How To Put Together A Userform Based Time Card Calculator

Dec 31, 2008

I am trying to put together a userform based time card calculator. User inputs the time in the time out and how long of a lunch. Then the program will display total hours worked for the day. Ive attached what I have so far. The only thing that is not very clear is that I have one hidden textbox for the lunch. It is there only for calculating and the visible one is going to inc by :15 min.

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Userform Time Card

Dec 31, 2008

I am trying to put together a userform based time card calculator. User inputs the time in the time out and how long of a lunch. Then the program will display total hours worked for the day. Ive attached what I have so far. The only thing that is not very clear is that I have one hidden textbox for the lunch. It is there only for calculating and the visible one is going to inc by :15 min.

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Creating A Time Card HR:MM Not As Time Of Day

Feb 8, 2007

I have a time card that is split into sections so there are a lot of SUM formulas. However, I need to include a space for breaks - 10 min.

How do I make everything convert comfortably?

Ex. 5 hours allotted to person A. 5 hours to person B. 1 hour 40 allotted to tasks. And 20 min per day for breaks.

Is there a way to format the cell so that it displays hours and minutes
1:35 = 1hr35min ??
All the formats available show it as time. I need it as a quantity of time rather than time of day so that the formulas will add correctly.

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Time Card & Sum Hours And Minutes

Dec 10, 2008

Just basic enter a start time in column A a finish time in column B and column C gives you total in hours and minutes and then maybe a way to sum those hours and minutes. how to do "Math" on time and how it should be entered (formatted) for it to work properly.

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Time Card Data Spreadsheet

Jul 16, 2007

How do I format a spreadsheet set up as a time card entry log so that I can enter 0543 and it appears as 05:43 AM and/or enter 1653 and it appears as 4:53 PM.

I have it formatted right now to show that data but I have to enter it as 05:43 and it appears as 5:43 AM which is what I want and the in/out times calculate with an end result of hours worked.

I want to do it without having to enter the colon.

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Filter Out Letters Put In After A Number In A Time Card Spreadsheet

Jan 14, 2009

I have the need to filter out letters put in after a number in a time card spreadsheet. I'm not sure that using a select case is the right approach. I need to allow the user to put in a number and a letter signifying what type of time it is. Each cell equals a date on a calendar. For example if the user puts in 8s then the code will add 8 hours to the total sick time, strip out the s and just leave 8 in the cell. The problem is that I need to deal with all of the other letters/symbols that they can enter. From what I know of VBA which isn't much a Select Case seems to be way to go without using a bunch of nested If statements. Here is what I would like to do but this doesn't work. This is a short example of what I have tried as far as Select Case goes.

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Time Code Calculator 30fps - Mac

May 20, 2009

I found this great formula posted on this site for calculating time code @ 24fps:


Can anyone tell me how to change it for 30fps? I'm using Excel 2008 for Mac, so I'd rather use a formula than figure how to make VBA work on Macs.

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Excel 2003 :: Time Card / Sheet For Semi-monthly Pay Period With Overtime Calculation

Nov 19, 2012

I'm working on a dynamic payroll spreadsheet that will automatically calculate the overtime worked in a week. Right now, I'm running into a snag. My issue is with the formula in Column R. Right now, as shown below, it is doing the calculation based on regular hours minus 40 to determine the OT time. The snag is very messy and it lay in this: while the row by row calculations for total overtime worked for the week is correct, the sum at the bottom is very much off. I need an accurate method to sum the hours of overtime for the given column.

Here are the guidelines for the pay periods and overtime:

1. The pay periods for the month go from the 1st to the 15th and the 16th to EOM (End of Month). This means that the pay period could end on any given day of the week. More on this in a moment.

2. A work week is defined as Sunday to Saturday.

3. Overtime is calculated based on the rule of anything over 40 hours in a given work week.

4. Holiday hours worked do not count towards the 40 hour mark in granting overtime since Holiday pay is automatically overtime.

If it were just a matter of a bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) pay period, I would simply state =IF(weekday(DATE)=7,Hours_Worked - 40,0), and tag a SUM(range) at the bottom. Unfortunately, with it being a semi-monthly (twice a month), the end of the pay period could be a Wednesday, so a reference to day of the week won't work unless the formula can dynamically determine which set of data to evaluate.

