Reminder Statements Written In The Message Box

Feb 18, 2009

creating a MSG box to be placed at the start of the code, i need the following reminder statements written in the message box. If the answers to all statements is Yes then proceed running the code.

1. Is the value date in Sheet Summary Correct?
2. Is the workbook free of errors, check sheet "Errors"
3. Are all the graphs up to date?

Sub Save_File()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveWorkbook
.Sheets("SUMMARY").Cells(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
.SaveAs Filename:="S:Recsdata ReportingRec StatsSummary Stats" & Format(Date, "yyyy\MMM") & _
"Stat Summary_" & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yy") & ".xls"
.Close False
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Adding Sound And Picture To Reminder Message?

Nov 21, 2011

I've made a reminder but I want to add a picture along with that reminder msgbox which has poped up. How can I add that? If possible, can I add any song/sound (ping) with the same?

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Multiple IF Statements Check If Words Are Written In Certian Boxes

Aug 15, 2007

I am trying to write a formula that will do multiple IF statements checking to see if words are written in certian boxes and if so to do certian things and I need help, never done multiple IF statements in one formula before and can't find anything in the books I have or on the web.

= IF(D30 = "Oceanic",
IF(D35 = "Yes",
Both True
(((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31) * 0.15) + ((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + (D31 + 4500)),

Oceanic = "Oceanic", D35 = "No"
(((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31) * 0.15) + ((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31)

Oceanic = False, D35 = "Yes"
((d32 * 4) + (d33 * 5) + (d34 * 9) + (4500 + d31))

Both False
((d32 * 4) + (d33 * 5) + (d34 * 9))

I got:

= IF(D30 = "Oceanic", IF(D35 = "Yes", (((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31) * 0.15) + ((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + (D31 + 4500)), (((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31) * 0.15) + ((D32 * 4) + (D33 * 5) + (D34 * 9) + D31), ((d32 * 4) + (d33 * 5) + (d34 * 9) + (4500 + d31)), ((d32 * 4) + (d33 * 5) + (d34 * 9))

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Pop-up Reminder

Oct 21, 2008

Macro that automatically runs a task when the workbook is opened. I want it to keep track and monitor the due date so that a Pop-up Reminder can be triggered. By the way, is it possible to display a image as well? Pls take a look at my attachment for better understanding.

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Multiple IF Statements (skip The Next Two Statements Or The Result Will Be Changed Again)

Nov 22, 2008

I have three IF statements as below. the problem is if the first statement is true I want it to skip the next two statements or the result will be changed again.

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If Statements; List Any Date That Has Three Or More True Statements With The Coresponding Name

May 26, 2008

Sheet one will contain the following:


On sheet two I need to list any date that has three or more true statements with the coresponding name.

2/26/2008 Bill

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Reminder On Every Other Friday

Dec 20, 2007

Every other Friday, I need to submit my biweekly work hour sheet to manager. For example, as 12/21/2007 is Friday and pay day, I need to submit my sheet. Next time is two weeks later, 1/4/08, and on.
12/21/07 is the first event.

I want to create a conditional format, or workbook events, or worksheet events to remind me on that Friday when I open that book or activate that sheet.

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Automatically Run A Reminder

Aug 16, 2006

Our company has a delivery schedule, based on Excel 2003, WinXP. Is it possible to set up reminders (for next scheduled deliveries in a future?

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Reminder Worksheet

Feb 7, 2007

I have got a workbook were I register our personnel.
In one sheet I have listed all our personnel and the dates their contracts expire.

Now this is what I am looking for:

Between 15 days and zero daysbefore someone's contract expires I want a pop-up telling me so. The person's name has to be in the pop-up.

I already got this
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Range("E2:E126")
If c > -15 And c < 0 Then MsgBox c.Offset(, -3), vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "LET OP! Einddatum contract nadert!"
End Sub

I want the pop-up only when I open the workbook(not everytime I change something in the workbook)

In the workbook are more sheets, the code I have only works with one sheet.

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Reminder For Over Due Dates

Jan 22, 2008

I have a task follow-up sheet that I have made for my manager, where I need I have a column to set the date when the item is entered or the date the item was discussed in meeting, etc. Then I have an additional column with "due date", here I select the date that the task needs to be completed or the date when I should be getting feedback.

What I would like is to have a pop-up that opens and tells me which tasks are due today. This could happen as perhaps a check everytime that I open my Excel file.

I realize that a conditional formatting can be used, to change the color and highligh items that are due, but I really want a pop-up, this will really make my life easier and communication to my manager easier as well. Plus my manager could use this file without me present. Allowing for less meetings to discuss list.

