How To Implement Permanent Macros Inside Of Excel As Tool

Aug 1, 2013

I have a macros, which i dont know when i will need to use them.

I need somehow inbuild them into excel to be able use them in every excel start.

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Excel 2010 :: Using Macros As Navigation Tool?

Feb 3, 2013

I have a 'dashboard' worksheet in 2010 and want to be able to click on a cell in this sheet and have it take me to the assigned worksheet. They are all in the same workbook. e.g if i click on Leadership i want it to take me to the Leadership tab, Skills to take me to the Skills tab etc The 'dashboard' will be the only viewable sheet in the workbook until one of the items on the page has been clicked.

I have a very basic understanding of macros and I'm not sure if this would work or if i should use a formula instead?

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Creating Custom Tool Bar For Macros In Workbook

Jan 6, 2013

I want to create a custom tool bar for a work book but when I right click in the unused part of the tool bar area the only options I get are customize Quick access tool bar and customize the ribbon.

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Implement Search Field In Excel?

Dec 22, 2013

how to implement a search field in excel. I ve created one but no results. I want a formula that will search for the ticket number and bring back multiple records from the raw data. I've attached my excel file as an example.Error Tracker 2014.xlsb

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How To Implement Real-time Stock Price(s) Into Excel File

Aug 1, 2014

Currently I am using MS office 2000 premium. I would like to implement real-time stock prices (i.e. ticker MSFT) from the Nasdaq website (NASDAQ Stock Market - Stock Quotes - Stock Exchange News - into a single cell, so that this cell shows the current stock price only.

By a click on the hyperlink symbol in the excel sheet I entered the following information... Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) Real-Time Stock Quote - and clicked the OK button.

Instead of receiving the real-time stock price information directly into the single cell, a new window opens with the Nasdaq website and all kinds of information that is not needed.

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Next Order Number Tool In Excel?

Aug 16, 2013

I have an upholstery business and I have created a workbook containing multiple sheets (proposal, invoice, sales order log, etc.. ) Following, I have saved it in Template format, which I open and save by order number somewhere else. The issue is, I don't know how to track what the last order number I used was....

Is there anything I can work using excel that will allow me to make that easier without having to go open a window and looking at the last order number after arranging the workbooks by name inside a folder?

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Create A Search Tool Within Excel Sheet?

Apr 16, 2012

I've created a spreadsheet containing 200+ entries for my companies suppliers. These include their name/code, contact emails and contact number. This list is far more easily accessible as it saves the user having to bring up the suppliers details within our own bespoke software. However what seemed like a nifty spreadsheet has quickly turned into a giant mush of details with no way to quickly find the one you want without scrolling down to the one you want.create a function/tool that can allow me to type the contact name in cell "X" and have Excel take me to the suppliers line in the table?

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General Excel Search Tool For All The Functions?

Jun 30, 2013

Is there any excel-addin which offers function in which you could search any excel function (not just formula) so that you could access any function in a seconds, just like google desktop search for windows.

Right now you could use quick access for most common functions you use and shortcuts for functions in different group. But if there is universal search for all the functions, it is going to be faster for any access!

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Excel 2010 :: Saving Camera Tool Snapshot?

Jun 18, 2013

In Excel 2010, I used the camera tool to take a snapshot of a selction of cells. How do I save the snapshot only as a JPG or GIF file?

I know that there are programs outside of Excel that can take snapshots or print screens, but I need to accomplish it using the camera tool so the snapshot is the exact selection everytime. Is the excel snapshot temporarily saved somewhere on my computer where I can access it?

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Excel Camera Tool - Print Preview Different From Display On Screen

Nov 27, 2012

I have place a camera-picture of a table on the right side of a chart. On the screen it looks great! (See below - with some redaction)

Problem Example.png

.... but when I print it the table expands off of the side of the chart. Scale is 100%, zoom is 100%, Excel 2010 (See below - with some redaction). Whether or not I have a print area does not seem to make a different in the problem. Also, it appears that this happens with any shape I put in that place, it's not specific to the camera tool.

Problem Example_Print Preview.png

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Excel 2011 :: Change Default Formats Of Number Selections In Tool Bar?

Jul 28, 2012

In the toolbar there's a section titled "Number" which allows you to change cell formats with selections named General, Number, Accounting, Date, Time, etc. I want to permanently change some of their default formats.

For instance, currently when I select Number the default is -4000.00. I want to PERMANENTLY change its default to (4,000.00). How do I do this?

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How To Clear Contents Of Clipboard Before Tool Takes Screen Print In Excel VBA

Apr 20, 2014

I've have a tool/code that takes the screen prints of the active window (when I press F9) and pastes it in a word document.

But whenever I do copy some text or any other image and when I press F9 to take the screen print of the active window. I get the text pasted into the word, this is because the clipboard content has text first and then the screen print of the active window.

Instead When I press F9, I wanted the below to happen

1. Content from the Clipboard should be cleared

2. Take the screen print

3. Paste it in the word document.

Note: My tool/code already does 2 and 3. Looking for 1 alone, ,

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Implement The Mod Function In VBA?

