Return Multiple Rows In An Array With The Same Value?

Mar 11, 2009

Does anyone know how to return multiple rows in an array with the same value?

i know that if i use ....

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Multiple A Logical Result Array With A Text Array And Return Text

Aug 6, 2009

I need to multiply an array of logical results ( returned as {1,0,0,0,1,0 et.}) with a text array (a reference column) and return the text in the reference column in case the value in the logical array is 1.

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Return Multiple Values From Array

Dec 27, 2013

I am remodeling my home and have put together a budget template. I have uploaded the file to make things easy to understand. Basically I want to return the values from column F and G on sheet "ledger" to the corresponding account name to column H in sheet "budget". For example, rows 14, 21, and 22 in the "budget" sheet currently correspond to the "fuel" account. I would like those values in column G (or F) to be added and calculated in cell H58 in the "budget" sheet.

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Array Lookup, Return/Sum Multiple Values

Jan 18, 2010

In the attached sheet, I want to look up values from table (A1:G5) and then for each occurrence of a particular number, return the value in the same row in column H, and sum when there are multiple values (see green shaded area for desired output. For example, the number 8 occurs in E3, E4, and G5. I want to return the sum of the corresponding values in column H (1,5, and 2). I've spent hours trying to work this one out, I'm sure this is probably an array formula, but I can't manage to make it work.

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Array Return Multiple Values In One Cell

May 5, 2014

I am trying to return an array of values into 1 cell.

Basically, I have a gigantic list of item names, item numbers, and reuse codes.

I want to populate all the reuse codes by item number in a second sheet:

something like this:

Source sheet
Item item num Reuse code
Widget1 w001 298767
Widget2 w002 4894957
widget3 w003 28276
Widget1 w001 12345
Widget1 w001 678910

What I want this code/formula to do is consolidate the reuse codes based on the item number.

Aggregate Sheet
Item item num Reuse code
Widget1 w001 298767;12345;678910
Widget2 w002 4894957
widget3 w003 28276

I have this formula but it only gets the 1st Reuse code, I want it to get ALL reuse codes for that item.

{=INDEX('Reuse list '!$P$2:$P$24489,SMALL(IF('Reuse list '!$E$2:$E$24489='Status Sheet'!A11,ROW('Reuse list '!$E$2:$E$24489)-ROW('Reuse list '!$E$2)+1),1))}

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How To Return Multiple Values From Array In Single Cell

Jul 2, 2014

I am building a marketing dashboard that shows the effectiveness of two campaigns based on where the campaign has been deployed (website, email, facebook, twitter, google+ etc.). In each campaign I have a checklist (using developer ribbon) with these different dimensions.

I want a formula that checks the checklist, identifies all the boxes that are unticked and returns them in a single cell. The cell would read:

To increase traffic to the Shampoo campaign (Campaign A), expose it to Google+ and Facebook as these channels generated 578 and 2009 visitors respectively for the Makeup campaign (Campaign B).

I already have it working for returning a single value with the following formula but need it to return multiple values.

=IFERROR("To increase traffic to the "&B4&" campaign, expose it to "&INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE))&" "&"as"&" "&"this channel generated "&VLOOKUP(INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE)),L26:N31,2,FALSE)&" visitors for the "&D4&" campaign","")

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How To Return Multiple Values From Array In Single Cell

Jul 2, 2014

I am building a marketing dashboard that shows the effectiveness of two campaigns based on where the campaign has been deployed (website, email, facebook, twitter, google+ etc.). In each campaign I have a checklist (using developer ribbon) with these different dimensions.

I want a formula that checks the checklist, identifies all the boxes that are unticked and returns them in a single cell. The cell would read:

To increase traffic to the Shampoo campaign (Campaign A), expose it to Google+ and Facebook as these channels generated 578 and 2009 visitors respectively for the Makeup campaign (Campaign B).

I already have it working for returning a single value with the following formula but need it to return multiple values.

