2014 but as soon as the month is no longer January the last column in my budget cannot find the information needed due to it looking for 2015. so what I would like to know is if there is a way to make the data table change the year to the following year after today is beyond that month, so for example on March 1 2014 both January and February would be changed to 2015.
Attached is an example : Budget Example.xlsx‎
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Jan 29, 2010
I'm after a formula this time ... i've searched the board and can't find what i need.
a cell shows 2009 December
and i'd like a formula to covert this to 31st December 2009 .... i.e. for any cell i'd like to know last day of month... and month and year ..
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Sep 28, 2009
I have the following data:
column a: column B:
I need a formula to make column B equal to the current month adding the day in column A. so that column B equal the following:
column a: column B:
1 09/1/2009
7 09/7/2009
9 09/9/2009
25 09/25/2009
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a spreadsheet that is now a yeare old with 5000 rows and is now going into the 2nd year
Column A is for date input and the same date can be repeated several tumes :-
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
Sometimes there are all 30 /31 days but normally not .
I need to find the last ocurance of the last date used for each month and then use the cell number to calculate the column totals for that month.
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Dec 25, 2013
Need to create year to date sales comparing 4 years month by month. Stacked chart (Excel 2010) works OK for the first three months but adding the fourth month changes the chart to 4 series with a monthly axis. To put it another way I need a vertical axis of years and a horizontal axis of $$$ with each months sales of each year stacked on its year.
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Jul 10, 2014
I have created a time sheet in excel (see attached) that will be part of the larger workbook that will be linked with other sheets to auto fill in most fields. I am wondering if there is a way for an user to enter a Month and a Year at the top of the page and that in turn automatically fills in the days of the month by week.
So in attached sheet there are 5 boxes representing 5 weeks in a month. So if we used May 2014 as an example I would like to know if there is a way that once May 2014 is entered in up to top that. Excel fills in the dates in Week #1 with under Thursday showing 1st, under Friday showing 2nd as on for the entire month...
So as the month go by all user has to do is state the month and year and excel fills in the weekly dates for each day in month.
Attached File : Time and Attendance.xlsx‎
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