Unique Max

Nov 23, 2009

I have names in column A, "Yes" or "No" in column B, and a number in column C. I'm trying to write a formula that will do the following:

If column B is "Yes", and if the number in column C is the unique maximum of those in column B with "Yes", then return the name in column A, otherwise return text "false".

Alternatively, if the name in column A can not be returned, then return "true".

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Count All Unique Values (text) + Definition Of UNIQUE :D

Aug 24, 2009

If I have multiple entries with different but repeatable text values in one column - how do I count all unique ones ? Is there a function or does it have to be a pivot table of sth ?

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Assign Unique ID IF Adjacent Cell Has Unique Value?

Jun 5, 2014

I'm trying to think of a way to do this. I need a unique ID number per company, so I would want it to look something like this:

0001: Apple
0001: Apple
0002: Google
0003: Sony
0003: Sony
0003: Sony
0003: Sony
0004: Ford
0004: Ford
0004: Ford

.....and on and on for about 400+ rows. I think I know how to state the condition. IF B15 =/= B14 then....assign unique ID, else A15 = A14....or something to that effect.

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# Of Unique Dates Per Unique List Entry

Oct 22, 2009

Each product is represented by a serial number (column A).
The can be sorted on column A from smallest to largest prior to calculating results if that helps.

The repair list contains 1 entry per spare part used, so the same serial number may occur several times.

Furthermore, a product may have been repaired on several instances - so the serial numbers can span several dates (column B).

The solution i am looking for should return the number of unique repair dates per serial number. That way i can see, how many times each product has been repaired. Results can be displayed in an individual column.

Sample list:
Serial........Repair date

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Unique List Would Grab All Unique Entries

Jul 30, 2009

I have a data table that repeats as follows:


From the data above I need to make a new unqie list that would grab all unique entries.

I am trying to use the following guide:


Get stuck on "Listing A:

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Identifying Unique Entries Based On Unique Entries In Another Column?

May 29, 2014

I have a list of data and I want to identify the unique entries for both columns but the second column has to unique to the unique values in the first column.

Example List



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Remove All But One Non-unique Line Of Data, While Leaving Unique Data Alone

Jun 10, 2007

I am "designing" a time- tracking database. The way it works is that each user (there are multiple users) creates a new day, which is mirrored in the sheet name (i.e. if today is 06/09/07 and my name is Newuser, the sheet name is "NewusER 060907"). Each sheet is filled in, calculated based on in-sheet formulas, etc. At the end of said day, the user can " upload" the daily data from multiple days worth of data into another sheet, that the graphing macro draws from.

The one serious problem I'm having is that users can upload the daily time data for the same day multiple times, to no end. I would like to do one of two things. Either:

a. make it such that once data is uploaded it cannot be uploaded again (probably more difficult), or
b. write a loop to pull out the highest data point up the sheet and delete all other rows for that one specific day's . (probably easier)


Data loaded into the sheet before the macro runs:

Row: Date:
1 06/09/07 *
2 06/10/07 *
3 06/11/07 *
4 06/09/07
5 06/10/07
6 06/12/07 *
7 06/13/07 *
8 06/09/07
9 06/11/07
10 06/14/07 *

* The rows with asterisks are the ones that I would like to have pulled to the second set of data (below)

Data in the sheet after the macro runs:

Row: Date:
1 06/09/07
2 06/10/07
3 06/11/07
4 06/12/07
5 06/13/07
6 06/14/07

Because of the constant changing nature of the information within, I would like to to make this dynamic range selection, I would prefer to avoid using Advanced Filters, if possible.

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Rank & Sort Table: Unique Numbers Sort Ascending, But The Non-unique Numbers Sort Descending

Oct 5, 2007

I have a list in rows where I have a ranking formula =COUNT($G$5:$G$81)-(RANK(G5,$G$5:$G$81)+ COUNTIF($G$5:G5,G5)-1)+1 When I sort the rank, ascending. All of the unique numbers sort ascending, but the non-unique numbers sort descending

ex) 1.751

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List Of Unique Value?

Nov 27, 2013

I've got noticed "Sub or Function not defined". Here's the code:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Abul Jibrin // November 2013
Dim Item As Range, UniqItem, n As Long
Set Tbl = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 2).CurrentRegion
Set Cabang = Tbl.Offset(2, 2).Resize(Tbl.Rows.Count - 2, 1)

[Code] ....

Note: I found that code :

Add item in combobox isn't using hardcoded but taking UniqueValue in column Item (which means using softcoded)
Unfortunately my friend's passed away so I can't continue asking him. I was trying to study his formula on my own but it still doesn't work at all

Here's the file : LIST OF UNIQUE VALUE.xlsm

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How To Keep The First And Last Rows Of Every Unique Value

Nov 29, 2012

This is a large database. I've attached a sample.

One code is for one animal, date the animal was weighed and weight. Animals were weighed several time, hence the repetition of the code.

What I need is the first and last rows only of every code. This is in order to then calculate the weight difference and divide it by the time difference to get the daily weight gain.

The trick is to keep the first and the last rows for every code, bearing in mind there's no consistent pattern for repetition of the code (as you see, sometimes 6, 5, 3, 7). Sometimes it is even repeated twice (in this case nothing is required to be deleted).


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Add Blank Row After Each Unique Value In Col A

Aug 15, 2012

The below is the data that I currently have. The data is always nicely sorted as per column A.

header 1
header 2
header 3
header 4


It would be nice if the code would be fast and efficient, but any solution is welcomed. I have attached spreadsheet that includes sheets "Before" and "After". So after you would run the code then "Before" would look exactly the same as "After".

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VBA Unique Value Count

Apr 1, 2009

I have the below code, in a cell but I am trying to input this into a macro, so the only thing that shows in the cell is the formula.

