Spreadsheet That I Have Variable Data In And I Want To Transfer Specific Parts Of The Workbook Into A Word Doc
Nov 25, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that I have variable data in and I want to transfer specific parts of the workbook into a Word doc.
Not a problem with the Excel part, I can select each and every cell that I want, copy them and then...
Recording a macro hasn't done the trick as the code I have only copies and doesn't paste. I know I can edit the code to open Word but the problem is that when in Word, the data needs to go to very specific places, some of it goes in the header, most goes in the main body, I can't see how this could be done as there are no cell refs as in Excel!
is it possible to paste to say halfway in a sentence, in a macro?
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Feb 23, 2014
I have data in 2 different workbooks, and I need to transfer all data in 'Jx_ex1' to sheet1 in the 'template' workbook, and all data in 'Gr_ex1' to sheet2 in 'template' workbook. All data should be transferred to the same cell numbers, from A1 to Y5000. I actually have loads of workbooks to transfer to the template but if I have an example with the two then im sure I can work out how to modify it. All files will be in the same folder.
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Jul 5, 2007
What I want to know: Is is possible to have information from one spreadsheet move specific data to another spreadsheet in the same workbook?
for example: I have hundreds of listings of tool measurements.
Date Tool type Measurements
What I want to do is have all the different types of tools and the information from the above line seperated into other spreadsheets. I do not want to sort this information and manually move it I want a formula that will move each applicable tool into that sub sheet. I have tried to use if statements but find that it creates subsheets with the correct tool types but has the spaces in between the parts. how do I eliminate the spaces?
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Feb 15, 2009
From the attached spreadsheet I need to transfer all the rows where the issue status in column T is either ongoing or open. Now I know how to transfer them over if row 1,2,3 etc was going into row 1,2,3 etc into the new spreadsheet but as not all rows from this sheet is going over I need to now how to transfer data so in the new spreadsheet it just follows down rather than have spaces in it. i.e. if on this sheet I need to transfer data from rows 1, 5, 10, 15 on the new one they go into row 1,2,3,etc
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Jan 16, 2012
I have a spreadsheet called DATA1 that has code in 3 cells B2, D2, F2.
I want a peace of code that will allow me to transfer this data when I click a macro button (Lets call the button "transfer") to another spreadsheet call SALES1.
to do this it has to open the cell and place the data in the same cells on sheet1 of sales
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Jun 28, 2012
I am trying to transfer data from two different spreadsheets where their data has common column titles and then transfer it to a Master spreadsheet. These two spreadsheets will have different filenames most of the time. If the first spreadsheet has a new data, then it needs to be transferred to master spreadsheet and when the other shpreadsheet has a new data, it will be added to the mast template as well. The problem is those two spreadsheets always change their filenames. How can I have a macro that will rely on the columns instead where data resides and transfer it to master template?
What I am trying to achieve is like two buckets with water (two spreadsheets wth some common columns) and their water will be transferred to a big water drum (master spreadsheet). For now, what I'm doing is always copy and paste data to the master spreadsheet and it takes me forever to do it one by one.
I don't know if I can attach my spreadsheets here so I only put the link for pictures [URL] ........
This is what I have:
Sub UpdateFromTable1And2()
Dim sFileName(1 To 2) As String ' List of file names
Dim nFile As Long ' Index for file name list
Dim wb As Workbook ' Opened workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet ' Worksheets("Combined") in this workbook
[Code] ..........
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Jul 25, 2014
I'm transferring data from a PDF to Excel (the PDF link will be at the bottom of this post). Specifically, I need to get addresses from this document, so, three lines of text into four different cells. I don't need to include the state, but I do need to separate city and zipcode; see below for example.
The PDF is set up as a table, but when copying full pages of it into Excel, everything goes to one column. To complicate things further, the pages do not all follow an identical pattern.
Right now, I'm just manually copying and pasting each cell, but I trust the Excel gods (or demons) that there must be a more efficient way to do this.
This is the link to the PDF document: [URL]...
To give an example of what I'm doing, the first row of my spreadsheet reads as follows: Kroger Limited Partnership I d/b/a Kroger, 1617 Delaware Ave, Mccomb, 39648 (commas represent cell separation).
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Aug 5, 2009
I'm trying to transfer information I have held in a table format into a database format.
I'm using array variables to hold the table data and now I'm trying to use this data held within the array to produce a database.
For example:
A 1 2
B 2 3
C 3 4
My code would look like this:
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Mar 4, 2013
Currently I am working on a system uploading data from word(with what i think has a script) into a database one by one.(template of somesort) the data is stored into the database in word format.
can i place all the data in rows then get excel to transfer cell content into word and wait for it to upload then clear the contents(word) then do the next row(excel) until it did every cell that's filled? do i need any other applications for this one or can excel alone do it? i'd also like to add a new tab to excel for the command on when excel will do this.