=IFERROR("To increase traffic to the "&B4&" campaign, expose it to "&INDEX(L4:L10,
MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE))&" "&"as"&" "&"this channel generated "&VLOOKUP
(INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE)),L26:N31,2,FALSE)&" visitors for the "&D4&" campaign","")

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Lookup Single Value In One Array, And Return Multiple Values

May 30, 2006

I know something very similar was posted before, but unfortunately, it wasn't what I was looking for. I have a Worksheet tracking several associates and the department they have done work in. (Our associates are contractors for other departments). I need to have a final worksheet that allows me to pull up a name, and display every dept they worked with in the past week.

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Array Formula To Return Multiple Values Based On Various Criteria?

Dec 19, 2013

I can manage an array formula that returns a value based on a criteria. Simple. But I want to add in an additional couple of criteria. Now I'm stuck....

My sheet looks at a manually entered postcode, finds out what region this is in, and returns a list of postcode I have defined as being in that region. (So the postcode WF1 3JY would return a region of Yorkshire, and list postcodes of WF, BD, L, etc)

I also have a list of engineers, with a column for their home postcode.I want to be able to list all the engineers from my list whose home postcode matches any of the values on the already created list from the postcode and region entered. So far I have this, which finds me all the engineers for just one postcode area.

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Lookup Value In Array - Where Found Multiple Times Return Closest Prior Date

Mar 13, 2014

I have a list of ID Numbers and Dates. Let's call this "List 1".

I also have a second list "List 2" which also contains a list of ID Numbers and Dates as well as a third column for Rating.

I am trying to extract the Rating for each ID Number from List 2 and display in List 1. The problem is that the Rating can change with time, so List 2 contains several different Date and Rating values for the same ID Number.

What I need to do is lookup the ID Number from List 1 and return from List 2, for that ID Number, the Rating at the closest date prior to the date for that ID Number in List 1. Example below:

List 1
List 2

ID Number


[Code] ..........

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Looping Array Formula For Multiple Rows

Apr 4, 2014

I wanted to do a multiple return vlookup so I used an Index formula. I have account names and am trying to vlookup contacts associated with those accounts (4 max). So I have a list of Accounts all with 3 blank rows in between them.

How do I loop an array formula? So far I have the code..

[Code] .....

This finds the 4 contacts associated with the first account in C5 which I named the cell "myVar". I now want it to find the contacts associated with the accounts in C9, C13, C17 and so on until the first empty cell.

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Lookup A Value Based On An Array Spanning Multiple Rows And Columns

Nov 24, 2008

I'm having difficulty finding a way to ask excel to lookup a value based on an array spanning multiple rows and columns. There's a mock example in the attached.

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VLookup Return Multiple Rows

Apr 6, 2014

I am designing a workout template i have a table with sets and reps and i would like to be able to select a heading and return all of these values to a specified box.

I have attached the file : excel help forum.xlsx

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Match One Value And Return Multiple Rows From Another Sheet?

May 13, 2014

I have a large data set which is basically just transactions on accounts by date and I want to return the transactions in date order by account number. I've attached an example where sheet 2 is the transaction listing and sheet 1 is what I'd like to return.

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Match Two Criteria And Return Multiple Rows

Oct 26, 2011

I'd like to return multiple rows with two matches on criteria (ID and First Term). I'm able to return all grades for a given ID but do not understand how to get the second criteria, First Term, in my statement.

=INDEX($F$2:$F$12, SMALL(IF($A16=$G$2:$G$12, ROW($G$2:$G$12)-MIN(ROW($G$2:$G$12))+1, ""), COLUMN(A1)))

Code reflects the ALL GRADES data below.

1 Biology 301 12345 4 B 123456
2 Biology 302 23456 4 B 123456
3 Biology 303 34567 4 A 123456
3 Biology 338 65432 4 C+ 234567
3 Biology 338 54321 4 A 345678
1 Biology 336 43210 5 B+ 456789
1 Biology 337 43210 2 A 456789
1 Biology 338 65432 4 B+ 456789
1 Biology 301 12345 4 A 567890
2 Biology 302 23456 4 A 567890
3 Biology 303 34567 4 A 567890

Row Labels Min of TERM Count of GRADE First grade All grades
123456 1 3 B B B A #NUM! 234567 3 1 C+ C+ #NUM!

345678 3 1 A A #NUM!

