Adding Submit Buttons To Transfer Data To Live Spreadsheet

Mar 18, 2014

I would like to set up a maintenance register where I would have:

worksheet 1 - a page where staff can choose a location and choose a maintenance issue and hit submit
worksheet 2 - after they have hit submit the detail will appear in designated cells in worksheet 2 (a ledger of maintenance issues). so each submit should send the info to a new line in worksheet 2.

I have a basic knowledge of Excel and have used formulas and functions before but not VBA/Macros. Any step by step through setting up the submit button and macro correctly?

I've tried to do Worksheet("Register").Range("A2").Value = Worksheet("Request").Range("A1") after installing a push button but all I get is errors.

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Submit Button To Transfer Data From One Spreadsheet Into Another?

Mar 13, 2013

I want a Macro that I would like to assign it to Control Button on Spreadsheet 1. When the user clicks on this Button only "Selected data" i.e. Cells A3, B4, C5, E5 will be transferred to Spreadsheet 2. The data transferred into Spreadsheet 2 should be inserted in the first available row and hence not override other data. Also, I have a question, both files will be sitting on the same shared network path however,for the update to happen to we need to have both files opened at the same time? If yes can we design something to update Spreadsheet 2 without having it opened?

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Data Transfer To A New Spreadsheet

Feb 15, 2009

From the attached spreadsheet I need to transfer all the rows where the issue status in column T is either ongoing or open. Now I know how to transfer them over if row 1,2,3 etc was going into row 1,2,3 etc into the new spreadsheet but as not all rows from this sheet is going over I need to now how to transfer data so in the new spreadsheet it just follows down rather than have spaces in it. i.e. if on this sheet I need to transfer data from rows 1, 5, 10, 15 on the new one they go into row 1,2,3,etc

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Transfer Data To Another Spreadsheet?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a spreadsheet called DATA1 that has code in 3 cells B2, D2, F2.

I want a peace of code that will allow me to transfer this data when I click a macro button (Lets call the button "transfer") to another spreadsheet call SALES1.

to do this it has to open the cell and place the data in the same cells on sheet1 of sales

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Transfer Data From One To Another Spreadsheet

Jun 28, 2012

I am trying to transfer data from two different spreadsheets where their data has common column titles and then transfer it to a Master spreadsheet. These two spreadsheets will have different filenames most of the time. If the first spreadsheet has a new data, then it needs to be transferred to master spreadsheet and when the other shpreadsheet has a new data, it will be added to the mast template as well. The problem is those two spreadsheets always change their filenames. How can I have a macro that will rely on the columns instead where data resides and transfer it to master template?

What I am trying to achieve is like two buckets with water (two spreadsheets wth some common columns) and their water will be transferred to a big water drum (master spreadsheet). For now, what I'm doing is always copy and paste data to the master spreadsheet and it takes me forever to do it one by one.

I don't know if I can attach my spreadsheets here so I only put the link for pictures [URL] ........

This is what I have:

Sub UpdateFromTable1And2()
Dim sFileName(1 To 2) As String ' List of file names
Dim nFile As Long ' Index for file name list
Dim wb As Workbook ' Opened workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet ' Worksheets("Combined") in this workbook

[Code] ..........

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How To Transfer Data From PDF To Spreadsheet

Jul 25, 2014

I'm transferring data from a PDF to Excel (the PDF link will be at the bottom of this post). Specifically, I need to get addresses from this document, so, three lines of text into four different cells. I don't need to include the state, but I do need to separate city and zipcode; see below for example.

The PDF is set up as a table, but when copying full pages of it into Excel, everything goes to one column. To complicate things further, the pages do not all follow an identical pattern.

Right now, I'm just manually copying and pasting each cell, but I trust the Excel gods (or demons) that there must be a more efficient way to do this.

This is the link to the PDF document: [URL]...

To give an example of what I'm doing, the first row of my spreadsheet reads as follows: Kroger Limited Partnership I d/b/a Kroger, 1617 Delaware Ave, Mccomb, 39648 (commas represent cell separation).

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Command Button (submit) Spreadsheet Level

Jun 2, 2009

I have made a userform with some code in it that I would like to be on the spreadsheet itself instead of a user form? How is this done? The problem is getting the below code to work at spreadsheet level since I did not write the code below. I have the button the spreadsheet, but I don't know how to see the name of the button or assign the below command to the button.

I need a macro to copy data from the two combo boxes that appear on the spreadsheet and place the data into cell A for the first combo box and cell B for the second combo box.

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Transfer Array Data To Spreadsheet

Aug 5, 2009

I'm trying to transfer information I have held in a table format into a database format.