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Mar 13, 2013
I want a Macro that I would like to assign it to Control Button on Spreadsheet 1. When the user clicks on this Button only "Selected data" i.e. Cells A3, B4, C5, E5 will be transferred to Spreadsheet 2. The data transferred into Spreadsheet 2 should be inserted in the first available row and hence not override other data. Also, I have a question, both files will be sitting on the same shared network path however,for the update to happen to we need to have both files opened at the same time? If yes can we design something to update Spreadsheet 2 without having it opened?
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Mar 18, 2014
I would like to set up a maintenance register where I would have:
worksheet 1 - a page where staff can choose a location and choose a maintenance issue and hit submit
worksheet 2 - after they have hit submit the detail will appear in designated cells in worksheet 2 (a ledger of maintenance issues). so each submit should send the info to a new line in worksheet 2.
I have a basic knowledge of Excel and have used formulas and functions before but not VBA/Macros. Any step by step through setting up the submit button and macro correctly?
I've tried to do Worksheet("Register").Range("A2").Value = Worksheet("Request").Range("A1") after installing a push button but all I get is errors.
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Dec 16, 2008
im looking for some code to transfer cells a3,d6,f9,i6,k10 and i18 from open workbook named "hello"
closed workbook named "goodbye" and input to next available row
a3 to a1
d6 to a2
f9 to a3
i6 to a4
k10 to a5
i18 to a6
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Jan 6, 2013
I'm looking for code that will move the cursor after the "enter" key is pressed through specific cells/order listed in the code, which can be changed as required. Using the option/tools cursor movement affects all excel documents which we don't want - just the specific sheet we are working in.
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May 29, 2014
I'm looking to write a macro code that copies two specific columns to a separate spreadsheet in the same workbook, and then sort the rows by values in ascending order.
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Apr 7, 2014
Select Specific Cells And Transfer This Data Into A New Row In A Different Worksheet, how can I do this in a macro?
I am trying to pull a select 6,048 rows out of 288,000 rows.
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Mar 5, 2009
I am trying to select specific cells and transfer this data into a new row in a different worksheet. The code i am using i used sucessfully on a user form to take the entries from text boxes and place in a row in a new worksheet. I would like to try and do the same thing but on a worksheet rather than a user form. My code is
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Mar 14, 2014
I have a User form with a combo box that is populated with numbers (1 thru 50) and four text boxes for first name, last name, email & cell number.
It all works fine. However: I would like it to transfer the data to (Sheet3) in numerical order... In other words, If the user picks number 5 his data would be entered in the fifth row.(or sixth counting header). Or if he chooses number 37, his info would be entered into row 37 (38 with header) of (Sheet3)
It currently populates the next empty row.
My code is below, How would I modify it to accomplish this?
Private Sub EnterButton_Click()
'Populates GetNumber Combo Box
Dim w As Worksheet, x As Long
Set w = Sheets("Sheet2")
x = w.Columns(19).Find(Me.GetNum.Value, lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues).Row
w.Range("S" & x).Delete
[Code] ............
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Apr 3, 2009
I am trying to figure out how to do the coding for a command button in a userform I've created. It has 5 textbox fields. I want the command button when clicked to transfer the data in those 5 fields to 5 specific cells in a hidden sheet. Then I also want that button to launch a word document.
Anyone know how I can go about this or where I can go that explains the specific coding?
I've tried searching with mixed confusing results & read through http://www.contextures.com/xlUserForm01.html#Top & http://www.theofficeexperts.com/down...ExcelDownloads examples.
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Jan 30, 2014
I have a program I built and need to transfer data from a form, from workbook "C" to another workbook "W". The workbooks are open by different users . 90% of what I locate on the Web pertains to worksheets and what don't, does not work. The folders are stored in my Public Documents.
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Mar 19, 2014
How to transfer data from one workbook that's open to another in a macro form. I included two sample data workbooks I have. Sample will have the macro inside it and will already be open for the other portion of the macro that will be running. I already have code that will open up the Sample2 file. I'm trying to take specific data from Sample and paste it into a summary sheet in Sample2. In Sample i will be cycling through roughly 30 sheets to find this data but I only included one because I just need to know the basics on how to make this work and then how to modify it.
Sample2.xlsx Sample.xlsx
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Mar 27, 2014
I have the following "if" statement
=IF('Audit Blank'!H53=2,SUM('Audit Blank'!I12:M12),"")
but it is not doing what i want and think i need some vba coding which i am not up to speed with. Basically i have an excel workbook containing a number of worksheets and what i want to do is enter data on the 1st worksheet which then populates the summed data into a second worksheet into a specific column dependant on the week no. that appears in a cell on the 1st worksheet. eg. the week number will appear in cell H53 the details in the sum of H12:L12 would then appear in cell I4 under the column heading Week 1 in the second worksheet, the sum of H13:L13 would then appear in cell I5 and so on. Where my "if" statement falls down is when the week number changes to "2" all the data under the column heading week 1 disappears but i need it to remain and the data for week 2 to be placed under the column heading week 2 in the second worksheet.