Oct 28, 2009

VBA 2003 does not support MOD (modulo arithmetic) as a WorksheetFunction, and there does not seem to be a direct MOD function in VBA. I've been dabbling with code that would do the same thing as MOD, so far with no success. Does anyone know how to do this in VBA? I assume it would be some combination of If...Then, Round (up or down), maybe a compare, and perhaps an iteration loop. I would think such a routine would be useful to many people.

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Best Way To Implement Calculator?

Feb 20, 2014

Creating a calculator for employees and possibly customers to use to return values based on information inputted. Created a worksheet but thought there may be another way to enter and return the calculated information that may be more user friendly. New to user forms but thought that would work for the user to enter information. Can information be returned from the worksheet to the user form?

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Excel 2010 :: Create Percentage Inside Each Class?

Mar 24, 2014

As you can see in the attached file, I have a column of classes , a columns of related revenues and the total for each class. I have to create a column, next to these, where I can create the percentage with respect the sum of each class (as you can see by the formula). My problem is I am not able to say vba to find the totals and to create the percentage just with the revenues related to that total.

p.s: I have to work on excel2010.

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List Excel Files With Embedded Objects Inside

Dec 4, 2012

Is it possible to do a seach in a lot of excel files (>500) to find the excel files wich have an embedded objects inside. If so how can I do this with VBA ?

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View Hidden Characters Inside Excel Cell

Dec 14, 2012

How can I view hidden characters inside an excel cell. I have an excel file that I receive from our vendors. After verifying the data, I save the file as a tab delimited .txt format. When I open the .txt file I see some data with " " at both ends. i.e. "800 North Ave. Suite A". The thing is I don't see the " " in excel. This tells me that these are non-printing characters.

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Implement Dynamic Formula Through VBA To A Cell

Nov 30, 2011

Im having trouble implementing a dynamic formula through VBA to a cell. The relevant code I'm working with is

Range("H7").Formula = "=Sum(E7:" & Cells(7, fytc - 1)) & ")"

fytc is a Integer variable that will change depending on the month of the year (as the data positioning changes with the month of the year).

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Using Formulas To Implement Time Limit

Apr 23, 2014

I have a numeric value in G2, (in this case 7).

I have a date value in H2 - in I2 I want the date which is the date in G2 plus the number of days in H2, (so 20/01/2014 + 7 would give 27/01/2014 for example).

BUT - I also want it to account for a scenario where the value in G2 is 'No Expiry', so in that case I want I2 to show 'No End Date'.

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Excel 2007 :: Using IF / VLOOKUP Formulas INSIDE Data Validation

Sep 6, 2011

What I have attached is spreadsheet I've built to quickly generate an army list for a tabletop game. Anyone can click on the Force Organization Slot (FOS) and choose the type of unit and from there, select the specific unit name attached to that FOS. Each individual unit has a list of options/upgrades currently attached to the sheet from cells AD through AX and the points cost listed next to each upgrade.

For example, when selecting the Rhino unit from the Dedicated_Transport FOS, there should be 4 drop down lists of selectable upgrades (Storm Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile, Dozer Blade, and Extra Armor). Currently, I have only named the ranges for the Rhino and Razorback units in order to get this working properly without having to go through the entire list of units and change names/create ranges/ect.

What I'm aiming to do is to create an individual drop down list that is directly related to the Unit Name cell in order to populate a complete and selectable upgrade list for each unit. I have played around with some functions that work in the spreadsheet (see cells X10:X12) but do not work properly with Data Validation.

Oddly enough, when I enter this formula under Data Validation:


I do not get an error, yet the drop down list does not allow me to select anything as I thought it would.

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Excel 2011 :: Using OFFSET And COUNTIF Inside Data Validation?

Oct 1, 2012

I have a from that work great in PC but if opened in a MAC, some of the functions will not work.

For example, There is one cell with Data validation that based on the value selected in another data validation cell, it should only display all possible options pertaining to value chosen. These are the values: a user select a customer based on customer name. The Data validation will the put the customer number in cell AF3. In another call with Data Validation I have this formula:

SHIPTO is the Name range for the tabs called SHIPTO with "Shipto!$A$1"
SHIPTOColumn is the Name Range for "SHIPTO!$A:$A"
Column A is where the customer numbers are.

This work fine in a PC but not in the MAC using excel 2011

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Excel 2010 :: Selection Change Event On Text Inside Textbox?

Jun 10, 2014

As part of a program I'm writing in VBA (for Excel 2010), I have a textbox in a user form used as an interface to write a formula in cells in Excel.The resulting value of a formula from a cell is loaded up into the textbox. It would be shown in the textbox like "See 1.2 and 1.3" where the formula in the cell is


This is just used as an example but the principle is there. It is worth noting that I’m writing this for very inexperienced Excel users but I need them to be able to edit the string part of the formula without breaking the formula.

However where I’m struggling is to pick up a selection change event inside a text box already selected. I need to be able to check if the textbox.SelStart is within an address value or within the string in the textbox.

The event Enter won’t work if the user is already editing the textbox (i.e. typing stuff) and then clicking or using the keyboard arrow to move the cursor somewhere else inside the textbox. I don’t think the event Change is the solution either as it would mean that the user would have already typed something and as a result the formula may already be broken.