456789 1 3 B+ B+ A B+ #NUM! 567890 1 3 A A A A #NUM! Grand Total 1 11

* Need all grades where TERM = Min of Term

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Return Multiple Values From Columns To Rows Between 2 Dates

Feb 8, 2013

I got a good start on what I need to do from this thread here: [URL] ......

A user will use a userform to enter in results from a room inspection into one sheet and then on another sheet selects the maid and it pull up the matching room inspections. I wish to then limit it to a date range which can be found in two cells.

Currently cells D2:H2 contain the array

[Code] ......

and cells D3:H3 contain

[Code] .........

I would like to further limit those searches by restricting the date range, Cells D4 and E4 contain the first of the month and last of the month respectively.

I would like to avoid the easy answer, start a new workbook each month, but I won't be the person entering the data or using the separate sheet to conduct performance reviews so it needs to be one workbook that lasts from month to month.

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Search For Value In Multiple Column And Row Array And Return Value In First Column?

Dec 16, 2013

I have an array 20 Rows x 42 Columns, which contains a competition draw.

I need to search this array for a unique value and return whatever the time is in the first column on the same row as the value appears, and enter it into column C in the Womens Times sheet.

I also want to return into column D the court number from row 3.

The reason i want this automated is as teams enter / withdraw we may need to drag the games from court to court to fill gaps, so i want the Womens Times sheet to update accordingly.

I have been messing around with index and match, but cannot quite get it to return what i need.

I have attached an example ... on the sheet "Womens Times" in column A there is a list of game numbers ( #1W etc etc) indicating womens game #1 and so on. The main sheet i am using also has a seperate tab for the mens games, hence the designator of W or M on the end of the game number.

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Return Multiple Values Across Columns And Rows Based On Criteria

Jun 20, 2008

I have a table with column headings of product ID Numbers (eg.1111) and row headings of Store number (Eg.1) with data showing the time each product was last sold at that store, I need something to consolidate for each store which Product ID's were sold prior to 5pm and what time they were sold.


Store 1 1111 16:40
2222 13:00
Store 2 1111 15:05
3333 16:50

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Search Workbook For Cells That Meet Multiple Criteria And Return Results From Rows

Jun 28, 2013

I would like to perform a search on only the worksheets listed in a worksheet titled table of contents. I would like to use multiple criteria for this search and send only the unique results to a worksheet titled results. Each worksheet listed in the table of contents has a cell address for each heading that I would like to extract data from the same column. The attached workbook example shows the data that I would like to collect when I search for cells that begin with "AB" and cells that begin with "CD". I collected this data by copy and pasting all the data from each worksheet into the results page and then applying filters and advanced filter to remove duplicates. This method does not work well for the original workbook as the data is quite extensive.


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Return Array Elements From 2D Array

Feb 11, 2008

I'm trying to use an array to carry out string function on a range of excel cells.

Here is the code I am using

Dim arrXl As Variant

arrXl = ws.Range("F1:F" & ws.Range("D1").End(xlDown).Row)

For i = LBound(arrXl) To UBound(arrXl)
MsgBox (LBound(arrXl))
'If 1st char is different from 3rd char then remove all of string after 1st char

If Left(arrXl(i), 1) <> Mid(arrXl(i), 3, 1) Then
arrXl(i) = Left(arrXl(i), 1)
End If
'If 1st char is different from 7th char then delete string after 5th char
If Left(arrXl(i), 1) <> Mid(arrXl(i), 7, 1) Then
arrXl(i) = Left(arrXl(i), 5)
End If

The lbound function returns the value of 1 as the lower bound, I do not have "Option base 1" set so I was expecting the lbound value to be 0. The first 2 cells in the F column are blank so this may have something to do with it, I am unsure if cells in excel can be null if they can be null one cell may be null and the other may be a zero length string but I am unsure about this.

The ubound function returns a value of 487.

The code breaks when I try to access an element in the array so it breaks on the line:

If Left(arrXl(i), 1) <> Mid(arrXl(i), 3, 1) Then

and returns the "Subscript out of range" error message.

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Populate Multiple Array Variables With Same Code By Dynamically Changing Array Name

Sep 9, 2012

I am trying to populate many arrays with the same code using something like this. For this test, assume the following data in A1.