I'm completely willing to toss out the current method of determining overtime. This is the calculations sheet that references a cleanly formatted and designed time card on a tab called "Time Card", so this isn't the full workbook. In fact, once the whole thing is done, this calculation sheet will be hidden.

Columns M and N (which are formula referenced in Column P) are basic End - Start calculations and were hidden to simplify the display as well as the number of formulas displayed.

Column L (formula referenced) is a Yes/No display for if the date in question is holiday pay.

Excel 2003

Start Work
Time Out
Day Count


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Age Based Calculator

Jun 7, 2008

I am trying to put together a spreadsheet that works out values based on a persons age or service length.

So in I have the following data in columns starting at B4 and ending at k4:

Date of birth; start date; text; text; text; text; Weekly Pay; Start age; Current Age; Years Service.

The formula I need to provide in l4, m4 and n4 comes from the following rules:

* 0.5 week's pay for each full year of service where age during year less than 22
* 1.0 week's pay for each full year of service where age during year is 22 or above, but less than 41
* 1.5 weeks' pay for each full year of service where age during year is 41+

So in l4 I have:


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Meter Reading Calculator Based On Date

Jul 17, 2009

As part of a project, I need to come up with a meter reading calculator. I start of with 3 base meter readings (A2, F2, K2), which would be read from the meter. 3 reads are needed in case the consumption changes dramatically at some point. I then need Excel to work out the reading for dates in between. The formula needs to be dynamic enough so that I can change any of the grey dates to what I want.

The estimates need to be calculated using an average daily consumption. This figure needs to be displayed in D9.

It would be preferable if macros weren't used. If its possible to explain what to do without an attachment, that would be good too.

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Card Count: Use Sheet2 To List Each Card Number And The Number Of Times It Appears In The List

May 4, 2009

I have a sheet which details specific card numbers in Column A, and the date and place of transaction in the Column B. This very long list contains multiple entries for each card number. What I would like to do is use Sheet2 to list each card number and the number of times it appears in the list.

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Shipping Charge Calculator Based Upon Weight To A Worksheet

Apr 15, 2008

I’m trying to add a shipping charge calculator based upon weight to a worksheet. I was trying to do with with VLOOKUP (my first attempted use of this) so I created a second worksheet called ‘Shipping’ which has the weights in column A (Weight) and the corresponding shipping cost in column B (Price). Up to 70 pounds, column A increases in two-pound increments (A2 through A36, 2 through 70 lbs); from 70 through 150 pounds, the increases are in five-pound increments (A36 through A52, 70 through 150 lbs). The total weight to be shipped is derived from SUM(D2:D30), located on the first worksheet called ‘Order’ in cell D32. In cell E32 I have entered this formula: VLOOKUP(D32,Shipping!A2:B52,2).

My problem is if Order!D32 returns something like 4.5, the value for four pounds is the result, while the six-pound charge should be the result. If I round this value up to 5.0, 5.5 or even 5.9, I get the same result.

I know I’m not supposed to guess at what I need to do, but these are my thoughts: 1) I need to modify the VLOOKUP formula to select the next higher value, i.e., so the 6 lb charge is selected for E32 when D32 contains 4.5 lbs, or the 85 lb charge is selected for E32 when D32 contains 82 lbs, 2) I need to add a ROUNDUP function to the SUM formula; this would need to round up to the next even number up to 70 lbs and then in increments of five above 70 lbs. I don’t know if either approach is correct, and in any case, I couldn’t figure out the syntax for either of these.
I’ve attached a sample spreadsheet, Shipping_Charge.xls.

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Creating Individual Report Cards (worksheets) Based On Template For Report Card

Aug 30, 2013

I have two worksheets in my report cards:

1) Data - the students are listed in Column A, math scores in Column B, reading scores in Column C and science scores in Column D. The grades of 300 students are entered in this sheet.




2) Report Card template - This is the report card that needs to be generated for each student. It's pulling the student name and grades from the Data worksheet.

Student Name




How do I create worksheets (report cards) for additional students? I have 300 students in the school. I need the next worksheet to reference Data!$A3. I know how to cut and paste the report card template and then edit =Data!A2 to be =Data!A3 to create a report card for Sally. How do I create the 300 report cards I need?

