Offset With Automatically Find Active Cell With VLookup
Jul 30, 2012
I have 2 columns of data
column A = weeks (A2:A50) i.e. P1W1, P1W2, P1W3....P12W4 etc
column B = headcount (B2:B50) i.e. 5, 7, 5...10 etc
Essentially my criteria is "looking for last week and give me headcount" i.e. my lookup criteria is P7W5 ....however if P7W5 has no data, i want the lookup to go up or offset to the row above (it may be one to 4 rows above)....
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Nov 26, 2008
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).Cells(nrow + 1 + j, 2 + high_count).Formula = "=VAR(" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, n_high_count -1) & "," & ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1) & ")"
*n_high_count is the negative of high_count
I want "ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).Cells(nrow + 1 + j, 2 + high_count)" to have the formula "=VAR(XX:XX)" where the range is the current row second column to the current row current column -1.
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Jul 28, 2006
I need to make the active cell go to the beginning of the row (Column A). I tried setting up a variable to be the row.value, but that didn't work (the way I wrote it, which doesn't surprise me).
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Dec 8, 2006
I am aware of the ColorIndex, but more specifically I need to change the fill color of a cell that is 9 columns to the right of the active cell. I can't find out how to make this work. to clarify:
ActiveCell + 9 columns.Interior.ColorIndex = Yellow
There has got to be an easy way to do this.
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Dec 24, 2013
I have a formula in cel B1 : =SUM(A2:A100) / A1
I would like to use this formula many times in the sheet, so I would need a reference to the cell the formula is in, and have the SUM range until the next empty cell one column to the left.
So I would need something like (literally):
=SUM(Offset activecell (1,-1) : Offset activecell (1, (look for next empty cell -1)) / Offset activecell (0,-1)
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Nov 11, 2009
Get value from another cell using Offset and active cell. I can do this in VBA but I cant seem to do it on a worksheet.
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Nov 22, 2006
Need automate a process that I would like to implement into my spreadsheet,
It involves inserting comments,
I want to be able to select a particular cell anywhere in my spreadsheet, and then click on a command button and have a comment automatically inserted into the active cell, I tried to record the macro by hand but I do not know how to state that it is the active cell the comment should be added to
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Dec 6, 2009
can someone make a code for a range.Name = "match" as soon as active then that active cell is to be copied to cell C2.
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May 27, 2008
I'm trying to use an offset from a Named Range as my source cell in a vlookup but get a -1004 Object not defined error. When Debugged the Range.Formula appears to be blank when queried. Using Record a Macro the Reference to a named range worked fine but I could not test for an offset or the use of the range reference. What can I do to use to make this work
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Apr 21, 2008
How would I find the first cell in column A containing a number, like HY42128PP, and then offset 1 row up from there to start my autofilter?
Also, to copy the worksheet headings, what code would copy all rows from row 1, down to 2 rows above the first cell in column A containing numbers, and insert those rows in another sheet?
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Nov 1, 2006
- Find a value on a sheet “ORM” in Column G5:G33
-Get the corresponding value of B5:B33 of that cell
-Place that corresponding value in a canned remark: “You have the number 2 in Block, 12, 14, 25 22.
-Place this canned remark in TextBox31
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May 4, 2009
If i have a range say E12:O12 and want to find the last cell before blank, lets say it finds m12 as the cell with the value before blank. then with m12 it needs to determine weather row 11 in the same column has Text either "S" or "F" if "S" then m12 = t if "F" then m12 offset(1,-1) = t. And just to make things more difficult i need the range E12:O12 to step 2 as well until it gets to E208:O208 .Noting that row 11 never changes and will always have either an "S" Or an "F"
and also t = time()
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Jan 21, 2010
I need to find the last value cell in a row and display its contense. Is OFFSET the best way of doing it? Cell H3 will need to contain the formula and the row to seach is also row H. In H3 I want the value that is found in the right most cell on row H that contains anything.
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Sep 3, 2006
On Sheet2 I have a table where I want M2 to do the following:
1.) Look at cell A2 where the name "John" is and B2 where the name "smith" is.
2.) Look at sheet1 and look in B2 and C2 for "John" and "smith"
3.) Once it matches the name, place the contents of sheet1, cell I2 into sheet2, cell M2.