Sub populate()
Dim firstArr(5), secondArr(5), thirdArr(5), fourthArr(5), fifthArr(5) As Integer
Dim r, c, num As Integer


The above code does not work of course and falls over. I am unsure whether I should try and concatenate with something like this eg "" & arrName(i) = Cells (r,c) or go down a different route.

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Return Array With Array

Nov 16, 2005

how to use Array formulas in Excel. I can Sum, Count
etc. I am wondering if you can return an array of data with an array formula


Name Replied?

Bob N
Brian Y
Robyn N
Rachel Y

From the table above if I test for "N" I'd like the formula to return a list
of names, in this case Bob and Robyn.

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Return Vector Value From Array

Jan 31, 2013

I want to find a number in my array and return the value in column A. Trouble is if the array goes past column R I get the wrong Answer. the formula I am using is


Some cells are blank I am trying to draw a raffle.

Here is my data and formulas below:

The lookup of value 209 produces correct results when I look up as far as column R after that I get the wrong answer.


[Code] ....

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Return Nth Match In Array

Dec 20, 2013

The short version:

(69.1*SQRT(((Shops!$X$2:$X$341-C3)^2)+0.06*((Shops!$Y$2:$Y$341-D3)^2))<=25))) evaluates out to series of 340 True and Falses. I need to be able to pull the nth True, and then somehow index that against AH2:341.

I'm working with a record of 53,000 entries with latitudes and longitudes and I need to cross compare them with 341 locations in the United States.

I've already done some of the heavy lifting, which supported narrow an initial list of 85,000 records to at least recognize which records where within any of the 341 points. (Less arrays makes my computer happy.)

This formula gives me the count of locations each entry is within one of the 341:

=SUM(IF(69.1*SQRT(((Shops!$X$2:$X$341-C3)^2)+0.06*((Shops!$Y$2:$Y$341-D3)^2))<=25,1,0)) {CSE} & copied down 53k times

The actual return range is AH2:AH341 for the location number.

Now, I need to be able to list each of the 341 they are close to. The max count is 17, so I'll only need to list out 17 columns.

Maybe something like =LOOKUP(1,1/(69.1*SQRT(((Shops!$X$2:$X$341-C3)^2)+0.06*((Shops!$Y$2:$Y$341-D3)^2))<=25))),$AH$2:$AH$341)
but this only returns the first match. How do I return the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc?

Because of the sensitive nature of my data, we can use a much simpler array which I'll adapt; I'm mostly trying to understand the logic or formula that should be used.

Return Nth Match.xlsx

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Trying To Return Date From Array

Mar 10, 2014

I have the attached example workbook and I'm trying to lookup a date from a list based on a project start month:

- in cell D8 I want to be able to return the date that corresponds to the project month in row 5
- the dates are in column A

Example WB 1.xlsx‎

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Return ColorIndex Array

Aug 1, 2008

My first attempt is to return a simple Array of ColorIndexes.

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An Array And Return The Same Row In Another Column

Nov 9, 2007

I have an array with a lot of rows and columns filled with different codes.

I need to look into this array for one specific number and return the value in the same row in an specific column.

I can't use Vlookup in this case because it needs to have the values you are looking for in the first column and my values are spread in different columns.

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Lookup And Return Array

Mar 8, 2007

I have two columns of data, one containing Groups, another containing Items. Like this:

Group | Item
A | Apple
A | Orange
B | Pear
B | Banana
C | Tire
D | Coffee


On another sheet, I have each of the groups listed as column headings. I want to resort the data and display it in columns instead of in a single list.

I can write a VLOOKUP to search for "B" for example, and return "Pear", but I want to return all matches for "B" not just the first one.

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Return Top 10 Values In An Array

Aug 19, 2009

I have a spreadsheet of information (product codes and values) and want to use VBA to find the top ten list of products by value. The list of products is variable in length so I can pass the data to a two-dimensioned array.

How do I ask VBA to return the top ten products by value - there can be duplicate values so I just want ten (if there are 4 #9s, I just want two of them, any two)?

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Search For Value In Array And Return Specified Cell

Jun 25, 2014

I have a formula which I took from another post to return a particular value in a specified cell as follows;


However I don't understand what the -3 and -1 does and I believe it is these entries that are causing the error.

See attached file : TEST.xlsx‎

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