To Set Up A Web Query That Gets The Player Roster

Mar 13, 2007

I'm trying to set up a web query that gets the Player Roster from and one column is giving me trouble.

On the web site, this column is the player's height, listed as, for example, 6-2.

When the web query import is complete, this column displays a date instead of the height.... so 6-2 comes in as 2-June.

How do I massage this column to display the height and not a date?

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Automatically Place Player Based Results & Player Ranking

Feb 22, 2009

i m creating a formula that will automatically place players in the correct position based on the outcome and there rank.

I have created an example sheet and the results should be in cells E3:E15

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Age Table To See If A Player Is Too Old By Years

Mar 25, 2009

i am trying to make and age table to see if a player is too old by years, months and days all i can do is Years i need something like the following

1/10/2009 cut off date birthday is 8/5/1991

all i can do is the following

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Compare 1 Player To 3 Other Players

May 22, 2009

I need a formula for comparing the scores of 4 players from games won or tied.
I want to know for each game who won, tied or lost.

Below is how I compare 1 player to another.

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Pool League And Use To Track Player Handicaps

Oct 18, 2006

I run a small town pool league and use excell to track player handicaps, ect. we use a simple system for handicapping. Players can be from 2- to 7+ (2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+) and so on. if a player is a 2+ and wins they go to a 3- and so on. I want to be able to just type a W or an L and have it look up the players previous handicap and return a new handicap in the next field. I've allready figured out how to count the W's and L's and return the total for a teams weekly wins on another page, and give stats on a players wins and losses. I then print each sheet out weekly. Teams have 8 players but only play 5 each week so some players might not play for 2,3 or more weeks. I also use access to keep track of all the people that have played in the league. some players play a few sessions then quit for a few. this way i can keep track of their handicaps when not playing and havew a list of all the people that have played in the league. Can i get excel to transfer a players handicap to access each time it changes?

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Random Team Making From Database Of Player And Ratings

Dec 8, 2013

My friend and I have created a Wallyball league (volleyball played on a squash court). Every week we have more and more players and making the teams is more and more complicated and time consuming. I created this Excel file to try and generate random teams faster.

team selection.xlsx

The file consist of :Jersey no. and player (A and B)rating if playing (C)rating (D)playing on a given day 0 or 1 (E)wallyball courts to generate random teams with a team rating and differential rating.

The only thing it needs is a non-repeating function (as of now, one player can be selected many times)

Also, the players should not be selected if they are not playing on a given day (column E = 0)

I have to do this WITHOUT using macro (1. I'm not familiar with macros ; 2. I have a free starter version of Excel, I don't think macros are enabled).

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Create And Calculate Player Statistics Using VLookup In Excel?

Jan 31, 2013

I am trying to create and calculate player statistics using Vlookup in Excel. This is what I am trying to do:

6Jordan Eberle00=VLOOKUP(TEXT(B6,"@"),B13:G14,4) used in C6
7James Neal 00=VLOOKUP(B7,B13:G14,4) used in C7

cell format is "general" in B6 thru B14

Lookup TableCol ECol FCol G
Player NameTeamGPGAPts
13James NealPITT4325
14Jordan EberleEDM1404

Imported Data from Yahoo Sports and have sorted in ascending order a-b-c-d

(pasted as text and than changed to General in Excel formatting)

I have tried using 2 different vlookup formulas structures, but no success. I have tried using numeric reference (i.e using numeric 1 in for both in the lookup table and the original cell) and that works.

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424 Object Required Error With VBA & Windows Media Player

Jul 21, 2006

I'm having some trouble with some VBA code written for Excel (Office 2003). I have a video file (in .wmv format) and a list of time stamps in an excel file. When I click a timestamp, I want to pop open the WMV and play it at that given time.

I've made some headway thanks to a few others, but I'm getting this "Run-time '424': Object required" error that I can't seem to fix. I've attached the file, and it occurs at the line "frmPlayer.Show" and I have no idea why!