I'm using array variables to hold the table data and now I'm trying to use this data held within the array to produce a database.

For example:

A 1 2
B 2 3
C 3 4



My code would look like this:

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Time Countdown - A Live Clock In The Spreadsheet?

Nov 5, 2011

I need to calculate how much time I've got left before the earliest order needs to be despatched (it might be 2 or more on every day). This wouldn't be a problem if orders would be placed daily. But for every item it varies. For example: for "X" product there is an order in 3 days time to be despatched at 19:00. I have built a live clock in the spreadsheet but I can't work out the formula.

P.S. Also I need two time formats, first - days(text) hh:mm second - just a numeric value that can be formated as [hh:mm].

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Spreadsheet That I Have Variable Data In And I Want To Transfer Specific Parts Of The Workbook Into A Word Doc

Nov 25, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that I have variable data in and I want to transfer specific parts of the workbook into a Word doc.

Not a problem with the Excel part, I can select each and every cell that I want, copy them and then...

Recording a macro hasn't done the trick as the code I have only copies and doesn't paste. I know I can edit the code to open Word but the problem is that when in Word, the data needs to go to very specific places, some of it goes in the header, most goes in the main body, I can't see how this could be done as there are no cell refs as in Excel!

is it possible to paste to say halfway in a sentence, in a macro?

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Sizing With Adding Buttons

Jul 10, 2009

I've written a macro to add buttons to a sheet of mine. The buttons call up various other macros. The problem I'm having seems to be a screen update. I've set the button size to be greater than the number of characters it contains. However when I run the macro, it first adds the button at its default size (width which is too small), and bombs out.

Below is the code I'm using:

Dim Width As Integer, Height As Integer, HzSpace As Integer, VtPos as integer

Width = 144
Height = 20
VtPos = 400
HzPos = 275

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Spreadsheet Model & Buttons

Dec 20, 2006

I want to create a button on this spreadsheet - the button will be called z4 in the "Yr 9 ICT" sheet

it will include the following

rows Jane Bloggs 2
rows Jane Bloggs 12
rows Jane Bloggs 22
rows Jane Bloggs 32
rows Jane Bloggs 33
rows Jane Bloggs 42
rows Jane Bloggs 44
rows Jane Bloggs 66

What do I have to do to create this.

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Setting Up Spreadsheet That Will Transfer Value To Another One

Mar 11, 2014

I am setting up a few spreadsheets for a restaurant I work at and I am stuck on an excel matter. I am trying to have an ordered number transfer to a new spreadsheet that will apply that ordered amount to a monetary value. So all my cooks would do is put the prep list on dropbox and it would take the ordered amount by the recipe cost to get an invoice for that day.

1st Sheet 2nd Sheet 3rd Sheet
Prep List: Recipe Costings: Daily Invoice:
Sausage - 2 x Batch Sausage - $229.03 $458.06
Pesto - 3 x Batch Pesto - $74.04 $222.12

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Vba: Transfer Spreadsheet Method

Mar 12, 2008

Im trying to use the transferspreadsheet method to load some data in an access table, but using my current code, it gives me an error, saying that the file is already opened by another user, or that i need permission to view it.

that it is open, is true, since I'm loading from that spreadsheet.

this is the code I have now:

Sub LoadSheet()
Dim accappl As Access.Application
Dim strpathdb As String
Dim strpathxls As String
Dim myrange As Range

Set myrange = Range("a32").CurrentRegion

'path van de database
strpathdb = "X:credepSTRAT_PLANStratPlan.mdb"
'path van de upload file
strpathxls = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
Set accappl = New Access.Application

accappl.OpenCurrentDatabase strpathdb

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3, "Tbl_Growth_Metric", strpathxls, False, "myrange"

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Adding Buttons And Event Code

Dec 17, 2009

How do I make a Command Button and put event handling code (in the VBE) to handle the click event?

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Adding Menu Buttons Programmatically

Aug 19, 2009

I have a suite of subroutines and functions stored in an .xla file, which other users have access to. It's installed on the local machine via macro which installs a user defined menu to access them from. Howerver, when an XL chart worksheet is active, this menu doesn't appear and there are a couple of functions where it would be useful to have access to when viewing such a chart. I've noticed user defined toolbar icons are available in this view, so would like to use these to access the relevant routines. I know you can insert them in code (macro recorder) but is it possible to assign macros to them from the same code? Alternatively, is it possible to show my user defined menu in chart sheets as well as normal worksheets?

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Disabling Command Buttons In A Spreadsheet

Jul 8, 2013

I have 3 cpmmandbuttons in a spreadhseet named "Controls" . viz

Trim and Edit Base DataCreateReportArchive

They are always run in the same order.