So in short, match the name on sheet2 to the name on sheet1 and return the number in I2 to M2 on sheet2.
Maybe combining the persons name in to one column would make it easier?
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Nov 13, 2006
I would like to be able to find all cells in row 2 that are "greater than 0". Then I would like to return the coresponding job number in row 4. I need to create a list of each job with the number of hous spent on that job next to it. I may have 30 different jobs but only 5 jobs that have hours for the specific week.
How I attemted to solve this is to create a table that listed all the hours from the largest number in row 2 to the smallest. Then I found the job number corresponding to that number of hours. The problem with this meathod is that if two jobs have the same amount of hours then the first job number is returned for both values that are the same. See attached example.
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Jul 27, 2007
I'm still getting to grips with the Find Command. Basically, I have the below code that looks at a line in a sheet(ws_Site) based on the Line ID Number that is in column A and then Finds that that LineID_Value in a different sheet(ws_main) and copies a value from column I on that line across. Problem is, if the cell I is blank it copies it across and essentially clears the cell if there was data in it.
How can I adjust the below code to only set ws_main.Range(c.Address).Offset(0, 8).Value = LineID_Value if LineID_Value is not blank?
For Each LineID In ws_Site.Range("A7:A" & SiteRows) ' Loop through all the cells in range
LineID_Value = LineID.Offset(0, 8).Value
'Dim c
With ws_main
Set c = .Range("A7:A3000").Find(LineID, LookIn:=xlValues)
'If Not c Is Nothing Then
ws_main.Range(c.Address).Offset(0, 8).Value = LineID_Value
'End If
End With
Next LineID
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May 21, 2008
how to explain this except by showing it, so I explained it as best I could in the attachment. Anyone think they have a solution for this? Let me know if you need more information. Thanks!
the macro will look at the value I entered in cell A1, then find all instances of it in Column A
in every row that A1 matches, if the value in column E is "0", I need the macro to change the value in column E of that row from "0" to (that row's column B * $B$1)
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Feb 1, 2009
I have a data sheet with employee information. Only one column. It prefixes information with codes, but keeps it in the same cell. I want to move data of certain types into their own columns, but the amount of data is variable, so I cannot simply move every Nth cell, etc.
200 Firstname Lastname
204 99999999 (Employee ID)
G38 00005000 (i.e. Pension Deduction)
H38 00007580 (i.e. Benefits Deduction)
X96 00012099 (i.e. Staff Club Deduction)
200 Firstname Lastname
204 99999998
G38 00000775
X96 00001000
So you see some employees may have different codes altogether. But I know that I want all the cells that start with 200 to be offset (-1,1), and all the cells that start with 204 to be offset (-1,2), and so on so that basically I end up with columns of info instead of a one column list.
I have been reading and studying other peoples' macros, and am just starting to grasp the basic. When I wrote my own to accomplish this, I put this together, which doesn't work. But I don't know enough to know what I don't know.
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Sep 20, 2007
How do I use VBA to send the value of a cell, for example, cell J77 to the variable "mastervalue1"?
I have a spreadsheet that has a column with dates ( in the format "mmm-yy") and next to it a column that has values. I want to pass the value of the cell that is next to the date cell that contains today's month to a variable in VBA. Auto Merged Post;here's an example of my spreadsheet
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Feb 13, 2014
I'm trying to do a column of individual discount calculations using a discount percentage found in a cell two to the right of a cell containing the text "Total SP:" that is always upwards and to the left of the cell where the formula goes (but could be two rows or could be 20). There are multiple "Total SP:" cells in the sheet - I always want the first one upwards. I have created the following but I get #NAME? where I hope to see the discounted value.
Dim Discount1 As Double
Discount = Cells.Find(What:="Total SP:", After:=ActiveCell, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=True).Offset(0, 2)
Range("R9:R" & LastRow).Formula = "=IF(J9>0,$E9*(1-Discount1),0)"
I've just thought, the Cells.Find needs to be redone for each cell where the formula is inserted to ensure it always catches the correct discount and this isn't going to do that - it's going to find it once and always use that single value.
I think this needs a Loop or something and to move the ActiveCell down one after the formula to get it to redo the Cells.Find.
