How To Return Multiple Values From Array In Single Cell

Jul 2, 2014

I am building a marketing dashboard that shows the effectiveness of two campaigns based on where the campaign has been deployed (website, email, facebook, twitter, google+ etc.). In each campaign I have a checklist (using developer ribbon) with these different dimensions.

I want a formula that checks the checklist, identifies all the boxes that are unticked and returns them in a single cell. The cell would read:

To increase traffic to the Shampoo campaign (Campaign A), expose it to Google+ and Facebook as these channels generated 578 and 2009 visitors respectively for the Makeup campaign (Campaign B).

I already have it working for returning a single value with the following formula but need it to return multiple values.

=IFERROR("To increase traffic to the "&B4&" campaign, expose it to "&INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE))&" "&"as"&" "&"this channel generated "&VLOOKUP(INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE)),L26:N31,2,FALSE)&" visitors for the "&D4&" campaign","")

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How To Return Multiple Values From Array In Single Cell

Jul 2, 2014

I am building a marketing dashboard that shows the effectiveness of two campaigns based on where the campaign has been deployed (website, email, facebook, twitter, google+ etc.). In each campaign I have a checklist (using developer ribbon) with these different dimensions.

I want a formula that checks the checklist, identifies all the boxes that are unticked and returns them in a single cell. The cell would read:

To increase traffic to the Shampoo campaign (Campaign A), expose it to Google+ and Facebook as these channels generated 578 and 2009 visitors respectively for the Makeup campaign (Campaign B).

I already have it working for returning a single value with the following formula but need it to return multiple values.

=IFERROR("To increase traffic to the "&B4&" campaign, expose it to "&INDEX(L4:L10,
MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE))&" "&"as"&" "&"this channel generated "&VLOOKUP
(INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE)),L26:N31,2,FALSE)&" visitors for the "&D4&" campaign","")

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Lookup Single Value In One Array, And Return Multiple Values

May 30, 2006

I know something very similar was posted before, but unfortunately, it wasn't what I was looking for. I have a Worksheet tracking several associates and the department they have done work in. (Our associates are contractors for other departments). I need to have a final worksheet that allows me to pull up a name, and display every dept they worked with in the past week.

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Lookup Multiple Values In A Single Cell (separated By Commas) And Then Return The Values To A Single Cell (also Comma Separated)

Jan 7, 2009

If I have, in one cell (call it D1):


and in a lookup table on another sheet:
1 ED T
2 EH F
3 DR G
4 HU H
5 SE E
6 YU E

I need to be able to lookup the values in D1 on the table and return the values in column B to a single cell (say E1), also comma separated...



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Return Multiple Values From Lookup To Single Cell

Feb 20, 2007

i would like the code that allows me to copy enything I typing in column a sheet1 to column a in sheet2

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Array Return Multiple Values In One Cell

May 5, 2014

I am trying to return an array of values into 1 cell.

Basically, I have a gigantic list of item names, item numbers, and reuse codes.

I want to populate all the reuse codes by item number in a second sheet:

something like this:

Source sheet
Item item num Reuse code
Widget1 w001 298767
Widget2 w002 4894957
widget3 w003 28276
Widget1 w001 12345
Widget1 w001 678910

What I want this code/formula to do is consolidate the reuse codes based on the item number.

Aggregate Sheet
Item item num Reuse code
Widget1 w001 298767;12345;678910
Widget2 w002 4894957
widget3 w003 28276

I have this formula but it only gets the 1st Reuse code, I want it to get ALL reuse codes for that item.

{=INDEX('Reuse list '!$P$2:$P$24489,SMALL(IF('Reuse list '!$E$2:$E$24489='Status Sheet'!A11,ROW('Reuse list '!$E$2:$E$24489)-ROW('Reuse list '!$E$2)+1),1))}

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Match Multiple Values With Multiple Values From Another Table - Return Single Value

May 12, 2014

I am trying to look & match key values from 2 areas of one table with two areas of another table; in turn, it'd return one value based on the lookup table...

Attached worksheet : Test booklet.xlsx‎

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Return Multiple Values That Match Single Search Criteria?