I have had a good look around and I didn’t find an event for a selection change inside a textbox. Does it exists and/or is there a way that would have the same result?

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Create PDF File From Word Doc Inside A Folder With ID And Ref Number From Cells In Excel

Jul 31, 2014

I have an excel database where I register cases. I have in it a button that creates a folder with and ID nr that is in column A (I create new ID nr in the next row, when I press the button it will create a folder with that ID nr and inserts a blank word document in it). We have a template that we copy to the folder (depending what type of case). The idea would be that once the template is filled in and ready to print, It would take the values from the ID nr and a reference number a few cells to the right. Is it possible to tell excel to open the word document in the folder and create a PDF version with the ID nr and reference number. (there are only 2 templates, so the macro would have to look for one of the two in the folder)

The name of the templates are: "Standard" and "Other".

I guess the best way to start maybe this would be that I select the cell with the ID nr and then press a macro button to have this done.

One thing that needs to be done, is to put a copy in the same folder and another in a second folder called "Binder" in my documents folder.

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Take Logic (IF) Statement And Implement It As Format For Array Of Cells

Jul 17, 2013

I have a list of data for each year dating back 10 years and some of lists had entries that weren't available so the cell showed up #N/A. I searched and replaced them with 0 but when I graph the data it skews my graph. I was wondering if it was possible to take a logic (IF) statement that says if the cell = 0 then take the average of the next and previous data points so the graph looks smooth. i.e. =IF(G444=0,(G443+G445)/2,G444) This gives me the correct number i want, but i want to apply it to all my lists like a format if possible.

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How To Implement Customer ID Auto Increment When Using Alpha Numeric Values

Mar 7, 2014

I have created a simple UserForm to enter new customer details to the Customer List in the spreadsheet, form works fine except for one little thing, which is New Customer ID, which works, but only with numeric values like 1, 2, 3 and so on.

Basically what I need this for to do is once form is opened/called new customer ID need to be created, which could be and Alfa numerical set of characters like AA-01234, AA-01235, AA-01236 and so on.

Also, is there a way of posting newly added Customer ID in the MsgBox along with MsgBox "One record added to Customers List. New Customer ID is "

All of my attempts to create this are failing and causing errors.Here is my code, Customer ID is TextBox1.


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Permanent Removal Of Columns

Dec 11, 2008

I have received an excel spreadsheet that only has 23 columns. The sheet is not protected, the columns are not hidden, the columns are not shrunk to .01 millimetres, the columns are quite simply not there. How is this possible to do? Columns displayed are a through to W. If I delete a column the columns display only a through to v.

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Making Data Permanent

Feb 23, 2010

I've been using the function =vlookup(...) to fill up the cells in my spreadsheet. However, a problem I've come across is that vlookup does not make the values in the cell permanent and keeps drawing whatever value is found in the corresponding cells it searches. Thus if the file it draws it's info from goes missing or is edited, my data also changes accordingly. Therefore I would like to ask if there was a way in which I can make the data permanent in my spreadsheet.

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Permanent VBA Calendar In Worksheet

Jun 28, 2006

I have downloded several versions of the VBA calendar posted either here on or on "hey that's cool" forum (i.e Phil's calendar, Barry's calendar etc, ect), however I could not find the answer for making the calendar stay on the spreadsheet permanently without any triger to initilise the user form.

What I am trying to do is to have an embeded calendar in my worksheet where user can choose different dates and link this to a pivot table date field, so when the date changes pivot table output changes. I managed to do that with excel calendar control tool, however not everybody has the OCX file on their computer.

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Permanent Conditional Formatting For Table?

Mar 27, 2014

I have a table that contains +/- 12,000 (A6:R12266) rows and I use several conditional formatting rules to highlight rows where the data changes from the row above in a sorted column for the visual easy of users. The conditional formatting works great however the data is the spreadsheet is constantly being modified and that is where I run into the problem. Whenever a row is inserted or deleted my rule is divided into multiple rules which is tedius to manage and also causes the formatting to appear incorrectly in some cases. I have the table defined as a named table in the name manager and I use that name for the range in the "Applies to" in conditional formatting, but as soon as I choose apply the name is converted to the current range which becomes several seprate rules and ranges as soon as the table is modified.

Formula to define which rows are highlighted

Range data applis to after chosing the tables name and clicking apply

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Creating Permanent Links Between Cells?

Nov 5, 2008

I am trying to use Excel to document fiber optic cables that run between different locations. Each cable has 2 ends, but whatever service is connected to one end, will also be a the other. I would like to use an Excel worksheet to represent a termination point (a "light shelf" comprised of several fiber optic cables each made up of several strands of fiber (kind of a table with the 1st 4 columns of 6 rows being cable A, and the next 8 cable B)). I would like to be able to type in the value for cable A Strand 1 and have it linked to another worksheet representing a different location (the other end) and vice versa. I have tried to paste a link, but that seems to get broken. Is there a better way to make permanent links (Excel is bawking about a circular reference, which it is as each end needs to be linked back to the other.

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