The formula I have in the cell is:

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Unique Value Count In VBA

Jul 15, 2009

I have this formula that works perfectly fine for what I am trying to do (from another post) but I am wanting to transfer this into VBA. It is an array formula so I'm not sure if this can be done.

How can I convert this, into R1C1 code or any way possible. I would put it within a WITH RANGE statement.

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Unique Identifier For A Row

Jan 24, 2010

does anyone have any thoughts on any way to create a formula that will create a unique identifier for a single row? I thought about using concatenate to combine a few columns in a row which will probably work 99% of the time, but I cant risk it being wrong 1% of the time. Any ideas on how to incorporate checking if the concatenation (aka the unique identifier) already exists, and if so, add a number or something to it to make it unique?

The data has rows added and removed on a normal basis in random spots on the sheet so I cant simply just have a number incrementing for each row I add as the unique identifier. In other words, the unique identifier should never change even if I add or remove rows anywhere in the sheet.

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Sum Unique With Conditions

Sep 28, 2005

I am looking for a function or group of functions that will:

Match Column C and for every unique item in column A, it will sum column D.


Column A: Column B: Column C: Column D:
12346 Level1 ACME 1
12346 Level1 ACME 1
12346 Level2 ACME 1
12376 Level2 ACME 2
13255 Level2 ACME 1
13548 Level1 ACME 4
12356 Level1 WIDGET 5
12356 Level2 WIDGET 5
12376 Level2 WIDGET 6
12378 Level3 WIDGET 2
12378 Level1 WIDGET 2

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Unique No Generation

Apr 5, 2007

my requirement is attached here with.
in generating the unique no?

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Formula For Next Unique Value

Feb 26, 2008

I am trying to create a formula that would referance a column of numbers and return the next unique number in the list. Example:

Column A

In column B I would like a formula in each row that would return

Column B

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Unique Value In A Column

Dec 19, 2008

I have for input one column A with different values:


I nedd for output one column B with unique values from column A:


How can I do that?

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Count Unique

Apr 25, 2009


how to count lines in the same order

for exp for this attachment file is 7 lines

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Unique Value Function

Aug 28, 2009

I know there is something I have to do to the worksheet before it will reconigze the function?

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Sum Only Unique Values

Mar 4, 2011

I have number values in G2:G50 with some blanks included - what I'm looking for is a formula that will add all the values together but will only add values that exist more than once one time.


The only things that should get added at 4.24, 2832.74 and 8643.73

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Sum ONLY Unique Values?

Dec 4, 2012

I have an ever growing client list that currently has just over 2500 names which I need to track the total number of clients, which is the easy part, the total number of files, and the most important part is how many unique names are on the list. Some clients will appear a number of times on different dates, and I need to be able to track how many clients appear only once in the list.

Adams, John

Lincoln , Abraham

Clinton, Bill


In the above example, the answer I am looking for is 2, because Clinton, Bill and Carter, Jimmy both appear only once. My total clients would be 4, though the number number of "files" worked on would be 6.

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Get Sum From Unique Variable

Apr 4, 2013

I'm trying to find a formula to find how many times people appears in a unique project. This an example data:

Table 1
Column 1
Column 2

Project 1

Project 2

[Code] ....

I'm trying to find this result:



[Code] ..........

Basically is search how many times Tim appears in a unique project and summarize them.

I'm trying with sumif() in array but the results are not good.

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How To Find 3rd Unique Value

Feb 6, 2014

I have a list in D2:H2 with values {A,A,B,C,D} how can I get the 3rd unique value in this list?

the formula should output C. I have been trying this for a while.

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To Sum Unique Values

Feb 6, 2007

I have some data and one of the columns is overtime. The data is set up where each employee has a record for each function they perform. So I may have an employee that opens and funds loans. They will have 2 records and one of the fields in the record is overtime. My issue is, in this example, that the OT will be doubled if I just sum the column. I need to sum the unique values only.

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Add Unique Items

May 7, 2007

I have a code which works perfectly and adds the dates from Column A to UserForm1 ComboBox2.
In column B, I have textdata - UserForm1 ComboBox5.

I'd like to transform the code to add only the dates which correspond (cascading) to 1.1 textdata in ComboBox5 (Column B) and 1.2 dates in ComboBox2 (Column A).

Code: ...

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Unique Selection

Feb 5, 2008

column A having the following


I want ot select only Economy without using filter option

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Unique List

May 28, 2008

I have a list of values in column A. How can I put a list of all the unique values contained in column A in a list format in column C?

I would prefer to use VBA code as to automate the process.

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Counting Unique ID's

Mar 26, 2009

I've got a list that's about 15,000 rows long. Column A has a date and column B has an alpha numeric ID. The list is sorted in order of oldest date at the top, most recent at the bottom. The range of dates is from 1/1/2007 through 3/23/2009. Both the same date and ID show up multiple time throughout the list.

I need to figure out how many unique ID's show up on the list in each given calendar month. I could manually break up the list into months, use an advanced filter and then run a count formula, but it seems like there must be an easier approach.

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Autofilter Is Not 100% Unique

Jan 29, 2010

When I use the advanced filter like this:

Dim oRange As Range

Set oRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A:A")

oRange.AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, , Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B1"), True
Under certain conditions, I get one duplicated value on "Sheet2". As near as I can tell so far it is only when the first cell in my "oRange" variable has a duplicate(s) of itself elsewhere in the list. The said value then appears twice in the list (only twice out of 19 instances in my particular test).

Also, I noticed that it is automatically naming the first cell in my destination range "Extract". If I change "B1" (above) to something else and run it again it throws an error because of the duplicated name "Extract".

What am I missing? What is the purpose of the automatic naming?

It looks like I need more to guarantee that my filtered list is always 100% unique.

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