Sending Data From One Sheet To Another With Click Of Button?
May 21, 2013
I need to get the data from the sheet 1 added to the sheet 2 by clicking on the ADD DATA button in the sheet 1. The sheet 1 will be filled in multiple times like a form by the users, so once the data is added to the sheet 2 I would like sheet 1 to have no data filled in the column to the right. The data will be only filled in the right column, thus the left column should not be copied to the sheet 2.
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Mar 8, 2012
Is there a way to add a new sheet as soon as click on button on excel sheet with the name i give.
ex : there should be a button on the Index page , as soon as i click on button it should add a new sheet and i should be able to provide a name in the index page for that sheet.
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Sep 27, 2012
Is there any way, through VBA code, to click a button on a sheet in another workbook. This button has a macro assigned to it. What I need to be done is this :- the workbook which has the button is open. The code should click the button on a specific sheet. On this action, the macro assigned to the button should get called.
I could just call the macro which is assigned to the button in this code. But the requirement is that the button click operation should call the macro.
I have found that one can do quite a lot with the code, but this seems to be one a whole different level. I came across a possible solution in the below mentioned link but it doesnt seem to be working for me. [URL]
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Dec 1, 2007
I have a user form where the user selects items from combo boxes or enters information into text boxes. When the user clicks the command button the selections are written to the spreadsheet along with an auto number. I am trying to add an auto date in as well and have been playing with using the NOW() function but I am having some problems calling it. Here is the
Private Sub cmbtnAdd_Click()
Dim NewRow As String
Dim NewNumber As String
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
NewRow = .Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
NewNumber = .Cells(NewRow - 1, 1).Value + 1
.Cells(NewRow, 1).Value = NewNumber
.Cells(NewRow, 2).Value = Me.ComboBox2.Value
.Cells(NewRow, 3).Value = Me.TextBox1.Value
.Cells(NewRow, 4).Value = Me.TextBox2.Value
End With
End Sub
I was trying something like this:
Dim NewDate As Date
NewDate = DateSerial(Year(dDate), Month(dDate), Day(dDate))
.Cells(NewRow,5).Value = New Date
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Jul 20, 2006
I searched a few times for the answer to my problem, using different search terms, but I've come up somewhat empty (this *might* be because I'm not up-to- speed with Excel's terminology?). Anyway, my problem is this: I have a workbook which is designed to track various data for a corporate training course ( sheets for attendance, grades, tool logins, etc). After all of these are sheets numbered 1-25 (we never have more than 25 students in a class, but usually around 20). The numbered sheets correspond to the student's number in the on the class list sheet (so, the first student would have personal "report card" information on sheet 1; the eleventh student in the class list would have their information on sheet 11, etc).
What I would like to do is have some way of putting a button on the class list sheet which would look at student list and rename the sheets to correspond to the student names. For example, if the fifth student listed was 'John Doe', it would rename his personal sheet ('5') to 'John Doe'. Obviously, I would need to do it for all of the students, and IDEALLY it would then get rid of any numbered sheets which are not used (having 21 students would only rename the first 21 sheets, but then hide sheets 22, 23, 24, and 25).
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Oct 22, 2008
Running into this issue of "transworksheet macros"
I have a master "update" commandbutton on sheet 1. I have two sub "update" buttons on sheet 2 and 3 respectively.
What I would like to do is have the user click the master button, that would "click" the two sub buttons so they run their respective macros on their respective worksheets (within the same worksheet.
I have tried pasting the macro code in the master button, telling it to select the sub worksheet and then run the macro, but the marco runs itself on the master worksheet instead.
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Dec 11, 2009
I am trying to set up a new workbook for my home accounting, this will consist of a seperate sheet for each item which will store the monthly payment data and a master data input sheet, where i intend to select the month and year from a drop down list, then input the amount in each entry for that month. hopefully i will then be able to hit enter and all data will be sent to its corresponding position in its relevent sheet.
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Apr 30, 2008
Suppose in a work book I have a list for data in 5 rows.
Is there a way to randomize the data with one created button click (like hyperlink button used for linking) so that it may show any random output like 2,1,4,3,5 etc. Next time another click on randomize button creates another set of totaly random order of the 5 data sets.
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Apr 13, 2013
This is the macro I am using
Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
[Code] .....
It does everything I want but take F2 info and send it over. But F3-F6 does go over.
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Jan 23, 2014
what code I can put behind a button so that once I click on that button,
What ever cell i click on, the whole row of that cell will be colored a certain color.
Is this where i would used a target approach?
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Sep 23, 2009
I currently have 4 sheets in a workbook. They are... "Main", "Safety", "1 Week Response" and "Routine" I would like to enter data into the "Main" and have it automatically send that data to the corresponding sheet name. Example: On the "Main" sheet I enter in row 1 column "A" the number 520; column "B" I enter Safety. Then I want to push a macro button that sends this data to sheet "Safety" in the next available row.
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Nov 8, 2012
I currently am using a form button to create new rows.
I need two different kind of buttons. I have a button that does this-
Sub InsertRow()
'this inserts a row where the button is clicked.
Dim r As Range
However, when I try and create these codes using a Command button (I need it for the color), I get the error
"unable to get the buttons property of the Worksheet class"
P.S one other thing, say the button is in row 3, and Cells A1 and A2 are merged, when you click the button in row 3, it should extend the merge to A3.
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Jul 18, 2012
I am using a worksheet to scan or enter students into a school event and determine their eligibility to participate in the event. Everything is working great but I need to do the following on Enter Student button click:
1) Cut scanned value (ID number) from input Cell A1
2) Paste value into next empty cell in column A (Rows build as students are inputted)
3) Copy Eligibility status (text) from column F into A6
I have a limited VBA/Macro background and have NEVER got a button to work.
