Insert Rows On Hidden Worksheet
Mar 23, 2009
My workbook contains 10 worksheets. Some users will use all 10 worksheets; some will use only 5 worksheets. If a user is not using a worksheet, I would like to hide it but leave it in the workbook.
However, I want to keep all workbooks in sync even though a user may choose to not use a particular worksheet. When my macros encounter a hidden worksheet, they stall. Does coding exist that allows a Macro to run on a hidden worksheet without making the worksheet visible?
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Jul 21, 2014
I was able to create a macro that allows a user to unhide rows in a protected worksheet without unprotecting the other locked fields (see below). My question is: I want to add to this command so that 1 row can not be "unhidden" if the previous row is still hidden. For example, row 25 can not be unhidden if row 24 is still hidden.
Macro command used:
Private Sub Commandbutton4_Click()
Sub Hide_Rows2h()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="xxx"
Rows("25").Hidden = Not Rows("25").Hidden
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="xxx"
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Nov 15, 2013
Count all the true statements in column A (Work) of sheet1 (Checklist), once counted insert that many rows on sheet2 in a specific location, I found a count formula just don't know how to do the insert rows part
Sub CountRows()
Dim Rng As Range, CountTrue As Long
Set Rng = Sheets("Checklist").Range("Work")
CountTrue = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rng, "True")
End Sub
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Oct 13, 2013
I have created a table where the first 6 columns are data entry and the next 6 columns are formulas to give desired results.
I have made all the data entry cells unlocked and the rest of the spreadsheet locked (cells with formulas etc.)
I would like to be able to insert rows to the protect sheet which I have managed to achieve but when I insert the row the formulas do not update in the row.
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Apr 7, 2009
Need to look at a number in a cell, inserts that many rows below that row, then repeats this for following rows that also have cells that indicate how many rows to insert.
Attached is a simple sample data sheet with how data looks before and how it should look after.
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Feb 20, 2007
I have a protected worksheet, which I have 2 macros, 1 to spell check and 1 to insert rows, they both unprotect the sheet and re protect it again once they have completed. The problem I am having is that when I protect the work sheet first time round I tick the box to allow users to insert rows, once the Macros run they disable this functionality. Is there anyway I can include this in my Macros or do I need to add a new button!
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Apr 5, 2014
I have a worksheet that I have some "locked" cells on. I also have protected the worksheet but when I check to allow users to insert rows and to delete rows and then save it, when I re-open it I can't insert rows or delete rows???
I am using some VBA to allow for the collapseing of rows while maintaining protection and that works perfectly. I want users to be able to insert and delete rows while maintaining protection. I thought a simple check in the protection was good enough, but for some reason it isn't.
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May 6, 2014
I have created an excel worksheet that will provide budgeting and estimating tools for my project managers. All data used to be manual entry and took a good while to complete. I am trying to automate the process with VBA.
I created a UserForm called InfoVerify1. On that form I have TextBox 1 - 10. When the UF opens, the boxes display project information from my worksheet called "Basis of Estimate", also known as Sheet26.
The TextBox1 ControlSource is set to "E4". When I run the macro with Sheet26 active, the proper information fills in. However, when I am on the Start page or any other worksheet and I run the macro, it tries to fill in the text boxes with E4, etc, from the active sheet. I tried changing the ControlSource to "Sheet26,E4" or any combo thereof with only error messages.
how to get it to refer to a cell on a particular worksheet and hold to that worksheet no matter which sheet I am on at the time I run the Userform?
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Sep 25, 2012
How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?
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Mar 4, 2014
I have an excel file with a table in it. It contains 2051 records (attached). This is just a sample, the original file has around 30,000 rows.
When I start using filters, I run into problems:
Step 1: Filter by Unit, condition (e.g.) Unit_23
Excel shows in the status bar the following message: 437 of 2050 records found.