Nov 28, 2012

Attached is a sample workbook, but essentially what I'm looking to do is automate the process of searching through a data set where the value of interest (in this case, names) often has multiple entries, with different values attached to each instance.

I would like to be able to get a list of all values in a given column that match a specific name in another column.

Currently I'm using a basic INDEX/MATCH search just to see whether the data exists at all, but that's only half of what I have to do here, and I'm totally stumped on how to get a comprehensive list of all matches.

For reference, if you look at the sample, what I need is a list of all values in the "CPT" column that match the name searched for in the first column.

The actual data set size is at most 3-400 entries, if that makes a difference in how to approach this.

CPT Sample Book.xlsx

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Return Multiple Values From Array

Dec 27, 2013

I am remodeling my home and have put together a budget template. I have uploaded the file to make things easy to understand. Basically I want to return the values from column F and G on sheet "ledger" to the corresponding account name to column H in sheet "budget". For example, rows 14, 21, and 22 in the "budget" sheet currently correspond to the "fuel" account. I would like those values in column G (or F) to be added and calculated in cell H58 in the "budget" sheet.

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Array Lookup, Return/Sum Multiple Values

Jan 18, 2010

In the attached sheet, I want to look up values from table (A1:G5) and then for each occurrence of a particular number, return the value in the same row in column H, and sum when there are multiple values (see green shaded area for desired output. For example, the number 8 occurs in E3, E4, and G5. I want to return the sum of the corresponding values in column H (1,5, and 2). I've spent hours trying to work this one out, I'm sure this is probably an array formula, but I can't manage to make it work.

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Array Formula To Return Multiple Values Based On Various Criteria?

Dec 19, 2013

I can manage an array formula that returns a value based on a criteria. Simple. But I want to add in an additional couple of criteria. Now I'm stuck....

My sheet looks at a manually entered postcode, finds out what region this is in, and returns a list of postcode I have defined as being in that region. (So the postcode WF1 3JY would return a region of Yorkshire, and list postcodes of WF, BD, L, etc)

I also have a list of engineers, with a column for their home postcode.I want to be able to list all the engineers from my list whose home postcode matches any of the values on the already created list from the postcode and region entered. So far I have this, which finds me all the engineers for just one postcode area.

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Reverse VLookup (Index Match) To Return Multiple Values Based On Single Lookup Criteria

Jul 11, 2012

I have encountered a situation where I need to essentially accomplish a reverse Vlookup (using index match) and return multiple values.

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Sum Of Multiple Cells And Return It To One Single Cell

Nov 4, 2009

I'm trying to take the sum of multiple cells and return it to one single cell using the Vlookup

For Example I want to match the ID numbers from one spreadsheet and use the list of codes to return the value of the sum of all matched numbers. So in this example I would want the number 65 in one cell...

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Array To Return Values In Each Cell Of First Row

Oct 17, 2011

I seem to be incapable of creating an array to return all of the values in each of the cells in the first row so that I can populate a combo box. I managed to do it without a problem for copying the sheet names within a workbook but not for this and I want to bang my head against the wall!

Basically, I have the first row of my spreadsheet for which I don't know how many columns contain data so my range is variable.

I then need to take the value of each cell and add it to my combo box (Later I would also like to use this routine to create and append sheets in other workbooks).

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Find Multiple Instances Of Single Criterion In Row & Return To A Single Col

May 8, 2006

Find Multiple instances of Numeric Criterion in Row & Return To a Single

I have a Dynamic Named Range "Data" spanning 10 Columns and many Rows.
Each Row may contain duplicates of the Numeric Criterion.

I would like to find ALL instances of a specific Numeric Criterion across
each single Row in the Dynamic Range "Data" and have the Results returned to
a New Sheet in a single column.

NEW Sheet:
The Numeric Criterion is housed in G5.
The matched criterion should be returned to the New Sheet starting at G7.
Duplicate instances in the same Row should ALL be returned to the same cell
in Column G on the New Sheet.