I have uploaded the sheet that I have so far.

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Reminder When Closing A Workbook

Jan 11, 2007

I have 4 employees who at the end of their shifts have to email me an excel workbook. The issue is that some of them are forgetful and after placing numerous post-it notes on their monitors one particular employees just forgets.

What i want to do if possible is that when the workbook gets closed, a pop-up window shows up on their screen reminding them to send the workbook. Even better would be if their was a button that they could click that would email the workbook as an attachment in the pop-up box.

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Add The Reminder In Excel Sheet?

Mar 19, 2013

Can i add th remainder my excel sheet or computer

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Pop Up Reminder Listing Cell Then Go To It On Yes

May 15, 2009

Column B on worksheet3 has a list of dates on it. Column C states set reminder. Column D states how many days before reminder i.e. 3, 7, 10, 14. If the reminder is set to on. Can VBA code be run when the Workbook (or worksheet) that checks this criteria then a pops up is displayed outlining the event (say Cell A)?

Also is it then possible to have on the pop up - Go to this event (i.e. row of data?)

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Reminder: Past Due Date

Nov 15, 2006

I want to create an Excel file, which would create alerts/reminders based on dates specified in certain cells. I want to create a database of various events (for ex. Invested in XYZ stock at $10 per share) and put a date in one of the column of each record. I want excel to remind me to take a look at that record after, say, 30 days.

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Automaticaly Show Pop-Up Reminder

Nov 30, 2006

i would like to know if Excel offers a feature whereby reminders for instance to call a client will pop up when you open a particular file? I am not referring to the comments tags that one can insert. I am looking for a type of pop up screen function ?

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Reminder System - Offset Not Working

Aug 5, 2013

The following code is part of a reminder system I have, for birthdays, anniversaries, due dates, etc. The portion of the code works fine unless I change the offset col from 3 to 4. When the msgbox opens, while 3 is being used, it picks the information in the correct column. But when I change the 3 to a 4, it displays a blank, even though the next column has a number in it.


MsgBox c.Offset(0, 1) & " is in 1 days. They will be " & c.Offset(0, 3) & _
" years old.", , "Reminder for " & Month(c) & "/" & Day(c) & "/" & Year(dates)
Doesn't work:

MsgBox c.Offset(0, 1) & " is in 1 days. They will be " & c.Offset(0, 4) & _
" years old.", , "Reminder for " & Month(c) & "/" & Day(c) & "/" & Year(dates)

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Sending Automatic Reminder Based On Date?

May 21, 2014

i have an excel sheet which contain some standardized chemicals with due date for standardization i want excel sheet sending email for outlook email list if the due date is older than today by 2 days. my work and i'm not clever using macros and VBA the file is attached

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Nested IF Statements: Combine The Two Statements

Oct 14, 2009

How can I combine the two below statements like these to make one "Or Statement"? Sorry...I haven't done excel and/or's in forever?

=IF(('Proj Info'!L10="main")*AND('Proj Info'!L9="CT"),"BMSVC",'Proj Info'!L9)


=IF(('Proj Info'!L10="serv")*AND('Proj Info'!L9="CT"),"BMSVC",'Proj Info'!L9)

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Excel 2010 :: Sending Email Notification Reminder Based On Dates

Mar 4, 2014

Would like to find a formula or macro which would automatically send an email to let me know when a date entered into the specific cell is coming close to expiration. e.g. if the date 01/05/2014 is entered into a cell i would like an email to be sent to me a month before the date is reached (01/04/2014).

Using Microsoft Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Sending Automated Reminder Mails - Based On Dates

May 20, 2014

I am mostly using excel for simply data gathering and tracking. Require exact steps to be followed to accomplish the following:

Exact Requirement:

- Sending automated reminder mails if current date is 15 days prior to "TO" Date
- Sending automated reminder mails if current date is 10 days prior to "TO" Date
- Sending automated reminder mails if current date is 05 days prior to "TO" Date
- Sending automated reminder mails if current date is same as "TO" Date

Also, would be great if automated mails can be released if current date is 1 day past "TO" Date and showing "Overdue" in "Status" Column.

Below is sample data which gives an idea of the data kept and the requirement.

Exception ID
Email ID
System Name

[Code] ........

OS Detail- Windows 7
Microsoft Office - 2010
Microsoft Outlook- 2010

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Use IF To Avoid Getting Anything Written After

Nov 5, 2008

I'm havin' a chart for interest, instalments and so on;

Interest [X%] Loan [Z crowns/dollars]
Loantime [Y years] Instalment [formula, which is "=Z/Y/12"]for each month.

