How To Move Parts Of A Row

May 30, 2014

I am trying to move some parts of a row (From G:AE) where text is found in G Column. It moves it back 1 column from G

[Code] .....

Attached File : ozeform.csv‎

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Print Parts In Portrait Parts In Landscape

Dec 21, 2006

I have a document needed to be printed with some pages in the middle in landscape page type, the rest in portrait. If using Word it would be easier, but in Excel I cant find the section break to chage page setup separately. Is there anyway to do it. Currently I'm printing the document separately in portrait and then landscape with some page break added and page number modified. However it's quite troublesome and easy to make mistake.

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Lookup Function: Compare Every Part In The All Parts Worksheet To See If The Part Number Exists On The Active Parts Sheet

Dec 10, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 2 worksheets. On the first "active parts" I have a list of active part numbers and on the second "All Parts" I have all of the parts available.

I want to compare every part in the All Parts worksheet to see if the part number exists on the Active Parts sheet - if it's there, I would like it to return the value "Active" in column B in All Parts. I have a formula in column B in All Parts that seems to work for the first few, but as soon as it finds one that is active, the rest of the cells below all return "Active".

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Search Parts Of Columns Looking For Matches In Parts Of Other Columns In A Row

Mar 1, 2014

I have sheets with names of people in columns....some married...some not. When they are married, here's a sample format...

Jones, Donald T | Baker, Sarah Jane | Jones, Sarah Jane | Smith, Sarah J | Jones, Sarah Jane Smith

In this example, I would like to be able to determine which of the Sarah's belongs to Donald w/o having to visually look at each record ( 100,000's of records). (FYI: the names for Sarah would/could be her Maiden Name and possibly a name or two from a former marriage). What I need to be able to do is match and extract the names of Jones, Donald T and Jones, Sarah Jane and Jones, Sarah Jane Smith and eliminate Smith, Sarah J and Baker, Sarah Jane.

In my example, Donald is in the first column, but can be in any column on a row so the name positions are random across the columns. However, the format for each column is then same...Last Name, First Name Middle Name(or Initial) with a comma always after the last name in each column. The length of the last name also varies.

VBA or Formula that will search the cells in the columns of each row and return the names (complete contents of the cells with matching last names) that have a matching last name for that row.

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Cutting File Name In Parts

Mar 28, 2014

I have some files on disk where I need to copy a part of the file name to make a search in our database. The files are PDF. They can have a long name of short. The only thing that does not change is the last part.

The last part ends like this:
1234_vw golf_Es_1234567_20140321.pdf

I'm interested in the part in red to be taken out and put in a cell to the right of the file name.

I used the below code that I found googling. Now I just to cut the part out in red to be able use it in my search in a easier way.

[Code] .....

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Seperating Parts Of A Phrase Using Vba

Aug 3, 2009

I have a phrase in a listbox formated as such: "Company Name / Company ID # / City, State"

I need to be able to seperate the values out into seperate categories:
Company Name
Company ID #

Is there any way to do this within the code?

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Copy Only Used Parts Of A Range

Dec 19, 2009

I'm making a project where there's a list of skills and next to each skill is a cell where the user can put how many skill points are in that particular skill. Now, on a separate worksheet is the place where it shows the consolidation of what skills they know, and how many points are in each. My question is, how can I copy over these skills and how many ranks are in each, without copying over the skills in which they put no points.

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Combining Parts Of Two Cells

Jul 27, 2009

I have a list of dates in column A as follows:


In column B I have set of data as follows:
C 2010@101.0
C 2011
C 2011@101.0
C 2012@101.0
C 2013
C 2013
C 2014@101.0

I need to combine the day and month only in column A with the year (in positions 3-6) in column B

As an example I have "11/1/2015" in column A and "C 2010@101.0" in column B. The desired result in column C is "11/1/2010".

I have tried using the left function in column A with the mid function in column B but haven't had any luck so far.

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Cutting Columns In Two Parts

Nov 28, 2013

I have some values in column A which looks like those in table which is shown down bellow. I have somewhere in the middle of that column one empty cell. Of course i have empty cells after the last value. I want formulas or macro or anything which will cut that column in that empty cell and all cells bellow the empty one put in column B from A1, and all cells above the empty one put in column C from A1. I tried everything but i have problem because i dont know how to eliminate empty cells bellow the last cell with value.