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Jul 14, 2009
I have a range of amounts in Sheet 1 from F7:Q13 and im using the find method to search for the active and non active values in the cell. Which means that if there's a value in the cell it will transfer the value in Sheet 2, if nothing is found in the cell the cells in Sheet 2 will return as nothing or null.
I think the problem lies on the FindWhat variable. Im getting a compiled error which im not sure what is it.
I've attached the spreadsheet so you get a better idea of the problem that i encountered.
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Jan 15, 2010
I use the Index/Match formula to find the last active cell in a column quite effectively.
I'm wondering though how to adapt it to find the second last active cell?
EX: Last active cell formula:
a 10
b 11
c 0
d 12
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Sep 28, 2009
I would like to be able to Click a Cell or Button to enable me to go from the 'VIN ENTRY' worksheet to the 'Date Completed' worksheet and then be able to enter the Date in the Correct cell cooresponding to the last 6 digits of the VIN. I have included the File
WorkSheet 'Date Completed
ENTER Last 6 Digits of VIN:K43070Click
Here to Enter Date Completed
WorkSheet 'Date Completed
Colum A Column B...................
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Jul 7, 2006
I have a code which looks at sheet2, useing a date value, and returns the Vent value and the Tanker value to sheet1. Because of the file size I have pasted a small section of Sheet2 in the hopes you can see what I am doing. As can be seen my code is not going to work with Offset as soon as the Data fills further down the sheet(every 2 weeks). I need a way to reference the active cells column name (it is a named range) or header name. Both are the same. That is the header name is the same as the name of the range. there is a way to perhaps find the first cell of the column,which I guess would work,but have reached a stale mate with what I've tried so far.
Vent 01Vent 02Vent 03Vent 04
WhoJ AshJ AshEmptyHarry
Private Sub DueCommandButton_Click()
Dim strRecordID As Range
Dim rngData As Range
Dim Vents2 As Range, Tanker_Result As Range
Dim wsheet1 As Worksheet, wsheet2 As Worksheet
Dim Column_Name As Range
Dim ActiveCell As Range
Set wsheet1 = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set wsheet2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")....................
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May 23, 2007
I am having problems getting a VBA search function to work... this is the code I am currently using with very little success:
Sub FindApp()
Cells.Find(What:="ADT32109", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
End Sub
What I am trying to achieve is to copy the contents of the active cell in the first sheet and find it within another sheet but I am unable to get the What:= section of the code to take the value of the copied cell.
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Jun 21, 2012
How can I modify the following formula to find the contents of reference cell, for example if the cell reference (G$3) is equal to 9 I want it to use 8 instead.
I tried using G$3-1 but this doesn't appear to work.
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Jul 31, 2012
I have a list of names in coloum D of a worksheet called "Trial", I have another worksheets called "Usage" with this list. I need a macro which can search the name written in Trial worksheet in Usage and worksheet, and activate the found results in usage worksheet.
I cannot use vlookup formulae here as "trial" sheet only has last names, which "usage" sheet has full names.
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May 16, 2013
How to find the column based on my active cell...if my active cell is in A1 then it pops up saying your in column A.
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Jul 28, 2007
I need to write a macro for find a value in all sheets in current workbook. The problem is put like this: I have to write a ID (for DVD archiving) in a column but testing that generated value is unique in entire workbook (I have multiple sheets, organized by movie genre). I can use find method and testing for value <> Nothing but it always said that the value is present (the current cell value); there is any method to omit selected cell value? I think "After:=" parameter can do this but I don't figure out how to handle with it...
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Jul 16, 2012
Thats the best I could describe that What I face today is the means to run a VBA Autofilter from an Activecell. The Activecell is a search result. I have a table that spans from A1 to E5000. The Activecell will always be in Column A. What I need to happen in when the Activecell is found an Autofilter is placed in the block of data from Column B to E. The rows will change after every search hence my dilemma. Each block of data has its own header as well
So if my Activecell is A2 then I need B1:E4 Autofiltered then Column E sorted Smallest value to Largest. The Activecell needs to remain static. The size of the blocks of data are exactly the same.
Here is a photo example of the desired result. Untitled.jpg
There are hundreds of blocks of data like this.
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