I've been teaching for 13 years. I can create a report card for each student in my class and edit each worksheet individually for each student. Now I've been asked to do this for the whole school and I don't know how to create the other 299 sheets I need.

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Userform With Time Field Displays Time As Number

Dec 24, 2008

I have a userform that has a time field on it and then the userform displays the time as a number.

Ex. I entered 11:00 AM in the Time of Contact field and the form displays it as 0.458333333333333.

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Using Userform To Calculate Time To Sheet From Start Time?

Jun 19, 2014

I have a userform that time stamps on my userform as soon as i open the form, is there a way that when I submit, that the amount of time that I was on the call to be put in my column on my worksheet as minutes?

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Create Calculator To Show Start And End Date Based On Specific Date Provided

Jan 12, 2014

I am trying to create a calculator which will show start date and end date based on the specific date provided.

EX: column A has January 1, 2013, column B has Wednesday, Column C should have a start date which supposed to be 4 days ago (December 28).

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Date/Time Formula: Pick Up A Date With Time Entry On A Worksheet And Place It Into A TextBox On A UserForm

Jun 17, 2006

I am attempting to pick up a date with time entry on a worksheet and place it into a TextBox on a UserForm. Format on the sheet is mm/dd/yyyy h:mm AM/PM. The UserForm is placing the value as mm/dd/yyyy 12:00 AM. here is the

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
If Not Range("dDate").Value = "" Then
TextBox2.Value = Range("dDate").Value
TextBox2.Text = Format(DateValue(TextBox2.Text), "mm/dd/yy h:mm AM/PM")
TextBox2.Value = ""
End If
End Sub

"dDate" is the named range where the date is sitting. The format is also set on the TextBox2 exit event. Can anyone see why only the date portion is being transfered with the default 12:00 AM for no time component of the value?

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Lookup Sunset Time Based Onrecord Date - Incorrect Time Calculated

Mar 22, 2012

Consider this code:

'light eligibility
Dim facb As String
Dim sunset As Variant
[color=green]' check if facility has lights[color]
facb = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(RID, ds, 10, False) 'find facility code
If WorksheetFunction.VLookup(facb, fac, 6, False) = "Y" Then 'facility has lights
sunset = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tempws.Range("A9"), sun, 2, False) 'lookup the sunset time based on the record's date

[Code] ......

This code checks the need for lights at a facility.

It first checks to see if the facility even has lights by cross-referencing a value in the record with a facilities database.

If it has lights, it then checks to see if they are needed. If the rental goes past the sunset time, then it needs lights. Sunset is determined by cross-referencing the date value in sheet1! A9, with the sunset database.

If it needs lights, variable lghtson is calculated equal to "sunset"-30 minutes.

As I step through this code:

WorksheetFunction.VLookup(facb, fac, 6, False) = "Y" Facility has lights.
Check to see if lights are needed.
sunset = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tempws.Range("A9"), sun, 2, False)
sunset=0.879166666666667 which is 9:06PM. This is a proper value from the lookup.
If rental_end.value > sunset Then
rental_end (value from textbox) = "9:30 pm" , sunset=0.879166666666667. This is true, and Excel accepts it as true ...
lghtson = sunset - 0.5
0.379166666666667 = 0.879166666666667 - 0.5 (9:06 AM)

This is not the value I was looking for. I was looking for 8:34PM (0.856944444444444)

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Calculating Time Owed Based On Time Worked

Jun 23, 2009

I know the title is a bit vague, but I cant think how else to word it!

I have a sheet (attached) which works out hours worked, and if the amount is under a specified target, it counts how much time is owed. The problem occurs when someone works more hours than the specified target.

I guess I need an IF formula of some kind, to say if the figure is over the target, to put zero in the hours owed column.

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Delete Date & Time Cells Based On Time

Dec 6, 2006

I have a large dataset where the first column is date and time i.e. "20/01/2005 03:41:06" and I want to delete certain rows based on the times. I have already tried playing about with macro's but failed fairly spectacularly so far. I have code from someone else to delete cells if the value equals a certain time but this doesn't work as the cell contains the date too.

