Selecting Specific Columns From Multiple Workbook
Dec 13, 2008
I have a worksheet which is used by multiple users at the same time, at the end of the day I can have upto 10 files. The layout of all the files is the same, same number of columns and rows, the only difference would be the file name eg:Test1.xls, Test2.xls etc. information in test1.xls will not be any other file. At the end of the day, these files are emailed and saved in a particular folder.
What I need is get information from all the files saved in a particular folder and keep columns which have data. Additionally, if there is no data for any columns after combining the columns to display an alert. The final file should have information with only data in individual columns and arranged in the order such as Center 1, center 2, Center 3
Column A Column B Column C.....upto 30 columns
Center 1 Center 2 center 3....upto 30 centers
1 4
3 5
Column A Column B Column C.....upto 30 columns
Center 1 Center 2 Center 3.....upto 30 centers
The final file will look like this
Column A Column B Column C.....upto 30 columns
1 4 4
2 5
3 5
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Mar 10, 2014
Using VBA, I need to Select A1:C14.
The problem is that A1:C14 contains blank cells, and there is also an adjacent column D that I do not want to copy.
So, UsedRegion and CurrentRegion aren't doing it for me. (It selects Column D too.)
Obviously, this is an example...the real data set is an export and varies in size.
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May 26, 2014
I am looking for a way to select specific columns in excel that have specific characteristics in the header titles. For example, I have a very large worksheet with columns that specify the year and month (ie. "1900-8"). The years range from 1900 to 2011 and each year has "-1" to "-12" to represent the months of the year. Specifically, I am wanting to pick out all of the columns ending in "-8" (August).
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Sep 13, 2013
I have x number of sheets in a workbook, and I am looking to copy sheets a, b and c into a new workbook that I will create.
The a, b and c are in no order, or consecutive (although they could be). I want to be able to count the number of sheets in the workbook, and traverse through that to find sheets that I need, and select them to copy over to a new workbook.
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Dec 19, 2006
is there any way to open a workbook and select a sheet within the book without having the entire name?
I've got a unique workbook and worksheet identifier but don't know how to use wildcards to get my macro to open the right workbook.
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Dec 20, 2012
I have to correct a spreadsheet that takes a bunch of values and creates an average.
I didn't create this. Anyway, the problem is that most of these cells will be empty unless a whole bunch of other stuff is filled. These N cells take several values, put them together and create a new one. As time goes by they are filled. While they aren't filled, they'll return the DIV/0 error.
So when that formula I pasted there uses all of these values, it also returns a DIV/0 error because it is getting info from cells that have this error.
I managed to correct that with this
It works like a charm save for one problem. When I use averageif I'm forced to use an interval. Along this interval other values show up (it is always a value ranging from 0 to 2). So when the formula works its magic the results are slightly skewed because of this other value that I don't want.
So I figure there must be two ways around this. The first one would be using something like averageif that lets me use several handpicked cells instead of an interval. If I try
It doesn't work, it says I have too many values. So if I could the exact same thing as I did with averageif but keeping all of these values it'd be super nice.
The other solution, less nice but equally effective I guess, is using this same interval but having more than one criteria. The first criteria would still be the one telling it to ignore DIV/0 error, the second criteria would be the one to ignore any values equal or lower than 2.
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Jul 17, 2014
I have an employee schedule that is a whole year. I'm trying to extract only the next two weeks worth of columns. I'll schedule it to run once a day. Some information... The calender has the dates listed in Row 2 on Sheet called Daily Schedule The 2 week calendar would be on sheet 7 called Two Week Calendar There are only weekdays on sheet 1 Daily Schedule so if there is nothing matching today's date just stop and do nothing I would like it to save the whole file when complete
I have written some of the simplest code but I don't know how to select by today's date then copy that column plus 9 to the right.
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = True
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Schedule.xlsx")
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Aug 8, 2009
in a vba module I currently have this
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Sep 11, 2012
i have the following table, i want my Vlookup not only get the description from Column K but to get column K , L , M City and Country as well and put them in Columns D for Description, E for City and F for Country. would this be possible with Vlookup formula or any other formula?