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Create A Userform That Has Several Parts To It

Aug 15, 2007

I want to create a userform that has several parts to it.

1stly i want to copy information into the text boxes from a macro.

2ndly the number of text boxes could be infinate (in theory), i want 1 for each set of info

3rdly i want a little option tab box thingy for each box,

4thly the boxes and userform to adjust to fit the optimal size

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Protecting Parts Of A Sheet.

Dec 20, 2008

I am going to use Excel sheets as computer exam forms. What I need to know is: Is there a way of protecting parts of an excel worksheet from alteration? I want a sheet that will accept answers in specific areas only, and will not accept entries or alterations in other areas.

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How To Select Parts Of Text

Mar 1, 2010

Does anyone know of a way to select fragments of the following text?

The string is "toby.cameron1".

I need to be able to select just the "toby" and "cameron" parts.
Also this string is variable in that it might be "james.brown" or similar without the number at the end.

I can't use a Left or Right statement because of the varying length of names and the uncertainty of having a number at the end.

Is there a way I can copy the start of the string until the period. And do the same from the end but ignore the number whether it's present or not.

From that, is there anyway to copy the numbers off the end of a string?

i.e. my string is ASY-623 or DRGN-12 or WDSR-7

The string will always be letters a dash and then numbers.

How do I copy only the numbers?

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Separate Decimal Parts

Mar 1, 2007

I have to make a report which calculates hours worked by employees over a weekend.The hours are stored in variable ,part of code is as follows:

For j = 4 To 32
startday = Weekday(thisDate, 1)
If startday = 1 Or startday = 7 Then
dummy = 0
tempnd = Cells(i, j)
weekndsum = weekndsum + tempnd Else
dummy1 = 1
tempdys = Cells(i, j)
weekdysum = weekdysum + tempdys End If
thisDate = thisDate + 1
Next j

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Save Parts Of Workbook

Mar 27, 2007

way to save just a work sheet insteed of the whole workbook.

it is because i have 9 sheets a main menu and 8 differant departments the idea of it is is for a stock take and i want to save them daily so i can goback over them at a later date.

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Finding Component Parts Of A Sum

Apr 2, 2007

I often come across a situation where I know a given total, and I know it comes from numbers within a given list, but I do not know which particular numbers they are. The onyl way to find out is to add every single combination of all the numbers in the list. I want to know if there is any formula within Excel which would help me to do that, given that the numbers of combinations are:

Number of items in list Number of combinations
1 1
2 3
3 7
4 15
5 31
6 63
7 127
8 255
9 511
10 1023
Obviously, I would like to be able to do this for any number of items.

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Copying Parts Of A Cell

Apr 13, 2007

I have a cell located in $X$1 that is always populated with a person's full name.
I need to display their email address, which is the first letter of their first name then their last name + '', in another cell on Sheet2

So for example 'Bob Smith' would be ''

How can I go into cell X1 of Sheet1 and copy the first letter & the remaining letters after the space in between the names and paste them into Sheet2?

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Allow Users To Intall Parts Of Add-in

Nov 28, 2007

I've written a VBA add-in containing a couple of custom functions and a couple of right-click menu items. I read somewhere that the best approach is to keep them all in one add-in as this will reduce the load time. Need the best way (if there is a way) of adding a checkbox menu so that people can choose which functions/menu items to install (so that it's a sub-menu system of the main add-in menu)?

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Dividing Column In Equal Parts?

Sep 15, 2014

Dividing column in equal parts divide a column in groups with the same rows and the same total sum? For example, I have the column A as following:













The total number of rows is 12 and total amount is 52,254

I want to divide the column in three equal parts with the same total. So each group must contain 4 rows with the total sum 17,418

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Dividing A List Into Equal Parts?

May 23, 2006

Have a list of information and would like to divide that list by a number that the user enters. Then from the total count of nonblank rows divide by the numeber entered by the user didive the list into equal parts and print out each group with a page break per groups.

Have attached an example.

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Extracting Parts Of Data In A Cell

Sep 1, 2007

i have a cell which contains data like this

in cell A1
12. John Smith (67)

There are hidden spaces in cell a1 as well which are not needed, which i can get rid of using TRIM so that may need taken into consideration ??