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Making A Roster

Mar 30, 2007

I have been asked to make a formula that sums up the hours in a week and then tells me whether I am below or over the budgeted hours for that week!

I cant get it to work since I cant figure out how to have the same formula in all the cell that sums up early, mid and late shifts, ie 06-14, 14-22, 22-06.

The graveyard shift is a problem there since I get negative hours.

Further more, I need to have the formula ignore cells to be added up if it has letters in it, we write an R for Rostered day off.

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Formula For Costing Roster

Aug 6, 2008

Been trying to come up with a formula that I can use in cells to cost a roster.
What I want to be able to do is just input start times into cells and the hours worked is automatically costed out in another cell. The trouble I have been having is that different start times attract a shift allowance eg. before 05:00 you get a 20% loading for the whole shift, between 07:00 and 19:00 is 10% and any finishing time after 19:00 is 15%, don't know how to write the formula to do this.

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Rotate The Names In The Roster

May 28, 2007

Need excel formula (not a marco) to rotate the names in the roster.

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Holiday Roster Templates

Aug 19, 2007

where I might find some?

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Employee Shift Roster Template

Nov 19, 2008

Any non-commercial roster template that would suit 7 day/24 hour/4 person shifts?

Currently we use a totally manual spreadsheet which looks like a Rubik's Cube and does not offer any form of automation in order to speed up entry adn ensure no doubling-up or missing shifts.

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Calculating Total Number Of Hrs In A Roster

Jan 2, 2007

I am working on this for two days , but I got stuck on the last step. I have a roster for about 35 employees. Calculating the daily hrs was not a problem. But I am doing the roster for one week. And I want employee wise total of hrs worked. I am quite confused as the "sum" formula works for some totals and for others it does not, although all the cells are in the right format. I tried to change the "result" cell to "number" and multiply by 24 to get the hr total as a number, but it does not work.

for example "SUMIF(E1:E57,"rafik",H1:H57)" ( this is the formula for calculating hrs for "rafik" on monday. the result cell is in "hh:mm" format and gives me the right total.

Likewise upto sunday the totals are right. What I want to do is calculate the total number of hrs from mon to sun. This seems to be impossible. the formula =SUM(H60:AL60) in a dd:mm format does not work, even =SUM(H60:AL60)*24 in a "number format" does not work.

I have tried "excel help" , tried to change the format but nothing works. The result should be 52 hrs and I cant get it no matter what I do.

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Rotational Roster For Groups Of People

Jun 10, 2009

I manage an emergency response team which consists of around 50 people, made of 5 different teams and these folks need to take part in emergency exercise to keep their skills up. I'm currently building a training/exercise/ roster database in Excel and would like to add a function that tells me who in each team is due to take part in the next exercise. For info: In the actual workbook, I have names defined on the team members and using vlookup to populate the roster via a drop down list.

To explain the attached example; once the person who is at the top of the list (Name1) has done their exercise, they move to the bottom of the list. Then over time, as the others also take part in execises, Name1 is eventually is back at the top of the list the and it is their turn again (this is quite often known as a Squash Ladder, here in the UK). Is there a way I can vba this process via a button or even better (!) by a drop down list?

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Random Assignment To Work Roster

Jan 28, 2008

i was asked to make a fair rota and i found this 1 on this website its useful but i need to add to it. if you download this work rota you will understand what i mean i need to find out what the formula/macro is used in this work rota ...its exactly what i need but i need to add saturday and sunday to this rota and more duty columns as their is more employees and when i click the button it randomply places employees in different positions.

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Cmd Button Code To Display Video In Windows Media Player Object In Spreadsheet

Apr 22, 2009

I have a sample spreadsheet (uploaded to this thread) in which I have 10 command buttons named 'Video 1' to 'Video 10'. Next to these buttons is a Windows Media Player Object.
I require the code that upon clicking any of the video command buttons, the relevant video is opened and shown in the windows media object within the same sheet (sheet1).