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Jan 24, 2014
I have quite a long sequence of column for which the headers are all two-lines titles (with a line break). I need to copy many columns that are discontinuous, and the operation would save me a lot of time if I could select them at once. Of course, I know about selecting the columns holding CTRL, but here is the snag: as soon as a two-line title column is selected, the formula bar displays the content of the header, obviously on two lines, and I can't select any more columns. I tried many things, but nothing could solve this...
Is there anything I can do besides copying the columns one by one (which would take a long time) or renaming them?
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Feb 18, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with two date/time columns 'Date1' & 'Date2'. Each date/time column has its own column with corresponding values ('Var1' & 'Var2'). These dates cover the same time period, however values for 'Var2' were collected less frequently than 'Var1'. I want ONLY the values in 'Var1' that correspond to the dates in 'Date2'
I am trying to select values from one column 'Var1' which have correlating date/time in column 'Date1' that match the dates specified in 'Date2'. Basically I need the values from 'Var1' that match the same date/time as 'Var2'
See the attached image to make it clearer..
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Feb 11, 2014
I would like to loop through cells row wise.
Columns which have data are A:E
modify below code to select the range from columns A to E?
[Code] ........
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May 29, 2014
I'm looking to write a macro code that copies two specific columns to a separate spreadsheet in the same workbook, and then sort the rows by values in ascending order.
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Mar 3, 2014
I have a code that copies a column data from one workbook to another workbook
[Code] .....
This copies only D column to A coulmn of another workbook
I want 2 more columns to copied and pasted in another workbook
G column---- C Column
H column---- E Column
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Nov 7, 2009
I have 8 different files all have a set of data in them
each one has a long list of (column a-n) however the number of rows change by date. I need each file copied into the finalfile.xls one after another. in the files that will be merged into the final file the final row i need copied is blank.
I have all the copy formulas and everything set, I just need a range to copy that automaticaly takes cell a10 to the first blank a cell from each file and pastes it in the finalfile.xls under the last paste so they dont over write each other.
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Sep 25, 2013
If I'm using this function to find the specific text "EXPIRED" in the specified cells, how can I add additional cell ranges on the same sheet to this function?
D17:D34 as well as F17:F34
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Aug 30, 2006
I've been trying to create a formula that will take data with a specific status and put those in a list on a summary worksheet.
On my data worksheet I have two columns a category/ name column and a risk/status column, on my summary page I want to generate a list solely made up of names that have a specific status.
I've attached a sample.
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Aug 13, 2013
I have a workbook that's setup like a form, with 30+ worksheets in it (lets say this file is called "source.xlsx"). I have information in specific cells I want pulled out in each worksheet and brought in to a new workbook called "Destination.xlsx" and listed in a row.
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May 12, 2014
Basically I have a big table containing several columns for the different quarters. (Each quarter has several columns which are not all next to each other)
I would like to use 4 checkboxes which the user can select the show or hide the columns for that quarter. E.g. if Q1 and Q3 are checked only those are visible)
(if quarter 1 clicked than all columns are visible if unclicked hidden).
The code I have written workes well for the first checkbox (Q1), but for the other quarters (Q2, Q3 and Q4) the columns get hidden when checked (which should be the other way round) and don't get unhidden when unchecked.
Sub CheckboxQone()
If Range("$A$1").Value = True Then
Call showQ1
Else: Range("$A$1").Value = False
Call hideQ1
[Code] ...........
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Apr 25, 2013
I have a macro that converts all my PDF Purchase Orders to a text file and inserts the data/text horizontally into another document. However because the PDF's or the text within the PDF can be fomatted differently (that is on different lines etc) it therefore imports the information and it looks mis-aligned.I have attached a simple spreadsheet showing some sample text as it is imported and then below this how it should look like, all in line.
The range where the highlighted text in red is, is variable (but say nothing more than a variant of 10 columns). The text can also be Uppercase or Lowercase.So, I was wondering if there is macro code to find the "text" on various rows/columns and align it all in another column?
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Nov 12, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with Employee details and each employee has a Indicator and a Score.