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Oct 26, 2012
i have a workbook , workbook A , workbook A has 5 command buttons with different names on them., i want a macro code , i have some data on workbook A as well , as soon as i click one of the command button suppose user click on B, data gets copied and gets pasted into the workbook B , which is in different folder .
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Feb 10, 2014
I have a file with the following columns:
ID Number - Name - Email - Comments
Is there a way that for each row and email is sent with the ID number, name and comments?
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Apr 18, 2009
I have this workbook with 10 sheets. Each sheet has macros that are called from a floating toolbar. What I am trying to do:
I want to create a msgbox that warns me when I click in a toolbar's button to call a macro that not runs in the activesheet. Something like: "This code (or macro) doesn't match (or run) with the active sheet.
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Dec 27, 2006
I have many workbooks that I receive from clients I run various Excel VBA macros on depending on which workbook it is, and I need to automate all of this so that anyone can run an simple .exe user interface designed in VB 2005 Express Edition where when that interface is run, a window opens on the destop with a collection of buttons, when the user clicks one of the buttons, Excel launches, loads the appropriate file and runs an already-existing appropriate Excel macro, then some file maintenance is done, like moving a group of files from one subdirectory to another.
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Jun 6, 2009
I am using VBA to pull a web query to get sone info from an intranet site.
Unfortunately, the data it pulls is usually old. I've found the only solution is to open a browser manually and to click the Reload button on the web page then navigate back to my workbook and run it again. Then it will pull the most up to date info.
I've tried several ways of forcing a refresh of the data, but have not figured it out yet.
I have been trying the past couple of hours to use the send keys button to tab down to the button on the page I need and to hit enter, thus forcing a refresh, but I can't seem to get that to work either.
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Nov 4, 2009
On a spreadsheet I have a button which has a macro assigned to it, for some reason when I protect the worksheet then then click the button, nothing happens (or though I do get egg timer for a second). but when I unprotect the shet its fine.
ive used this type of method many tiems, and cant see what the problem is, have tried all combination of locking and unlocking cells in and around etc, but nothign changes it.
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Feb 14, 2007
I have a spreadsheet with 6 buttons on it. Ive been using the code from Daves Download Page to log users of the spreadsheet, however im now want to log which button is being clicked the most. Is this possible? Ive tried to do it myself, by adding a hidden sheet, and adding code to each button to add a line to the new sheet each time the button was clicked etc, but faield miserably.
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May 5, 2009
Now that the calculations are working, with the press of a button, I need to be able to select a range of dates and copy all lines within the range to a seperate sheet with the desired name under the same headings they currently reside under. I have included some modified code that is being used in another spreadsheet that was created for me, but I do not pretent to understand all of it and I no longer work with the creator of the spreadsheet. How do I use a button to open the form for date selections and entering the name of the new sheet, and then use the start button on the form to begin the matching and copying to a new sheet? If there is an easier way I am all for that too.
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May 18, 2014
I need to capture / record a cross country race results in excel. Is the a code already available to log time (per click / press enter) as the runners complete the race and capture their time...?
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May 22, 2014
I have the following code:
Each macro is assigned to its own button, Clear and Restore. What I'm trying to do is make it so that the macro attached to the Restore button will not activiate unless the Clear macro attached to the Clear button is clicked first and visa versa. I can't see to find anthing quite like it in my research.
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Jul 10, 2014
I've been looking for a way to save a worksheet as a PDF document and place it in a folder in Documents.
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Nov 17, 2008
I am looking at designing a simple radio button system which allows me to fill an adjacent cell with values from a certain column - so in the example, column C is the total value, and columns D-F will ideally have a radio button which a user can just click to select the value.
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Aug 20, 2009
once the command button on sheet 1 is clicked, a input box appears which asks "has this number been entered" and has a place to enter a number within the input box.
Once the info is entered in the input box, it searches through sheet 2 for the number. If the number is found, I would like for a box to pop up with the number found and the name that is next to the number from sheet 2.
If the number is not found, I would like for a box to pop up and say "number not found"
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Mar 16, 2012
I have a User form which had a button which redirects me to a certain sheet, e.g. If I wanted to go to stock sheet I would click cmdViewStock and it would open the stock worksheet meaning it works, but the userform still stays open. Is there a way in which once I click the cmdViewStock it opens the Stock worksheet but closes the userform automatically straight after?
Here is the current code I have for the button:
Private Sub cmdViewStock_Click()
End Sub
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Mar 16, 2012
I have a form that allows users to browse for a file so the location can be stored in a cell. When they select a file the form then creates another area so people can browse for another file. (Similar to an attach a file on an email)
The problem I have is that when I create the next button I don't know how to add a _click event to it.
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Apr 25, 2012
I'he a button in Excel Userform and i want to open directory using button cliick and put selected directory in textbox1 e.g. i've selected D:Susheel then it will reflect in textbox1
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May 19, 2013
When my worksheet is activated, code is executed which defaults the values in my userform controls. The users enter the appropriate data, and with the clicking of a command button, the data is entered into the worksheet. When that is complete, the idea is to return the user to same form, in a default value so they can enter in new data for submission. This will continue until the user selects the Exit button onthe userform.
With wshairport
.Range("A" & llastrow).Value = uf2.ident
.Range("B" & llastrow).Value = uf2.freq
.Range("C" & llastrow).Value = slocation
.Range("D" & llastrow).Value = slat
.Range("E" & llastrow).Value = slong
End With
Application.EnableEvents = False
This is resulting in an 'Object doesn't support this property or method.'
I'm not sure about the appropriateness here of the 'Application.Enableevents=False" here. Since the fields of the userform have change events associated with them, I need to disable that what the userform activation code defaults them.
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