Multi Sheet Macro
Nov 29, 2008
Actually i am going to be mad soon if i cant fnd a solution. I need help on a subject.
i have many sheets, more than 200 in a workbook. Each sheet is eaxctly same format and just the numbers are different.
lets say
sheet 1
A1- Manchester
A2- London
A3- Leeds
sheet 2
A1 - Istanbul
A2 - Ankara
A3 - Izmir
I want in sheet3 with a macro, when i put the sheet number in a cell, next cell will show A123.
I mean;
sheet 3
when i put A1 as "sheet 1" i want the text in A2 written "Machester; london; leeds"
or if A1 is "sheet 2" than A2 should write "Istanbul; Ankara; Izmir"
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Jan 30, 2014
Excel 2007.
I have a workbook with a sheet per day, each sheet has a variety of 'jobs' as columns and a variety of people and kit as rows. Hours are manually input each day during the month.
Simplified version... These are two separate sheets 'M060114' and 'Tu070114'.
I have a Pivot Table on a separate sheet. This was created using the Wizard (ALT +D +P).
So far, lovely.
But when I double-click on a number or right-click and choose 'Show Details' I don't get the sheet names in the newly created information sheet. I get the Row label, column label and a list of the entries.
So if I clicked on 10 above...
That's fine with just a couple of entries but with about 80 columns and 250 rows spread across a month, therefore 30ish sheets, it's difficult marrying up the 'Show Details' sheet to the actual data.
So after all that, the question. Is there a way of getting the sheet name to appear in the 'Show Details' information sheet?
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Mar 3, 2009
I know that there is an easier and shorter way of doing this;
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Jun 16, 2009
multi cell sheet name rewrite this code as it fails at the
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Jan 1, 2009
I made a 12 month calender made by first sheet how can I copy the first sheet to all 11 sheets with all the formulas included.
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Jun 30, 2014
I have a listbox with 8 columns. Multiselect is enabled, and it must stay this way. As part of my program, after the user presses a command button, I need to use the row indexes of the selected rows in order to copy the selected information into an array which is then placed in a different listbox, and then delete the items from the original list. Pseudocode of what I want to do:
[Code] .....
But my understanding is that .ListIndex does not work this way with multiselect listboxes. I've tried searching for a solution for a while, but I cannot find one.
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Mar 25, 2009
I have a Workbook containing seven or eight Worksheets. The first Worksheet is a data entry and options selection sheet displaying a selection of Textboxes, Option buttons, Combo boxes etc, the second sheet contains reference data, following these are a number of Worksheets that are calculated and filtered as a result of those options and inputs. A 'print' button on the input Worksheet then runs a Procedure that applies the relevant filters, assigns print areas and prints out the 4 or 5 filtered worksheets. I now want to expand this Procedure to take a copy of just these filtered Worksheets and save them as another Workbook (values only) for subsequent free editting.
I have started by selecting the relevant cells on the first filtered Worksheet, copying, opening a new Workbook, renaming the first Worksheet to match the one I'm copying, PasteSpecial formats, PasteSpecial the values, go back to the original Workbook, select the relevant cells on the next Worksheet, copying, opening the new Workbook, renaming the Worksheet etc etc. Now this seems to be a very labour intensive approach and I'm wondering if there is an easier way and how to do it. Ideally something like... taking a copy of the whole Workbook somehow changing all the cells to values only, rather than formulars then deleting the first two Worksheets (input and data ones).
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Mar 20, 2014
vba code to find multi values in a Sheet With 6 columns values like :1,3, 12,16, 20 ,31, 36, 44, 46,
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May 9, 2007
Enter Data To Multi Sheet Through Userform. How can I enter Data from entryform to multisheet?
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Aug 12, 2008
I need to be able to auto fill, on sheet two,cell references for every 26th entry. Below is an example of what I would like it to be able to do with the drag, auto fill.
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Oct 25, 2012
I am trying to copy a range of valid cells "non-blank" from "sheet_a" ,"sheet_b" ,"sheet_c" to "sheet3" i was successful to copy from one sheet only. how to copy from all the sheets listed from the same workbook.
following is the VBA code i am using
Sub CopySample()
Dim shSrc As Worksheet
Dim shDst As Worksheet
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Jun 10, 2014
Im trying to count the number of time a Value is in a multi sheet Range
the formula
=COUNTIF(rangename,Value or cell ref to count)
Works if my range "SKULIST" is on a single sheet but returns #VALUE! error if its a multi sheet range
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Dec 5, 2008
I have mananged to find and tweak the following code in order to serve my copy / paste to master sheet requirements.
At the bottom of the code I have added a delete rows based on column contents routine although I'm not sure if it is actually the right one to use.
I have included it in the same module in order to tidy up the whole process and have it all operate under one click.
As stated on the sheet in this exmple, The paste could consist of any number of sheets although the range is always the same on each sheet. (only amounting to around 20 rows that we are dealing with so no reams of data with odd empty rows that would take an age to find otherwise).