Sample Data Layout:
Columns I J K L M N O P Q R
Row No.76 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
Row No.77 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 0 0 0
Row No.78 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 0 3 0

Looking for Numeric Criterion 1 (one).

Expected Results - New Sheet:
Row No.7 Column G (Cell G7) 1111111
Row No.8 Column G (Cell G8) 1

In Row 76 of the Sample Data ALL seven Numeric Criterion of 1 (one) should be
returned to the same cell G7.
In Row 77 of the Sample Data there is only one Numeric Criterion of 1 and it
should be returned to cell G8.

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Function To Return Single Dimensioned Array

Jan 3, 2008

I am trying to write a function that returns a single dimension array from inputed data. I want this to work for any data, i.e. a single cell, an array in vba or a range. I am using the "for each" staement. However, when I pass an array in the "for each" returns the same range, rather than the elements of the range. I've played around a bit, and the "for each" does what I want on an range if I am not passing the range to a function. Is it because I am passing the range into a function as a variant? Here is the code for the function.

Public Function CreateSingleDimensionArray(ByVal dataToConvert) As Variant

Dim vHolder As Variant
Dim vArray As Variant
Dim lElementCount As Long

lElementCount = 0
For Each vHolder In dataToConvert
lElementCount = lElementCount + 1
Redim vArray(1 To lElementCount)
vArray(lElementCount) = vHolder
Next vHolder
CreateSingleDimensionArray = vArray

End Function

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Checking Single Cell For Multiple Values

Nov 12, 2013

I'm trying to validate the data entered into a series of cells each cell can contain a different set of data but the value N/A is also permitted. For example:

Cell A1 could contain a date from 2013-01-01 thru 2013-12-01 but the value N/A is also valid
Cell A2 could contain a decimal from 0.01 thru 302502.23 but the value N/A is also valid
Cell A3 could contain an integer from 3 thru to 9000 but the value N/A is also valid

When the acceptable values are entered then I want to be able to carry on otherwise I want to pop up with an error.

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Sum Multiple Checkbox Values In Single Cell

Jul 1, 2014

I have an assigned value of 10 to each checkbox that is checked. If the checkbox is selected I want to automatically sum the totals in a cell on my active sheet. Checkboxes are activeX placed directly on a worksheet. I currently have a work around but considering the number of checkboxes I have, coding is going to be a nightmare as I would have to code each one separately. Right now I am summing each box on another sheet and linking the summed total back to active sheet.

[Code] ....

I would like to do all check boxes with one code and sum the total in the active sheet in cell "I7". The set of checkboxes is 1 to 26.

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Indentify Value From Multiple Values In A Single Cell

Dec 10, 2005

I am looking to produce a formula that shows if a number is "found" or "not

I have list of over 1000 numbers in one column (1 number per row) . I am
trying to identify if those values are present in a range of numbers from
another worksheet(also in a single column). My challenge is that the range of
numbers that I am looking in has multiple values, separated by commas in a
single cell. Looks like it was from an Access data dump.

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Count The Number Of Multiple Values In A Single Cell

Jan 28, 2010

formula that will return the number of "x"s or "o"s within the same cell.

The cell has values that are formatted in multiple ways for example: PXX--XXP, --XO, OXX--.

I want the formula to return 4 if the cells has PXX--XXP or 3 if the cells has --OXX etc.

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Format Multiple Cell Values Displayed In Single Cell?

May 24, 2012

I have the following data on a spreadsheet created by a formula:

A1: 1.1234
A2. 2.234
A3: 3.34

I have the data formatted to only have two decimal places so it looks like this:

A1: 1.12
A2: 2.23
A3: 3.34

I'm using the following formula in cell B1 to display the values of those cells in a single cell in order A1,A2,A3:

=A1 & "," & A2 & "," & A3

However when the values of A1, A2 and A3 appear in the in cell B1 they appear as: 1.1234,2.234,3.34

Is there a way I can edit the formula or format something so the values in B1 appear as with only two decimal places? i.e 1.12,2.23,3.34

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Array Of Values To Single Column?