I have already recorded one macro to reformat the data to as the software return 10 timestamped samples per hour and I want 8 i.e. every three hours so there is constant separation for statistical purposes. Both the macros are shown below so you can see what I have.

Ideally I would like to replace the line - If (r.Cells(n, 1) = TimeValue("22:41:06")) ............ - with one that reads - If (r.Cells(n, 1) CONTAINS TimeValue........ - but I don't know if that is possible? If not is there a way to separate the time from the date into 2 columns and then I can delete rows based on the time column using the code below? .......

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Card Count Thread

May 7, 2009

btw i saw following soloved post but i didnt get the question and answer.

can u provide examples?

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Random Card Dealings

Aug 9, 2009

I want to take random card dealings like in example:

So, 52 cards for 4 players. It doesn't matter where from formula takes values. Here is (yellow) just example in one column...

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Wild Card Name Comparision

Nov 30, 2007

If any excel expert who know how to compare names that are similar to one other with a wild card,

for example





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Sum If With 2 Conditions And A Wild Card

Nov 10, 2009

My live sheet is a lot more complex but this will help me well on my way.

Ill let the example say everything:

ABC1Condition 1Condition 2Condition 32red lorrybig £ 92,621.98 3yellow carbig£ 145,498.33 4yellow vanbig£ - 5pink carsmall£ - 6red carsmall£2,552,404.50 7pink lorrybig£ 862.37 8green carbig£ - 9green lorrybig£ 707,083.31 10red vansmall£ 30,010.73 11green carbig£ 2,276.13 12 13 14Total of all cars that are big: 15expected answer £ 147,774.46

Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Adding A Time Offset Based On Time Of Day

Oct 1, 2008

I am replicating a Matlab program which calculates tide levels at different times of day. I need to replicate it in excel to speed up data analysis and I am nearly there.

what happens is I need to apply a time offset to the time of high tide at port a based on the time of day, so if it is:

between 00:00 and 06:00 the high tide at port b is 81.6 minutes after the peak at port a
between 06:00 and 12:00 the high tide at port b is 74.56 minutes after the peak at port a
between 12:00 and 18:00 the high tide at port b is 81.75 minutes after the peak at port a
between 06:00 and 12:00 the high tide at port b is 79minutes after the peak at port a

I tried this formula, where CO2 has the time/date of the high tide at port a:

The problem is the high tide on 07/01/2005 07:45 is read as 38359.32 rather than 0.32 - is there any easy way to tell excel I'm only interested in the time not the date? I have this spreadsheet setup now to do all the other bits required and i is just the timing that is a problem.

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Wild Card With A Number In IF Statement

Apr 25, 2014

Data in B2 looks like this: "[13.0]DEV;[13.0]AUDIT" or can be "[13.0]DEV"

I need to wild card B2.

Although, not formula looks like this:

=if(and(A2="audit",B2"*"&"[13.0]AUDIT"&"*"),"Closed Audit",A2)

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Import The Entire Credit Card No

Jun 19, 2007

I have a database which holds a field for people's credit card numbers. When I try to import them into excel it removes the last number and replaces it with a 0. So if I have credit card number 123456789123456 it will show as 1.23456E+15. Then when i format it as a number is shows as 123456789123450.

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Score Card To Be Viewed In Office XP

Jun 15, 2009

I have a scorecard created in excel 2007. All my end users are using excel 2002. Now I want to build a scorecard in Excel 2002 like what we have in excel 2007. Is it possible.

I want to display the traffic signals and 5 level indicators (arrows), based on conditional formatting.

This is out of box in excel 2007. But how do I achieve this in excel 2002?
Is there a simple method?

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Get Card Number From Staff ID As Lookup Value?

Nov 13, 2013

How to get the card# from staff ID as lookup value? ask.PNG excel question.xlsx

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Wild Card With Text Values

Feb 22, 2010

Im trying to use a wild card to count the number of cars regarless of color (Red, Blue and Black) in Maryland which are USED.

A: Cars Red, Cars Blue, Cars Black.
B: State
C: Type: NEW, USED

So I tried

=SUMPRODUCT((A2:A3100="Car~*"),--(B2:B3100="Maryland"),--(C2:C3100="USED"))) and tried with countif


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