The data can look like it does on Sheet 2 here and also could look like it does on sheet 3. (this data is coming from a sales rep's order sheet)
From the routine in module 1, I just don't know where an "add an empty row" or delete all empty rows bar 1" code would need to be inserted in order to keep the process going until all sheets are copied.
I'm aware that with the delete code at the bottom, the whole copy process is completing before the delete process then does it's bit so think I'm on the right track in thinking that the delete all empty rows but leave one" requirements needs to be further up the code but I just don't how to get the result I need or where that code should break into the routine.
The only other way I can think to acheive the result is to allow the range to increase by 1 row on the form but somehow make sure that the last row in the range contains a character in column B to "trick/force" the delete routine to leave that row in. That would be do-able but the trouble is, how do you get a value into a cell that the delete proces would treat as data but not be visible so keeping my spacer line tidy? I've tried just putting a space in the last row of the range in column B but the row still gets deleted.
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Oct 24, 2007
I have a sheet that has to look up value on a report from a sheet sheet that has more than value. Ex)
On the report I have values 123A and 1234A
On the data tab I have table that has.
Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3
1 123A Widgets 1 2 3
2 123A Widgets 4 5 6
Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3
1 123B Nuts 7 8 9
5 123B Nuts 1 3 5
Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3
7 1234A Bolts 2 4 6
11 1234A Bolts 3 5 8
So the report need find the values for Value 1, 2, 3 on where the value matches the data tab.
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Jul 16, 2013
Let's say I have one column of;
What is the most efficient way to change this into '3-columns & multi-rows' like this?:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
The actual list is a lot longer and numbers are not in order.
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Aug 21, 2013
I have multiple rows within a cell separated by Alt+Enter, and would like to combine them as follows:
Desired Result
First Name
First Name
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Sep 15, 2009
I am trying to have excel Look in column A for either a date, or a date range. if the date = the correct date, or falls in the date range then I need excel to look in column C for a specific word. If the date matches, AND it finds the word in column C, I need it to count them. I preferably like a date range, but if I need to do each individual date, that is fine too.
Account Research 8/1/2009
Complete Work Order 8/1/2009
Account Research 8/1/2009
Account Research 8/1/2009
Complete Work Order
I need it to recognize 8/1/2009, and once it sees it, then check to see if there are any "account research" in column C, and then count all of them.
One more issue - Column is not just a date - it has a time stamp: 8/1/2009 11:15:36 AM. so I has to be able to just look for the date, not the time.
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Nov 26, 2006
I have a macro that someone else wrote. it is suppose to combine multiple sheets into one. the problem is that when it combines the information it is adding rows between the info. I would like it to just put the info on the next available row and begin there. here is the macro.....
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Jun 8, 2007
I have a large keyword list in a sheet called "AllKWs" In ColA from A3 downwards).
What I'd like to be able to do is this, which I'm sure will be complicated, but I will explain.
Say keyword phrase sheet has 25,000 rows of data (could be more/could be less).
I click an assigned macro button.
A pop up box appears.
I type in a word or words I'd like some info on, so for example I type in a word or words like "car rent"
It then returns for me on a new sheet called "Multi Keywords" a lot of data on this sheet, which would hopefully be as follows:
All Row 1 will contain Column headings
All row 2 will contain Total Counts (I'll explain in a minute this row)
So, all data to be returned from Row 3 downwards.
OK, as to the data to be returned.
All returned data In all Columns to show data in descending order by No of occurrances/appearances
Col A (From A 3 downwards) = The actual number of 2 word appearances (In this example that contain the words "car rent"
In Col B = All 2 word Phrases Containing ("In this example "Car Rent")
(As a note, In this example, ColA (CellA3) could only show the number"1" and ColB (B3)could only show the phrase "Car Rent") once. (As there isn't no other possible combination).
In Col C =The actual number of 3 word appearances listed in descending order That
contain the word "Car rent"
In Col D =All 3 word Phrases Containing "Car Rent"
In Col E =The actual number of 4 word appearances containing "Car Rent" listed in descending order
In Col F =All 4 word Phrases Containing "Car Rent"
In Col G =The actual number of 5 word appearances listed in descending order
Actually if anyone can crack this I really do take my hat of to them.
OK,A few more points,
Cells B2,D2,F2,H2,J2,L2,N2,P2,R2, All contain the word "Total:" and if the macro can fill in the number as appropriate.
So for example Cell L2 (For 7 word phrases) would say something like "Total:42" (If in Col L From L3 downwards the macro found 42 7 word phrases that contained the words "Car rent"
Ok, Cells A2,C2,E2,G2,I2,K2,M2,O2,Q2 All these cells will contain the word "Total". So these cells would list the combined total number of occurrances of all the phrases.
So for example cell K2 might say "Occur:324" as the total number of occurances of 7 word phrases that had the words "Car rent"in.
OK. as an example, I will post a code that Jindon wrote for me sometime ago. I'm posting this now, as it is very similar in what I would like this macro to be able to do, and might help as I'm sure this 1 will be complicated. This 1 looks for a phrase, returns by No of occurrances etc, but for all the combinations (Word lengths) within the Keyword phrase list, rather than what I'm asking for now, which splits them into Number of words columns.