Aug 16, 2012

Ok I'm writing an extraction formula. I've got my array of Trues and Falses, but now I need to go through each row and check if all the columns are TRUE, and then return the row if all the columns are true.

Right now I'm just working with a dummy set of data... my real table is some 50 columns wide and over 300 rows, but this gives you the idea of what I'm doing:

I tried putting in a Countif and using it like and array to count the different rows and return the number of times each row was returned... but countif goes nuts when you try an array for the criteria.


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Copy Individual Data Values In One Column To Single Cell Location On Multiple Sheets?

Jan 24, 2014

I am trying to come up with the most efficient way to copy data to multiple sheets within the same Excel workbook. The original data exists within one column on a summary sheet (could have up to 500 individual entries). I want to copy each individual entry to a unique sheet (that already exists), but in the exact same cell location within each sheet. I would only want to copy the original data value and not any formatting. Is there an efficient way to do this?

In my example spreadsheet, the original data is on the SUMMARY sheet. Sheets A through J would be the target sheets, with cell B2 as the target location for each of those sheets. My example shows the result of a manual copy paste value process, but I am hoping to automate that.

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Create Single Array From Multiple Ranges?

Sep 10, 2012

I'm trying to create a single array from multiple ranges... I'm not sure what syntax to use:

Dim dat4() As Variant
Set r = Sheet13.Range("rsqlassetid")
Set r2 = Sheet13.Range("rsqlparentcat")
dat4() = (r , r2)

I can create an array with multiple columns from a range if the columns are next to each other but in this instance they're not.

These 2 ranges both have the same number of rows and I'm trying to combine them into a 2 column array, but not sure how to make it work without looping, rediming the array and using a secondary array to preserve the data...

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Rank Records From Multiple Sections Of Single Array?

Jan 3, 2012

I am trying to rank records from multiple sections of a single array. Since there are over 100 sections I want to use a formula. Using the MATCH function I have the first row for each section of the array (Col D below). The psuedo code of what I'm trying to do is:

RANK(B1,Bfirst row of section:Bfirst row of next section -1)

Example (results in Column C):

1 West 100 3 1
2 West 150 1 4
3 West 125 2
4 East 50 3
5 East 75 2
5 East 140 1

I will also need to increment the section as I complete each section of the array. Am I trying to do too much in a single cell??

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Lookup To Return Multiple Cell Values?

Jan 20, 2014

I am wanting to use a vlookup or perhaps an array(?) to bring through multiple cell values based on being the maximum value. So say there are multiple employees (all with unique ids) under one manager (also with unique ID), I want to find the employee with the highest value in a particular column and return that employees details, such as name, employee number and the value itself, which are all in the same row. I have attached a basic example of the data involved.

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Vlookup Return Multiple Values In One Cell

Feb 15, 2010

I tried searching for a solution to my formula problem in this forum regarding vlookup and saw similar formula e.i returning multiple values but it doesn't cater with what I need.

Vlook is returning only the first value but what I need is to return all the multiple return values in 1 cell. I've attached a sample worksheet for reference.

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VLookup One Value And Return Multiple Corresponding Values In One Cell?

Feb 23, 2012

OK for example if i hae this list of data:

Invoice number Order number
111 560
112 561
112 562
113 563

What i need to do is a vlookup from the above table to return the following:

Invoice Number Order number
111 560
112 561, 562
113 563

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VLookup To Return Multiple Values In Same Cell?

Jul 17, 2012

Traditionally the vookup will return the first value it can match. I can return multiple values on different lines using an array formula but this is not useful.

In the example below I have table array A1:B8. Lookup criteria in cell A11 and want to return MULTIPLE values from column B in cell B11.

I would prefer to not use VBA if possible



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Return Value Based On Multiple Possible Values In A Cell

Nov 21, 2007

I have in A1 a string of 100 characters..

I would like to create a SELECT CASE where,
if in A1 there is the word "BLACK" , put 1 in A10
if in A1 there is the word "WHITE", put 2 in A10
else put 50 in A10

I'm trying to use the instruction INSTR but with negative results..

(I have many cases other than BLACK and WHITE, that's why I need a SELECT CASE)

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