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Jun 16, 2013
I have several hundred workbooks an am trying to write a macro to transfer data from another workbook "_TABLES.xlsm" to each of them. By using 'Record Macro' I have so far come up with -
Windows("12-01-01 Results.xlsm").Activate
Where "12-01-01 Results.xlsm" is the receiving book. My question is - what do I call a generic sheet so as I may drop the macro in all the other workbooks not labelled "12-01-01 Results.xlsm".
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Nov 9, 2008
I'm after some Vb Code for windows97 That will Export Data from one Workbook to another.
Please find attached both workbooks. Both workbooks will always be in the same folder.
I have a Rota sheet that i update weekly, once completed i need to export the data to the Master Rota workbook.
I need it to find the Staff Id Number then find the correct Date and import the Data in the correct cells.
A simple Copy and Paste is not an option with the master rota sheet.
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Jun 4, 2014
I want to pull data from my excel file (using VBA) into Ms Word. I created a template in Word and wrote a macro to do this, it worked, however, anytime a new row is inserted or deleted in my excel spreadsheet my macro produces wrong results in my Ms Word template because the cell position has shifted, thereby producing the wrong result. How do i make it that my result remain the same when new row is added to my spreadsheet.
Excel row1: vicky 528
row2: sam 532
row3: john 092
row4: Own 211 word template: 092
This is what happen next:
Excel (New row added) Macro: ThisDocument.ScreenedPatients.Caption = wb.Sheets("CSAs").Cells(16, 1)
row1: pat 542
row2: vicky 528
row3: sam 532
row4: john 092
row5: Own 211 resulting Word template(running macro): word template: 532
But I want John to automatically go on the Word template without going into macro to change it all the time when a new row is added.
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Mar 29, 2009
I would like to use a vba procedure/procedures to achieve the following:
I have a folder with many Word2003 forms in and I want to save just the data from each form and then import the data into an Excel spreadsheet.
Currently I am opening each .doc file in turn, saving just the data to a new plain text (comma separated file) in a different folder and am unable code searching that folder for all the text files and importing them into the spreadsheet.
I have a two part question to my current approach:
1) I am 99% there with the first part (opening and converting the forms) with the following code having followed advice from another thread but I need Word open and not showing an open document. Is it possible to add code to take care of opening Word in the background and close it again after so the process is fully automated?:
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Feb 19, 2013
I have a word template that gives a popup when started for the user to fill out. At present this is okay, but it is hard to maintain. So what I want is to be able to add all needed information in Excel - since our tools have the possibility to export my needed info to this.
I have a spreadsheet in Excel 2010 named 'Input TR'. This info I want in the popup macro in word. When choosing name from a dropdown menu - I want Excel to give me the choices instead of having it in the coded macro. After I have choosen the name - I want the product belonging for this name in the 'Product/Service:' dropdown menu, e.g Test 1 will give the value 1...5. (I will only be able to choose one of them)
Today - everything is coded in the word2010 macro, and thus difficult to maintain.
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Jun 20, 2013
Basically I have manually generated word documents based on a spreadsheet. Now, I need to countercheck the contents of the word documents with another spreadsheet i.e. make sure the courses in the word document for a particular student is same as that reflected on the spread sheet. Is it possible to write a macro for this? I'm a beginner and I'm waaay out of my depth. I have attached sample documents and spreadsheets.
The link to the documents are as follows: Macro to check data from Word documents against an excel spread sheet
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Jan 9, 2013
I am now on my third attempt to perform a fairly basic task of transferring data keyed to a separate log. I originally started with a user form transferring to a separate work book however this was not practical. I then had a values keyed into a worksheet being transferred to a separate workbook however network issues mean this data keeps being lost.
I am now trying to simply transfer data keyed in one worksheet to the next available line in a different worksheet in the same workbook.
Here is my code that I have chopped and mashed together from my previous versions.
The sheet the data is be keyed into is called Key and the sheet where the data is to be sent is called log. I would also like the values in the Key sheet to cleared once transferred:
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Log")
iRow = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row + 1
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Key.Range("E7")
End Sub
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Sep 25, 2007
Workbook A contains data that feeds into Workbook B. Workbook B retrieves data from Workbook A (via a macro) and then puts data into cells in Workbook B, Workbook B process the information and does calculations etc... on the data from A. Now I want to transfer the results back to Workbook A in specific cells.
Example (just for information only and not actual problem): Workbook A, contains employee information, years in company, position etc... This is transferred to Workbook B (this portioin I have coded and tested). Workbook B calculates pay, benefits etc... Now I want to put the pay information back to Workbook A.
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Jul 29, 2013
I have a very large inventory spreadsheet (30,000+ lines) where finished goods are listed on one line and the raw materials (parts) that make up that finished good are listed below. After the last raw material for a finished good is listed, the next finished good is on the next line (and so on). First, I need to sort the lines to eliminate certain common raw materials. Next I need to take the lowest raw material inventory level and have that as the default inventory level for the finished good.
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