Step 2: If I scroll to the bottom of the table, the row numbers are colored in blue (normal for a filtered list) however the last row is not colored and it actually should not be shown since its unit is not what I filtered for (its unit is Unit_25)
Step 3: Clear the filter of Unit
Step 4: Sometimes (depending on what I filter for), one or more of the bottom rows are hidden!!!
Attachment 301726
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Apr 18, 2013
I have data in B4:B55 and need a formula to return a count of rows, including rows that are blank. However, there are hidden rows that need to be omitted from the count.
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May 2, 2014
I'm able to export hidden worksheet to PDF. Currently, I have the follow code below which will export active worksheet.
With Worksheets("ExportTable")
.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PdfFile, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=True
After I hide the tab, when I tried to export it. I have an error message of "Invalid argument". I should use another type of code to export hidden tabs.
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Jun 10, 2005
Is it possible to protect a hidden worksheet. I do not want them to be able to unhide the sheet unless they know a password to do so.
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Jul 6, 2006
Excel 2003. Windows XP Professional. Bank reconciliations. How is it possible in an unprotected worksheet to hide additional data input in formulas so that visible invalid numbers produce accurate results? Displaying hidden formulas in formula bar reveals nothing. Blank cells have been included in formula, but searches for hidden numbers and links in these cells produced nothing. I'm at my wit's end to correct this misuse of Excel in my office.
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May 2, 2006
1) I cannot figure out how to write VBA so the "Show Results" button will open the hidden worksheet when clicked.
2) When I use the userform to add new info, it does save to the worksheet, but when I cose the userform and try to open the spreadsheet, I get the following message, "Userform is already opened. Reopening will cause any changes to be disguarded". If I answer yes, I lose my changes, if I answer no, the changes are saved. I want this message to go away and data from the userform to automatically be added to the spreadsheet.
3) I want to make sure the "Account Number" field has a 9 digit number in it before it can be saved. If there is not a 9 digit number I would like an error message saying "Please enter a 9 digit account number" as a pop up.
4) I want to make sure both the "Account Number" and the "Assignment" fields have been populated before the data can be saved.
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Jun 26, 2006
saw the other posts about hidden worksheets and couldn't get my makro to work. The macro works fine when the sheet in question is not hidden but when it is or when I tried to solve it with
Sheets(" total").visible = True
Sheets("total").Visible = False
Why could this be? The problem only occurs when the sheet is hidden or when code like the above are used, what could be done to fix the problem.
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Mar 2, 2007
I have a button on a sheet that I want to unhide another sheet, but if this other sheet is already visible then I want this same button to hide it.
Here is what I tried and it does work except it runs all the IF's instead of stoping at THE IF that matches the condition.
Sub HideUnhide()
If Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetHidden Then
Sheet2.Visible = True
End If
If Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden Then
Sheet2.Visible = True
End If
If Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetVisible Then
Sheet2.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
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Jun 3, 2008
I have a spreadsheet which I'm using as a log-in front for a series of other workbooks. The usernames and passwords are stored hidden cells within a "very hidden" worksheet. The workbook is protected and VBA code itself is password protected.
In short no-one can directly view the passwords (unless the password to unprotect it all is known.
What I have found is that someone can use a formula to reference the cells containing the user details. "=a1" for example.
Is the a method hiding the contents of a cell from excel itself? I want the vba script to be able to see the value, but any "=a1" formulas to return a blank.
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Aug 8, 2014
I need to create a new excel template for work. I was planning to copy a few worksheets from an old workbook over into the new workbook, mostly just for formatting for some graphs/tables that I would then link to the new workbook. A coworker said I cannot do this as copying from an old workbook will bring in "hidden" data that could some way impact the integrity of the new workbook and that the copied/old worksheet would FOREVER be linked to the new workbook no matter what I do. Is this true? If so, are there things I can do to remove any reliance to the old workbook.
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Feb 16, 2009
I asked for a macro that copy an worksheet and rename it using a userfom!
I received the xls file attached to this mail !