I'm sure the code for each button will be the same apart from the cmd button reference number/name and the link to the file to be played.

If we assume all the videos are called as per their buttons i.e. Video 1.wmv, Video 2.wmv ... Video 10.wmv; and the location of these files is under 'C:Films', can someone post up some code for button 'Video 1' making it clear which variables to change for linking to the different files.

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How To Know Available Seats Left For Contact Center Roster

Feb 5, 2014

I would like to know that if i have seat count available according to floor and weekly off are planned according to team, also seat allocations is given floor wise, however i want to know how many seats are available on each floor or any given day.

I have attached excel sheet : Seat Allocation.xlsx

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FIFO Roster Calendar Identifying Same Days Off

May 10, 2014

Make an interactive calendar in excel. I would like to have 3 sheets. One were I can enter the names and corresponding reoccurring roster, that would be days on days off, a second sheet that does all the calcs etc and returns days of which all or most of the people are going to have off at the same time, so we can organise things in advance and maybe a third sheet that shows an actual graphical display of this information like a traditional calendar.

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Time Format - Add Hours In Total At The End Of Roster

Mar 26, 2013

When I enter L into B3 I want B3 to show a message.

i.e. B3 is blank, I enter L into B3, it the changes L to 0645 - 1515.

And it needs to be in time format so at the end of the roster i can add how many hours in total.

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Finding Duplicates And Highlight Enteries In A Roster

Sep 4, 2008

I have a roster for a large group in excel and would like to have an easy way to highlight if there are duplicate entries in the roster as we are merging multiple smaller lists together.

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Work Rota/Roster Calculating Hours

Aug 11, 2004

I am currently trying to create a rota / rosta for work which will show people what hours they are required to work, in a format similar to below:

NAME | SAT | SUN | MON | TUE |etc >
Person A| 8:00 - 17:00 | 13:00 - 22:00 | OFF | 8:00 - 13:00|
Person B| OFF | 17:00 - 22:00 | 8:00 - 17:00| OFF |

This is simple enough to create but I also need Excel to calculate how many hours each person is working in a week and the total number of hours used per day and per week. I found out that I can do this using a formula to work out hours and minutes between two times. However what I would also like Excel to do is deduct the unpaid breaks which the person is entitled to, however this depends on the times that they work, i.e. in the example above Person A would be entitled to a 1 hour unpaid lunch on Saturday, a half hour unpaid tea on Sunday and no unpaid break on Tuesday. Therefore 1 hour would be deducted off the Saturday total hours, 30 minutes would be deducted from the Sunday total hours and nothing taken off the Tuesday.

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Come Up With Automated Excel Table That Can Be Used To Create Car Park Roster?

Feb 7, 2014

I am trying to comeup with an automated excel table that can be used to create a carpark roster.

The carpark has 6 slots for whch I need to roster 9 staff on a weekly rotating basis. This needs to be done in an equitable manner. For example, at the end of a certain period of time, all staff memebers should have had equal chance and on the other hand we shouldnt have instance where a staff member goes two consecutive weeks without a car slot.

how i can optimally use excel to acheve the same?

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Generating A Repeating List Of Names From An Ever Changing Roster.

May 2, 2006

I have a workbook where Sheet 1 Col A is a list of dates. Sheet 2 Col A is a relatively short list of constantly changing names. I need to put this list of names in a repeating fashion in Sheet 1 Col B. Ideally I would like for Sheet 1 to regenerate Col B each time the roster list is changed.

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Pass Parameter From Excel Through MS Query To MS Access Query

Nov 26, 2012

I have an MS Access query that contains a parameter. The parameter is a date field, and I have configured that in the Access query. If I run the query within the MS Access user interface, it prompts me for the paramater value as expected, and runs just fine. However, I want to connect to this query from within Excel as a data source.

