Two Sheets That Need To Have Unique Partial Matches Aligned Side By Side
Jul 31, 2009
I have two sheets that need to have unique partial matches aligned side by side. My first sheet is my database. The righter most column of this sheet contains a unique combination of letters and numbers.
My second sheet contains a single column which I export each month from our CMS and is a list of URLs. Within each of these URLs appears the unique set of letters and numbers from sheet 1 (and only appears once).
There are about thrice as many URLs in sheet 2 as there are entries in my sheet 1 database.
Ideally, I would like the URL from sheet 2 that contains the unique combination from sheet 1 to be pasted in the cell immediately to the right of the given unique combination.
However, I will settle for a list of trues and falses next to the URLs in sheet two that I can erase the falses, sort and paste next to the sorted list from sheet 1.
Is it possible to compare two columns side by side to highlight/change color of difference between the two cells
I need to compare and show the changes to the record from previous version and generate a report which will highlight the changes (Rather than just saying that record has changed It should tell what has changed)
Is there a way to have separate Report Filters for each column in a pivot table?
I am trying to create a pivot table with 3 columns - 1: account code 2.current year (2011) 3. prior year (2010)
My Row Label is an account code field - each row is a different account code that sums up dollar amounts for the two financial years. The problem is that I need Columns 2 and 3 to have separate Report Filter criteria. So in Column 2 - I need the filter to weed out anything that is not 'Financial Year 2011'. In Column 3, I need the filter to weed out anything that is not 'Financial Year 2010'. Setting up a filter for one screws up the second, and vice versa.
Alternatively, how can I make two side-side-pivot tables that each have their own Report Filters?
i have 2 excel worksheets. One of them contains over 20,000 rows of entries (old side) and the other contains about 900 rows of entries (new side). Both contain the same 9 column headings. I've shortened the list in my workbook example.
What i need to do is excel to delete any row on the old side that is not contained on the new side. I don't need the rows to match fully but the column A's (Doc number) are what i want it to check against. I've included a summarised version of the database and the old and new are separated by a heavy blue line. Need to be left with the same rows on either side of that blue line at the end.
I'm trying to figure out how some conditional formating and I cant get it to work.
What I want is for column H to be highlighted based on the value of column I. So... If I2<721, then H2 will highlight green. If I2 is between 721&780, then H2 will be highlighted yellow. And if I2>780, then H2 will be red.
I know how to do it one cell at a time, but I need it to apply to the entire column based on the cell next to it. Also, I dont have access to visual basic.
I have a sheet with a number of repeating blocks copied down.
I would like a macro that when I select the first block, say range "A1:D30", the macro will cut the blocks below and put them side by side, so that I can compare them across.
i.e cut "A31:D60" and put it in "F1:I30" and so on ...
i have a sheet that contains side-by-side,below two formatted colums which has continuous weeks appearance(named PE sheet). i wanna to rearrange the colums to be a single top-down colums according to continuous weeks(named sheet2.are there any easier and faster techniques?a macro probably or a function? arrange(english).xlsm
i try do function, which will be search/monitoring in selected cell (colored – yellow, orange, blue) and display (in green/results column) the last value in row colored/selected cell (first value from right side – results will be only for row).
I have created "front page" which allow user to enter their enquiry.
The formula will be as per below.
Issuing World Bank -->if amount less then 500,000 = amount x 0.03125%; if amount from 500,000 - 2.5mil = amount x 0.015625%
Royal Bank -->amount x 0.0625% x no. of month (min charges 100) Deutsche Bank -->0.025% per 3 months (min. S$50)
Stand By LC World Bank -->0.02% per quarterly (3mths) - Amount X Rate X 1 (1 to 3mths) or X 2(4 to 6 mths) or X3 (7 to 9 mths) or X4 (10-12 mths) Royal Bank -->0.25%p.a by day (Principal x Rate x Day divide by 360 day x 100)
Am I able to set a formula for example:-
1. When I click on Mode of payment - Issuing
2. On my right hand side under column "Bank Name" will list down all bank available
3. On my right hand side under column "Estimate cost" will auto calc the cost base on the bank's formula.
I have a name list of my student with images using comment box. The problem is i want to put numbers on the right side of comment box automatically according the names list which makes easier to me to recognize them.
I have a column of values D1:D200. Using this =CELL("address",INDEX(D1:D200,MATCH(MAX(D1:D200),D1:D200,0))) it displays the cell with the largest value in. I have been trying to using VBA to select the 10 cells above and below the displayed CELL reference and so far I have failed. The largest value will always be somewhere in the centre of the column of values (between D50 and D150). I am looking to chart the trends leading up to and passed the largest value. I have been trying Range and Cells with no success
I have a macros in my spreadsheet when I open it a number in the macros goes up 1 each time the worksheet is opened. I want to put this file on a server that can be accessed by various people. The problem I am getting is every time someone opens it from a different location with a different PC the number starts at 1 again. I want to keep the number going up 1 each time no matter who opens it.
I am trying to SUM the total task done per date. The problem is, (for the sake of this problem) the DATE is in Column B and the Task Total is in Column A. I know that SUMIF is not possible because the SUM RANGE should be always on the right side of the CRITERIA.
My question is, is there other formula other than SUM IF to figure this out? or I have no choice but to Interchange the data in a matter that SUMIF function will run.
I know there is some shortcut key that displays the + and - for expanding and contracting subtotals on the left side bar - so you don't have to use the new commands on the ribbon bar in 2007.
I have an excel spread sheet and on the last column on the right hand side I have some comment boxes but when I hover over them they pop up to the right of the cell, and then they are off the screen.
Can I alter it to make the comment box pop up to the left side of the cell.
[Code] ....
Is it possible to adapt this code to get me the desired results or will it have to be a separate one.
Also i'm not sure if I have the code right because if I run the macro then open a comment box in the (M) column as in the code the comment box is the default size then if I run the macro again once I have the little red tick in the corner of the it changes to what the code says.
I have a form where I want to change the color box on the left hand side see attached image. Now it is a static and I want it dynamic where the user chooses the color. Now it is constant using an image with the color green, red, blue, etc... I want a color picker so user can pick their own colors and when the color is picked the code will pick the color number.
Need a way to switch the default positioning of pivot table row totals? I would like to left justify them insead of always having the totals on the far right side where they are often out of view to the user without scrolling. I end up having to place 2 pivot tables side by side so that I can make the totals appear first.
I've been given a spreadsheet that is poorly constructed but I'm not allowed to alter.
The layout is: Box Name Box Date ID1 ID2 ID3 .... Where there is not a fixed number of IDs in each box (There are five different sheets so I'll have some fun concatenating results)
Given a list of IDs I need to return the box name and box date that the ID's file sits in. The spreadsheet has blanks everywhere and the numbers contained in rows are non-consecutive and smaller values can appear later in a column than larger ones.
I think I need some combination of index, offset and maybe sumproduct? TBH, I avoid sumproducts like the plague, preferring to utilise sumifs and dynamic named ranges since this improves clarity so I'm basically a newb at them.
Any skeleton framework that you think would work to return the text values for the LHS where the number could be anywhere? Once I can see a rough example I should be able to get to grips with the logic and wrangle it into the necessary solution.