I'm battling to get Excel to do a lookup on the Indicator, find the applicable Score Range, see if the individual's Score falls within the range and then inserts the relevant % into a cell in a specific row of each employee.
If we did not have more than 2000 doing it manualy might have been an option. Also, the Percentages and Score Ranges in the matrix might change a couple of times....
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Oct 2, 2009
I'm trying to clean-up a huge bulk of data. What I want to do is automatically select all rows, where column K contains text value "Closedloss", and have all these rows cut/pasted to Worksheet "ClosedCases". The second is similar to the first, but I want to select all rows where column J contains a value of 60-80, and have all these rows cut/pasted to Worksheet "MidRange".
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Apr 7, 2009
I'm trying to find the best solution for this problem. I have an excel sheet that contains over 2,000 rows of data with 8 columns. In this sheet, I need to be able to select entire rows that look for specific names in column E which is titled "originator".
The name format looks like this:
Selzer, Paul (TEM)
Wathen, Charles (TEM)
Chapman, Steven (TEM)
I have a total of 15 names that I need excel to look for in this entire sheet. What are my best options for this? I tried conditional formatting, but that does not work that well, as I would have to manually enter in each name.
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Apr 28, 2014
I have two worksbooks both with a big load of (filled)columns, now i want to copy the columns from the first workbook between the columns of the second workbook, the only thing is that in the first workbook the columns are nicely put together, i want to copy them in the second workbook but here they must me placed 7 columns apart from eachother. This is because the other columns are already filled with other data I need. Is there some way to do this.
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Oct 17, 2008
I'm using Excel 2003 and I have a small problem using text functions. My problem is that in column 'A' I have a name and their year next to it between brackets, like so: Wright Jeffrey (1PBSO)
Now what I have to do, is make two new columns where I extract the surname (Wright) to one columns and the first name in another column (Jeffrey), the "(1PBSO)" doesn't have to go anywhere. Now I wouldn't have a problem with this normally but in the list I have names like 'Van Tongerloo Johan' where VAN TONGERLOO is the surname and JOHAN is the first name. For the first name (Wright Jeffrey (1PBSO)) I just used the LEFT function and then searched for the first space in the string but that doesn't work in the second example anymore.
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Jul 25, 2006
How to get Excel to select all cells within a specific column that contain a specific character. In this instance, I need to select all the cells which contain a comma...
And even better would be if I could get Excel to not just select all the cells in a specific column containing a comma, but each of the rows in which those cells reside.
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Sep 9, 2009
I'm trying to protect the contents of columns in multiple sheets in a workbook. I've tried to group the columns ( - months, i.e. sept, oct, nov 09 through to march 10) but when I go to Protection options the 'sheet' protection option is not available, all I can do is protect or unprotect the entire workbook.
I've also tried to protect the workbook, but individually set the specific columns in each sheet to be protected (repetitious but seemingly unavoidable), but this doesn't work well either as there's now a mix of a protected workbook and protected columns, both with individually set passwords to unprotect... which seems a bit silly.
There must be a way around this? - the columns are H, J, K and L, and the entire contents of the summary sheet '2009-10 Financial Year'... basically I'd like to be able to protect all of the contents of all of the cells here, ideally just with one password.
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Nov 18, 2013
Is it possible to automatically have columns repeat through all sheets in a workbook? I keep an annual book, broken down by sheets for each month. I always have to add 5 columns to each sheet, and was wondering if there was an easier way..?
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Dec 5, 2009
I have a output file that is collected time stamped data. How do I select the rows of the first time stamped collection. So, if the first row is stamp with 03-Jan-2009 23:59:00, I want to copy all the rows with that time stamp below the first row and stop when the time stamp starts at 03-Jan-2009 00:00:00. Attached is my sample sheet.
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Aug 25, 2009
I have a Lookup table with a Group and Subgroup field. I have created a range for the Group and also for the Subgroup. On my main page, I have created a list option which allows the user to select the items under Group (Day, Colour and Time).
What I want next to do is based on the primary selection for Group; I want it to filter it on the specific Subgroup. For Example,
The User selects Colour from Group, the Subgroup will subsequently only show the appropriate selection which is Green, White and Yellow, and no further selection.
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