Here it is anyway:
Sub NicheKeywordFinder()
Dim a, dic As Object, X, myTxt As String, b(), c(), n As Long, i As Long, e, s, myTotal As Long
myTxt = InputBox("HuaHinCarRental - Niche Keyword Finder") 'change to suit
If Len(myTxt) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dic.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
ReDim b(1 To Rows.Count, 1 To 1): ReDim c(1 To Rows.Count, 1 To 3)
With Sheets("All KWs") 'change to suit
a = .Range("a1", .Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
End With
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Aug 2, 2012
a macro to convert this;
Into this;
So far I have the following, but this is not quite right!
[QUOTE][Sub ConvertRange()
Dim targetRowNumber As Long
targetRowNumber = Selection.Rows(Selection.Rows.Count).Row + 2
Dim col1 As Variant
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Oct 27, 2008
EXAMPLE: Complete Sheet called "Day1". When day1 is complete you click on button and it then copies itself and creates and renames new sheet to "Day2", then when "Day2" is complete you click on button and it then copies itself and creates and renames new sheet to "Day3", and so on and so forth to "Day30".
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Jan 15, 2009
I have attached a 97-2003 .xls file with data for multiple store locations on sheet 1, and the desired result on sheet 2. I am actually using excel 2007, but I dont think I need any special features that it provides.
I will try to explain the issue here without opening the attachment.
Here is an example of the Data on Sheet1
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Nov 22, 2009
I am currently using a macro to copy a sheet from a closed workbook in to my current workbook. However this copying is based on the sheet name. At present when I run the following code
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Feb 24, 2011
I am using Excel 2010 and I have a password protected workbook with password protected sheets that uses several macros. Most of them, in order to run, have to un-protect the sheet and then re-protect it again. This has been accomplished easily enough by adding ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:= "mypassword" and ActiveSheet.Protect Password:= "mypassword" to the appropriate places in the script. All of my macros, which do various things like sorting and moving data, deleting blank rows, displaying dialog boxes containing warning messages etc. run fine.
My problem is this: when I password protect the sheets manually, I have checked the following options in the "Protect Sheet" dialog box. Under "Allow users of this worksheet to" I have checked 1)Select unlocked cells and 2)Format cells. After entering my password and closing the dialog box my sheet is protected, but I can edit cells in the manner my allowances permit. However, once I run any of the macros that un-protect and re-protect the sheet, I remain able to select and edit unlocked cells (practically, for my purposes, this means that I can input data which will appear in the default font size and color of the sheet) but I cannot format cells (which, practically, for my purposes would allow me to occasionally change the font color and size of the data). Naturally, after running a macro, the other cell-formatting options are unavailable to me as well. Is there any way to get my manual selections to remain in place after running a macro that functions as mine do? Or is there any way to make my manual selections the default settings for a protected sheet?
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Mar 6, 2014
I am running excel 2010 with windows 7. I created a macro in sheet 1 and I wish to activate the macro from sheet 2 using a form button. I have entered the code below. I know how to perform this function on a more simple macro like adding names to cells. This code is a bit more complex I just dont know where to start.
Sub LoanData()
' LoanData Macro
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Feb 28, 2009
i need a macro that will compare the p'folios in sheet "Data to Sheet Workings, and then list the p;folios which is in sheet Data but not in workings in Sheet "New", so in the example below this would be ETSTSA ...
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Sep 13, 2012
I need a Macro which pulls the data from different sheets of excel (which is not formatted properly) to Main Sheet. Also some of the columns will not have the same names, so macro should handle this exception as well.
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Jul 8, 2014
I am trying to take the tables you will see in the dummy page on the second and third sheet and have them output onto the first sheet based on the parameters of the drop down menus. Is there a way to have a button on the first page that controls a macro to do this?
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Jan 26, 2009
I need to create a macro that will scan a spreadsheet for the number of sheets and then pull data from the same places on each sheet in order to create a summary sheet. Let me try to explain a little better.
The spreadsheet I'm working with has a separate sheet for each new deal our company makes. Each of these sheets is in the same format - we use a template and fill in the data based on that whenever a new deal emerges. The sheets contain basic info about the deal in the first few rows and columns, then some narratives with dates describing the progress of the deal, and then a list of issues and whether or not they have been resolved. The problem is, each of these sheets contains too much info for a quick, high-level overview with the bosses so they've asked me to create something that will pull the basic info, the most recent narrative, and any unresolved issues from each sheet. This way, each time there's an overview scheduled with the bosses, the macro can be run and it will create a new sheet with data from each sheet in the workbook.
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Jul 30, 2009
I'm trying to create a copy of the active sheet and then rename the new copied sheet to what's in cell O4, which is a formula (see below) and then paste value cell O4 in B3 of the copied sheet. However, when I run this macro it doesn't seem to like the second line where I am renaming the sheet (run time error '1004').
"O4" =DATE(YEAR($B$3),MONTH($B$3)+1,DAY($B$3))
Sub NewMonth()
ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = Range("O4").Value
ActiveSheet.Range("B3").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub
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