I made a speard heet with the days of the month on top. Each number in its own cell.
Anyone know how to get the number to highlight or flash when the it reaches the actuakl date?
For Example I want the 26 to flash or highlight when the date is actually the 26 of november
i need VB to select the start date of booking and autohighlights the "blank booking slot cells" until the end date that is input in Excel. You can visualise this as a room booking system. The left most column is the dates and the first row represents the different rooms type. E.g. if one guest books the Twin Deluxe No. 123 room on 23 Oct 2006 until 25 Oct 2006. We wish the VB can essentially help us identify the start date then begins highlighting the three slots for 23, 24 and 25 Oct on the column for the Twin Deluxe Room 123.
how I can create a formula that would highlight the cell in a colour if the date was past todays date? This is what I'm doing - I have the expiry date of people's insurances. so e.g todays date is 8 th January, so if the insurance had expired 31.12.08, i would want the cell to be highlighted red. I think it may be an IF function but I cant remember.
I am new to excel and need a formula for conditional formatting. In E1 I will be putting a date for the month and in cell J1 I want it to highlight green if there is a date in E1 and if there is nothing in E1 I want it to be red.
I am trying to figure out how to highlight the row of cells within the column that contains the same date as the date in cell e:1 the date in cell e:1 changes daily because the formula says =today(). With that said, the column contains every date of the year so i would just like to be able to have the row, that contains the same date as the date in cell e:1, highlighted AUTOMATICALLY.
I want to highlight the rows in my worksheet when the dates in column 'N' are in the past. I've seen codes to do this using conditional formatting when searching online and in here but the problem is is that it highlights blank cells as well. Is it possible to correct this?
I have a raw of data consists of expire date. I would like the excel to control the first expire first out by highlighting the nearest expire date for each materials.
Note that for each materials there are several batch with different expire date. I want the excel to highlight to me which batch i should use first base on nearest expire date. And also highlight in different color if the batch had expired.
Example is attached. I had manually highlight suggest batch to use in yellow, and expired batch in red. How should i do it with formula? Perhaps with "conditional formatting"?
I have a spreadsheet that has the month's dates spanning from B2 to AE2. I would like to use conditional formatting to change the background colour of the column with YESTERDAY's date in it.
I have successfully applied a rule that changes the background colour of the column with TODAY's date, using =A$2=TODAY()
I've tried swapping TODAY for YESTERDAY within the formula, hoping it would be that simple, but it doesn't work.
Is there a way to get the formula to look for yesterday's date?
Whenever someone wants to use the cottage for a few days he enters the arrival and departure date in two cells in adjacent columns. He normally sorts the columns on the arrival date to prevent scheduling issues. He recently made two mistakes on the same day when he didn't sort the columns.
Is there a way how either/both cells can be highlighted if either fall within any of the periods in the rows above?
I'm trying to put a report together that shows the most recent salary increase for each employee. Below is a snap shot of what my pivot looks like - How can I format the report to only show the most current change - Which in this case would be the 2 highlighted rows....
I've got a chart showing values for a set of dates. Can I highlight dynamically the data point on the chart with a specified date? I've fiddled around with formatting but suspect I may have to resort to some code..
Need to be able to highligh data within a range where the date in a column is for the previous month/s- therefore need to be able to also include in macro entering the current month - don't want to have to edit macro each month
I have a row D2:ND2 where each cell contains a date from October 1st through to September 20th). I also have a column NI3:NI13 that contains various dates such as Easter or bank holidays. Would it be possible to use conditional formatting (or something else) to highlight all rows below D2:ND2 if the dates specified in each cell in D2:ND2 match any of the dates in column NI3:NI13?
I have a macro that displays a calendar with code to highlight the current date, but this part of the code does not work and the current date is not highlighted.
I have 49 random numbers esquire 7*7 in the cells B2:H8, and the lottery result in the cells B11:H20, and the result dates in cells A11:B20.
What I want is it possible if I select the cell for example in A11, then numbers are in cells B11:H11 can be highlighted in random number esquire, as shown in the example.
And If I select A12 then highlighted number of this row cells B12:H12 and if cell A13...A14...or...?
etc. for all days of the month, and all months of the year.
(The gold coloured cells are part of a formula I have somewhere else - no need to worry about them)
I was wondering - is there a way to get it so that whatever todays date is, the calendar will highlight the column a specific colour (e.g.) if the date was the 5th January, it would look like this:
January 20091234567891011February 200912345678
(Although not nescessarily that specific (and frankly pretty horrible) shade of green).
I have a list of all the HTML codes, palette numbers and hex codes for all the excel colours.
I have a employee travel spreadsheet with air travel dates in two columns. I want to be able to create a rule that will highlight all the cells in a row if the date range on that row fall includes today's date. if someone is traveling in the event there is an emergency and I need to know if they are traveling that particular day. I have attached a sample spreadsheet.
I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of staff training. in colum A is the date they completed the training. this training expires in 5 years time. i would like the cell to highlight red when the date has expired. and when i enter the new date in 5 yrs time the cell to return to no fill color.
I have a list of items which are supplied by 3 persons and these items have expiry date. I want the Conditional Formatting to highlight 2 days before its expiry date. I have managed to set only for dave, how do I set for the other two persons? FYI, each item is only supplied by one person.
Not very good at this but I have the basic sheet attached. All I want is a way to highlight the first cell when the date is within 30 days of the "Due date".
I want to highlight an entire column based on whether a cell in that column is equal to today's date.
I know how to write a loop that cycles through all of the columns until it finds today's date and then modify the column's properties, I was wondering if there was an easier way to do it. Also, I want the highlighting to be temporary meaning it should not save.
how to make a cell to change color oatomatically accordant to Year and Month reflexted already in the cell. I have a spreadsheet with Names,Surnames,DOB and also a column that is given the AGE years months and days.
If somebody reaches 21 -1 -2 -3 months this should show different colors in the persons row in a particular column. The function used for the AGE is fund on ozgrid.com: =DATEDIF(H4,TODAY(),"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(H4,TODAY(),"ym")&" months "&DATEDIF(H4,TODAY(),"md")&" days"