In Cell A2 i would just like John Smith
In Cell A3 i would just like the 67

the number and . at beginning is not needed just the name and number (no brackets)

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Reset Parts Of Worksheet Automatically, But Not Others

Dec 1, 2008

First, ignore the colored portions. This is how I kept track of what I had completed in the form as I created it. Clients attend class once a week and would be marked present on the corresponding day of class. This increases column #3 "classes attended" to "1". What I would like is for my individual classes sheet to reset every Monday (as the date of the report on top) but for the "5groups" worksheet to keep count of the classes attended. Does that make sense? Please, any imput would REALLY be appreciated.

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Macro To Look At Certain Parts Of A Cell And Compare?

Jun 9, 2009

I have a list of Expense Codes in Column A. They look like this

0010: Represents a Location
0020: Represnts the Business Type
8200-70: Represents Expense Type

I also have 3 tables on the spread sheet, which explains what these codes mean.

I need a macro that will look at the numbers in colum A and return the three types of expenses so they dont have to be looked up manually.

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Summarize The Red Highlighted Parts Of The Code

Jun 26, 2009

I have the following code used to fill a listbox control .. and I added some conditions to the code in order to give special authorities to specific users depending on their position and unit? Authority, UserPositon and UserUnit are functions give the user's position, unit and his authority. Can we summarize the red highlighted parts of the code because I am going to use these parts in many other forms of my project?

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How Do I Set Up A Formula For Parts (or Units) Per Hour

Apr 12, 2006

I'm trying to set up a spreadsheet that tracks total hours worked and total
units produced. Then I need to have a column that shows how many units per
hour were produced.

Currently, I have something like this:
Column A is in elapsed time [h]:mm
Column B is a Number with two decimal places
Column C divides Column B by Column A

However, I get strange results. For example:
Column A is 6:24:00
Column B is 13
Column C shows 120.00

13 parts in 6:24 hours should be something like 2.1666 parts per hour!

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Separating The Parts Of A Mixed Number

Nov 4, 2007

Is it possible to separate the parts of a mixed number? I have a cell in which is generated a decimal number. I can convert this to a mixed number. What I need to do from there is extract the whole number and the numerator.

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Deleting Parts Of Text In Cells

Dec 8, 2011

I'm developing a fixture list (involving 26,000 individual fixtures) I'm trying to come up with a Macro which will enable me to delete part of each cell containing the two team reference numbers and the match number, and paste it in another column. I'd like to do this for all 26,000 fixtures.

In case you didn't understand that too well. For example, with the cell value of '1v2-54', I'd like to get rid of the '-54' and put it in another cell.

But the key thing is, using this principle, I'd like all 26,000 fixtures to be done this way. Obviously I'm not going to do it by hand.

As you can see from the screenshot, the pattern of how the column goes:

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Extract Parts Of Text From Cell?

Jan 7, 2013

I have several cells with text as such:

cell A1: john doe (
cell A2: jane smith (jane

How can I extract just the name? I want the formula results to be john doe and jane smith

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Grouping Of Items Based On Same Parts

Oct 21, 2013

I am working with a large data set containing information about certain items

The items are structured so that they all have seven main sections. Within each main section their is a variable number of parts, that the items are made of.

The items uses only one part from each main section. So all items consists of seven (identical) main sections and seven parts.

I am looking to group items togheter which are precisely identical. I mean the items that uses the same part in all the main sections.

Is there an Excel/math wizard out there? I have all the data, but I can't make Excel do this task for me..

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Selecting Only Parts Of A String Of Text

Nov 18, 2013

I need separating parts of a string of text to go into separate columns.

Fortunately the spreadsheet is in the same format in relation to spaces and numbers of characters with the exception of the red text which can be any where between 2 and 50 characters.

I actually need AL46 to go to Col B, 001488616 into Col C, Valve, Pressure Equalizing, Gaseous into Col D and D03079/0002 into Col E.

(65) AL46 ALSPO 0299999999 A20LS DISPOSALS.(001488616) Valve, Pressure Equalizing, Gaseous.D03079/0002

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Break Up Inventory Number Into Three Parts

Aug 16, 2007

I am having some difficulty with a macro. I have a column that contains a series of inventory numbers. I need to break it up into three parts and then have each part put into a new column. Here is an example of the data:

Column B = list of inv no.’s such as “ABC123.45” I need to divide it into three parts and put each part into a new column … so a new column X would get the “ABC” part, a new column Y would get the “123” section, and a new column Z would get the “45” ** ( I don’t need the decimal between 123 and 45) .

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