Populating Multiple Items With Validate Function In Separate Columns
Mar 28, 2014
UREC Bar Event Sheet.xlsx
I am trying to correspond prices with products from the validate function in multiple columns. I want to select the product and have the price for the product populate in the 'cost' column. I have the list of products with corresponding prices on sheet 2 named 'products'. I have attempted to write a formula in cell G11 on the Event Sheet, but was unsuccessful. Please direct my path.
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Feb 24, 2014
Im struggling to find a formula to populate cells based on values to be checked in two fields (ICODE, COMPANY) as shown below.
In the example here, all records where ever the ICODE = 49, i need to populate the fields(columns) AD1,AD2,AD3 or AD4 with the product name of the same company where the ICODE <> 49. There could be between 1-7 products per company.
The attached example file may be a better alternative to view this problem.
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Mar 31, 2009
I have 2 lists and I want to validate a cell to only allow items in List1 or list2 or A numeric value.
These lists may changein length and number of items
the second part, is can you valudate based on other values in a column, basically I have a list of names of available operatives, and I want to make sure each name can only be entered once in a column! Would be even better if I could get a dropdown which showed the remaining choices!
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Feb 27, 2014
The following code won't let me copy from the first workbook. I get a run time 1004 error stating "That command cannot be used on multiple selections".
I would rather not have to copy this by column for each of the 4 workbooks
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Feb 25, 2014
I have this work sheet with several formulas in columns Z to AD. All of them highlighted red work fine as for as I can tell. I am stumped with the one needed for the cell highlighted yellow AD2. It should count all the dates in AD1 that are Requested Changes Made and/or Rejected in Column "M". AD2 is a total of today minus 8. Equipment Change out - TEST.xlsx
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Sep 14, 2009
I have two columns of data each with repeats. I want to be able to look up the third column of data and then list the multiple results attaching to the first two columns.
I have attached a dummy spreadsheet of what I am trying to achieve.
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Jan 9, 2014
I have two spreadsheets, one is a Log Sheet for invoices that we have been printing out and filling in my hand throughout the day as our field technicians complete their work. The second spreadsheet has a sheet for each technician where we manually input the technician's invoice numbers and payroll for each job completed on that day.
What I'd like is a way to combine these spreadsheets so that instead of printing and filling in the first sheet by hand, I could input the invoice data and have it automatically populate the cells for the appropriate technician.
This is the running log we keep throughout the day:
Then at the end of the day, we painstakingly transcribe the data for invoice number and payroll onto this sheet for each technician:
What I want is for Excel to automatically fill in each technician's payroll log with invoice number and payroll time as we fill in the running log throughout the day, is this a doable thing?
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Mar 3, 2014
[URL]...I was trying to use this thread's solution macro on my sheet that is only consolidating columns A, B, and C with a couple thousand lines and I've had it running for over an hour now. There hasn't been any errors but is there any particular reason that might be causing it to take longer than it should aside from having to go through a few thousand rows?
Basically, I only want 1 Version of data in Column B and any other rows that has a match in column B, i want to consolidate unique data from Columns A and C.
AB 123 AAC
BA 131 AAC
AB 222 CAA
AB 123, 222 AAC, CAA
BA 131 AAC
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Jun 9, 2009
This isn't absolutely necessary, but being able to do this easily would cut down on a lot of tedious jobs for me. Let's say I have a set of data like this (I tried to space it out as best I could to give the idea):
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Mar 21, 2014
I'm looking to populate tables for specific tasks that my site performs and compare their performance against the other top sites in the company. I need to pull the site # and their performance based on the task, ranking them from first to last.
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Sep 30, 2009
I have built a data entry form (Input tab) and have code populating a table (Table tab). Currently both are in the same book, but I would like to house them in separately.
What is the proper VBA syntax for this? Will both books need to be open in order to populate the table?
The 'real' data is hosted on sharepoint and is getting darn big. The result is problems opening the doc and looong save times. My thought was to have the secretaries doing data entry open a single sheet (Input Form) which will then populate the data in another sheet. I'm dreaming, aren't I...
I know Access would solve everything, but for cost reasons I am stuck with Excel.
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Jan 31, 2014
I have a data set that I wish to look up the data from one column and if it is greater then 0 write it in another column separated by commas. Here is an example:
The data is dates that a service was provided and how many time that day it was done and not everyone gets the service on the same days. I would like to summarize the days of the month that service was provided not number of times into 1 cell.