I have created a connection to the Access file using ODBC from within Excel. In the MS Query window, I am merely selecting all of the fields resident in the MS Access query, and returning all values. In other words, there is no selection criteria in the MS Query. I have done this many times with Access queries that DO NOT contain a parameter, and everything works fine. However, in this instance, I need to pass a parameter through to MS Access in order for the query to run. At the moment, I get the "Too Few Paramaters...1 expected" error message. This makes sense, because I haven't figured out how to pass the paramater to MS Access.

Is there a way to structure this that does not involve VB code? If so, I'd love to know how. I have tried creating parameters in MS-Query with the same name, but although I get the prompt it doesn't connect with the Access query as the source for the parameter value.

If the solution requires using code, I'm good with VB Code in there VB for Excel code that could make this happen?

Failing that, I guess there must be (I've seen a few in my search thus far) Access VB Code that can make this work. I'm very rusty using VB with Access, so this is my least favored solution. However, if this is the only option, keep in mind that I need to pass the paramater ultimately from a user who will initiate the process using Excel.

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Query Parameters Which Takes The Date From The Cell Into The Query

Mar 29, 2007

Need the query parameters which takes the date from the cell into the query. How should I modify my query if it needs to take the date from a cell?? The bold one date should be picked from one of the cell in sheet 2.

My query is this


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Highlighting Lowest Score Without Duplicates Highlighting And Counting Player Skins?

Feb 15, 2013

I found this spreadsheet on here and I have been trying to customize it to what I need. I am trying to have scores from skins match highlighted. I want only the minimum score to be highlighted but if there is another duplicate minimum score I don't want it to highlight anything. I also need to find a way to count the skins won by each player and have it off to the side.

For those not familiar with golf a Skin is a game where you try to get the lowest amount of strokes on a specific hole. Ex- 4 people play the hole one. P1 scores 4, P2 gets a 3, P3 and P4 get 6. The skin would go to P2 who has the lowest score on that hole.

Highlight lowest number in each column not highlighting if there are duplicates starting at L6 down to L11 and for each column till AC. And the same for the group just to the right on attached file.

On row 13 and 14 it tells me who won a skin. I want to tally up the total skins won by each player. so if Joe's names shows up twice on R14 I want it to tell me somewhere in the sheet Joe = 2

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Create An Conection With MS QUERY To A Csv And Query Data

Sep 6, 2008

I have a csv file on another drive on the network that i need to query. I believe that ms query would be the best way. I know that a DSN needs to be setup but this macro will be used by various users who wont know how to do that. thus I would like to create one via VBA every time the task needs to be run.
I haven't a clue how to do this and i need it to be explained to me in general terms with words of one syllable!

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Query An Access Query With VBA Function

Jul 8, 2008

I'm trying to query a query in Access 2003, from Excel 2003.

The query in Access looks like:
AccessQuery: [SELECT VBAFunction(field1) FROM Table]

The query in Excel looks like:
ExcelQuery: [SELECT * FROM AccessQuery]

I use the following VBA code in Excel to excecute the query:

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cDataSheetName).QueryTables.Add(Connection:=strConnection, _
Destination:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cDataSheetName).Range("A1"), Sql:=strQuery)
.RowNumbers = True
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
iResultRowCount = .ResultRange.Rows.Count
End With
When I execute this code I get the error message 'SQL Syntax Error' (Error 1004). When I remove the VBA function from the query in Access, it all works fine.

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Edit Query Using Query Wizard

Apr 25, 2006

I created an Ms Excel Database Query to bring in data from MS Access. (versions 2002 of MS Excel and Ms Access). The query works fine initially. I can right click, choose Edit Query and change my criteria. Results are returned almost instantly.

My problem is that, once I save the workbook, or autosave happens, I get an error when I right-click to Edit Query: This query cannot be edited by the Query Wizard..

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