In this xls when I click "Click me to copy s0 sheet and rename it" from final sheet, a userform appear, I type a name there and when I press ok I will have a copy of worksheet "s0" with the name typed in the userform.
If I click on "Click me to copy s0 sheet and rename it" I can create as many copies as I need.
But if I hide worksheet "s0" (using Format /Sheet/Hide) the macro will not work.
I modified the code from module 1 adding the red
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Feb 22, 2010
I have an excel document displaying graphs that i would like to link to from a menu page (via a number of buttons). The problem is that i have about 12 of these graph sheets (along with 8 other sheets) and i'd rather not have them cluttering up the worksheet tabs list at the bottom of the screen.
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to handle this? Is a macro to open a hidden sheet and then close it once it is navigated away from a reasonable option? Or does Excel protocol suggest that they should remain visible, despite their cluttering..
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Apr 8, 2008
I've developed a workbook that is designed to allow users to produce a list of aspects (one per worksheet) and edit them as the aspect changes. However, i would very much like to create a 'log' of changes. For example, everytime a cell is changed the cell reference, worksheet reference and date are added to a list on a hidden worksheet.
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May 19, 2006
I'm trying to access/read data from a hidden WorkSheet in Excel 2003 using:
Application.Worksheets("Hidden Sheet").Activate
With ActiveSheet
**** Data ****
End With
The accessed **** Data **** refers to another ('unhidden') WorkSheet. How can I read the data without making the WorkSheet visible to the User?
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Oct 22, 2006
I use "ActiveWindow.ScrollWorkbookTabs Position:=xlFirst" to display all available sheets in a workbook. But can the worksheet of the first tab (i.e. at the far left) be automatically selected after the workbook is opened?
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May 29, 2014
I am trying to use the SUMIF function to create a formula that will read the visible cells in Column B and if any visible cells in Column B are equal to or greater than zero I want Excel to sum the corresponding values in the visible cells of Column A. Not so hard but I'm having a difficult time getting Excel to ignore data in hidden rows.
See attached file for and further explanation : Sample.xlsx
I've tried using SUMIF as well as the AGGREGATE function but no success, yet.
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Jan 24, 2014
I have a spread sheet which has a number of protected cells so that they user can tab only on required cells to enter data. At times some of the rows are hidden however pressing "TAB" will continue to tab through on the cells within the Hidden Rows. Is it possible to only TAB through Cells which are visible?
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Sep 5, 2009
I have a worksheet with a macro as follows: ...
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Nov 19, 2006
I need a formula for counting rows. It should achieve the following;
It should count in increments of 1 (1,2,3,4, etc.) in each cell in a column (column AW, to be prescise).
It should skip hidden rows.
It should account for the fact that a formula is able to reveal rows and when this is
done, the counting formula should adjust to count the newly revealed row.
It should also be able to do the opposite - another formula/macro hides rows, and when this happens it should not count the newly hidden row.
I can imagine a formula in each cell of the column that says "Check the previous column and if it is visible, add 1. If a hidden row is encountered, do not add 1. When a non-hidden row is encountered again, continue adding 1."
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Dec 15, 2009
I have a worksheet with hidden rows and Page Breaks. I know that the page breaks are causing my worksheet to print blank pages where I have page breaks and hidden rows.
I need the page breaks or the form just prints a mess... I tried eliminating them - but that didn't work at all.
I need a macro, which will examine the worksheet, look for the hidden rows, exclude them from the print area, and then Print the worksheet.
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May 6, 2006
Why do I get a "sub or function not defined" error on the first line? The problem seemed to arise out of nowhere. The sub is located in module 1. I call it with "Call DeleteHiddenRows" in sheet1 inside of a "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)" event. Should I be adding some declaration somewhere (some "dim" line?)???
Sub DeleteHiddenRows()
For j = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row To 1 Step -1
If Rows(j).Hidden Then
Rows(j).Hidden = False
End If
Next j
End Sub
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