Row 1 November
Row 2 1 5 15
Row 3 1 0 2
Row 4 0 1 3
November is in A3
If A2 is greater then 0 I want to write A1 A2 If A2 and A3 is greater then 0 I want to write A1 A2, A3 If A2 is 0 and B2 is greater then 0, I want to write A1 B2
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Oct 22, 2009
col A = contains the style#
col B = contains the color of the style
col C = contains the size of the style
col D = contains the qty of the style,color, size
I would like to do the following:
A1 = input the style #
B1 = input the color of that style
C1 = input the size of that style
then D1 should automatically contain the qty of the mentioned style, color, and size.
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Mar 14, 2013
i'm having in excel- I'm looking to populate rows in 2nd tab based on the data entered in the 1st tab. The rows to be populated in the 2nd tab resides in the 3rd tab. So a match has to be made on the data entered in the 1st tab. When a match is found on the 3rd tab then the corresponding rows from the 3rd tab should be listed on the 2nd tab.
I have an example.xls attached for clarity.
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Nov 29, 2013
New task for work today, which involves creating a spreadsheet for all existing members of an organization. I went to the organization's website and copied all of the names & info, then pasted into a blank spreadsheet. All of the entries were separated into their own rows, but all of the information is only in one column. Take a look at my sample:
(NOTE: does not contain actual names or info) Book1.xlsx
This sample only contains 5 entries, but my actual list contains about 200; if it had just been the 5, I would have been fine with manually separating the information, but for 200 entries I need something much faster. You'll notice in the sample that the company, person, address, phone number, email, and website (when there) are not separated by anything. I know that using Text-to-Columns, I would technically be able to achieve what I need using the Delimited option, but I can't imagine this working without separators. I thought perhaps there might be a way to separate them based off font changes or something? Or maybe some way that I can insert a semi-colon or some kind of separator between the necessary data?
While the font is Arial for the majority of the entries, in terms of font changes: company font size is 12 and color is navy blue; the person's name is size 18, bolded, and dark grey; the address & phone number are size 9 and the color is light gray; and finally, the email & website are also size 9, but navy blue in color. However, you'll notice that two of the five entries are formatted differently. This is because formerly, the entire cell & its text were a hyperlink to the email. I went ahead and removed these hyperlinks, simply using a "Remove Hyperlink" macro walk through I found on the web, but now these cells are uniformly set to Calibri and size 11, my default font setting.
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Aug 13, 2014
I have a spreadsheet that lists a set of actions and the days they need to be completed.
The due dates are listed in column c and in column h I have a the user choosing "completed" from a drop down data validation.
I have a dashboard on a separate worksheet, showing if the item is complete and the due date.
Ideally I would like to display the dates on the dashboard in red if they are past due, and the box in column h was not marked complete.
I have been going through my books and trying to solve this, but I run into a different issues.
Even if for now If I can get the main worksheet to display the color conditional formatting that would work
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Nov 20, 2012
I receive an extraction from AutoCAD that lists the electrical devices in a drawing. I don't have any problems extracting the letters. I have a problem extracting the device number and the device number extension.
The device label extraction is similar to this:
I want to create 3 columns from the device label: (I separated the column with commas)
A1, B1, C1, D1
DCM1005-1, DCM, 1005, 1
DCM1005-10, DCM, 1005, 10
DCM1005A, DCM, 1005, A
MTR1005-1, MTR, 1005, 1
MTR1005-10, MTR, 1005, 10
MTR1005A, MTR, 1005, A
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Oct 9, 2013
How can I separate the following numeric/text combination into two (2) separate columns in Excel?
The result would be:
302 ALTO
406 AMZN
451 AMRC
404 AMAD
605 ANCC
405 ADRC
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Mar 27, 2014
I need to count the total number of times 4 different values appear in a column. This formula works for one value:
Where H1 contains the word Assigned. I need to also find and add to count for matches in I1,J1 and K1 which contain New, Pending and Work in Progress respectively.
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Oct 25, 2011
I work for a printing company that prints labels. We have 6 printing presses, lets call them A,B,C,D,E & F. Certain labels can only be printed on printing press F.
From our business system I can run a report in excel format giving details of all the labels that we have sold in the present month. I need split that report into 2 separate excel spreadsheets; 1 showing everything that was printed on presses A to E and the other showing everything printed on press F.
I also have another excel spreadsheet which gives a complete list of all the labels that have to be printed on press F.
Every label that we print has a part code and both spreadsheets show this part code so that would be the linking factor between the 2 sheets.