My Aim is to disable and gray out the Archive button once its assigned macro is run(by clicking it) so that it activates only next time that the workbook is opened.

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How To Create Buttons To Navigate Around A Spreadsheet

Feb 23, 2007

I was wondering how to create buttons such that when the user clicks on the button they are automatically taken to a different part of the workbook.

I'd like to do this because my spreadsheet is now large enough such that navigating just using the sheet tabs at the bottom is not ideal.

I can create a hyperlink, but I think a button just looks nicer.

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Default Menu Buttons On The Spreadsheet

May 2, 2007

Is it possible to put the standard Excel buttons (as in the ribbon in 2007 or the toolbars in 2003) actually on the spreadsheet. I would like, for example, to put the " pivot table refresh button" on my spreadsheet somewhere in the middle, separate from the program. Can I extract or import these Excel program's buttons somehow to insert elsewhere?

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Data Validation Conflict After Submit Button - VBA

Feb 10, 2014

I have a simple form built, but the data validation is only partially working. I've attached a sample workbook.

basically, when a user tries to put in a letter in the GP interaction field rather than a number, it prompts user to re-enter. This part is working, except when the submit button has been clicked, the field clears. the field clears, it prompts the user to re-enter.

form based input - Copy.xlsm‎

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Copy Values From One Spreadsheet And Transfer To Another?

Aug 31, 2012

I am currently trying to run a macro that will take all of the values from one column in a workbook, copy and paste them in another sheet in the workbook. The data may vary in size and the macro must run until the preceding columns value (on the same row) is empty, which will signify that there are no more values to copy. Also this data may duplicate, which in this case I would only like to paste unique values.

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Excel - Adding Radio Buttons / Checkboxes

Apr 3, 2014

I was viewing this thread here: [URL] ...

How to add checkboxes and radio buttons.

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Excel 2007 :: Preventing Adding Buttons?

Nov 1, 2011

I have an Excel 2007 template which is used for data entry. I want to disable cut, copy and paste functionality and have disabled shortcut keys via VBA and used CustomUI to leave a bare ribbon. However, a user can still add cut, copy and paste buttons to their quick access menu. Any way to prevent this?

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Submit Options From Dropdown Menu And Get Data From Website

May 26, 2014

I am trying to get data from this site in excel. I need to select options from drop down menu (like bank name, balance sheet and date).

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Live Data Download Through VBA

Jan 26, 2012

I wanted to know how to download live data (stock data from a a website) through VBA.

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Logging Live Data

Nov 30, 2008

I'd like to log live update data continuously,i.e. as the data in the cell changes. The problem I'm facing is that the data comes in at uneven intervals-- ranging from 30 to 50 ticks per second. So I can't really use a timer function. I need to use some function which saves the data as the cell value changes. So, for example, if cell A1 gets updated continuously, cell B1 could save the first value of A1 and then cell B2 could save the second value of cell A1-- and so forth.

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Submit Data Entry Into Protected Sheet Without Being Able To Edit By User?

Sep 26, 2012

I have created a simple userform that is linked to a button on sheet1. When the data in the userform is submitted, I set it up so it goes into a database under sheet2. The problem is, I don't want anyone modifying the entries in the database. Usually I would protect the sheet with a password, but when I do that, there is an error when the userform is submitted. The only thing I can think of is to hide sheet2, which doesn't seem like a great solution.

Is there any way to protect my database from being modified yet still allow the userform to be linked to it?

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Display Live Internet Data

Jun 19, 2009

eg having a live rate of intrest or exchange rate from the internet that is updated live whenever you load up excel and you are connceted to the intenet.

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Multiple Live Feed / Data

Aug 28, 2009

I have set an excel spreadsheet set up to update live data from a URL every 5 minutes. However I am wanting to do try and save a bit of time if possible.

Basically I am monitoring horses bought on a game website. Each horse has the same URL except for the number at the end which goes up in 1 increments. The URL is already set up and when the horse is bought it changes from being blank to having the horses details etc.

At the minute I am able to autofill cells with each uinique URL using fill, then series menu. This is so I dont have to manually enter each URL, as hundreds may be bought each day so it would take too long to do this.

My question is this, am i able to have a automatic series linked to the 'data from web' function in data tab, instead of having to manually adjusting each URL for each individual horse.

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Connect Live Data In Sheet

Dec 30, 2009

How To Connect Live Data in an Excel Sheet?

I want to track changes in some Stocks, I have made a sample file in Excel and would like to make it Live by Connecting it to a website..

However, I do not know how to go about the same?Can some please provide some examples as well as a File if possible explaining how it was done..

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