Year, Month, Loan(left), Instalment, Total payment
1, Januari, =Z, =Instalment (constant), =Interest+Instalment

Month, Loan(left), Interest
Februari, =above-Instalment, =X%*Loan(left)/12 (rent is divided per year),

Instalment, Total payment
Constant, =rent+Instalment

and so on... as long as you want ^^ (it's quite messy, but try :D)

The question is as follows "What would a loan of 900'000kr with 9% interest rate totally cost over 30 years?"

[use "IF" to avoid getting anything written after the loan expires]

The question itself can be easily solved by just dragging the formulas down to 30 years and fill in the % and loan etc. But what I do not understand is the "IF" question. I'm supposed to use the IF function to instantly show the cost of the loan (total rent payment) after the 30 years? That's how I understood it. In that case... how do I do that? ^^

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Written Number()

Feb 15, 2007

This is a a formula entered in a checkbook program for excel that I downloaded. But I want to use my current accounting spreadsheet to print checks. The problem is I don't know how to get excel to write out a number like $23.40 as:

Twenty Three & 40/100

Does anyone know how this is done? Is it something simple that I am overlooking - i can't find anything like this in the number formatting section of excel.

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Formula's Value Written To ClipBoard

Oct 4, 2009

I have a formula that will give me a phrase that I need to be able to paste into other applications - the value and not the "mid"s and the "search"s, etc. So, can anyone tell me how to take that formula's value and write it to the clipboard?

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Formula Written In Word

Jan 12, 2009

I wrote out a long IF statement in Word, but when I pasted in the formula bar, I got an error. I've determined that the quote marks are causing the error. Can anyone advice how to fix this going through and changing the quote marks one-by-one?

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Calculate Written Numbers

Dec 30, 2006

Whilst I was searching through the channels on telly the other night I came across a 'Quiz Call' channel where you had to add ALL the number within a certain sum (see sample) Sixteen minus five times seven multiply by nine add twelve

You not only have to do the sum you also have to add in all the less obvious numbers like the Six within Sixteen, plus also all the Roman numbers in each word like the I, X, & IX within the sixteen. I've done a small example to show what I mean, but I don't have any idea how to create a formula that will add up all of all of the permitations of roman numerals within each word.

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Way To A Column Be Filled Automatically By What Is Written On Others

Jan 15, 2009

Is there any way to a column be filled automatically by what is written on others columns.

Example: If one of the cells A2 or B2 and C2 are Nonblank, fills automatically the cell H2 with "ABC2" And If some of the cells D2 and E2 are Nonblank fills the cell H2 with "DE2"

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Can't Control Directory File Is Written To

Mar 1, 2014

The script below writes a ".csv" file to the same directory that contains the workbook the macro, "foo" is run from. I'd like to change the script to always write the file to a separate directory which is: "c:etcupload".

[Code] .....

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Macro Open The Worksheet In Which It Was Written

Sep 13, 2007

I've written a macro and i've added a button to the toolbar so that it's easy for users of the spreadsheet to run the macro. the problem i'm running into is that the sheet that the macro's written in is a template. the macro formats some downloaded junk. soooo, every time someone downloads stuff, they copy-paste into the template, push the button, and it formats it.

my problem is that when they Save As, the button's assigned macro gets reset to the name of the file they saved as. therefore, when someone else comes along and press the button, it doesn't run the macro out of the original template sheet which they have open, instead it tries to find the last sheet that was saved and run the macro through it.

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Add Text To Individual Cells Which Can Be Written Over?

Aug 9, 2013

Is it possible to add text to individual cells which can be written over?

e.g. I would like A1 to have the background text of "slot 1"... Once user has inserted text then "slot 1" is removed... and when the user text is removed, "slot 1" reappears.

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Modify VBA Code Written By Tom Urtis

Jan 22, 2008

I am using the following code, slightly modified, written by Tom Urtis.

I would like to enhance the code such that it will filter on two criteria to enable more specific results to obtained e.g. from the possibilities below I would like to get "Jones Manchester".

Data list:-
Jones Blackburn
Jones Liverpool
Jones York
Jones Manchester
Jones London EC1
Jones London N12

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
With Target
If .Address "$D$1" Or .Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
If Len(.Text) > 0 Then
Dim myVal$, myVal2$
myVal = .Value
myVal = "*" & myVal & "*"
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Columns(1), myVal) > 0 Then

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