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Dec 26, 2013
I am wanting to create a list where I can select multiple items within that list and then print only those selected items. I have created something similar thru data validation, but I can't get it to print.
In addition, I would like to be able to subdivide the list into multiple categories, then select items from these multiple categories and print them.
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Oct 2, 2013
I am trying to take items with multiple market attributes and columnized them so that they can be sorted or filtered.
For example,
Item 110 is suitable for Preteen, Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Senior
Item 121 is suitable for Teen and Young Adult
Item 250 is suitable for Senior
Item 300 is suitable for Young Adult, Adult and Senior
I want to be able to arrange the attributes vertically so that the attributes can be filtered. I'm thinking the easiest way to do it is to duplicate each row as many time as there are attributes and copy each attributes to a single Market column.
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Mar 30, 2009
Am trying to get dynamic population of 2nd combobox based on match from criteria in combobox 1.
if column a = bears and column b = colours of bears then
when I select bears in combobox one, combobox 2 would populate with colors of bear.
I am think of having a combobox 1 change event that evaluates each row in a specific range (does it match the criteria?) if so, then add 2nd cell (column b) of that row to the combobox 2.
I know it would probably involve match and offset, add item and loop, but I am not sure what the syntax is.
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Mar 11, 2014
I'm looking to average the numbers contained within 5 different columns if the corresponding cell in a different column is blank.
Here's what I have currently (with column A being the conditional cells and D:H being what I'm looking to average)
=AVERAGEIF(A3:A26, "", D3:H26)
From what I understand, this function only allows me to average a single column. If this is in fact a limitation of excel and not just of my knowledge, is there a different way to calculate the average of D3:H26 when the corresponding cell in column A is blank?
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May 6, 2009
Ok this is what I need to do:
I have worksheet A with cell AC2 to enter a team id# like 51922 for example. In Cell B3 I want it search sheet11 for the team name according to the number and put the team name in B3. Sheet11 has 11 columns the first one list the 613 team names, the remaining columns have #'s like the example giving for the teams. What formula would I need to perform this function?
This is a football game the other 10 columns represents 10 worlds with identical 613 teams to control in each world, but the teams have different #'s to identify the world, team, and coach.
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Oct 23, 2013
This is the function I have now: =COUNTIFS(Sheet1!A:A,Sheet2!A2,(Sheet1!E:E),"*") and it works great, counting every cell with a value in column E.
When I make criteria range 3 another column (criteria also being"*") my numbers actually start going down. I think it might be averaging the two columns out or something but I just want it to count all the cells with values in it from multiple columns and give me a total count.
I have 4 columns total that I want to be able to get a total count from.
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Oct 13, 2008
I'm trying to compare values in 2 separate columns to see how many times the same value appears in both columns. Ideally I would be able to insert a range function to compare the values in the column "ID 1" against the values in column "ID 2" and return the count of times that a value appears in both columns. For example 2122, 1112 and 1718 appear in both columns and I would like the formula to return a count of 3.
ID 1ID 2
In my actual project I'm comparing 2 columns in the same worksheet. The column are column B with data in cells B2:B10266 against column C with data in cells C2:C18560.
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Feb 20, 2009
I have four columns of data, as follows:
label 1, value 1, label 2, value 2
I need to create a formula in the fith column that for each line will tell excel to:
look for entry in 'label 1' in 'label 2' if there is a match, then subtract value 1 from value 2, display result.
I have tried doing this with SUMIF but am getting nowhere fast....
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Jul 28, 2009
I've been trying for some time now to figure out how to have one sheet automatically fill in another based on a larger data sheet. I'm trying to find a way to take a monthly calendar which contains a row for each employee and column for each day and use that to create smaller lists on another sheet. Basically if someone puts in for a day off, or has a medical appointment etc, that person has a coded single letter for that day for tracking and planning purposes. I want to have a second sheet that references those codes and makes individual lists (the following people are on vacation, these people have a medical appointment etc.)
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Jan 23, 2007
I have just started out learning vb and am having some trouble with a particular request. The following code is code I found to split a worksheet into different sheets based on a variable in the data (Col G). It has now been requested that instead of new worksheets, they want the data in new work books, automatically named and saved as today's date.
Sub UpDate_Sheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet, source As Range, dest As Range
Dim daily As Worksheet
Set daily = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name <> daily.Name Then
daily.Range("G1"). AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=ws.Name
Set source = daily.Range("G1"). CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells(xlVisible)
Set dest = Worksheets(ws.Name).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
source.Copy dest
End If
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
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